Democrats hate Carson because he is black

And how many of those were democrats?

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2 were Democrats.

Not sure what your point is..

Currently there are very few Minorities, overall, actually in the GOP.

That is not the case with Democrats. And as voting goes, Democrats command a large share of the minority voting block.

So unless your point is that minorities are voting against their interests? It seems that they seem to think that the GOP doesn't represent them.
Point being democrats do nothing more for minorities then republicans and in truth they do more harm to them...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Actually it depends on what you mean by "doing more".

Republicans have and want to do "nothing".

That's not doing more.

why dont you ever tire of making a fool of yourself??

The way this works, generally, is that you find a point and discuss.

Personally insults basically mean:
1. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
2. You do know what the fuck you are talking about and realize you are dead wrong.
3. You are just a stupid fucking troll.

Which one is it?

4. you back up what you're saying or keep getting laughed at
2 were Democrats.

Not sure what your point is..

Currently there are very few Minorities, overall, actually in the GOP.

That is not the case with Democrats. And as voting goes, Democrats command a large share of the minority voting block.

So unless your point is that minorities are voting against their interests? It seems that they seem to think that the GOP doesn't represent them.
Point being democrats do nothing more for minorities then republicans and in truth they do more harm to them...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Actually it depends on what you mean by "doing more".

Republicans have and want to do "nothing".

That's not doing more.

why dont you ever tire of making a fool of yourself??

The way this works, generally, is that you find a point and discuss.

Personally insults basically mean:
1. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
2. You do know what the fuck you are talking about and realize you are dead wrong.
3. You are just a stupid fucking troll.

Which one is it?

4. you back up what you're saying or keep getting laughed at
It can't. It doesnt even understand that it is racist. It honestly thinks it is doing good for the unfortunate who sadly couldn't be born white and never once seeing that as racist.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Republicans are having a thriving and lively debate of substance in their Party

And by 'thriving', you mean sobbing pitefully at their own disarray and lack of leadership?

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Nothing says 'thriving' like weeping bitter tears at your own impotence and inability to accomplish anything. Want some more 'thriving'?

The Republicans’ Incompetence Caucus

The House Republican caucus is close to ungovernable these days. How did this situation come about?

This was not just the work of the Freedom Caucus or Ted Cruz or one month’s activity. The Republican Party’s capacity for effective self-governance degraded slowly, over the course of a long chain of rhetorical excesses, mental corruptions and philosophical betrayals. Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. Republicans came to see themselves as insurgents and revolutionaries, and every revolution tends toward anarchy and ends up devouring its own.

'Jaw Dropping Incomptence' ...And this from a life long conservative.

But to you, there's nothing wrong, the GOP is 'thriving', and there's no reason to look behind the curtain to find the source of all the sobbing.

All you're demonstrating is mindless, obsequious obedience to whatever you're told to think. No matter how incompetent, ineffective, or disorganized your party'll continue to rearrange the deck chairs, telling how everything is perfect..... as the ship slowly sinks.

And demonstrate why republicans are in this pickle to begin with.

Because we don't like democratic policies which is what Obama is. His skin color had nothing to do with his policies.
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

I do it was because of his policies, not his skin color. Believe it or not, I was against most of Bill Clinton's policies. And Reid is the dumbest Senate Majority Leader of all time. Is that because Obama was black?
Republicans are having a thriving and lively debate of substance in their Party

And by 'thriving', you mean sobbing pitefully at their own disarray and lack of leadership?

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Nothing says 'thriving' like weeping bitter tears at your own impotence and inability to accomplish anything. Want some more 'thriving'?

The Republicans’ Incompetence Caucus

The House Republican caucus is close to ungovernable these days. How did this situation come about?

This was not just the work of the Freedom Caucus or Ted Cruz or one month’s activity. The Republican Party’s capacity for effective self-governance degraded slowly, over the course of a long chain of rhetorical excesses, mental corruptions and philosophical betrayals. Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. Republicans came to see themselves as insurgents and revolutionaries, and every revolution tends toward anarchy and ends up devouring its own.

'Jaw Dropping Incomptence' ...And this from a life long conservative.

