Democrats hate Carson because he is black

Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

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Liberals set the precedent that to criticize a Black Presidential Candidate or Black President is racist. They don't get to criticize Carson or they show how full of shit they are on Obama.
They're not criticizing him because he's black. Conservatives are the ones that are saying "we criticized Obama, and if you criticize Carson, you're as racist as we are"
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders.

And why do we 'hate' Trump? And Cruz? And Rubio? And Fiorina? And Bush? And Huckabee? And Christie?
Which is the same response to the idiotic claims that Republicans hate Obama because he's black. They oppose Bubba Clinton, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, et al.

Republicans have been harping on his Kenyan roots for quite some time.

Did you guys even know he's Irish as well?

Why isn't that an issue, eh?
Meh, who knows? I didn't say he was Kenyan.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders.

And why do we 'hate' Trump? And Cruz? And Rubio? And Fiorina? And Bush? And Huckabee? And Christie?
Which is the same response to the idiotic claims that Republicans hate Obama because he's black. They oppose Bubba Clinton, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, et al.

So you're conceding that the OP and all who agree with him are idiots.

The whole "racist" charge is meaningless, and has been rendered so by the left overusing it trying to silence the opposition. Democrats don't actively hate minorities, they just view minorities with paternalistic contempt.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

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Liberals set the precedent that to criticize a Black Presidential Candidate or Black President is racist. They don't get to criticize Carson or they show how full of shit they are on Obama.
They're not criticizing him because he's black. Conservatives are the ones that are saying "we criticized Obama, and if you criticize Carson, you're as racist as we are"
What they're really saying is, "You idiots screamed for years that anyone who opposed Obama was a racist. Now you're opposing a black politician. Pick up the shoe and put it on, because it's an exact fit."
Obama is the least qualified president in history, as his performance abundantly proves it time after time.

Also proven by his ridiculous statement about Muslim howling being the most beautiful sound.

The most beautiful sound is the laughing of happy little children. Of course, with parents they are unfortunate to have, his kids were probably only happy when he was not around them.

That's a patently ridiculous statement.

Most US presidents either come up from the military or the Senate. A few have been governors, previously.

Most of the founders were lawyers.

President Barack Obama came up through a pretty typical path, Lawyer => Senate => President.

Study history.
Please Crack open a book

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I think you're deflecting a bit.

We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?

60 million idiots elected someone they claim has such vast experience in politics despite his less than one term on the national level. Interesting how much so little time on the national level is deemed worthy when the color of your skin is that of a concept trying to be met.

Funny that we had a President who lost the popular vote and was appointed by the Supreme Court. He had no experience with politics on a national level and his "acumen" seemed to be in the business realm, where he ran several companies into the ground, causing share holders massive losses while he profited personally.

His Presidency will go down in infamy, by the way.

President George W. Bush was one of the worst, if not THE worst President of the United States.

You folks got a lot of nerve. Even more so considering Bush was the ONLY president ever to hold office with a criminal record prior to his inauguration.
And there it is, "BUUUUUUTTTTT BBBUUUUUUSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!". Never gets old.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Liberals set the precedent that to criticize a Black Presidential Candidate or Black President is racist. They don't get to criticize Carson or they show how full of shit they are on Obama.
They're not criticizing him because he's black. Conservatives are the ones that are saying "we criticized Obama, and if you criticize Carson, you're as racist as we are"
What they're really saying is, "You idiots screamed for years that anyone who opposed Obama was a racist. Now you're opposing a black politician. Pick up the shoe and put it on, because it's an exact fit."

YOU idiots screamed that any reference to Obama's color by his defenders was playing the race card.

NOW you love the race card.

What happened to you?
Carson's got zero chance of becoming the Nominee. But like Cain, conservatives like the tout the fact they have a "black" guy running to "prove" they aren't racist.
Well, they ARE running more minorities than the democrats are. Speaking of them, have they found anyone yet who is not old, rich, and white?
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Liberals set the precedent that to criticize a Black Presidential Candidate or Black President is racist. They don't get to criticize Carson or they show how full of shit they are on Obama.
They're not criticizing him because he's black. Conservatives are the ones that are saying "we criticized Obama, and if you criticize Carson, you're as racist as we are"
What they're really saying is, "You idiots screamed for years that anyone who opposed Obama was a racist. Now you're opposing a black politician. Pick up the shoe and put it on, because it's an exact fit."

YOU idiots screamed that any reference to Obama's color by his defenders was playing the race card.

NOW you love the race card.

What happened to you?
We're watching you guys squirm trying to defend your attacks on a black politician after being adamant about any opposition to Obama was due to racism.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Liberals set the precedent that to criticize a Black Presidential Candidate or Black President is racist. They don't get to criticize Carson or they show how full of shit they are on Obama.
They're not criticizing him because he's black. Conservatives are the ones that are saying "we criticized Obama, and if you criticize Carson, you're as racist as we are"
What they're really saying is, "You idiots screamed for years that anyone who opposed Obama was a racist. Now you're opposing a black politician. Pick up the shoe and put it on, because it's an exact fit."

YOU idiots screamed that any reference to Obama's color by his defenders was playing the race card.

NOW you love the race card.

What happened to you?
We're watching you guys squirm trying to defend your attacks on a black politician after being adamant about any opposition to Obama was due to racism.

So you're engaging in a behaviour you used to condemn.

Very rightwingish of you.

