Democrats: Get it straight what “bipartisan” means!

Trump did not arrange any cowardly abandonment of Afghanistan which left Americans deserted and US soldiers killed.

It's concerning that you are divorced from reality and believe your nonsensical, "I Blame Trump" is anything but an inability to accept responsibility for Biden's cowardly retreat.

Afraid he did

Trump did not leave Biden the forces to do otherwise. Biden played the hand he was dealt.

Do I blame Trump? Not nearly as much as I blame Bush and Obama.
It was foolish to think that we could turn Afghanistan into a modern Democracy and that the Taliban would just go away.

Bush’s master plan of Empire building was a disaster. We spent 2 trillion dollars building an Afghan Democracy that lasted two weeks after we left.
He most certainly did. Whenever he negotiates he gives everything away.

Trump was only concerned with getting us out of Afghanistan and was willing to agree to anything the Taliban wanted.
Just allow us to get out and you can have the fucking country
A friend of mine has a son who was a lifelong Republican. (He’s now in his 40s.) He got a job with the feds a couple of years ago, and now he’s voting for Biden. Unbelievable.

Another voter who realized what a disaster Trump is
Nope. Another brainwashed government worker.

The disaster is Biden. Thank Gd we won’t let you cheat to another win.
Keep telling yourself that

Another Crybaby Loser who can’t admit Trump lost because people were tired of him
Keep telling yourself that

Another Crybaby Loser who can’t admit Trump lost because people were tired of him
Let’s even say that’s true. Let’s say that all the anomalies on Election Night - like five swing states halting the counting, and simultaneously - was just a coincidence.

You think now that Americans have seen what a disaster he is, compared to Trump’s accomplishments, that Biden can pull it off again? We have the majority of Americans stressing over finances, millions of illegals swarming in and turning cities into third-world, crime-ridden shitholes, two wars, and a president who can’t find his way off the stage and hobbles around like a toddler learning to walk?

People know that Biden will lose against Trump. That’s why the Democrats are trying to block our right to choose our president. As you saw from yesterday’s ruling, the SCOTUS won’t allow it.
Let’s even say that’s true. Let’s say that all the anomalies on Election Night - like five swing states halting the counting, and simultaneously - was just a coincidence.
No, it's what ALL the states do. They count for about 12 hours, and then they stop counting because everyone has been up all day and night.

We never get a final vote count until about a week after the election.

NOW, if they let them count the absentee ballots before the in person ballots, you wouldn't have this issue.

You think now that Americans have seen what a disaster he is, compared to Trump’s accomplishments, that Biden can pull it off again? We have the majority of Americans stressing over finances, millions of illegals swarming in and turning cities into third-world, crime-ridden shitholes, two wars, and a president who can’t find his way off the stage and hobbles around like a toddler learning to walk?

Yes, I think Biden can pull it off if he points out how deranged Trump is. Trump apparently thinks he's running against Obama.

People know that Biden will lose against Trump. That’s why the Democrats are trying to block our right to choose our president. As you saw from yesterday’s ruling, the SCOTUS won’t allow it.
Trump hasn't won the popular vote ever.. and he won't do it this time.
But 5,000 a day DO usually show up, and now that they’ve been told that action won’t be taken until that many do, it encourages them. What kind of border security border bill codifies 5,000 lowlife illegals into the country.

November can’t come fast enough.
The bill forces asylum seekers to apply for seeker status via the internet, ahead of passing through a port of entry.... It requires them to have a US sponsor.

If you try to enter without an application and illegally outside of the port of entry, then you are disqualified for asylum seeking status. They are immediately rejected and turned away when caught. They get no court date, nada, nothing.

The reason the 5000 encounters number triggers an emergency shutdown in that new immigration bill, is because the new funding increase in the bill for border control agents, gives enough border patrol funding to capture a max of around 5000 encounters at the border a day, and over that amount of illegals making attempts to cross might be able to get away....slip in.

Oh.... and ENCOUNTERS are not all people let in to stay till court date, they are the total number of illegals ATTEMPTING to cross the border who were caught by border patrol.

The Senate immigration bill was a a very good start in restraining and restricting illegal immigrants, and it helped with funding court backlogs with those already in waiting...all in an organized, systematic fashion, instead of knee jerk, decision making by each president through executive order, changing from one administration to the next....chaos.

This will discourage caravans from rushing the border.
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No, it's been explained numerous times now that the border would shut down if 5,000 end up showing up every day for 7 days or 8500 in one day. This does not mean 5000 entries.

It's called bipartisan because of how long both sides worked on the final bill. But in the end the GOP couldn't bring themselves to take away the one thing they can use as a talking point every election cycle, so they're going to keep the border open.

No, it's been explained numerous times now that the border would shut down if 5,000 end up showing up every day for 7 days

It didn't say that.

It's called bipartisan because of how long both sides worked on the final bill.

