Democrats hate Carson because he is black

Yep, the regressive lefties certainly haven't liked this thread.

Only they can try this stuff.

Turnabout's a bitch.


You should know what regressive means. I would expect your knowledge of vocabulary to be better than that.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

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I actually do not dislike Ben Carson, but if you were against having President Obama in the White House because of his lack of experience then why on Earth would you support a man that has even less experience in politics?

Is this some form of punishment from both sides to see which one can give the American Public the worst President ever?

Now you pulling the race card is pathetic because it pissed me off many times to be called a racist because I never supported President Obama...
I think liberals criticism of Republican racism stems not from their dislike of Obama's policies but rather labeling Obama as un-American and non-Christian. I know that's what I would use to bait a liberal.
Republican racism use to be overt now it's more subtle. He's not a Christian or an American is another way to say he's different than us.

Barack "Hussein" Obama
He is not a "real" American
We can't be sure he isn't a Muslim
Obama is "divisive"
He can't speak without a teleprompter

Racist? How can that be racist if we didn't call him n*gger?

Referring to Barack Hussein Obama as Barack Hussein Obama RACIST??
When he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii was not an American state.
He considers the Muslim braying to prayer the most beautiful sound, should one have any doubt that he is Muslim?
He, Himself declared America derisive and divisive during his apology tour in 2009.
Well, can he? And why is claiming that he can't - supported by his mumbling without one, every time - RACIST??

If anyone called him n*gger, it would not be any worse than calling GWB a shrub, monkey, chimpanzee or worse.

Here are some important responses. VERY important, to be totally candid:

* Referring to the Presidunce by his actual name is NOT racist.

* Hawaii WAS a state when Obumbler was born.

* If a politician makes some asshole claim like the Islamic call to prayer being a beautiful sound, that at most only means that he is a politician and thus likely a liar. That doesn't mean he's a Muslim.

* And using the "n" word on ANY person of color is racist talk and probably a fair clue as to a person's status AS a racist.

My mistake about Hawaii not being an American state when he was born there. Must be due to the impression he creates that he is an immature little boy and much younger than his years.

I am sick and tired of people bitching about the so called "N" word.

It is no more offensive than a German being called a kraut, an Italian a wop and a gangster, an Englishman a limey, a Jew a ****, a Mexican a wetback or an Arab a rag head. Just to mention a few examples of perfectly natural human reaction to something that is out of their accustomed position and place in life.

And don't cry to me about the "N" word being more worthy of pity, because of slavery. It is a proven fact that some "N"'s sold other "N"'s to white slave traders. It is also a fact that nothing held the "N"'s of Africa from developing their knowledge and go and do unto Europe and the white man what Europe and the white man did unto them. It is also a fact that while American slaves suffered for about 300 years, European WHITE serfs were suffering under far worse conditions for about a thousand years. So, when I hear descendants of those serfs bitch about the past as "N"'s bitch about the past, I will take notice and respect their indignation.

Demanding and HOLDING productive jobs instead of demanding reparations from innocents descendants of a wrongful past would go a long way to establish credibility for crybaby "N"'s. Getting off drugs and stop killing cops would also help.

And, for Christ's sake get better spokesman than Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan. Or Barack Hussein Obama.

Personally, I detest PC language demands. On the other hand, I also hate racism. Just as I don't employ the use of the "N" word (except when I need to quote it for accuracy), I don't employ terms like "w--" for Italians of any of the pejorative slang for Jewish people, etc.

Your arguments lose a whole lot of value to me (and probably to a lot of other people) when you try to make some kind of point by rattling off all the offensive terms you know for labeling other races and nationalities.

The "reverend" Al notso Sharpton is not a spokesman for me. Certainly not some hateful fucking bigot like Louis FarraKahnjob. And Obumbler is only a spokesman for me in the VERY limited sense that (tragically) he officially "speaks" for this nation in the community of nations. Yeech.
Last edited:
does the o/p realize how stupid this thread is. we already voted for a black president.

people dislike carson as a candidate because the things he says are nuts.

Racist often make "Exceptions" for "good ones".

It's more proof that you are a racist.
Why don't black people vote GOP?

As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to the trough but you can't make him drink.

But the horse will eventually realize that he is thirsty and will drink.

Horses are smart animals.

You can't fix stupid.
Yep, the regressive lefties certainly haven't liked this thread.

