Democrats hate Carson because he is black

This thread has been hilarious - so many regressive leftists who don't realize what the point is.

"Me? A racist? No way! Prove it! I'm not a racist!"

The irony here is just off the freaking charts. I really thought they'd get it.

I have often said that liberals have the self awareness of a turnip.

They are really proving it in this thread.
Yup, helping the discriminated against poor and minorities is selfish and racist.

Wow. Have you read any of this thread? Any?
Yes. Why? I'm also familiar with actual GOP POLICY and why it's killing everyone but the megarich.

obamas policies- most on food stamps, unemployed, blacks worse off, middle class worse off, etc...
I'm still waiting for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to tell me exactly what I said that was "racist." I ain't holding my breath.
And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racist anyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're still being defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad.

Beautifully presented.

But they just can't see it. Because that would require having some self awareness of their actions, AND some empathy.

Both completely beyond them.
Ah, so this is some sociological project to make the liberals FEEL BAD for ever saying a conservative could be racist when they called Obama a jigaboo. Gotcha.
The humor is that there has been no racism or evidence of racism in this thread. You guys have failed big time and you are pathetic.
And you STILL don't get it.

ZOOM. Right over your head.

No, I understand the intention, but it was a failed thread.
The intention was to stick it to the libby lib libtards for ever insinuating that a conservative could have ever said anything racist ever, by taking any distaste of Carson and calling it racist, because FUCK YOU LIBTARD THAT'S WHY.

What a bunch of intellectually stunted shitbags the conservatives who infest this forum are. Utterly worthless in any sort of debate that isn't a mutual blowjob contest.
I'm still waiting for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to tell me exactly what I said that was "racist." I ain't holding my breath.
And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racist anyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're still being defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad.

Beautifully presented.

But they just can't see it. Because that would require having some self awareness of their actions, AND some empathy.

Both completely beyond them.
Yeah, it was "beautifully presented" in the same way a mandrill's red ass is "beautifully presented." Meant to stimulate the brainless masses that love it (that's you, Correll!), but utterly meaningless to any sort of advanced primate.
I'm still waiting for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to tell me exactly what I said that was "racist." I ain't holding my breath.
And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racist anyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're still being defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad.
History makes this thread easy and democrats more defensive. We must all remember that the very things democrats accused conservatives of are things that party did. So they are extra sensitive to this sort of thing

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The self-congratulating circle jerk among you retards is impressive.

Poster 1 says something outlandish about liberals.
Poster 2 takes issue with it.
Poster 3 accuses Poster 2 of being "defensive" for taking issue with it.

Keep up the Mutual Ejaculation Society. It's a pleasure to watch and laugh at.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

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They hate him because he is a successful, independent, intelligent, conservative black. A self made success. Such a person cannot exist in the opinion of Libtards.
Oh, fuck you. To prove this little fantasy you assholes have created about the whole Democrat Plantation and all that, you'd have to show that liberals play nice with white conservatives who say the same kind of idiotic things Carson does. Go ahead and show me that.
This thread has been hilarious - so many regressive leftists who don't realize what the point is.

"Me? A racist? No way! Prove it! I'm not a racist!"

The irony here is just off the freaking charts. I really thought they'd get it.

I have often said that liberals have the self awareness of a turnip.

They are really proving it in this thread.
Yup, helping the discriminated against poor and minorities is selfish and racist.

Wow. Have you read any of this thread? Any?
Yes. Why? I'm also familiar with actual GOP POLICY and why it's killing everyone but the megarich.

obamas policies- most on food stamps, unemployed, blacks worse off, middle class worse off, etc...

Bullshit! Any thing you mentioned was worse under Bush:


I'm still waiting for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to tell me exactly what I said that was "racist." I ain't holding my breath.
And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racist anyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're still being defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad.

Beautifully presented.

But they just can't see it. Because that would require having some self awareness of their actions, AND some empathy.

Both completely beyond them.
Ah, so this is some sociological project to make the liberals FEEL BAD for ever saying a conservative could be racist when they called Obama a jigaboo. Gotcha.

Good, good, that's the first baby step.

Why are you so afraid to be honest about what this thread is about?

Surely you can be honest about it and then just disagree with it's point?

Unless you think that honestly facing Mac's point will destroy your world view.

Here to help you some on the next step, some of MAC's words.

"Ready? Here we go:

And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racistanyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're stillbeing defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad."
I'm still waiting for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to tell me exactly what I said that was "racist." I ain't holding my breath.
And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racist anyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're still being defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad.

Beautifully presented.

But they just can't see it. Because that would require having some self awareness of their actions, AND some empathy.