If it was bipartisan, it would get a lot of votes from both sides. How many did it get?
Now show the numbers for '20, '21, '22 and '23.
Was what Trump did working or not? I just showed it wasnt. It got WORSE under Trump, not better. You point that it continued to get worse doesnt undue the underlying argument that Trump was able to stop it. HE DIDNT. He let in more than liberal Obama. Why?

Actually, current law states that we can't hold a family seeking asylum for more than 20 days.

We should be having hearings within 180 days, but we don't do that. Instead, we give them a work card and MAYBE they'll get a hearing in four years. By then, they've probably married an American and dropped an anchor baby or two.

Holy Shit, did Lisa just endorse Concentration Camps? Somewhere in Hell, Dr. Goebbels is smiling ironically.

Wow, a government worker actually doing a hard day's work? That's awful!!!

Actually, current law states that we can't hold a family seeking asylum for more than 20 days.

It takes 5 minutes to decline their fake claim. No need to hold them that long.
Let’s even say that’s true. Let’s say that all the anomalies on Election Night - like five swing states halting the counting, and simultaneously - was just a coincidence.

You think now that Americans have seen what a disaster he is, compared to Trump’s accomplishments, that Biden can pull it off again? We have the majority of Americans stressing over finances, millions of illegals swarming in and turning cities into third-world, crime-ridden shitholes, two wars, and a president who can’t find his way off the stage and hobbles around like a toddler learning to walk?

People know that Biden will lose against Trump. That’s why the Democrats are trying to block our right to choose our president. As you saw from yesterday’s ruling, the SCOTUS won’t allow it.

So you double down on stupid.
No five swing states did not stop counting simultaneously. That is one of the ridiculous lies you have been fed and keep spouting it three years later

No, Biden is not a disaster compared to Trump. Trump is considered to be the worst modern President. His legacy is a train wreck.
As much as you hate him, Biden has significant accomplishments as a President. Including a historic Infrastructure bill, record job growth, investment in semiconductors, healthcare and the environment.
Was what Trump did working or not? I just showed it wasnt. It got WORSE under Trump, not better. You point that it continued to get worse doesnt undue the underlying argument that Trump was able to stop it. HE DIDNT. He let in more than liberal Obama. Why?

View attachment 912630

Was what Trump did working or not?

Better than what Biden is doing.

He let in more than liberal Obama.

Your numbers don't show how many stayed.
Post those. And then show the numbers for '20, '21, '22 and '23.
Was what Trump did working or not?

Better than what Biden is doing.

He let in more than liberal Obama.

Your numbers don't show how many stayed.
Post those. And then show the numbers for '20, '21, '22 and '23.
Trump had zero power over who stayed. Only the courts do. In 2020 and 2021 there was this thing called covid. Maybe you heard of it. SO TELL ME.... HOW WAS TRUMP DOING? He had no power to do anything under the law that stopped the spike that started under him. He was impotent. Only covid allowed him to block the border. Now that covid is over not God, nor Trump, nor Joe can "shut" the border. Only the current bill proposal helps that.
Trump had zero power over who stayed. Only the courts do. In 2020 and 2021 there was this thing called covid. Maybe you heard of it. SO TELL ME.... HOW WAS TRUMP DOING? He had no power to do anything under the law that stopped the spike that started under him. He was impotent. Only covid allowed him to block the border. Now that covid is over not God, nor Trump, nor Joe can "shut" the border. Only the current bill proposal helps that.

Trump had zero power over who stayed.

Zero. None. He was the worst!

Now show the numbers for '20, '21, '22 and '23.
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So you double down on stupid.
No five swing states did not stop counting simultaneously. That is one of the ridiculous lies you have been fed and keep spouting it three years later

No, Biden is not a disaster compared to Trump. Trump is considered to be the worst modern President. His legacy is a train wreck.
As much as you hate him, Biden has significant accomplishments as a President. Including a historic Infrastructure bill, record job growth, investment in semiconductors, healthcare and the environment.
I stopped reading when you called me stupid. Odd coming from someone who supports Biden - the worst president in modern history,
I stopped reading when you called me stupid. Odd coming from someone who supports Biden - the worst president in modern history,
You ARE fucking stupid

How else can you continue to post lies that were proven false three years ago?

Want to prove you are not stupid?

Show me the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada shutting down their counting simultaneously like you claim
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Current law doesn’t say we have to release them into the country, pay for their hotels and food and health care, use school gyms to provide shelter for the overflow, and then….a hearing in two years. BIDEN has done thst because the people running him want to encourage as many illegal lowlifes into the nation.

At the minimum, we should build more rudimentary detention centers at the border, and require them to work them. Are you aware that federal government employers go down there to do their laundry and clean their toilets?! Including ones at the GS-13 and 14 levels?

Why are we paying federal employees $100,000+ a year to provide maid service to illiterate foreigners who broke into our country?
The bill you don’t want has money in it for building the detention centers you say you want.

Oh and GS 13-14 are not going to the border to clean toilets or do maid service

You really ought ought to stop lying
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