Democrats gotta pull a rabbit out of their hat.

Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump. One is mired in new corruption charges every other month. One wants to kill your private insurance and tax the hell out of you. Then there's Bernie....

It's no wonder you all are DESPERATELY trying to oust Trump before the election. You better hope you find something REAL with all this fishing because I think at this point you are only creating sympathy for him.

Rather than learning the lessons of Hillarys loss you buffoons have doubled down on the stupidity that lead to Trumps victory to begin with.

You all have a reason of voice who might actually stand a chance against Trump. Tulsi..... but instead of promoting her you morons and your leaders are doing your best to give her the Trump treatment.
It's the same shit you pulled on Webb last time.
You have rational candidates that could win elections but you push them to the side and opt for radical leadership. The MSM and the DNC treat Democrat voters like fools and you guys don't call them on it. Need proof of that accusation ? Look no further than the way they run the debates. They place MONEY as the top priority for participation in the debate. Raise X amount of dollars or your out.... Your ideas or electability is secondary to your ability to raise money. Or they place polling requirements on participation. Polling that they DIRECTLY INFLUENCE through smear campaigns. Tulsi is a Russian asset??? Beyond ridiculous and you all just sit back and defend the nonsense.

I hope Tulsi runs third party and finally blows up your party.
Before they can pull a rabbit out of a hat, they have to pull their heads out of their ass.
Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump. One is mired in new corruption charges every other month. One wants to kill your private insurance and tax the hell out of you. Then there's Bernie....

It's no wonder you all are DESPERATELY trying to oust Trump before the election. You better hope you find something REAL with all this fishing because I think at this point you are only creating sympathy for him.

Rather than learning the lessons of Hillarys loss you buffoons have doubled down on the stupidity that lead to Trumps victory to begin with.

You all have a reason of voice who might actually stand a chance against Trump. Tulsi..... but instead of promoting her you morons and your leaders are doing your best to give her the Trump treatment.
It's the same shit you pulled on Webb last time.
You have rational candidates that could win elections but you push them to the side and opt for radical leadership. The MSM and the DNC treat Democrat voters like fools and you guys don't call them on it. Need proof of that accusation ? Look no further than the way they run the debates. They place MONEY as the top priority for participation in the debate. Raise X amount of dollars or your out.... Your ideas or electability is secondary to your ability to raise money. Or they place polling requirements on participation. Polling that they DIRECTLY INFLUENCE through smear campaigns. Tulsi is a Russian asset??? Beyond ridiculous and you all just sit back and defend the nonsense.

I hope Tulsi runs third party and finally blows up your party.

Out here in reality every one of them polls higher than tRump.
Hillary by a landslide.
Am not betting a dime on the outcome either way, just a lot of accusations name calling & bad language. not much conversation about what is going on during the all for show performances (a new one most daily) keeps us from checking what our priority's should be. honesty & hard work from our elected officials.
Am not betting a dime on the outcome either way, just a lot of accusations name calling & bad language. not much conversation about what is going on during the all for show performances (a new one most daily) keeps us from checking what our priority's should be. honesty & hard work from our elected officials.
You can't have many conversations when progressive America hating trolls spew bullshit 24 hours a day.
And nobody has noticed Hillary spending so much time on equestrian education. Not trying to teach horses....rather learning how to spectacularly ride a great white (racist that she is!) Clydesdale down the center aisle of The Democrat Coven Convention to accept the nomination.
Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump. One is mired in new corruption charges every other month. One wants to kill your private insurance and tax the hell out of you. Then there's Bernie....

It's no wonder you all are DESPERATELY trying to oust Trump before the election. You better hope you find something REAL with all this fishing because I think at this point you are only creating sympathy for him.

Rather than learning the lessons of Hillarys loss you buffoons have doubled down on the stupidity that lead to Trumps victory to begin with.