Only they can try this stuff.

Turnabout's a bitch.


You should know what regressive means. I would expect your knowledge of vocabulary to be better than that.

This is a banner day for Shillian attempting to balm her ego by spewing out blather to make herself feel all superior. LOL. Kind of pathetic, but consistent. That's our Shillian.

Of course, she does miss the point that the use of "regressive" by Mac was obviously a rhetorical tool to distinguish it from "progressive," the term which many liberals choose to use to describe their politics. Such folks are NOT actually progressive, nor is their view of the worth of individuals in society; but their confusion on that word choice is not something Shillain would ever lecture anyone about.
Apparently 3 out 4 conservatives hate Carson because he's black because they support someone else for the nomination.
Lets see a black person actually get nominated in the GOP before you go flapping your gums, ok? He has never been elected by republicans, no black man has ever been nominated for president let alone won it running as a GOP. Powell & Rice were appointed house slave tokens. Appointed by Bush so he could say, "look, blacks like us". Sure, rich ones do.

See, rich blacks are just like rich white people. A lot of them are arrogant and think they are better than the rest of us. So BFD the GOP are running a guy who doesn't have a prayer in hell of getting the nomination. Not a prayer.

Do you know why you don't run a black republican politician and you have to go out and find an uncle tom like Carson or Herman Cain? Because Racist Republicans won't vote for a black person. Try to get Carson to run a fucking state before you try to make him President. Or win a Senate seat. Hell, I'd settle for a House member. Got any good black house members to run for POTUS? I didn't think so.
I think liberals criticism of Republican racism stems not from their dislike of Obama's policies but rather labeling Obama as un-American and non-Christian. I know that's what I would use to bait a liberal.
Republican racism use to be overt now it's more subtle. He's not a Christian or an American is another way to say he's different than us.

Barack "Hussein" Obama
He is not a "real" American
We can't be sure he isn't a Muslim
Obama is "divisive"
He can't speak without a teleprompter

Racist? How can that be racist if we didn't call him n*gger?

Referring to Barack Hussein Obama - his REAL name - as Barack Hussein Obama RACIST??
When he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii was not an American state.
He considers the Muslim braying to prayer the most beautiful sound, should one have any doubt that he is Muslim?
He, Himself declared America derisive and divisive during his apology tour in 2009.
Well, can he? And why is claiming that he can't - supported by his mumbling without one, every time - RACIST??

If anyone called him n*gger, it would not be any worse than calling GWB a shrub, monkey, chimpanzee or worse.
They became a state in 59 and he was born in 61. Liar.

We all know the intent on using the HUSSAIN middle name. We get what you are saying. WINK WINK.

I apologized about the conflict with Obama's birth date and Hawaii becoming a state.

But refute the rest of my post.
Republican racism use to be overt now it's more subtle. He's not a Christian or an American is another way to say he's different than us.

Barack "Hussein" Obama
He is not a "real" American
We can't be sure he isn't a Muslim
Obama is "divisive"
He can't speak without a teleprompter

Racist? How can that be racist if we didn't call him n*gger?

Referring to Barack Hussein Obama as Barack Hussein Obama RACIST??
When he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii was not an American state.
He considers the Muslim braying to prayer the most beautiful sound, should one have any doubt that he is Muslim?
He, Himself declared America derisive and divisive during his apology tour in 2009.
Well, can he? And why is claiming that he can't - supported by his mumbling without one, every time - RACIST??

If anyone called him n*gger, it would not be any worse than calling GWB a shrub, monkey, chimpanzee or worse.

Here are some important responses. VERY important, to be totally candid:

* Referring to the Presidunce by his actual name is NOT racist.

* Hawaii WAS a state when Obumbler was born.

* If a politician makes some asshole claim like the Islamic call to prayer being a beautiful sound, that at most only means that he is a politician and thus likely a liar. That doesn't mean he's a Muslim.

* And using the "n" word on ANY person of color is racist talk and probably a fair clue as to a person's status AS a racist.

My mistake about Hawaii not being an American state when he was born there. Must be due to the impression he creates that he is an immature little boy and much younger than his years.

I am sick and tired of people bitching about the so called "N" word.

It is no more offensive than a German being called a kraut, an Italian a wop and a gangster, an Englishman a limey, a Jew a ****, a Mexican a wetback or an Arab a rag head. Just to mention a few examples of perfectly natural human reaction to something that is out of their accustomed position and place in life.