But to you, there's nothing wrong, the GOP is 'thriving', and there's no reason to look behind the curtain to find the source of all the sobbing.

All you're demonstrating is mindless, obsequious obedience to whatever you're told to think. No matter how incompetent, ineffective, or disorganized your party'll continue to rearrange the deck chairs, telling how everything is perfect..... as the ship slowly sinks.

And demonstrate why republicans are in this pickle to begin with.

Because we don't like democratic policies which is what Obama is. His skin color had nothing to do with his policies.
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

I do it was because of his policies, not his skin color. Believe it or not, I was against most of Bill Clinton's policies. And Reid is the dumbest Senate Majority Leader of all time. Is that because Obama was black?
You admit then that you disliked him as soon as he took office without giving him a chance. Thank you for your honesty.
We are called racists because of the old Karl Rove tactic of accuse your opponent of what you are guilty of. No one intelligent accepts this other than idiots on the right who are too dense to realize that the tactic is in effect.
You are racists because of your actions both past and present

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That means absolutely nothing. Hey, there is a spill in aisle 3.
Hey ot was your party that started a war so you could own black people

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
When did this happen genius.
History . ,but hey now you guys are killing them by the millions. You just use abortion and shoddy education.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
If you cannot answer a question, you should not bother to reply.
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

And virtually all of the left was against Carson the second he announced.

The left in America has a goal and a plan to replace the Constitutional Republic with a socialist authoritarian state. Conservatives, those who "cling to god, guns, and the constitution" as Obama put it, are an impediment to the goals of the left.

Most of the leftists in this forum are little more than automatons, unthinking drones reciting memes from hate sites. They hate because KOS or ThinkProgress trains them to hate. The hatred of Carson is that he threatens the agenda. That he is black makes for special vitriol, but the left would still hate him if he were white, as they hate any and all who oppose their plan.

The right was against Obama because he is a radical leftist who seeks the destruction of the nation. Race is not and never was the factor.

The left hates Carson because he supports the nation against the destruction the left seeks. Race is not the primary factor,
Blah blah blah blah yawn.
You are racists because of your actions both past and present

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That means absolutely nothing. Hey, there is a spill in aisle 3.
Hey ot was your party that started a war so you could own black people

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
When did this happen genius.
History . ,but hey now you guys are killing them by the millions. You just use abortion and shoddy education.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
If you cannot answer a question, you should not bother to reply.
You progressives are thick

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Republicans are having a thriving and lively debate of substance in their Party

And by 'thriving', you mean sobbing pitefully at their own disarray and lack of leadership?

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Nothing says 'thriving' like weeping bitter tears at your own impotence and inability to accomplish anything. Want some more 'thriving'?

The Republicans’ Incompetence Caucus

The House Republican caucus is close to ungovernable these days. How did this situation come about?

This was not just the work of the Freedom Caucus or Ted Cruz or one month’s activity. The Republican Party’s capacity for effective self-governance degraded slowly, over the course of a long chain of rhetorical excesses, mental corruptions and philosophical betrayals. Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. Republicans came to see themselves as insurgents and revolutionaries, and every revolution tends toward anarchy and ends up devouring its own.

'Jaw Dropping Incomptence' ...And this from a life long conservative.

But to you, there's nothing wrong, the GOP is 'thriving', and there's no reason to look behind the curtain to find the source of all the sobbing.

All you're demonstrating is mindless, obsequious obedience to whatever you're told to think. No matter how incompetent, ineffective, or disorganized your party'll continue to rearrange the deck chairs, telling how everything is perfect..... as the ship slowly sinks.

And demonstrate why republicans are in this pickle to begin with.

Because we don't like democratic policies which is what Obama is. His skin color had nothing to do with his policies.
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

I do it was because of his policies, not his skin color. Believe it or not, I was against most of Bill Clinton's policies. And Reid is the dumbest Senate Majority Leader of all time. Is that because Obama was black?
Republicans are having a thriving and lively debate of substance in their Party

And by 'thriving', you mean sobbing pitefully at their own disarray and lack of leadership?

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Nothing says 'thriving' like weeping bitter tears at your own impotence and inability to accomplish anything. Want some more 'thriving'?