You all have a reason of voice who might actually stand a chance against Trump. Tulsi..... but instead of promoting her you morons and your leaders are doing your best to give her the Trump treatment.
It's the same shit you pulled on Webb last time.
You have rational candidates that could win elections but you push them to the side and opt for radical leadership. The MSM and the DNC treat Democrat voters like fools and you guys don't call them on it. Need proof of that accusation ? Look no further than the way they run the debates. They place MONEY as the top priority for participation in the debate. Raise X amount of dollars or your out.... Your ideas or electability is secondary to your ability to raise money. Or they place polling requirements on participation. Polling that they DIRECTLY INFLUENCE through smear campaigns. Tulsi is a Russian asset??? Beyond ridiculous and you all just sit back and defend the nonsense.

I hope Tulsi runs third party and finally blows up your party.

Out here in reality every one of them polls higher than tRump.
Only idiots trust polls.
Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump. One is mired in new corruption charges every other month. One wants to kill your private insurance and tax the hell out of you. Then there's Bernie....

It's no wonder you all are DESPERATELY trying to oust Trump before the election. You better hope you find something REAL with all this fishing because I think at this point you are only creating sympathy for him.

Rather than learning the lessons of Hillarys loss you buffoons have doubled down on the stupidity that lead to Trumps victory to begin with.

You all have a reason of voice who might actually stand a chance against Trump. Tulsi..... but instead of promoting her you morons and your leaders are doing your best to give her the Trump treatment.
It's the same shit you pulled on Webb last time.
You have rational candidates that could win elections but you push them to the side and opt for radical leadership. The MSM and the DNC treat Democrat voters like fools and you guys don't call them on it. Need proof of that accusation ? Look no further than the way they run the debates. They place MONEY as the top priority for participation in the debate. Raise X amount of dollars or your out.... Your ideas or electability is secondary to your ability to raise money. Or they place polling requirements on participation. Polling that they DIRECTLY INFLUENCE through smear campaigns. Tulsi is a Russian asset??? Beyond ridiculous and you all just sit back and defend the nonsense.

I hope Tulsi runs third party and finally blows up your party.

Out here in reality every one of them polls higher than tRump.
Only idiots trust polls.
Notice his response consisted of ONE SENTENCE to my entire post...

I think I laid out a fair argument against the Democrat establishment. Mind you the GOP isnt much better but that's for another topic.
Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump. One is mired in new corruption charges every other month. One wants to kill your private insurance and tax the hell out of you. Then there's Bernie....

It's no wonder you all are DESPERATELY trying to oust Trump before the election. You better hope you find something REAL with all this fishing because I think at this point you are only creating sympathy for him.

Rather than learning the lessons of Hillarys loss you buffoons have doubled down on the stupidity that lead to Trumps victory to begin with.

You all have a reason of voice who might actually stand a chance against Trump. Tulsi..... but instead of promoting her you morons and your leaders are doing your best to give her the Trump treatment.
It's the same shit you pulled on Webb last time.
You have rational candidates that could win elections but you push them to the side and opt for radical leadership. The MSM and the DNC treat Democrat voters like fools and you guys don't call them on it. Need proof of that accusation ? Look no further than the way they run the debates. They place MONEY as the top priority for participation in the debate. Raise X amount of dollars or your out.... Your ideas or electability is secondary to your ability to raise money. Or they place polling requirements on participation. Polling that they DIRECTLY INFLUENCE through smear campaigns. Tulsi is a Russian asset??? Beyond ridiculous and you all just sit back and defend the nonsense.

I hope Tulsi runs third party and finally blows up your party.

Out here in reality every one of them polls higher than tRump.

Yeppers, the same polls that claimed the shrilary would be our president.
I don't need no fukkin poll to tell me that sane Americans want nothing to do with...
  • Open Borders,
  • Legalizing thirty million foreign squatters,
  • "Free" healthcare for Border Jumpers,
  • The Green New Deal,
  • Socialized medicine,
  • Forgiving college debt to pampered snowflakes who will be making twice as much as the average voter twenty years from now,
  • Reparations for Slavery,
  • Abortions, paid for by taxpayers, up to and AFTER the moment of live birth,
  • Removal of tax-exempt status for Churches,
  • Confiscating scary-looking rifles,...
Get it?

It doesn't matter which candidate carries this load of baggage into the first Tuesday in November, next year. S/he will lose.
Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump.