And don't cry to me about the "N" word being more worthy of pity, because of slavery. It is a proven fact that some "N"'s sold other "N"'s to white slave traders. It is also a fact that nothing held the "N"'s of Africa from developing their knowledge and go and do unto Europe and the white man what Europe and the white man did unto them. It is also a fact that while American slaves suffered for about 300 years, European WHITE serfs were suffering under far worse conditions for about a thousand years. So, when I hear descendants of those serfs bitch about the past as "N"'s bitch about the past, I will take notice and respect their indignation.

Demanding and HOLDING productive jobs instead of demanding reparations from innocents descendants of a wrongful past would go a long way to establish credibility for crybaby "N"'s. Getting off drugs and stop killing cops would also help.

And, for Christ's sake get better spokesman than Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan. Or Barack Hussein Obama.

Personally, I detest PC language demands. On the other hand, I also hate racism. Just as I don't employ the use of the "N" word (except when I need to quote it for accuracy), I don't employ terms like "w--" for Italians of any of the pejorative slang for Jewish people, etc.

Your arguments lose a whole lot of value to me (and probably to a lot of other people) when you try to make some kind of point by rattling off all the offensive terms you know for labeling other races and nationalities.

The "reverend" Al notso Sharpton is not a spokesman for me. Certainly not some hateful fucking bigot like Louis FarraKahnjob. And Obumbler is only a spokesman for me in the VERY limited sense that (tragically) he officially "speaks" for this nation in the community of nations. Yeech.

The pejorative terms I used are not words I would or did ever use. It was only an illustration about the idiocy of the sick and sickening liberal nonsense that "WORDS HURT".

Words hurt only idiots. If you punch me in the face you hurt me. If you steal from me you hurt me. If you lie to my boss about me you hurt me. If you hurt my wife or child you hurt me. If you do something against my country you hurt me.

If you call me the most vile name you can think of, I will smile and say: So what? I HAVE BEEN CALLED WORSE BY BETTER PEOPLE THAN YOU". And I will walk away because I am smarter than you.

Why? Because I am an adult, not a kindergarten punk who runs to his mommy (government) for all imaginary hurts.

Grow up assholes and find and keep a job.
Barack "Hussein" Obama
He is not a "real" American
We can't be sure he isn't a Muslim
Obama is "divisive"
He can't speak without a teleprompter

Racist? How can that be racist if we didn't call him n*gger?

Referring to Barack Hussein Obama as Barack Hussein Obama RACIST??
When he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii was not an American state.
He considers the Muslim braying to prayer the most beautiful sound, should one have any doubt that he is Muslim?
He, Himself declared America derisive and divisive during his apology tour in 2009.
Well, can he? And why is claiming that he can't - supported by his mumbling without one, every time - RACIST??

If anyone called him n*gger, it would not be any worse than calling GWB a shrub, monkey, chimpanzee or worse.

Here are some important responses. VERY important, to be totally candid:

* Referring to the Presidunce by his actual name is NOT racist.

* Hawaii WAS a state when Obumbler was born.

* If a politician makes some asshole claim like the Islamic call to prayer being a beautiful sound, that at most only means that he is a politician and thus likely a liar. That doesn't mean he's a Muslim.

* And using the "n" word on ANY person of color is racist talk and probably a fair clue as to a person's status AS a racist.

My mistake about Hawaii not being an American state when he was born there. Must be due to the impression he creates that he is an immature little boy and much younger than his years.

I am sick and tired of people bitching about the so called "N" word.

It is no more offensive than a German being called a kraut, an Italian a wop and a gangster, an Englishman a limey, a Jew a ****, a Mexican a wetback or an Arab a rag head. Just to mention a few examples of perfectly natural human reaction to something that is out of their accustomed position and place in life.

And don't cry to me about the "N" word being more worthy of pity, because of slavery. It is a proven fact that some "N"'s sold other "N"'s to white slave traders. It is also a fact that nothing held the "N"'s of Africa from developing their knowledge and go and do unto Europe and the white man what Europe and the white man did unto them. It is also a fact that while American slaves suffered for about 300 years, European WHITE serfs were suffering under far worse conditions for about a thousand years. So, when I hear descendants of those serfs bitch about the past as "N"'s bitch about the past, I will take notice and respect their indignation.

