Democrats hate Carson because he is black

Wow. Have you read any of this thread? Any?
Yes. Why? I'm also familiar with actual GOP POLICY and why it's killing everyone but the megarich.

obamas policies- most on food stamps, unemployed, blacks worse off, middle class worse off, etc...
It's another Pub depression and continued Reaganism that cause all this DUH. see sig.

every day this loser comes here to confirm the Left is so inept they still blame their failures on riht-wingers that left office more than 30 years ago, even dead ones

idiots and hypocrites
No, their policies, defended to the death by greedy idiot Pubs and their silly dupes like you.

there you go again loser. you just arent man enough to admit what your posts are actually saying.

we arent in charge idiot; you guys are. it is what it is: PROGRESSIVE FAILURE

and only a hater-dupe left-wing loser is too much of a coward to admit basic realities
Yes. Why? I'm also familiar with actual GOP POLICY and why it's killing everyone but the megarich.

obamas policies- most on food stamps, unemployed, blacks worse off, middle class worse off, etc...
It's another Pub depression and continued Reaganism that cause all this DUH. see sig.

every day this loser comes here to confirm the Left is so inept they still blame their failures on riht-wingers that left office more than 30 years ago, even dead ones

idiots and hypocrites
No, their policies, defended to the death by greedy idiot Pubs and their silly dupes like you.

there you go again loser. you just arent man enough to admit what your posts are actually saying.

we arent in charge idiot; you guys are. it is what it is: PROGRESSIVE FAILURE

and only a hater-dupe left-wing loser is too much of a coward to admit basic realities
Bring back real filibusters and end GOP inspired disfunction. They just love the ruin of the country, as long as the rich and giant corps can freeload. You're an idiot, btw.
obamas policies- most on food stamps, unemployed, blacks worse off, middle class worse off, etc...
It's another Pub depression and continued Reaganism that cause all this DUH. see sig.

every day this loser comes here to confirm the Left is so inept they still blame their failures on riht-wingers that left office more than 30 years ago, even dead ones

idiots and hypocrites
No, their policies, defended to the death by greedy idiot Pubs and their silly dupes like you.

there you go again loser. you just arent man enough to admit what your posts are actually saying.

we arent in charge idiot; you guys are. it is what it is: PROGRESSIVE FAILURE

and only a hater-dupe left-wing loser is too much of a coward to admit basic realities
Bring back real filibusters and end GOP inspired disfunction. They just love the ruin of the country, as long as the rich and giant corps can freeload. You're an idiot, btw.

you just cant help yourself nutjob; virtually all your posts are crybaby whines about how people you call idiots keep stealing your lunch money!1

what a complete moron!!
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! MOMMY MOMMY mean ol "hater-dupes" always get the best of me!!!!!
Ben Carson could not possibly survive a debate against any of the Democratic candidates.

There is a big difference between debating other "so called" conservatives, and debating one other person, from the opposing party.

Neither Carson, no Trump, will be the candidate.

If they are...4-8 more years of a Democratic President causing the Republican dominated Congress do nothing because it might make the Democratic President look good.

Just curious....after the goddamned mess George W. Bush made of everything how in the name of goodness can any of you asswipes bad mouth the Democrat party? Obama assumed an unemployment rate of 7.1 percent with the economy bleeding over 120,000 jobs a month, two hot wars being funded with emergency spending bills and troops dying every week. The stock market had just bled off about half it's value. That doesn't mention him having to hand nearly $800 billion of taxpayer's(borrowed) money to the most powerful financial institutions in the world to prevent an all out 1930's type depression. Now the wars have been cooled down, unemployment is at 5.1%, we've had 66 consecutive months of job growth, the stock market has doubled while Obama has been the smallest spender in decades. I know what it bastards are jealous because he has a better tan than Boehner.
How is it you guys buy that bullshit? All of what you posted is a lie .

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I'm still waiting for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to tell me exactly what I said that was "racist." I ain't holding my breath.
And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racist anyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're still being defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad.
History makes this thread easy and democrats more defensive. We must all remember that the very things democrats accused conservatives of are things that party did. So they are extra sensitive to this sort of thing

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The self-congratulating circle jerk among you retards is impressive.

Poster 1 says something outlandish about liberals.
Poster 2 takes issue with it.
Poster 3 accuses Poster 2 of being "defensive" for taking issue with it.

Keep up the Mutual Ejaculation Society. It's a pleasure to watch and laugh at.
Crack a History book retard

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Last edited:
I'm still waiting for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to tell me exactly what I said that was "racist." I ain't holding my breath.
And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racist anyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're still being defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad.
History makes this thread easy and democrats more defensive. We must all remember that the very things democrats accused conservatives of are things that party did. So they are extra sensitive to this sort of thing

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The self-congratulating circle jerk among you retards is impressive.

Poster 1 says something outlandish about liberals.
Poster 2 takes issue with it.
Poster 3 accuses Poster 2 of being "defensive" for taking issue with it.

Keep up the Mutual Ejaculation Society. It's a pleasure to watch and laugh at.

you're telling us it brings you pleasure to watch people you say are masturbating?
so are you pleasuring yourself while doing so?
nevermind; i'm sure the irony of the moronic stupidity you posted is lost on your arrogance.

but whatever idiot; i'm just wondering if you apply the same logic to every unsupported "outlandish" charge of racism and hatred leveled at the Right by the Left

idiots and hypocrites
One thing I've noticed. You people seldom show examples. Instead you just squirt know, like Fox News.

Here, this took me seconds to google.