These kinds of statements are getting really old around here. It almost seems like you guys are trying to ignore reality and convince yourselves of this fantasy world you want to believe in.

First, it obviously isn't a zero percent chance.

Second, polls indicate the exact opposite of what you say. Yes, yes, I know that you guys don't believe in polls. But it should be telling when even Fox News and Rasmussen polls indicate that you are wrong. I mean, if you want to deny polls, fine. But to go further and confidently say that Trump will win, arguing that they have a ZERO chance of winning, is just plain detached from reality.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Warren

A new Fox News poll shows Donald Trump losing to every Democratic frontrunner in the 2020 election

Third, the 2018 midterm election saw a record amount of people show up to vote. Both Republicans and Democrats had record turn-outs. Clearly, a large reason for that was because of Trump. Democrats saw a 70% increase in their midterm vote totals compared to the previous midterm election. The previous biggest midterm change in the last few decades was about 25%. Clearly, Democrats were fired up in 2018 and it showed in the House. If you don't think this trend continues in the future then you're not living in reality.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia
2014 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Fourth, look at the narrow victory for Trump in states that have recently gone blue. Look at Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Together that makes up 46 electoral college votes. Trump won each of these states by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, each of these states swung back to blue by at least 8 points. If Trump can't hang on to these three states, then he will lose. Right now, the actual data indicate that these states may have reverted back to the Democrats. If you don't think this continues into 2020, fine, but to claim a zero chance is ridiculous. There are other states that appear to be swinging blue as well, as indicated by the 2018 midterm election. But the margins in those traditionally red states is far smaller. The big ones, the traditionally blue ones, are showing distinct signs of going back to blue, and that would be a huge problem for Trump's chances of getting re-elected.

Fifth, look at the impeachment talk growing. Despite all of Trump's many shortcomings, and there are many of them, this month was the first time that the impeachment curve inverted. That is - more people are now in favor of impeachment than not in favor of impeachment. If you want to ignore this data, fine, but to claim a zero chance with your president's growing list of issues and terrible approval rating is beyond ridiculous.

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?
Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump.

These kinds of statements are getting really old around here. It almost seems like you guys are trying to ignore reality and convince yourselves of this fantasy world you want to believe in.

First, it obviously isn't a zero percent chance.

Second, polls indicate the exact opposite of what you say. Yes, yes, I know that you guys don't believe in polls. But it should be telling when even Fox News and Rasmussen polls indicate that you are wrong. I mean, if you want to deny polls, fine. But to go further and confidently say that Trump will win, arguing that they have a ZERO chance of winning, is just plain detached from reality.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Warren

A new Fox News poll shows Donald Trump losing to every Democratic frontrunner in the 2020 election

Third, the 2018 midterm election saw a record amount of people show up to vote. Both Republicans and Democrats had record turn-outs. Clearly, a large reason for that was because of Trump. Democrats saw a 70% increase in their midterm vote totals compared to the previous midterm election. The previous biggest midterm change in the last few decades was about 25%. Clearly, Democrats were fired up in 2018 and it showed in the House. If you don't think this trend continues in the future then you're not living in reality.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia
2014 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Fourth, look at the narrow victory for Trump in states that have recently gone blue. Look at Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Together that makes up 46 electoral college votes. Trump won each of these states by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, each of these states swung back to blue by at least 8 points. If Trump can't hang on to these three states, then he will lose. Right now, the actual data indicate that these states may have reverted back to the Democrats. If you don't think this continues into 2020, fine, but to claim a zero chance is ridiculous. There are other states that appear to be swinging blue as well, as indicated by the 2018 midterm election. But the margins in those traditionally red states is far smaller. The big ones, the traditionally blue ones, are showing signs of going blue, and that would be a huge problem for Trump's chances of getting re-elected.

Fifth, look at the impeachment talk growing. Despite all of Trump's many shortcomings, and there are many of them, this month was the first time that the impeachment curve inverted. That is - more people are now in favor of impeachment than not in favor of impeachment. If you want to ignore this data, fine, but to claim a zero chance with your president's growing list of issues and terrible approval rating is beyond ridiculous.