Demanding and HOLDING productive jobs instead of demanding reparations from innocents descendants of a wrongful past would go a long way to establish credibility for crybaby "N"'s. Getting off drugs and stop killing cops would also help.

And, for Christ's sake get better spokesman than Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan. Or Barack Hussein Obama.

Personally, I detest PC language demands. On the other hand, I also hate racism. Just as I don't employ the use of the "N" word (except when I need to quote it for accuracy), I don't employ terms like "w--" for Italians of any of the pejorative slang for Jewish people, etc.

Your arguments lose a whole lot of value to me (and probably to a lot of other people) when you try to make some kind of point by rattling off all the offensive terms you know for labeling other races and nationalities.

The "reverend" Al notso Sharpton is not a spokesman for me. Certainly not some hateful fucking bigot like Louis FarraKahnjob. And Obumbler is only a spokesman for me in the VERY limited sense that (tragically) he officially "speaks" for this nation in the community of nations. Yeech.

The pejorative terms I used are not words I would or did ever use. It was only an illustration about the idiocy of the sick and sickening liberal nonsense that "WORDS HURT".

Words hurt only idiots. If you punch me in the face you hurt me. If you steal from me you hurt me. If you lie to my boss about me you hurt me. If you hurt my wife or child you hurt me. If you do something against my country you hurt me.

If you call me the most vile name you can think of, I will smile and say: So what? I HAVE BEEN CALLED WORSE BY BETTER PEOPLE THAN YOU". And I will walk away because I am smarter than you.

Why? Because I am an adult, not a kindergarten punk who runs to his mommy (government) for all imaginary hurts.

Grow up assholes and find and keep a job.

^ That rant would have been a tiny bit more convincing if you hadn't found it so necessary, before, to show that you knew the n word is for black people and the w word was for Italians and the word which you fully hyphened-out is one for Jewish people. Not a bit of that was actually necessary for you to have made your point.

Name calling is juvenile and I agree that such words should have no impact on an adult, as a general rule. But it would be silly to say that words never cause harm. In fact, that's why folks are able to sue other people for things like libel and slander. Committing perjury can be pretty damaging to people, too. So, although I agree that many problems can be fixed with folks having a lsightly thicker skin, SOME words do cause damage depending on context.
Referring to Barack Hussein Obama as Barack Hussein Obama RACIST??
When he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii was not an American state.
He considers the Muslim braying to prayer the most beautiful sound, should one have any doubt that he is Muslim?
He, Himself declared America derisive and divisive during his apology tour in 2009.
Well, can he? And why is claiming that he can't - supported by his mumbling without one, every time - RACIST??

If anyone called him n*gger, it would not be any worse than calling GWB a shrub, monkey, chimpanzee or worse.

Here are some important responses. VERY important, to be totally candid:

* Referring to the Presidunce by his actual name is NOT racist.

* Hawaii WAS a state when Obumbler was born.

* If a politician makes some asshole claim like the Islamic call to prayer being a beautiful sound, that at most only means that he is a politician and thus likely a liar. That doesn't mean he's a Muslim.

* And using the "n" word on ANY person of color is racist talk and probably a fair clue as to a person's status AS a racist.

My mistake about Hawaii not being an American state when he was born there. Must be due to the impression he creates that he is an immature little boy and much younger than his years.

I am sick and tired of people bitching about the so called "N" word.

It is no more offensive than a German being called a kraut, an Italian a wop and a gangster, an Englishman a limey, a Jew a ****, a Mexican a wetback or an Arab a rag head. Just to mention a few examples of perfectly natural human reaction to something that is out of their accustomed position and place in life.

And don't cry to me about the "N" word being more worthy of pity, because of slavery. It is a proven fact that some "N"'s sold other "N"'s to white slave traders. It is also a fact that nothing held the "N"'s of Africa from developing their knowledge and go and do unto Europe and the white man what Europe and the white man did unto them. It is also a fact that while American slaves suffered for about 300 years, European WHITE serfs were suffering under far worse conditions for about a thousand years. So, when I hear descendants of those serfs bitch about the past as "N"'s bitch about the past, I will take notice and respect their indignation.

Demanding and HOLDING productive jobs instead of demanding reparations from innocents descendants of a wrongful past would go a long way to establish credibility for crybaby "N"'s. Getting off drugs and stop killing cops would also help.

