I really did get a sincere laugh out of this today. The Democrats are furious that the U.S. is thriving. They are actually upset at prosperity. Think about that for a moment. Who feels rage over the success of their own nation? It pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Here's How Badly Liberals Melted Down When They Heard Companies Gave Out Bonuses After Tax Bill

They're not furious the country is thriving, they're furious the right is fucking it all up by doing stupid shit with the economy that they took from the gutter the last fucking time a Republican President was in the White House.
I'm not saying don't work hard. I'm saying that employers that offer 15 bucks per hour don't have high expectations for the worker that takes that job. In that type of job expectations are low hence the low pay. Busting your butt on a job lime this is not going to get one any farther ahead as those jobs are designed for high turnover.
Higher pay always results in higher productivity and vice versa. Busting your butt on an entry level job will not result in higher pay nor will it result in getting noticed. One must be educated in fields that start out paying well to advance. Leader jobs don't lead to better jobs.

I drove the delivery truck,swept the floors,deburred parts then worked my way into inspection and from there I learned how to be a machinist of the highest level.
So yes you can work your way up the ladder...if you work hard.
When one makes thirty five to fifty bucks per hour then onebusts their butt as that is what is expected and the possibility!city of rising up the ladder is possible. 15 dollar per hour jobs don't generally have that option.
Yep. You further educated yourself to rise up. Emp!oiyers who pay low don't expect high productivity.
Exactly. You now got it. Most low paying jobs don't provide advancement to the point one is making 50 dollars per hour. Bingo.
Those jobs are for kids only. Adults cannot survive on that.
Then an adult shouldn’t have those jobs. You just admitted that they are (and I quote) “for kids only”. What is adult doing working a job that is ONLY for kids? You just defeated your own position. Thanks for playing.
No you are wrong. I stated then on cannot survive in 15 dollars per hour. I also believe ultra low paying jobs like 15 dollars per hour don't demand high expectations. They are low expectation jobs that are created with a very high turnover rate. I didn't say there is anything wrong with those jobs. Just staying the fact that amount of pay always relates to productivity.
Keep in mind...these are the same people who scream at the top of their lungs that corporations are “greedy”. And then when those same corporations push profits to their employees, the left screams at the top of their lungs again. :eusa_doh:
DOW off 5000 from the high,,,,China and russia now on our ass Get Iraq and NK too We have a moron in our WH supported by the lowest lives of America

That right, you tell um , we must keep getting reamed by these countries cause they might get their feelings hurt if we stop being taken advantage of.
We gotta make a stand, or we will keep getting run over.

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Market falling, weak jobs report, out of control debt, 172 million Americans not working, trade war and broken economic alliances


Why aren’t you happy, sounds like Obables years to me, you want America to fall don’t you, so enjoy

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Jobs that pay under 15 dollars per hour should NOT be counted as jobs. For that just showing up should be more than enuff. Both parties are guilty of lying about this number. They believe someone making 10 bucks an hour should work hard...laughable.

Someone making $10 an hour should work hard, that’s how you get to $15 an hour and above, it’s not just handed to you for coming in late and doing a crappy job.

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I really did get a sincere laugh out of this today. The Democrats are furious that the U.S. is thriving. They are actually upset at prosperity. Think about that for a moment. Who feels rage over the success of their own nation? It pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Here's How Badly Liberals Melted Down When They Heard Companies Gave Out Bonuses After Tax Bill
Your thread title and link to corroborate don’t exactly match up. And the source is an op/ed from a highly biased right wing website. In case you haven’t noticed, Trump’s approval rating has gone up about 5-6 points. Or is that just fake news?
Market falling, weak jobs report, out of control debt, 172 million Americans not working, trade war and broken economic alliances

Except that everything you just said is an egregious lie. Record low unemployment. Record highs in the market. Border secured. ISIS decimated. Liberty restored. Constitutional government restored (which...let’s be honest...is what really pisses off you bat-shit crazy progressives).

Border is not secured

If it was...why is Trump demanding 2000 troops

He’s trying but y’all liberal idiots keep fighting it for some idiotic reason. But he will secure it so get your crayons ready.

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All the more reason I forced my kids to get a college education. Hanging around after graduation, working a low wage job, taking a year off, and the military were not options for them. Now they are reapung the benefits.

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