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?
Fake news BS. Give it up. Go home and take a bath.
Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump.

These kinds of statements are getting really old around here. It almost seems like you guys are trying to ignore reality and convince yourselves of this fantasy world you want to believe in.

First, it obviously isn't a zero percent chance.

Second, polls indicate the exact opposite of what you say. Yes, yes, I know that you guys don't believe in polls. But it should be telling when even Fox News and Rasmussen polls indicate that you are wrong. I mean, if you want to deny polls, fine. But to go further and confidently say that Trump will win, arguing that they have a ZERO chance of winning, is just plain detached from reality.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Warren

A new Fox News poll shows Donald Trump losing to every Democratic frontrunner in the 2020 election

Third, the 2018 midterm election saw a record amount of people show up to vote. Both Republicans and Democrats had record turn-outs. Clearly, a large reason for that was because of Trump. Democrats saw a 70% increase in their midterm vote totals compared to the previous midterm election. The previous biggest midterm change in the last few decades was about 25%. Clearly, Democrats were fired up in 2018 and it showed in the House. If you don't think this trend continues in the future then you're not living in reality.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia
2014 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Fourth, look at the narrow victory for Trump in states that have recently gone blue. Look at Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Together that makes up 46 electoral college votes. Trump won each of these states by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, each of these states swung back to blue by at least 8 points. If Trump can't hang on to these three states, then he will lose. Right now, the actual data indicate that these states may have reverted back to the Democrats. If you don't think this continues into 2020, fine, but to claim a zero chance is ridiculous. There are other states that appear to be swinging blue as well, as indicated by the 2018 midterm election. But the margins in those traditionally red states is far smaller. The big ones, the traditionally blue ones, are showing signs of going blue, and that would be a huge problem for Trump's chances of getting re-elected.

Fifth, look at the impeachment talk growing. Despite all of Trump's many shortcomings, and there are many of them, this month was the first time that the impeachment curve inverted. That is - more people are now in favor of impeachment than not in favor of impeachment. If you want to ignore this data, fine, but to claim a zero chance with your president's growing list of issues and terrible approval rating is beyond ridiculous.

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?
Fake news BS. Give it up. Go home and take a bath.

Solid rebuttal.
Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump. One is mired in new corruption charges every other month. One wants to kill your private insurance and tax the hell out of you. Then there's Bernie....

It's no wonder you all are DESPERATELY trying to oust Trump before the election. You better hope you find something REAL with all this fishing because I think at this point you are only creating sympathy for him.

Rather than learning the lessons of Hillarys loss you buffoons have doubled down on the stupidity that lead to Trumps victory to begin with.

You all have a reason of voice who might actually stand a chance against Trump. Tulsi..... but instead of promoting her you morons and your leaders are doing your best to give her the Trump treatment.
It's the same shit you pulled on Webb last time.
You have rational candidates that could win elections but you push them to the side and opt for radical leadership. The MSM and the DNC treat Democrat voters like fools and you guys don't call them on it. Need proof of that accusation ? Look no further than the way they run the debates. They place MONEY as the top priority for participation in the debate. Raise X amount of dollars or your out.... Your ideas or electability is secondary to your ability to raise money. Or they place polling requirements on participation. Polling that they DIRECTLY INFLUENCE through smear campaigns. Tulsi is a Russian asset??? Beyond ridiculous and you all just sit back and defend the nonsense.

I hope Tulsi runs third party and finally blows up your party.

Out here in reality every one of them polls higher than tRump.
Only idiots trust polls.
Notice his response consisted of ONE SENTENCE to my entire post...

I think I laid out a fair argument against the Democrat establishment. Mind you the GOP isnt much better but that's for another topic.
Lol, no. That was a response to your entire post. No matter what you think of the Democratic candidates a cording to the polls any of them could beat tRump at this point.
Lol, no. That was a response to your entire post. No matter what you think of the Democratic candidates a cording to the polls any of them could beat tRump at this point.
Let me help you out.
1. The same polls gave Hillary an electoral landslide.