And, for Christ's sake get better spokesman than Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan. Or Barack Hussein Obama.

Personally, I detest PC language demands. On the other hand, I also hate racism. Just as I don't employ the use of the "N" word (except when I need to quote it for accuracy), I don't employ terms like "w--" for Italians of any of the pejorative slang for Jewish people, etc.

Your arguments lose a whole lot of value to me (and probably to a lot of other people) when you try to make some kind of point by rattling off all the offensive terms you know for labeling other races and nationalities.

The "reverend" Al notso Sharpton is not a spokesman for me. Certainly not some hateful fucking bigot like Louis FarraKahnjob. And Obumbler is only a spokesman for me in the VERY limited sense that (tragically) he officially "speaks" for this nation in the community of nations. Yeech.

The pejorative terms I used are not words I would or did ever use. It was only an illustration about the idiocy of the sick and sickening liberal nonsense that "WORDS HURT".

Words hurt only idiots. If you punch me in the face you hurt me. If you steal from me you hurt me. If you lie to my boss about me you hurt me. If you hurt my wife or child you hurt me. If you do something against my country you hurt me.

If you call me the most vile name you can think of, I will smile and say: So what? I HAVE BEEN CALLED WORSE BY BETTER PEOPLE THAN YOU". And I will walk away because I am smarter than you.

Why? Because I am an adult, not a kindergarten punk who runs to his mommy (government) for all imaginary hurts.

Grow up assholes and find and keep a job.

^ That rant would have been a tiny bit more convincing if you hadn't found it so necessary, before, to show that you knew the n word is for black people and the w word was for Italians and the word which you fully hyphened-out is one for Jewish people. Not a bit of that was actually necessary for you to have made your point.

Name calling is juvenile and I agree that such words should have no impact on an adult, as a general rule. But it would be silly to say that words never cause harm. In fact, that's why folks are able to sue other people for things like libel and slander. Committing perjury can be pretty damaging to people, too. So, although I agree that many problems can be fixed with folks having a lsightly thicker skin, SOME words do cause damage depending on context.

So, here is another "rant":

Pardon me if I don't find it my heart to be sympathetic towards those who commit most of the crimes, kill most of their brothers and sisters, figurative and literal, those who bitch most about past and long-corrected wrongs, those who most viciously stab all with their skin color who dare to think for themselves, those who call everyone, not black, vile names with impunity, those who call for killing cops, but bawl when none comes in their hour of need, those who know they can get away with just about everything because of political correctness, those who reject productive jobs in favor of receiving meal tickets/food stamps, those who keep on spewing out illegitimate babies without ever knowing who the father is, those who envy the success of others who decided that it is better to learn than be part of the "hood", those who justify their existence by being modern day slaves of the Democrat Party and those who constantly blame white folks for their failure and miserable life, but would not be any better off in Sudan, Liberia, Nigeria, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Congo, Angola, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Chad, Mozambique, Kenya or even the poster child country of the Nobel Piss Prize winning thug Nelson Mandela, South Africa.

Seems to me that words only hurt if they are uttered by people who do not happen to be politically correct. In the mean time sewer rats like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson. Elijah Cummings, Louis Farrakhan and the Congressional Black Caucus (racist by definition) can get away with anything they damn well please.

Worth repeating: Words only hurt idiots with ultra thin skins.

So, give me another sanctimonious lecture about race relations.
Yep, the regressive lefties certainly haven't liked this thread.

Only they can try this stuff.

Turnabout's a bitch.


You should know what regressive means. I would expect your knowledge of vocabulary to be better than that.

This is a banner day for Shillian attempting to balm her ego by spewing out blather to make herself feel all superior. LOL. Kind of pathetic, but consistent. That's our Shillian.

Of course, she does miss the point that the use of "regressive" by Mac was obviously a rhetorical tool to distinguish it from "progressive," the term which many liberals choose to use to describe their politics. Such folks are NOT actually progressive, nor is their view of the worth of individuals in society; but their confusion on that word choice is not something Shillain would ever lecture anyone about.

Poor welcher. :cuckoo:

Look at what an insane freak you've become. What a thin-skinned little bully you are.
Here are some important responses. VERY important, to be totally candid:

* Referring to the Presidunce by his actual name is NOT racist.

* Hawaii WAS a state when Obumbler was born.