John Hawkins - 15 Moronic Things Liberals Call Racism Since Obama Was Elected

Of them all, this is my favorite.

"13) Republicans trying to keep Obama from being reelected:"Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party….Their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What’s, what does that, what underlines that? ‘Screw the country. We’re going to (do) whatever we (can) do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.’… It is a racist thing." -- Morgan Freeman"

Because of course, if the President wasn't black, republicans wouldn't be trying to win the election....


But they are all worth reading.

It doesn't make a lot of difference what the Republicans say or do. The fact of the matter is that they've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. After Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Gays, Lesbians and the young people show up and vote they'll more than likely never win another one.

then why is hillary losing to several Republican candidates in head to head polls?????

idiots and hypocrites

The only poll which counts is when folks enter the booth and pull the levers. You folks will never win another presidential election. When your party declared this bullshit they sealed their own fate:

making a fool of yourself with spoon-fed charts and graphs just isnt enough for you; now you want to make moronic predictions when nearly every republican in the race is ahead of hillary in head to head polls,.

you have no idea what will happen, just another left-wing loser talking out his ass

Are you nuts??? We've repeatedly kicked your ass big time in presidential elections and in 2016 it will be no different. The Republican party will never win another white house. They've lost the popular vote in five of the last six national elections and when Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders, young people and most women show up and vote you're beaten. Live With It!!
Pretending racism isn't rampant in the DNC is being blind. What do you think is behind the paternalistic contempt displayed by so many democrats whose attitudes reflect an unshakable belief that black Americans simply can't compete with white Americans?
Upside down and backwards bs.
So, no substantive response?
Helping the poor and minorities who are discriminated against by hypocrite lying Pubs and their hater dupes is racist? You are out of your mind.
Lowering requirements for jobs or advanced education is paternalistic contempt that ultimately harms the applicant who ends up trying to do something he/she is not prepared to do and fails, sort of like giving short white guys an extra 4 or 5 inches in height when they try out for an NBA team.
Like Carson lol?Only because of the racists who believe that and hold it against them even if they DIDN'T get affirmative action etc. They always find something anyway.
There are always exceptions that succeed no matter the obstacles placed in their way, whether those obstacles be overt racist opposition or covert racial contempt. Like I said, lowering requirements is paternalistic contempt.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

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No, it's more about the batshit-crazy thing.

and it's not hate, it's more disgust mixed with fear.

Good God, that man is a DOCTOR??
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

No, it's more about the batshit-crazy thing.

and it's not hate, it's more disgust mixed with fear.

Good God, that man is a DOCTOR??

this is from an idiot that supports the Party with "reverends" who shout "GOD DAMNS AMERICA!!" from the pulpit, father love children, and another Reverend who leads marchers who shout FOR THE DEATHS OF POLICE.

comical stuff

Upside down and backwards bs.
So, no substantive response?
Helping the poor and minorities who are discriminated against by hypocrite lying Pubs and their hater dupes is racist? You are out of your mind.
Lowering requirements for jobs or advanced education is paternalistic contempt that ultimately harms the applicant who ends up trying to do something he/she is not prepared to do and fails, sort of like giving short white guys an extra 4 or 5 inches in height when they try out for an NBA team.
Like Carson lol?Only because of the racists who believe that and hold it against them even if they DIDN'T get affirmative action etc. They always find something anyway.
There are always exceptions that succeed no matter the obstacles placed in their way, whether those obstacles be overt racist opposition or covert racial contempt. Like I said, lowering requirements is paternalistic contempt.
If a group has any opposition, they should be helped. A disgrace.
So, no substantive response?
Helping the poor and minorities who are discriminated against by hypocrite lying Pubs and their hater dupes is racist? You are out of your mind.
Lowering requirements for jobs or advanced education is paternalistic contempt that ultimately harms the applicant who ends up trying to do something he/she is not prepared to do and fails, sort of like giving short white guys an extra 4 or 5 inches in height when they try out for an NBA team.
Like Carson lol?Only because of the racists who believe that and hold it against them even if they DIDN'T get affirmative action etc. They always find something anyway.
There are always exceptions that succeed no matter the obstacles placed in their way, whether those obstacles be overt racist opposition or covert racial contempt. Like I said, lowering requirements is paternalistic contempt.
If a group has any opposition, they should be helped. A disgrace.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

No, it's more about the batshit-crazy thing.

and it's not hate, it's more disgust mixed with fear.

Good God, that man is a DOCTOR??

Carson's single mother had food stamps, section 8, welfare, he got affirmative action, grants, scholarships, etc etc etc programs cut back by Pubs since, and now wants to pull up the ladder for those following. PUHLEEZE run him! Pompous bought off ignorant out of touch a-hole.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

No, it's more about the batshit-crazy thing.

and it's not hate, it's more disgust mixed with fear.

Good God, that man is a DOCTOR??

Idiot brainwashed functional moron. GOPer, so 50% chance actual racist.
Carson's single mother had food stamps, section 8, welfare, he got affirmative action, grants, scholarships, etc etc etc programs cut back by Pubs since, and now wants to pull up the ladder for those following. PUHLEEZE run him! Pompous bought off ignorant out of touch a-hole.

Food stamps have grown to ridiculous levels, section 8 is a hellish nightmare, affirmative actions is nothing but anti-white discrimination.

Nothing but thin rationalizations for your racism.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

No, it's more about the batshit-crazy thing.

and it's not hate, it's more disgust mixed with fear.

Good God, that man is a DOCTOR??

Idiot brainwashed functional moron. GOPer, so 50% chance actual racist.

i'm not the one hating Ben Carson just because he is black, that's you, you racist.

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