Keep in mind...these are the same people who scream at the top of their lungs that corporations are “greedy”. And then when those same corporations push profits to their employees, the left screams at the top of their lungs again. :eusa_doh:
DOW off 5000 from the high,,,,China and russia now on our ass Get Iraq and NK too We have a moron in our WH supported by the lowest lives of America
I heard we are all gonna die too......................let me hide under the bed............................

Just trump and his family will be enough
Duly noted that your HATE for him is Great.................

Pardon me while I tell you to take a long walk off a short Bridge.

Here's a little secret that I bet you didn't know, lol, I couldn't stand Obama either............aka I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.

Clear it up for you.
Keep in mind...these are the same people who scream at the top of their lungs that corporations are “greedy”. And then when those same corporations push profits to their employees, the left screams at the top of their lungs again. :eusa_doh:
DOW off 5000 from the high,,,,China and russia now on our ass Get Iraq and NK too We have a moron in our WH supported by the lowest lives of America
I heard we are all gonna die too......................let me hide under the bed............................

Just trump and his family will be enough
Duly noted that your HATE for him is Great.................

Pardon me while I tell you to take a long walk off a short Bridge.

Here's a little secret that I bet you didn't know, lol, I couldn't stand Obama either............aka I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.

Clear it up for you.
not really ,,,already knew what you are
Keep in mind...these are the same people who scream at the top of their lungs that corporations are “greedy”. And then when those same corporations push profits to their employees, the left screams at the top of their lungs again. :eusa_doh:
DOW off 5000 from the high,,,,China and russia now on our ass Get Iraq and NK too We have a moron in our WH supported by the lowest lives of America
I heard we are all gonna die too......................let me hide under the bed............................

Just trump and his family will be enough
Duly noted that your HATE for him is Great.................

Pardon me while I tell you to take a long walk off a short Bridge.

Here's a little secret that I bet you didn't know, lol, I couldn't stand Obama either............aka I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.

Clear it up for you.
not really ,,,already knew what you are
And I already know what you are.

Quaint now isn't it..........
DOW off 5000 from the high,,,,China and russia now on our ass Get Iraq and NK too We have a moron in our WH supported by the lowest lives of America
I heard we are all gonna die too......................let me hide under the bed............................

Just trump and his family will be enough
Duly noted that your HATE for him is Great.................

Pardon me while I tell you to take a long walk off a short Bridge.

Here's a little secret that I bet you didn't know, lol, I couldn't stand Obama either............aka I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.

Clear it up for you.
not really ,,,already knew what you are
And I already know what you are.

Quaint now isn't it..........
not what I was thinking of but we'll go with that
I heard we are all gonna die too......................let me hide under the bed............................

Just trump and his family will be enough
Duly noted that your HATE for him is Great.................

Pardon me while I tell you to take a long walk off a short Bridge.

Here's a little secret that I bet you didn't know, lol, I couldn't stand Obama either............aka I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.

Clear it up for you.
not really ,,,already knew what you are
And I already know what you are.

Quaint now isn't it..........
not what I was thinking of but we'll go with that
What are your thoughts on what this woman said? ....
Last edited:
Just trump and his family will be enough
Duly noted that your HATE for him is Great.................

Pardon me while I tell you to take a long walk off a short Bridge.

Here's a little secret that I bet you didn't know, lol, I couldn't stand Obama either............aka I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.

Clear it up for you.
not really ,,,already knew what you are
And I already know what you are.

Quaint now isn't it..........
not what I was thinking of but we'll go with that
What are your thoughts on what this woman said? ....

I'll get to that later tycho Right now listening to Madow talking about all the repubs getting paid for nothing
Your thread title and link to corroborate don’t exactly match up.
Sure they do. You would know that had you clicked on the link and actually read it before commenting.
In case you haven’t noticed, Trump’s approval rating has gone up about 5-6 points. Or is that just fake news?
What is your point? You literally just supported the premise of the thread. We are experiencing near-unprecedented prosperity and progressives are furious with President Trump because of it.

Also, not for nothing, but we’ve seen how reliable your precious polls are. Remember when all of your polls predicted a Hitlery Clinton “landslide”?
All the more reason I forced my kids to get a college education. Hanging around after graduation, working a low wage job, taking a year off, and the military were not options for them. Now they are reapung the benefits.

