Democrats hate Carson because he is black

You see folks, the Democrat party doesn't want to see you black folks succeed. Look how they treat any black Republican. Look how they are treating a DR. who came from the ghettos to become the head of CHILDRENS surgery. and they sit and say he's stupid, he's scary. he not as good as their all white candidates

why do you black people belong to such a party who treats someone who is just like you like DIRT?. His only fault is he made it out and made something of himself

my gawd wake up

WOMEN TOO. They don't care about you. they don't care what you go through after you go and kill your child with abortion. wake up for gawds sake
You see folks, the Democrat party doesn't want to see
you black folks succeed

Yeah, that's right! That black dude wants to be a doctor? Fuck that! What next? Some black dude gonna wanna be President? The Democrats would never let a black guy be President!

You morons are so fucking stupid.
If Carson were not one of the very few that was helped, those government welfare programs might not have been so bad. That those like him are so very rare is what makes them wasted money which has simply made a permanent underclass.

We usually get pimps, drug dealers and thugs for our money, and lots of fatherless babies of course.

Becoming a brain surgeon is extremely rare......becoming a productive member of society is not
That's the point, we get a million thugs for every neurosurgeon for our welfare money.

Yeah, but we know that fat Mike Brown was going to refrigerator college.:badgrin:

Actually you don't. Only in rightwing mythology

Most people on welfare are there for only a short period of time. Most people on welfare work
He's a run away slave who defends the slave masters and blames the slaves for not being smart enough or lucky enough to run away.

One of my biggest disappointment with Carson is how he has ignored the struggles of blacks that he grew up with and embraced the "Get a job you freeloader" policies of the Republicans

You would think he would bring some of his life experiences to the Republican Party
The fact that he did get a job and became top of field makes him wrong? Do you idiots ever read what you post?

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What does that have to do with fighting for policies to help other minorities from doing what he did? Instead, he seems willing to destroy the same programs that he benefitted from

Carson is an exception to the policies he benefited from. Maybe he realizes that most minorities are hurt by the policies that enable a welfare state.

Maybe he wants real change that helps and motivates people to realize their full potential.
Of course he thinks he's the exception to the rule! Every rich hypocrite does.

Maybe every kid that doesn't make it is the rule. It seems that way.
Carson is wrong on most of the issues, acknowledging that fact is not being "racist."
but yet when someone disagreed with obama they were called racist by assholes like you and dean...thats different right dean?....
When people sound like racists they are called racist.
ok i agree.....but what if they dont sound racist and get called it anyway?.....
Then the person calling them racist is wrong.
well its happened here plenty of times,to me a few times,just for asking one of them a simple question....
You called me a liar and by doing so you are lying. Shame on YOU!
You told me to quit lying. You cannot even remember what you posted, which is pretty pathetic.
Even for a racist.

I don't dispute I called you a liar and you called me a liar.

For the last, almost 7 years is every disagreement anyone has had with Obama and his policies, the left has screamed racism.

I have had it with the left and the race card. The left have called every black republican an Uncle Tom.

Take your liberal political bias and stick it.
We scream racism at racism, not at people disagreeing with Obama. Quit making stuff up.

Do you deny the quote, because if you accuse someone of making shit up, you are calling them a liar. Then you said "shame on you." Now, you are calling me pathetic for not remembering what I posted. Does the same apply to you? Of course not, just make up your excuses.
Man, pathetic was right, along with taking yourself way too serious.

You are pathetic and a liar. Thanks for proving the point. Liberals can't concede to anything and use racism to demean and minimize the opposition.

You are disgusting.
You cannot even come up with anything original or true.

Whatever, you were caught, go cry over it, I don't care. I'm used to you dishonest people. Go join Joey Boy and Hillary, two prolific liars.
Carson is laughed at and thought as a joke because he's a creationist and a idiot. The guy reminds me of the president of Turkey or the supreme leader of Iran with his bs on religion.
If Carson were not one of the very few that was helped, those government welfare programs might not have been so bad. That those like him are so very rare is what makes them wasted money which has simply made a permanent underclass.

We usually get pimps, drug dealers and thugs for our money, and lots of fatherless babies of course.

Becoming a brain surgeon is extremely rare......becoming a productive member of society is not
That's the point, we get a million thugs for every neurosurgeon for our welfare money.

Yeah, but we know that fat Mike Brown was going to refrigerator college.:badgrin:

Actually you don't. Only in rightwing mythology

Most people on welfare are there for only a short period of time. Most people on welfare work

The far right wants these workers to live on the street as they work for pennies. The right is evil. There's nothing christian about them.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

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He's a run away slave who defends the slave masters and blames the slaves for not being smart enough or lucky enough to run away.

One of my biggest disappointment with Carson is how he has ignored the struggles of blacks that he grew up with and embraced the "Get a job you freeloader" policies of the Republicans

You would think he would bring some of his life experiences to the Republican Party
The fact that he did get a job and became top of field makes him wrong? Do you idiots ever read what you post?

