Democrats hate Carson because he is black

Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

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Interesting thesis!
I think liberals criticism of Republican racism stems not from their dislike of Obama's policies but rather labeling Obama as un-American and non-Christian. I know that's what I would use to bait a liberal.
Republican racism use to be overt now it's more subtle. He's not a Christian or an American is another way to say he's different than us.

Barack "Hussein" Obama
He is not a "real" American
We can't be sure he isn't a Muslim
Obama is "divisive"
He can't speak without a teleprompter

Racist? How can that be racist if we didn't call him n*gger?

Referring to Barack Hussein Obama - his REAL name - as Barack Hussein Obama RACIST??
When he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii was not an American state.
He considers the Muslim braying to prayer the most beautiful sound, should one have any doubt that he is Muslim?
He, Himself declared America derisive and divisive during his apology tour in 2009.
Well, can he? And why is claiming that he can't - supported by his mumbling without one, every time - RACIST??

If anyone called him n*gger, it would not be any worse than calling GWB a shrub, monkey, chimpanzee or worse.
I think liberals criticism of Republican racism stems not from their dislike of Obama's policies but rather labeling Obama as un-American and non-Christian. I know that's what I would use to bait a liberal.
Republican racism use to be overt now it's more subtle. He's not a Christian or an American is another way to say he's different than us.

Barack "Hussein" Obama
He is not a "real" American
We can't be sure he isn't a Muslim
Obama is "divisive"
He can't speak without a teleprompter

Racist? How can that be racist if we didn't call him n*gger?

Referring to Barack Hussein Obama as Barack Hussein Obama RACIST??
When he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii was not an American state.
He considers the Muslim braying to prayer the most beautiful sound, should one have any doubt that he is Muslim?
He, Himself declared America derisive and divisive during his apology tour in 2009.
Well, can he? And why is claiming that he can't - supported by his mumbling without one, every time - RACIST??

If anyone called him n*gger, it would not be any worse than calling GWB a shrub, monkey, chimpanzee or worse.

Here are some important responses. VERY important, to be totally candid:

* Referring to the Presidunce by his actual name is NOT racist.

* Hawaii WAS a state when Obumbler was born.

* If a politician makes some asshole claim like the Islamic call to prayer being a beautiful sound, that at most only means that he is a politician and thus likely a liar. That doesn't mean he's a Muslim.

* And using the "n" word on ANY person of color is racist talk and probably a fair clue as to a person's status AS a racist.
I think liberals criticism of Republican racism stems not from their dislike of Obama's policies but rather labeling Obama as un-American and non-Christian. I know that's what I would use to bait a liberal.
Republican racism use to be overt now it's more subtle. He's not a Christian or an American is another way to say he's different than us.

Barack "Hussein" Obama
He is not a "real" American
We can't be sure he isn't a Muslim
Obama is "divisive"
He can't speak without a teleprompter

Racist? How can that be racist if we didn't call him n*gger?

Referring to Barack Hussein Obama - his REAL name - as Barack Hussein Obama RACIST??
When he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii was not an American state.
He considers the Muslim braying to prayer the most beautiful sound, should one have any doubt that he is Muslim?
He, Himself declared America derisive and divisive during his apology tour in 2009.
Well, can he? And why is claiming that he can't - supported by his mumbling without one, every time - RACIST??
If anyone called him n*gger, it would not be any worse than calling GWB a shrub, monkey, chimpanzee or worse.
And there you go...obvious true racist hater dupe. Hawaii became a state in 1959, stupid. N****r is much worse than any of above, which anyway basically never happened except on the RW Propaganda Service, MORON. Shrub is just funny. Thanks for proving all our points!
I think liberals criticism of Republican racism stems not from their dislike of Obama's policies but rather labeling Obama as un-American and non-Christian. I know that's what I would use to bait a liberal.
Republican racism use to be overt now it's more subtle. He's not a Christian or an American is another way to say he's different than us.

