Democrats hate Carson because he is black

The GOP has Rubio, Cruz and Carson running.

One of those folks is a shoe in for the Nominee right?

It's almost a lock that the inclusive GOP will have a minority candidate!
Hey did you watch the democrat debate? I bet the non white candidate is a shoe in right? ..... except there is none.

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Elect one black man to any high office and then we can talk.

Colon Powell, Condi Rice, Herman Cain & Ben Carson are unelectable in the GOP because they are black. They can't win a Governors seat, a Senate seat or be a GOP House of Rep because Republican voters are racist.

But its ok for Bush to pick a couple of tokens who will do exactly what he says and so it appears as if the GOP is inclusive.

But until you elect a black, STFU please!
Tell me how many black Senators are serving right now as democrats?

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Liberals set the precedent that to criticize a Black Presidential Candidate or Black President is racist. They don't get to criticize Carson or they show how full of shit they are on Obama.
They're not criticizing him because he's black. Conservatives are the ones that are saying "we criticized Obama, and if you criticize Carson, you're as racist as we are"
What they're really saying is, "You idiots screamed for years that anyone who opposed Obama was a racist. Now you're opposing a black politician. Pick up the shoe and put it on, because it's an exact fit."

YOU idiots screamed that any reference to Obama's color by his defenders was playing the race card.

NOW you love the race card.

What happened to you?
We're watching you guys squirm trying to defend your attacks on a black politician after being adamant about any opposition to Obama was due to racism.

So you're engaging in a behaviour you used to condemn.

Very rightwingish of you.
If by that you mean having a chuckle by hoisting liberals on their own petard while illustrating absurdity by being absurd, sure.
Ah, so you've abandoned all that babble about churches losing their non-profit status in the wake of the recent supreme court ruling.

Good. You can be taught.

Where in the new rules does it state that non-profits that criticize Obama lose their non-profit status. And can you cite a single non-profit that Obama has ever called lose its non-profit status for criticizing him?

If so, name it. With evidence.

I "abandoned it" by citing references to it. :thup:
Laughing..,..and more deflection. How did I know that was coming?

Keep trying to deny that Steven, our resident birther and David Duke supporter isn't racist. It makes me giggle.

You spent 8 years engaged in the most vile attacks I've ever seen, then you cry when someone does the same to you.

NO FAIR, he's god and can't be made fun of.

There is truly no hypocrisy like demopocrisy..
Much of the right were against him the moment he took office. We all remember this.

And virtually all of the left was against Carson the second he announced.

The left in America has a goal and a plan to replace the Constitutional Republic with a socialist authoritarian state. Conservatives, those who "cling to god, guns, and the constitution" as Obama put it, are an impediment to the goals of the left.

Most of the leftists in this forum are little more than automatons, unthinking drones reciting memes from hate sites. They hate because KOS or ThinkProgress trains them to hate. The hatred of Carson is that he threatens the agenda. That he is black makes for special vitriol, but the left would still hate him if he were white, as they hate any and all who oppose their plan.

The right was against Obama because he is a radical leftist who seeks the destruction of the nation. Race is not and never was the factor.

The left hates Carson because he supports the nation against the destruction the left seeks. Race is not the primary factor,
The GOP has Rubio, Cruz and Carson running.

One of those folks is a shoe in for the Nominee right?

It's almost a lock that the inclusive GOP will have a minority candidate!
Hey did you watch the democrat debate? I bet the non white candidate is a shoe in right? ..... except there is none.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Elect one black man to any high office and then we can talk.

Colon Powell, Condi Rice, Herman Cain & Ben Carson are unelectable in the GOP because they are black. They can't win a Governors seat, a Senate seat or be a GOP House of Rep because Republican voters are racist.

But its ok for Bush to pick a couple of tokens who will do exactly what he says and so it appears as if the GOP is inclusive.

But until you elect a black, STFU please!
Tell me how many black Senators are serving right now as democrats?

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Only Four African Americans Have Ever Been Elected To The U.S. Senate In All Of American History
The GOP has Rubio, Cruz and Carson running.

One of those folks is a shoe in for the Nominee right?

It's almost a lock that the inclusive GOP will have a minority candidate!
Hey did you watch the democrat debate? I bet the non white candidate is a shoe in right? ..... except there is none.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Elect one black man to any high office and then we can talk.

Colon Powell, Condi Rice, Herman Cain & Ben Carson are unelectable in the GOP because they are black. They can't win a Governors seat, a Senate seat or be a GOP House of Rep because Republican voters are racist.