2. Currently Democrats are being compared to other Democrats.

1. Biden only looks half as stupid debating another idiot like Bernie or Warren that have accomplished little to nothing good for America in their lives as he would debating s successful businessman and POTUS.

2. Warren only looks half as Socialistic, half as ignorant of economics, and half as Fascist debating Biden as she would debating a person that loves America.
Out here in reality every one of them polls higher than tRump.

In the 30 states Trump needs to win? :auiqs.jpg: :290968001256257790-final::itsok:
Pretty much everywhere.
Polls are opinions often based on how the questions are formulated. Scientific models, OTOH, tend to stick to the facts at hand. You do believe in science, right?

Model Shows Trump Headed for Easy Re-Election
A new Moody’s Analytics forecast shows President Trump looks likely to cruise to re-election next year under three different economic models.

"Three models show Trump getting at least 289 electoral votes and as many as 351, assuming average turnout. The Moody’s models have been backtested to 1980 and were correct each time — except in 2016, when it indicated Clinton would win a narrow victory."
Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump.

These kinds of statements are getting really old around here. It almost seems like you guys are trying to ignore reality and convince yourselves of this fantasy world you want to believe in.

First, it obviously isn't a zero percent chance.

Second, polls indicate the exact opposite of what you say. Yes, yes, I know that you guys don't believe in polls. But it should be telling when even Fox News and Rasmussen polls indicate that you are wrong. I mean, if you want to deny polls, fine. But to go further and confidently say that Trump will win, arguing that they have a ZERO chance of winning, is just plain detached from reality.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Warren

A new Fox News poll shows Donald Trump losing to every Democratic frontrunner in the 2020 election

Third, the 2018 midterm election saw a record amount of people show up to vote. Both Republicans and Democrats had record turn-outs. Clearly, a large reason for that was because of Trump. Democrats saw a 70% increase in their midterm vote totals compared to the previous midterm election. The previous biggest midterm change in the last few decades was about 25%. Clearly, Democrats were fired up in 2018 and it showed in the House. If you don't think this trend continues in the future then you're not living in reality.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia
2014 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Fourth, look at the narrow victory for Trump in states that have recently gone blue. Look at Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Together that makes up 46 electoral college votes. Trump won each of these states by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, each of these states swung back to blue by at least 8 points. If Trump can't hang on to these three states, then he will lose. Right now, the actual data indicate that these states may have reverted back to the Democrats. If you don't think this continues into 2020, fine, but to claim a zero chance is ridiculous. There are other states that appear to be swinging blue as well, as indicated by the 2018 midterm election. But the margins in those traditionally red states is far smaller. The big ones, the traditionally blue ones, are showing signs of going blue, and that would be a huge problem for Trump's chances of getting re-elected.

Fifth, look at the impeachment talk growing. Despite all of Trump's many shortcomings, and there are many of them, this month was the first time that the impeachment curve inverted. That is - more people are now in favor of impeachment than not in favor of impeachment. If you want to ignore this data, fine, but to claim a zero chance with your president's growing list of issues and terrible approval rating is beyond ridiculous.

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?
Fake news BS. Give it up. Go home and take a bath.
Use that sharpie
The DNC dummies are so fucking stupid it defies comprehension.
Here's a plan:
The REP backroom boys 'arrange' for Trump to be impeached and the REPs in the Senate narrowly vote to remove Trump.
Then Mike Pence becomes the President. That means the REPs will kick all the Never Trumpers/RINOS out of the party and replace them with hard core party first REPs. This will also 100% guarantee Pence wins the next election.
If you all think Trump was a maniac about putting REP judges on the SC and lower courts wait until you see Pence in action for eight years. Pence will have school kids repeating the Lord's Prayer twice a day with Bible study a required course.
Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump.

These kinds of statements are getting really old around here. It almost seems like you guys are trying to ignore reality and convince yourselves of this fantasy world you want to believe in.

First, it obviously isn't a zero percent chance.