Barack "Hussein" Obama
He is not a "real" American
We can't be sure he isn't a Muslim
Obama is "divisive"
He can't speak without a teleprompter

Racist? How can that be racist if we didn't call him n*gger?

Referring to Barack Hussein Obama - his REAL name - as Barack Hussein Obama RACIST??
When he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii was not an American state.
He considers the Muslim braying to prayer the most beautiful sound, should one have any doubt that he is Muslim?
He, Himself declared America derisive and divisive during his apology tour in 2009.
Well, can he? And why is claiming that he can't - supported by his mumbling without one, every time - RACIST??
If anyone called him n*gger, it would not be any worse than calling GWB a shrub, monkey, chimpanzee or worse.
And there you go...obvious true racist hater dupe. Hawaii became a state in 1959, stupid. N****r is much worse than any of above, which anyway basically never happened except on the RW Propaganda Service, MORON. Shrub is just funny. Thanks for proving all our points!
One of your socks?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Apparently 3 out 4 conservatives hate Carson because he's black because they support someone else for the nomination.
Obumbler IS a socialist. He DOES kinda dislike America. ACORN did expose some frauds and assholes on (and of) the left. ObumblerCare was predicated on a lie and hasn't helped costs of healthcare at all, and never will. Our national debt and deficit problems are enormous. Soros is not a Nazi but he is a fucking lowlife piece of crap. Iran will have the bomb sooner rather than later thanks to Obumbler and Kerry. I am sorry certain liberals are so easily misled by their fellow liberals. There is a gradient to how vile they are. The ones that mislead the others are perhaps the lowest form of liberal.

All that said, the worst Republican contender is still vastly superior to the incumbent or ANY Democrat Parody possible opponent.

Democratics hate Carson because he's black WHILE failing to be a mindless sheep liberal. Or, as Shrillary might put it to Dr. Carson: "Get the fuck back on that plantation!"

Democratics hate Trump for similar reason. Yep. It, too, is largely race-based. The modern Day Democratic is a race-conscious, race baiting racist.
  • Thanks
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Apparently 3 out 4 conservatives hate Carson because he's black because they support someone else for the nomination.
Lies. ... that's all you ever have.... you racists are disgusting

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Obumbler IS a socialist. He DOES kinda dislike America. ACORN did expose some frauds and assholes on (and of) the left. ObumblerCare was predicated on a lie and hasn't helped costs of healthcare at all, and never will. Our national debt and deficit problems are enormous. Soros is not a Nazi but he is a fucking lowlife piece of crap. Iran will have the bomb sooner rather than later thanks to Obumbler and Kerry. I am sorry certain liberals are so easily misled by their fellow liberals. There is a gradient to how vile they are. The ones that mislead the others are perhaps the lowest form of liberal.

All that said, the worst Republican contender is still vastly superior to the incumbent or ANY Democrat Parody possible opponent.

Democratics hate Carson because he's black WHILE failing to be a mindless sheep liberal. Or, as Shrillary might put it to Dr. Carson: "Get the fuck back on that plantation!"

Democratics hate Trump for similar reason. Yep. It, too, is largely race-based. The modern Day Democratic is a race-conscious, race baiting racist.

Good meltdown. You may win today's prize.
Apparently 3 out 4 conservatives hate Carson because he's black because they support someone else for the nomination.
Lies. ... that's all you ever have.... you racists are disgusting

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Oh, I see. So claiming someone hates Carson because he's black must be a lie.

Good. Explain that to the OP.
Is that your sad attempt at turning the table racist? Do you forget that unlike you we have a brain.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Obumbler IS a socialist. He DOES kinda dislike America. ACORN did expose some frauds and assholes on (and of) the left. ObumblerCare was predicated on a lie and hasn't helped costs of healthcare at all, and never will. Our national debt and deficit problems are enormous. Soros is not a Nazi but he is a fucking lowlife piece of crap. Iran will have the bomb sooner rather than later thanks to Obumbler and Kerry. I am sorry certain liberals are so easily misled by their fellow liberals. There is a gradient to how vile they are. The ones that mislead the others are perhaps the lowest form of liberal.