The Republicans’ Incompetence Caucus

The House Republican caucus is close to ungovernable these days. How did this situation come about?

This was not just the work of the Freedom Caucus or Ted Cruz or one month’s activity. The Republican Party’s capacity for effective self-governance degraded slowly, over the course of a long chain of rhetorical excesses, mental corruptions and philosophical betrayals. Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. Republicans came to see themselves as insurgents and revolutionaries, and every revolution tends toward anarchy and ends up devouring its own.

'Jaw Dropping Incomptence' ...And this from a life long conservative.

But to you, there's nothing wrong, the GOP is 'thriving', and there's no reason to look behind the curtain to find the source of all the sobbing.

All you're demonstrating is mindless, obsequious obedience to whatever you're told to think. No matter how incompetent, ineffective, or disorganized your party'll continue to rearrange the deck chairs, telling how everything is perfect..... as the ship slowly sinks.

And demonstrate why republicans are in this pickle to begin with.

Because we don't like democratic policies which is what Obama is. His skin color had nothing to do with his policies.
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

I do it was because of his policies, not his skin color. Believe it or not, I was against most of Bill Clinton's policies. And Reid is the dumbest Senate Majority Leader of all time. Is that because Obama was black?
You admit then that you disliked him as soon as he took office without giving him a chance. Thank you for your honesty.

Where did I say that? Speaking of honesty is not your strong suit is it?
And by 'thriving', you mean sobbing pitefully at their own disarray and lack of leadership?

Nothing says 'thriving' like weeping bitter tears at your own impotence and inability to accomplish anything. Want some more 'thriving'?

'Jaw Dropping Incomptence' ...And this from a life long conservative.

But to you, there's nothing wrong, the GOP is 'thriving', and there's no reason to look behind the curtain to find the source of all the sobbing.

All you're demonstrating is mindless, obsequious obedience to whatever you're told to think. No matter how incompetent, ineffective, or disorganized your party'll continue to rearrange the deck chairs, telling how everything is perfect..... as the ship slowly sinks.

And demonstrate why republicans are in this pickle to begin with.

Because we don't like democratic policies which is what Obama is. His skin color had nothing to do with his policies.
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

I do it was because of his policies, not his skin color. Believe it or not, I was against most of Bill Clinton's policies. And Reid is the dumbest Senate Majority Leader of all time. Is that because Obama was black?
And by 'thriving', you mean sobbing pitefully at their own disarray and lack of leadership?

Nothing says 'thriving' like weeping bitter tears at your own impotence and inability to accomplish anything. Want some more 'thriving'?

'Jaw Dropping Incomptence' ...And this from a life long conservative.

But to you, there's nothing wrong, the GOP is 'thriving', and there's no reason to look behind the curtain to find the source of all the sobbing.

All you're demonstrating is mindless, obsequious obedience to whatever you're told to think. No matter how incompetent, ineffective, or disorganized your party'll continue to rearrange the deck chairs, telling how everything is perfect..... as the ship slowly sinks.

And demonstrate why republicans are in this pickle to begin with.

Because we don't like democratic policies which is what Obama is. His skin color had nothing to do with his policies.
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

I do it was because of his policies, not his skin color. Believe it or not, I was against most of Bill Clinton's policies. And Reid is the dumbest Senate Majority Leader of all time. Is that because Obama was black?
You admit then that you disliked him as soon as he took office without giving him a chance. Thank you for your honesty.

Where did I say that? Speaking of honesty is not your strong suit is it?

he's an intellectually dishonest left-wing loser who cant debate without pulling a straw man out of his ass
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Liberals set the precedent that to criticize a Black Presidential Candidate or Black President is racist. They don't get to criticize Carson or they show how full of shit they are on Obama.

And that's not what happened.

Continually braying crap about Obama's college record, Obama's religion, Obama's national origin, and Obama's ethnicity isn't serious policy criticism. It's racism.