But its ok for Bush to pick a couple of tokens who will do exactly what he says and so it appears as if the GOP is inclusive.

But until you elect a black, STFU please!
Tell me how many black Senators are serving right now as democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Only Four African Americans Have Ever Been Elected To The U.S. Senate In All Of American History
And how many of those were democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The GOP has Rubio, Cruz and Carson running.

One of those folks is a shoe in for the Nominee right?

It's almost a lock that the inclusive GOP will have a minority candidate!
Hey did you watch the democrat debate? I bet the non white candidate is a shoe in right? ..... except there is none.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Elect one black man to any high office and then we can talk.

Colon Powell, Condi Rice, Herman Cain & Ben Carson are unelectable in the GOP because they are black. They can't win a Governors seat, a Senate seat or be a GOP House of Rep because Republican voters are racist.

But its ok for Bush to pick a couple of tokens who will do exactly what he says and so it appears as if the GOP is inclusive.

But until you elect a black, STFU please!
Tell me how many black Senators are serving right now as democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Two, one Republican and one Democrat. Hispanics it's three Republicans and one Democrat.
The GOP has Rubio, Cruz and Carson running.

One of those folks is a shoe in for the Nominee right?

It's almost a lock that the inclusive GOP will have a minority candidate!
Hey did you watch the democrat debate? I bet the non white candidate is a shoe in right? ..... except there is none.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Elect one black man to any high office and then we can talk.

Colon Powell, Condi Rice, Herman Cain & Ben Carson are unelectable in the GOP because they are black. They can't win a Governors seat, a Senate seat or be a GOP House of Rep because Republican voters are racist.

But its ok for Bush to pick a couple of tokens who will do exactly what he says and so it appears as if the GOP is inclusive.

But until you elect a black, STFU please!
Tell me how many black Senators are serving right now as democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Two, one Republican and one Democrat. Hispanics it's three Republicans and one Democrat.
Republicans are supposed to be racist assholes. And yet history proves otherwise. Whether you support the party or not republicans do not have the history of being racist. ... and yet democrats who do have that history and are running another all white campaign and who elected the whitest black president ever get to say who is racist? All evidence points to democrats oppression of minorities with slavery all they way to modern welfare that destroys minority families.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The GOP has Rubio, Cruz and Carson running.

One of those folks is a shoe in for the Nominee right?

It's almost a lock that the inclusive GOP will have a minority candidate!
Hey did you watch the democrat debate? I bet the non white candidate is a shoe in right? ..... except there is none.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Elect one black man to any high office and then we can talk.

Colon Powell, Condi Rice, Herman Cain & Ben Carson are unelectable in the GOP because they are black. They can't win a Governors seat, a Senate seat or be a GOP House of Rep because Republican voters are racist.

But its ok for Bush to pick a couple of tokens who will do exactly what he says and so it appears as if the GOP is inclusive.

But until you elect a black, STFU please!
Tell me how many black Senators are serving right now as democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Only Four African Americans Have Ever Been Elected To The U.S. Senate In All Of American History
And how many of those were democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

2 were Democrats.

Not sure what your point is..

Currently there are very few Minorities, overall, actually in the GOP.

That is not the case with Democrats. And as voting goes, Democrats command a large share of the minority voting block.

So unless your point is that minorities are voting against their interests? It seems that they seem to think that the GOP doesn't represent them.
Hey did you watch the democrat debate? I bet the non white candidate is a shoe in right? ..... except there is none.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Elect one black man to any high office and then we can talk.

Colon Powell, Condi Rice, Herman Cain & Ben Carson are unelectable in the GOP because they are black. They can't win a Governors seat, a Senate seat or be a GOP House of Rep because Republican voters are racist.

But its ok for Bush to pick a couple of tokens who will do exactly what he says and so it appears as if the GOP is inclusive.

But until you elect a black, STFU please!
Tell me how many black Senators are serving right now as democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Only Four African Americans Have Ever Been Elected To The U.S. Senate In All Of American History
And how many of those were democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

2 were Democrats.

Not sure what your point is..

Currently there are very few Minorities, overall, actually in the GOP.

That is not the case with Democrats. And as voting goes, Democrats command a large share of the minority voting block.