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What does that have to do with fighting for policies to help other minorities from doing what he did? Instead, he seems willing to destroy the same programs that he benefitted from
I have a Catholic friend who is against all programs that help poor people. Then I find out his father died and his poor mother was giving a free ride to send his Catholic ass to Catholic private school.

But I guess with the brainwashing he got, she maybe didn't pay for it but he is. The guilt alone. Fuck it send me to a public school. LOL.

But you should have seen how offended he got when I said his mother basically took advantage of the very kinds of programs he wants to eliminate.

Yep, the only thing the far right gives a shit about is the top 1%. Everyone else can eat shit and die. The workers = you don't deserve a clean work place, minimum wage and extra help. Hell, you don't even deserve ssi when you get too fucking old to work.

This catholic asshole sounds like he's your typical rightwing hick!
Ben Carson’s Own Freaking Church Wants Him To STFU, Visit A Mosque
By Michael Hayne


Does anyone else want to a start the Derpers, a movement that demands to see Dr. Carson’s medical degree?

Yes!!! He got help from AA as there's no way he's intelligent enough to have earned it on his own. Either that or he had a stroke.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
He's a run away slave who defends the slave masters and blames the slaves for not being smart enough or lucky enough to run away.

One of my biggest disappointment with Carson is how he has ignored the struggles of blacks that he grew up with and embraced the "Get a job you freeloader" policies of the Republicans

You would think he would bring some of his life experiences to the Republican Party
The fact that he did get a job and became top of field makes him wrong? Do you idiots ever read what you post?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

What does that have to do with fighting for policies to help other minorities from doing what he did? Instead, he seems willing to destroy the same programs that he benefitted from
I have a Catholic friend who is against all programs that help poor people. Then I find out his father died and his poor mother was giving a free ride to send his Catholic ass to Catholic private school.

But I guess with the brainwashing he got, she maybe didn't pay for it but he is. The guilt alone. Fuck it send me to a public school. LOL.

But you should have seen how offended he got when I said his mother basically took advantage of the very kinds of programs he wants to eliminate.

You are describing that disgusting filth called Paul Ryan...this filth received tons of Social Security help when his father passed but he has made it his political mission to destroy Social Security...the Republicans think only they deserve help and the Negroes and the minorities and the females and everybody else can go suck eggs...this is why I loathe them with a passion...
He's a run away slave who defends the slave masters and blames the slaves for not being smart enough or lucky enough to run away.

One of my biggest disappointment with Carson is how he has ignored the struggles of blacks that he grew up with and embraced the "Get a job you freeloader" policies of the Republicans

You would think he would bring some of his life experiences to the Republican Party
The fact that he did get a job and became top of field makes him wrong? Do you idiots ever read what you post?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

What does that have to do with fighting for policies to help other minorities from doing what he did? Instead, he seems willing to destroy the same programs that he benefitted from
I have a Catholic friend who is against all programs that help poor people. Then I find out his father died and his poor mother was giving a free ride to send his Catholic ass to Catholic private school.

But I guess with the brainwashing he got, she maybe didn't pay for it but he is. The guilt alone. Fuck it send me to a public school. LOL.

But you should have seen how offended he got when I said his mother basically took advantage of the very kinds of programs he wants to eliminate.

You are describing that disgusting filth called Paul Ryan...this filth received tons of Social Security help when his father passed but he has made it his political mission to destroy Social Security...the Republicans think only they deserve help and the Negroes and the minorities and the females and everybody else can go suck eggs...this is why I loathe them with a passion...

They will also take it away from themselves and screw themselves over...Hell, if they got their way they'd be paid pennies on the job and treated like dog shit. This is what the big corporations want to do in America.

These are mentally deranged morons!
Like Trump, Carson isn't a serious candidate – he has no understanding of the issues, parroting meaningless, wrongheaded conservative talking points, he has no concept of sound, responsible governance, and he's comprehensively ignorant of the relationship between government and religion.
Carson is laughed at and thought as a joke because he's a creationist and a idiot. The guy reminds me of the president of Turkey or the supreme leader of Iran with his bs on religion.

Really, You're goofy crystal ball tell you that? what the idiots running for the Democrat party, what's it say about them. they are saints just like how Obama was your all's Messiah?
If Carson were not one of the very few that was helped, those government welfare programs might not have been so bad. That those like him are so very rare is what makes them wasted money which has simply made a permanent underclass.

We usually get pimps, drug dealers and thugs for our money, and lots of fatherless babies of course.
You sound like a Redneck. Ask Bristol.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Liberals set the precedent that to criticize a Black Presidential Candidate or Black President is racist. They don't get to criticize Carson or they show how full of shit they are on Obama.
Like Trump, Carson isn't a serious candidate – he has no understanding of the issues, parroting meaningless, wrongheaded conservative talking points, he has no concept of sound, responsible governance, and he's comprehensively ignorant of the relationship between government and religion.
That's what Palin did

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