* If a politician makes some asshole claim like the Islamic call to prayer being a beautiful sound, that at most only means that he is a politician and thus likely a liar. That doesn't mean he's a Muslim.

* And using the "n" word on ANY person of color is racist talk and probably a fair clue as to a person's status AS a racist.

My mistake about Hawaii not being an American state when he was born there. Must be due to the impression he creates that he is an immature little boy and much younger than his years.

I am sick and tired of people bitching about the so called "N" word.

It is no more offensive than a German being called a kraut, an Italian a wop and a gangster, an Englishman a limey, a Jew a ****, a Mexican a wetback or an Arab a rag head. Just to mention a few examples of perfectly natural human reaction to something that is out of their accustomed position and place in life.

And don't cry to me about the "N" word being more worthy of pity, because of slavery. It is a proven fact that some "N"'s sold other "N"'s to white slave traders. It is also a fact that nothing held the "N"'s of Africa from developing their knowledge and go and do unto Europe and the white man what Europe and the white man did unto them. It is also a fact that while American slaves suffered for about 300 years, European WHITE serfs were suffering under far worse conditions for about a thousand years. So, when I hear descendants of those serfs bitch about the past as "N"'s bitch about the past, I will take notice and respect their indignation.

Demanding and HOLDING productive jobs instead of demanding reparations from innocents descendants of a wrongful past would go a long way to establish credibility for crybaby "N"'s. Getting off drugs and stop killing cops would also help.

And, for Christ's sake get better spokesman than Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan. Or Barack Hussein Obama.

Personally, I detest PC language demands. On the other hand, I also hate racism. Just as I don't employ the use of the "N" word (except when I need to quote it for accuracy), I don't employ terms like "w--" for Italians of any of the pejorative slang for Jewish people, etc.

Your arguments lose a whole lot of value to me (and probably to a lot of other people) when you try to make some kind of point by rattling off all the offensive terms you know for labeling other races and nationalities.

The "reverend" Al notso Sharpton is not a spokesman for me. Certainly not some hateful fucking bigot like Louis FarraKahnjob. And Obumbler is only a spokesman for me in the VERY limited sense that (tragically) he officially "speaks" for this nation in the community of nations. Yeech.

The pejorative terms I used are not words I would or did ever use. It was only an illustration about the idiocy of the sick and sickening liberal nonsense that "WORDS HURT".

Words hurt only idiots. If you punch me in the face you hurt me. If you steal from me you hurt me. If you lie to my boss about me you hurt me. If you hurt my wife or child you hurt me. If you do something against my country you hurt me.

If you call me the most vile name you can think of, I will smile and say: So what? I HAVE BEEN CALLED WORSE BY BETTER PEOPLE THAN YOU". And I will walk away because I am smarter than you.

Why? Because I am an adult, not a kindergarten punk who runs to his mommy (government) for all imaginary hurts.

Grow up assholes and find and keep a job.

^ That rant would have been a tiny bit more convincing if you hadn't found it so necessary, before, to show that you knew the n word is for black people and the w word was for Italians and the word which you fully hyphened-out is one for Jewish people. Not a bit of that was actually necessary for you to have made your point.

Name calling is juvenile and I agree that such words should have no impact on an adult, as a general rule. But it would be silly to say that words never cause harm. In fact, that's why folks are able to sue other people for things like libel and slander. Committing perjury can be pretty damaging to people, too. So, although I agree that many problems can be fixed with folks having a lsightly thicker skin, SOME words do cause damage depending on context.

So, here is another "rant":

Pardon me if I don't find it my heart to be sympathetic towards those who commit most of the crimes, kill most of their brothers and sisters, figurative and literal, those who bitch most about past and long-corrected wrongs, those who most viciously stab all with their skin color who dare to think for themselves, those who call everyone, not black, vile names with impunity, those who call for killing cops, but bawl when none comes in their hour of need, those who know they can get away with just about everything because of political correctness, those who reject productive jobs in favor of receiving meal tickets/food stamps, those who keep on spewing out illegitimate babies without ever knowing who the father is, those who envy the success of others who decided that it is better to learn than be part of the "hood", those who justify their existence by being modern day slaves of the Democrat Party and those who constantly blame white folks for their failure and miserable life, but would not be any better off in Sudan, Liberia, Nigeria, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Congo, Angola, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Chad, Mozambique, Kenya or even the poster child country of the Nobel Piss Prize winning thug Nelson Mandela, South Africa.