All that said, the worst Republican contender is still vastly superior to the incumbent or ANY Democrat Parody possible opponent.

Democratics hate Carson because he's black WHILE failing to be a mindless sheep liberal. Or, as Shrillary might put it to Dr. Carson: "Get the fuck back on that plantation!"

Democratics hate Trump for similar reason. Yep. It, too, is largely race-based. The modern Day Democratic is a race-conscious, race baiting racist.

Good meltdown. You may win today's prize.

I knew a blockhead like you would remain too obtuse to get the first part. Fuck it. I'll now give your simplistic little mind a hint. Ready?

francofuckwit will understand it quicker than you can.

Until then, enjoy being a modern American liberal and Democrat Parody stalwart, you obviously racist pigdog..
I think liberals criticism of Republican racism stems not from their dislike of Obama's policies but rather labeling Obama as un-American and non-Christian. I know that's what I would use to bait a liberal.
Republican racism use to be overt now it's more subtle. He's not a Christian or an American is another way to say he's different than us.

Barack "Hussein" Obama
He is not a "real" American
We can't be sure he isn't a Muslim
Obama is "divisive"
He can't speak without a teleprompter

Racist? How can that be racist if we didn't call him n*gger?

Referring to Barack Hussein Obama as Barack Hussein Obama RACIST??
When he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii was not an American state.
He considers the Muslim braying to prayer the most beautiful sound, should one have any doubt that he is Muslim?
He, Himself declared America derisive and divisive during his apology tour in 2009.
Well, can he? And why is claiming that he can't - supported by his mumbling without one, every time - RACIST??

If anyone called him n*gger, it would not be any worse than calling GWB a shrub, monkey, chimpanzee or worse.

Here are some important responses. VERY important, to be totally candid:

* Referring to the Presidunce by his actual name is NOT racist.

* Hawaii WAS a state when Obumbler was born.

* If a politician makes some asshole claim like the Islamic call to prayer being a beautiful sound, that at most only means that he is a politician and thus likely a liar. That doesn't mean he's a Muslim.

* And using the "n" word on ANY person of color is racist talk and probably a fair clue as to a person's status AS a racist.

My mistake about Hawaii not being an American state when he was born there. Must be due to the impression he creates that he is an immature little boy and much younger than his years.

I am sick and tired of people bitching about the so called "N" word.

It is no more offensive than a German being called a kraut, an Italian a wop and a gangster, an Englishman a limey, a Jew a ****, a Mexican a wetback or an Arab a rag head. Just to mention a few examples of perfectly natural human reaction to something that is out of their accustomed position and place in life.

And don't cry to me about the "N" word being more worthy of pity, because of slavery. It is a proven fact that some "N"'s sold other "N"'s to white slave traders. It is also a fact that nothing held the "N"'s of Africa from developing their knowledge and go and do unto Europe and the white man what Europe and the white man did unto them. It is also a fact that while American slaves suffered for about 300 years, European WHITE serfs were suffering under far worse conditions for about a thousand years. So, when I hear descendants of those serfs bitch about the past as "N"'s bitch about the past, I will take notice and respect their indignation.

Demanding and HOLDING productive jobs instead of demanding reparations from innocents descendants of a wrongful past would go a long way to establish credibility for crybaby "N"'s. Getting off drugs and stop killing cops would also help.

And, for Christ's sake get better spokesman than Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan. Or Barack Hussein Obama.
Apparently 3 out 4 conservatives hate Carson because he's black because they support someone else for the nomination.
Lies. ... that's all you ever have.... you racists are disgusting

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Oh, I see. So claiming someone hates Carson because he's black must be a lie.

Good. Explain that to the OP.
Is that your sad attempt at turning the table racist? Do you forget that unlike you we have a brain.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Why is he such a racist? I'm glad that we are better than him.
Apparently 3 out 4 conservatives hate Carson because he's black because they support someone else for the nomination.

That is like saying that 6 out 10 Democrats hate Hillary because she is a female, and they support someone else for the nomination..

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