Here is what also happened: Criticize Obama's Policy and Results and be met with cries about not liking a Black Man in the White House. While you are all over questions surrounding Obama's national origin being racist, you can blame Hillary for that one. On college record, every President has had their college record questioned. How in God's name is that racist?
That means absolutely nothing. Hey, there is a spill in aisle 3.
Hey ot was your party that started a war so you could own black people

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
When did this happen genius.
History . ,but hey now you guys are killing them by the millions. You just use abortion and shoddy education.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
If you cannot answer a question, you should not bother to reply.
You progressives are thick

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Thank you for proving my point.
Hey ot was your party that started a war so you could own black people

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
When did this happen genius.
History . ,but hey now you guys are killing them by the millions. You just use abortion and shoddy education.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
If you cannot answer a question, you should not bother to reply.
You progressives are thick

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Thank you for proving my point.

That you are racist far left drone?

Well that is a given because you are far left religious nutter..
Because we don't like democratic policies which is what Obama is. His skin color had nothing to do with his policies.
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

I do it was because of his policies, not his skin color. Believe it or not, I was against most of Bill Clinton's policies. And Reid is the dumbest Senate Majority Leader of all time. Is that because Obama was black?
Because we don't like democratic policies which is what Obama is. His skin color had nothing to do with his policies.
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

I do it was because of his policies, not his skin color. Believe it or not, I was against most of Bill Clinton's policies. And Reid is the dumbest Senate Majority Leader of all time. Is that because Obama was black?
You admit then that you disliked him as soon as he took office without giving him a chance. Thank you for your honesty.

Where did I say that? Speaking of honesty is not your strong suit is it?

he's an intellectually dishonest left-wing loser who cant debate without pulling a straw man out of his ass

How is reading only the bible that is over 2,000 years old a sign of your intellectual superiority? You people are bat shit nutz.
The presses will have to be running 24/7 to supply all the race cards that the Carson fans are flinging about so wildly.

Sadly, for many Republicans, every single thing is always entirely about race (or gender). They don't seem capable of the color-blind and gender-blind attitude of the liberals.
Lol wrong. The libs are scared to death that the republicans will elect a black man putting all their lies about republicans being racist to bed

You think a black guy, right now, could win the nomination? I don't.
The presses will have to be running 24/7 to supply all the race cards that the Carson fans are flinging about so wildly.

Sadly, for many Republicans, every single thing is always entirely about race (or gender). They don't seem capable of the color-blind and gender-blind attitude of the liberals.
Lol wrong. The libs are scared to death that the republicans will elect a black man putting all their lies about republicans being racist to bed

You think a black guy, right now, could win the nomination? I don't.

You can thank the far left for that..

You know the party you support without question or hesitation.

As the far left would make sure to show their racist in full force, no wait they already do..
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

I do it was because of his policies, not his skin color. Believe it or not, I was against most of Bill Clinton's policies. And Reid is the dumbest Senate Majority Leader of all time. Is that because Obama was black?
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

I do it was because of his policies, not his skin color. Believe it or not, I was against most of Bill Clinton's policies. And Reid is the dumbest Senate Majority Leader of all time. Is that because Obama was black?
You admit then that you disliked him as soon as he took office without giving him a chance. Thank you for your honesty.

Where did I say that? Speaking of honesty is not your strong suit is it?

he's an intellectually dishonest left-wing loser who cant debate without pulling a straw man out of his ass

How is reading only the bible that is over 2,000 years old a sign of your intellectual superiority? You people are bat shit nutz.

True, your reading Stormfront everyday has made you such a brilliant idiot.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'm a life-long Democrat and I don't hate Dr. Carson. I do find him lacking the right stuff to be POTUS, having watched both R. debates, he's not the only one lacking the right stuff.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'm a life-long Democrat and I don't hate Dr. Carson. I do find him lacking the right stuff to be POTUS, having watched both R. debates, he's not the only one lacking the right stuff.
Bet you got all joyful and erect when watching the all white democrat debate didn't you?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
When did this happen genius.
History . ,but hey now you guys are killing them by the millions. You just use abortion and shoddy education.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
If you cannot answer a question, you should not bother to reply.
You progressives are thick

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Thank you for proving my point.

That you are racist far left drone?

Well that is a given because you are far left religious nutter..
In other words, you have no proof at all. Let me ask you a question. I come from a mixed marriage, which of my parents am I a racist towards?

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