Seems to me that words only hurt if they are uttered by people who do not happen to be politically correct. In the mean time sewer rats like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson. Elijah Cummings, Louis Farrakhan and the Congressional Black Caucus (racist by definition) can get away with anything they damn well please.

Worth repeating: Words only hurt idiots with ultra thin skins.

So, give me another sanctimonious lecture about race relations.

Nice racist screed. You can justify hate any way you want.

Now tell us what a good Christian you are.
What's more crazy?

a) The crazy things Ben Carson says.

b) People (apparently adults) thinking "Gee, that makes sense." when they hear Ben Carson make crazy words with his mouth.
does the o/p realize how stupid this thread is. we already voted for a black president.

people dislike carson as a candidate because the things he says are nuts.

Racist often make "Exceptions" for "good ones".

It's more proof that you are a racist.
Why don't black people vote GOP?

Trying to turn it around when someone calls you on your racism is getting pretty long in tooth.

Man up and take ownership of your racism.
I do man up and admit that black society is a huge disappointment and they need to do better before white America is going to give a shit about them. On that we agree.

But I don't agree with you on a lot of other things that would make you the racist and me a liberal.

But I'll agree to blacks, any negative words spoken about their culture or any blame on them for the mess their in in met with the claim that even us liberals are stupid.

But I'm not like you. I at least understand why blacks don't vote GOP. It isn't because they are all stupid. But that's what you believe, right?

Nope. Not even close.

Listen, we cons didn't make the rules when it comes to criticizing black presidential candidates.

We are just playing by them.

And pointing out that you guys are, by your own definition of the word, demonstrating that you are racist.
Why? Because we point out Carson's policies are pro rich and anti black?

The way you are using Ben right now is the definition of an uncle Tom. He's your token black guy.
Carson is such a nice guy. The only possible reason Dems could dislike him is his skin color. There is simply no other reason. If I've learned anything from this board since Obama was elected it's that not liking policy is not an excuse.

Why do Dems hate blacks?
Racist often make "Exceptions" for "good ones".

It's more proof that you are a racist.
Why don't black people vote GOP?

Trying to turn it around when someone calls you on your racism is getting pretty long in tooth.

Man up and take ownership of your racism.
I do man up and admit that black society is a huge disappointment and they need to do better before white America is going to give a shit about them. On that we agree.

But I don't agree with you on a lot of other things that would make you the racist and me a liberal.

But I'll agree to blacks, any negative words spoken about their culture or any blame on them for the mess their in in met with the claim that even us liberals are stupid.

But I'm not like you. I at least understand why blacks don't vote GOP. It isn't because they are all stupid. But that's what you believe, right?

Nope. Not even close.

Listen, we cons didn't make the rules when it comes to criticizing black presidential candidates.

We are just playing by them.

And pointing out that you guys are, by your own definition of the word, demonstrating that you are racist.
Why? Because we point out Carson's policies are pro rich and anti black?

The way you are using Ben right now is the definition of an uncle Tom. He's your token black guy.
Uncle Tom? Token?

You truly do hate blacks
does the o/p realize how stupid this thread is. we already voted for a black president.

people dislike carson as a candidate because the things he says are nuts.

Racist often make "Exceptions" for "good ones".

It's more proof that you are a racist.
Why don't black people vote GOP?

As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to the trough but you can't make him drink.

But the horse will eventually realize that he is thirsty and will drink.

Horses are smart animals.

You can't fix stupid.
Consider half of us middle class and poor whites vote democratic and will always drink but from the left side of the troft. You want us to just drink from what trickles downyou don't own the troft..
Carson is such a nice guy. The only possible reason Dems could dislike him is his skin color. There is simply no other reason. If I've learned anything from this board since Obama was elected it's that not liking policy is not an excuse.

Why do Dems hate blacks?

There is nothing nice about someone who thinks health insurance is slavery. Just because someone speaks softly doesn't mean they aren't scum.
Carson is such a nice guy. The only possible reason Dems could dislike him is his skin color. There is simply no other reason. If I've learned anything from this board since Obama was elected it's that not liking policy is not an excuse.

Why do Dems hate blacks?

There is nothing nice about someone who thinks health insurance is slavery. Just because someone speaks softly doesn't mean they aren't scum.

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