Second, polls indicate the exact opposite of what you say. Yes, yes, I know that you guys don't believe in polls. But it should be telling when even Fox News and Rasmussen polls indicate that you are wrong. I mean, if you want to deny polls, fine. But to go further and confidently say that Trump will win, arguing that they have a ZERO chance of winning, is just plain detached from reality.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Warren

A new Fox News poll shows Donald Trump losing to every Democratic frontrunner in the 2020 election

Third, the 2018 midterm election saw a record amount of people show up to vote. Both Republicans and Democrats had record turn-outs. Clearly, a large reason for that was because of Trump. Democrats saw a 70% increase in their midterm vote totals compared to the previous midterm election. The previous biggest midterm change in the last few decades was about 25%. Clearly, Democrats were fired up in 2018 and it showed in the House. If you don't think this trend continues in the future then you're not living in reality.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia
2014 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Fourth, look at the narrow victory for Trump in states that have recently gone blue. Look at Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Together that makes up 46 electoral college votes. Trump won each of these states by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, each of these states swung back to blue by at least 8 points. If Trump can't hang on to these three states, then he will lose. Right now, the actual data indicate that these states may have reverted back to the Democrats. If you don't think this continues into 2020, fine, but to claim a zero chance is ridiculous. There are other states that appear to be swinging blue as well, as indicated by the 2018 midterm election. But the margins in those traditionally red states is far smaller. The big ones, the traditionally blue ones, are showing signs of going blue, and that would be a huge problem for Trump's chances of getting re-elected.

Fifth, look at the impeachment talk growing. Despite all of Trump's many shortcomings, and there are many of them, this month was the first time that the impeachment curve inverted. That is - more people are now in favor of impeachment than not in favor of impeachment. If you want to ignore this data, fine, but to claim a zero chance with your president's growing list of issues and terrible approval rating is beyond ridiculous.

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?
Fake news BS. Give it up. Go home and take a bath.
Use that sharpie

Their top 3 candidates have ZERO chance of beating Trump.

These kinds of statements are getting really old around here. It almost seems like you guys are trying to ignore reality and convince yourselves of this fantasy world you want to believe in.

First, it obviously isn't a zero percent chance.

Second, polls indicate the exact opposite of what you say. Yes, yes, I know that you guys don't believe in polls. But it should be telling when even Fox News and Rasmussen polls indicate that you are wrong. I mean, if you want to deny polls, fine. But to go further and confidently say that Trump will win, arguing that they have a ZERO chance of winning, is just plain detached from reality.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Warren

A new Fox News poll shows Donald Trump losing to every Democratic frontrunner in the 2020 election

Third, the 2018 midterm election saw a record amount of people show up to vote. Both Republicans and Democrats had record turn-outs. Clearly, a large reason for that was because of Trump. Democrats saw a 70% increase in their midterm vote totals compared to the previous midterm election. The previous biggest midterm change in the last few decades was about 25%. Clearly, Democrats were fired up in 2018 and it showed in the House. If you don't think this trend continues in the future then you're not living in reality.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia
2014 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Fourth, look at the narrow victory for Trump in states that have recently gone blue. Look at Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Together that makes up 46 electoral college votes. Trump won each of these states by less than 1 point. In the 2018 midterm election, each of these states swung back to blue by at least 8 points. If Trump can't hang on to these three states, then he will lose. Right now, the actual data indicate that these states may have reverted back to the Democrats. If you don't think this continues into 2020, fine, but to claim a zero chance is ridiculous. There are other states that appear to be swinging blue as well, as indicated by the 2018 midterm election. But the margins in those traditionally red states is far smaller. The big ones, the traditionally blue ones, are showing signs of going blue, and that would be a huge problem for Trump's chances of getting re-elected.

Fifth, look at the impeachment talk growing. Despite all of Trump's many shortcomings, and there are many of them, this month was the first time that the impeachment curve inverted. That is - more people are now in favor of impeachment than not in favor of impeachment. If you want to ignore this data, fine, but to claim a zero chance with your president's growing list of issues and terrible approval rating is beyond ridiculous.

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?
Fake news BS. Give it up. Go home and take a bath.
Use that sharpie

Cry like a girl.

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