You didnt force anyone to do anything.
You're an twenty year old moron living in your mothers basement.
Democrats want the US to be a socialist shithole and can't stand it when the US is prosperous.
Democrats want the US to be a socialist shithole and can't stand it when the US is prosperous.
we'd be a lot more well off if that pos moron, that loudmouth in our wh would shut up and stop alienating the world against us...maybe he can get away with his crap as a civilian ,,but not as leader of the free world
Keep in mind...these are the same people who scream at the top of their lungs that corporations are “greedy”. And then when those same corporations push profits to their employees, the left screams at the top of their lungs again. :eusa_doh:
DOW off 5000 from the high,,,,China and russia now on our ass Get Iraq and NK too We have a moron in our WH supported by the lowest lives of America
Unemployment at record lows. Constitutional government restored. Liberty restored. ISIS decimated. Border secured. North Korea asking for a meeting and groveling at our feet now.

Only a partisan wing-nut like yourself could actually whine “but...but...but...Russia doesn’t like us” (which was actually Barack Insane Obama’s fault anyway).
only a blind as a bat republican who has his head up trumps butt could believe the crap you just wrote
Keep in mind...these are the same people who scream at the top of their lungs that corporations are “greedy”. And then when those same corporations push profits to their employees, the left screams at the top of their lungs again. :eusa_doh:
DOW off 5000 from the high,,,,China and russia now on our ass Get Iraq and NK too We have a moron in our WH supported by the lowest lives of America
Unemployment at record lows. Constitutional government restored. Liberty restored. ISIS decimated. Border secured. North Korea asking for a meeting and groveling at our feet now.

Only a partisan wing-nut like yourself could actually whine “but...but...but...Russia doesn’t like us” (which was actually Barack Insane Obama’s fault anyway).
only a blind as a bat republican who has his head up trumps butt could believe the crap you just wrote
only idiots whistle past the grave yard With the moron in our WH shooting from the hip angering who once were our allies to say how great we're doing is just BS,,,,Now Russia going to the EU to make deals ??
The Democrats are furious that the U.S. is thriving. They are actually upset at prosperity. Think about that for a moment. Who feels rage over the success of their own nation?
To answer the question, hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends, putting party & political advantage over country.

The party out of power always minimizes/ignores the good and hopes for the worst.
The Democrats are furious that the U.S. is thriving. They are actually upset at prosperity. Think about that for a moment. Who feels rage over the success of their own nation?
To answer the question, hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends, putting party & political advantage over country.

The party out of power always minimizes/ignores the good and hopes for the worst.
with this idiot in our WH any reasonable person would want him out of there as quickly as possible ,,Internationally we are a disaster and at home???? Just count those leaving the WH for a hint....A disaster given us by idiot republicans spurred on by lies about Hillary
The Democrats are furious that the U.S. is thriving. They are actually upset at prosperity. Think about that for a moment. Who feels rage over the success of their own nation?
To answer the question, hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends, putting party & political advantage over country.

The party out of power always minimizes/ignores the good and hopes for the worst.
with this idiot in our WH any reasonable person would want him out of there as quickly as possible ,,Internationally we are a disaster and at home???? Just count those leaving the WH for a hint....A disaster given us by idiot republicans spurred on by lies about Hillary
No, what I want is for the President, any President, to be wildly successful.

Since I'm not paralyzed by a political ideology, I always get to hope for the best and cheer all good news.
I really did get a sincere laugh out of this today. The Democrats are furious that the U.S. is thriving. They are actually upset at prosperity. Think about that for a moment. Who feels rage over the success of their own nation? It pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the left.

Here's How Badly Liberals Melted Down When They Heard Companies Gave Out Bonuses After Tax Bill

Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate
“The Republicans are in deep trouble.”

Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate | HuffPost

“I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,” Frank Luntz said on Sunday on Fox News. “If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”
we'd be a lot more well off if that pos moron, that loudmouth in our wh would shut up and stop alienating the world against us...maybe he can get away with his crap as a civilian ,,but not as leader of the free world
Oh my God, you Drama Queen. Will you ever stop whining that your candidate lost? Get over it already. You sound like an idiot and a lunatic.

A. Barack Insane Obama turned the world against the U.S. Our allies (such as Israel) are thrilled with President Trump.

B. He can “get away” with his words just as easily as President of the United States as he can as a civilian. He’s free to say whatever the fuck he wants. Only fascists whine about free speech.

C. We couldn’t possibly be more “well off” under the circumstances. After 8 years of the failed Obama Administration, we have near record low unemployment, record highs in the stock market, restored liberty, secured borders, etc.

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