The whole fucking tea party is one big hypocritical joke. Brain damaged fuckers probably all get welfare, food stamps and ssi(when they get old), but want to rail against government. Fools.

you're off to ignore. you have lost it and is now just spewing ugly and nasty like the Wrongwhiner and his bunch. sad for you. see ya
One of my biggest disappointment with Carson is how he has ignored the struggles of blacks that he grew up with and embraced the "Get a job you freeloader" policies of the Republicans

You would think he would bring some of his life experiences to the Republican Party
The fact that he did get a job and became top of field makes him wrong? Do you idiots ever read what you post?

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What does that have to do with fighting for policies to help other minorities from doing what he did? Instead, he seems willing to destroy the same programs that he benefitted from

Carson is an exception to the policies he benefited from. Maybe he realizes that most minorities are hurt by the policies that enable a welfare state.

Maybe he wants real change that helps and motivates people to realize their full potential.
Of course he thinks he's the exception to the rule! Every rich hypocrite does.

Maybe every kid that doesn't make it is the rule. It seems that way.
I find it odd black people say "white people are fucked up too". Do they realize they are comparing themselves to our trash? Yes poor white girls have white baby daddy's. Yes white kids from broken homes exist and commit the most crime.

White trash wear their pants low and can't speak proper English.

Poor white trash hate the cops.

Too many Poor white people are on welfare too.

Lots of poor white trash don't take school seriously.
Like Trump, Carson isn't a serious candidate – he has no understanding of the issues, parroting meaningless, wrongheaded conservative talking points, he has no concept of sound, responsible governance, and he's comprehensively ignorant of the relationship between government and religion.
In other words just a rich black token

The whole fucking tea party is one big hypocritical joke. Brain damaged fuckers probably all get welfare, food stamps and ssi(when they get old), but want to rail against government. Fools.

you're off to ignore. you have lost it and is now just spewing ugly and nasty like the Wrongwhiner and his bunch. sad for you. see ya
You've been on ignore from the first post I ever read of yours. Lol
The fact that he did get a job and became top of field makes him wrong? Do you idiots ever read what you post?

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What does that have to do with fighting for policies to help other minorities from doing what he did? Instead, he seems willing to destroy the same programs that he benefitted from

Carson is an exception to the policies he benefited from. Maybe he realizes that most minorities are hurt by the policies that enable a welfare state.

Maybe he wants real change that helps and motivates people to realize their full potential.
Of course he thinks he's the exception to the rule! Every rich hypocrite does.

Maybe every kid that doesn't make it is the rule. It seems that way.
I find it odd black people say "white people are fucked up too". Do they realize they are comparing themselves to our trash? Yes poor white girls have white baby daddy's. Yes white kids from broken homes exist and commit the most crime.

White trash wear their pants low and can't speak proper English.

Poor white trash hate the cops.

Too many Poor white people are on welfare too.

Lots of poor white trash don't take school seriously.

I didn't bring up color, I brought up economic status.
One of my biggest disappointment with Carson is how he has ignored the struggles of blacks that he grew up with and embraced the "Get a job you freeloader" policies of the Republicans

You would think he would bring some of his life experiences to the Republican Party
The fact that he did get a job and became top of field makes him wrong? Do you idiots ever read what you post?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

What does that have to do with fighting for policies to help other minorities from doing what he did? Instead, he seems willing to destroy the same programs that he benefitted from

Carson is an exception to the policies he benefited from. Maybe he realizes that most minorities are hurt by the policies that enable a welfare state.

Maybe he wants real change that helps and motivates people to realize their full potential.
Of course he thinks he's the exception to the rule! Every rich hypocrite does.

Maybe every kid that doesn't make it is the rule. It seems that way.
That's how we created a biggest middle class the world has ever seen.

Ever hear of the story of the guy who got kicked out at 18, went to work shoveling coal in a union factory. Started a family, saved, spent money, got a pension.

Think about all the big 3 jobs the last 75 years. And the tier 1,2,3 supplier jobs? Now all those jobs are gone.

None of those factory workers went to school. So what?

You want our middle class to shrink and our poor class to grow.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Liberals set the precedent that to criticize a Black Presidential Candidate or Black President is racist. They don't get to criticize Carson or they show how full of shit they are on Obama.
They're not criticizing him because he's black. Conservatives are the ones that are saying "we criticized Obama, and if you criticize Carson, you're as racist as we are"
What they're really saying is, "You idiots screamed for years that anyone who opposed Obama was a racist. Now you're opposing a black politician. Pick up the shoe and put it on, because it's an exact fit."

YOU idiots screamed that any reference to Obama's color by his defenders was playing the race card.

NOW you love the race card.

What happened to you?

You Liberals have no standards. Go ahead and criticize Carson.... Just realize that 8 years of you people calling every and any conservative critique of Obama was a crock of shit. Once again, Liberal Hypocrisy exposed.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Liberals set the precedent that to criticize a Black Presidential Candidate or Black President is racist. They don't get to criticize Carson or they show how full of shit they are on Obama.
They're not criticizing him because he's black. Conservatives are the ones that are saying "we criticized Obama, and if you criticize Carson, you're as racist as we are"
What they're really saying is, "You idiots screamed for years that anyone who opposed Obama was a racist. Now you're opposing a black politician. Pick up the shoe and put it on, because it's an exact fit."

YOU idiots screamed that any reference to Obama's color by his defenders was playing the race card.

NOW you love the race card.

What happened to you?

You Liberals have no standards. Go ahead and criticize Carson.... Just realize that 8 years of you people calling every and any conservative critique of Obama was a crock of shit. Once again, Liberal Hypocrisy exposed.
Thank you Obama for getting us out of the GOP recession 8 years of GOP rule or filibusters created. Obama has had like 84 months of job growth 5% unemployment and Clinton handed bush a surplus.

I can't take you seriously.

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