So unless your point is that minorities are voting against their interests? It seems that they seem to think that the GOP doesn't represent them.

of COURSE miinorities vote against their own interests voting for Democrats. you're going to holler that means people on the right think people of color are stupid; i'm going to holler back they arent; you've just done that great a job suppressing them and brainwashing them into beleiveing what isnt true
Hey did you watch the democrat debate? I bet the non white candidate is a shoe in right? ..... except there is none.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Elect one black man to any high office and then we can talk.

Colon Powell, Condi Rice, Herman Cain & Ben Carson are unelectable in the GOP because they are black. They can't win a Governors seat, a Senate seat or be a GOP House of Rep because Republican voters are racist.

But its ok for Bush to pick a couple of tokens who will do exactly what he says and so it appears as if the GOP is inclusive.

But until you elect a black, STFU please!
Tell me how many black Senators are serving right now as democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Only Four African Americans Have Ever Been Elected To The U.S. Senate In All Of American History
And how many of those were democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

2 were Democrats.

Not sure what your point is..

Currently there are very few Minorities, overall, actually in the GOP.

That is not the case with Democrats. And as voting goes, Democrats command a large share of the minority voting block.

So unless your point is that minorities are voting against their interests? It seems that they seem to think that the GOP doesn't represent them.
Point being democrats do nothing more for minorities then republicans and in truth they do more harm to them...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Elect one black man to any high office and then we can talk.

Colon Powell, Condi Rice, Herman Cain & Ben Carson are unelectable in the GOP because they are black. They can't win a Governors seat, a Senate seat or be a GOP House of Rep because Republican voters are racist.

But its ok for Bush to pick a couple of tokens who will do exactly what he says and so it appears as if the GOP is inclusive.

But until you elect a black, STFU please!
Tell me how many black Senators are serving right now as democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Only Four African Americans Have Ever Been Elected To The U.S. Senate In All Of American History
And how many of those were democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

2 were Democrats.

Not sure what your point is..

Currently there are very few Minorities, overall, actually in the GOP.

That is not the case with Democrats. And as voting goes, Democrats command a large share of the minority voting block.

So unless your point is that minorities are voting against their interests? It seems that they seem to think that the GOP doesn't represent them.
Point being democrats do nothing more for minorities then republicans and in truth they do more harm to them...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Actually it depends on what you mean by "doing more".

Republicans have and want to do "nothing".

That's not doing more.
Tell me how many black Senators are serving right now as democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Only Four African Americans Have Ever Been Elected To The U.S. Senate In All Of American History
And how many of those were democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

2 were Democrats.

Not sure what your point is..

Currently there are very few Minorities, overall, actually in the GOP.

That is not the case with Democrats. And as voting goes, Democrats command a large share of the minority voting block.

So unless your point is that minorities are voting against their interests? It seems that they seem to think that the GOP doesn't represent them.
Point being democrats do nothing more for minorities then republicans and in truth they do more harm to them...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Actually it depends on what you mean by "doing more".

Republicans have and want to do "nothing".

That's not doing more.
They just freed the slaves wrote and passed civil rights and fought against institutionalized racism from democrats for decade's and now you sit here and say treating a person as a person is racism? This is why we know liberalism is ignorance

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Tell me how many black Senators are serving right now as democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Only Four African Americans Have Ever Been Elected To The U.S. Senate In All Of American History
And how many of those were democrats?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

2 were Democrats.

Not sure what your point is..

Currently there are very few Minorities, overall, actually in the GOP.

That is not the case with Democrats. And as voting goes, Democrats command a large share of the minority voting block.

So unless your point is that minorities are voting against their interests? It seems that they seem to think that the GOP doesn't represent them.
Point being democrats do nothing more for minorities then republicans and in truth they do more harm to them...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Actually it depends on what you mean by "doing more".

Republicans have and want to do "nothing".

That's not doing more.

why dont you ever tire of making a fool of yourself??

2 were Democrats.

Not sure what your point is..

Currently there are very few Minorities, overall, actually in the GOP.

That is not the case with Democrats. And as voting goes, Democrats command a large share of the minority voting block.

So unless your point is that minorities are voting against their interests? It seems that they seem to think that the GOP doesn't represent them.
Point being democrats do nothing more for minorities then republicans and in truth they do more harm to them...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Actually it depends on what you mean by "doing more".

Republicans have and want to do "nothing".

That's not doing more.

why dont you ever tire of making a fool of yourself??

The way this works, generally, is that you find a point and discuss.

Personally insults basically mean:
1. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
2. You do know what the fuck you are talking about and realize you are dead wrong.
3. You are just a stupid fucking troll.

Which one is it?

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