Both completely beyond them.
Yeah, it was "beautifully presented" in the same way a mandrill's red ass is "beautifully presented." Meant to stimulate the brainless masses that love it (that's you, Correll!), but utterly meaningless to any sort of advanced primate.

You lefties are hypersensitive to racism.

You don't realize how often you get a false positive.

Here is a small but extreme example.

Controversies about the word "niggardly" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have often said that liberals have the self awareness of a turnip.

They are really proving it in this thread.
Yup, helping the discriminated against poor and minorities is selfish and racist.

Wow. Have you read any of this thread? Any?
Yes. Why? I'm also familiar with actual GOP POLICY and why it's killing everyone but the megarich.

obamas policies- most on food stamps, unemployed, blacks worse off, middle class worse off, etc...

Bullshit! Any thing you mentioned was worse under Bush:



Differences in policy is not what this thread is about.

This thread is about the difficulty of discussing policy because of your lib constant use of false accusations of racism.
Yup, helping the discriminated against poor and minorities is selfish and racist.

Wow. Have you read any of this thread? Any?
Yes. Why? I'm also familiar with actual GOP POLICY and why it's killing everyone but the megarich.

obamas policies- most on food stamps, unemployed, blacks worse off, middle class worse off, etc...

Bullshit! Any thing you mentioned was worse under Bush:



Differences in policy is not what this thread is about.

This thread is about the difficulty of discussing policy because of your lib constant use of false accusations of racism.

One thing I've noticed. You people seldom show examples. Instead you just squirt know, like Fox News.
Wow. Have you read any of this thread? Any?
Yes. Why? I'm also familiar with actual GOP POLICY and why it's killing everyone but the megarich.

obamas policies- most on food stamps, unemployed, blacks worse off, middle class worse off, etc...

Bullshit! Any thing you mentioned was worse under Bush:



Differences in policy is not what this thread is about.

This thread is about the difficulty of discussing policy because of your lib constant use of false accusations of racism.

One thing I've noticed. You people seldom show examples. Instead you just squirt know, like Fox News.

Here, this took me seconds to google.

John Hawkins - 15 Moronic Things Liberals Call Racism Since Obama Was Elected

Of them all, this is my favorite.

"13) Republicans trying to keep Obama from being reelected:"Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party….Their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What’s, what does that, what underlines that? ‘Screw the country. We’re going to (do) whatever we (can) do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.’… It is a racist thing." -- Morgan Freeman"

Because of course, if the President wasn't black, republicans wouldn't be trying to win the election....


But they are all worth reading.
Yes. Why? I'm also familiar with actual GOP POLICY and why it's killing everyone but the megarich.

obamas policies- most on food stamps, unemployed, blacks worse off, middle class worse off, etc...

Bullshit! Any thing you mentioned was worse under Bush:



Differences in policy is not what this thread is about.

This thread is about the difficulty of discussing policy because of your lib constant use of false accusations of racism.

One thing I've noticed. You people seldom show examples. Instead you just squirt know, like Fox News.

Here, this took me seconds to google.

John Hawkins - 15 Moronic Things Liberals Call Racism Since Obama Was Elected

Of them all, this is my favorite.

"13) Republicans trying to keep Obama from being reelected:"Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party….Their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What’s, what does that, what underlines that? ‘Screw the country. We’re going to (do) whatever we (can) do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.’… It is a racist thing." -- Morgan Freeman"

Because of course, if the President wasn't black, republicans wouldn't be trying to win the election....


But they are all worth reading.

It doesn't make a lot of difference what the Republicans say or do. The fact of the matter is that they've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. After Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Gays, Lesbians and the young people show up and vote they'll more than likely never win another one.
Wow. Have you read any of this thread? Any?
Yes. Why? I'm also familiar with actual GOP POLICY and why it's killing everyone but the megarich.

obamas policies- most on food stamps, unemployed, blacks worse off, middle class worse off, etc...

Bullshit! Any thing you mentioned was worse under Bush:



Differences in policy is not what this thread is about.

This thread is about the difficulty of discussing policy because of your lib constant use of false accusations of racism.

One thing I've noticed. You people seldom show examples. Instead you just squirt know, like Fox News.

so typial of you mindless idiots on the Left to come with charts and graphs that are meaningless. for example your chart about how the deficit has been cut in half since 2009. You DO realize that you are talking about a period where Democrats held the budget purse strings and wrote the budgets you're trying to brag we've come down from???
obamas policies- most on food stamps, unemployed, blacks worse off, middle class worse off, etc...

Bullshit! Any thing you mentioned was worse under Bush:



Differences in policy is not what this thread is about.

This thread is about the difficulty of discussing policy because of your lib constant use of false accusations of racism.

One thing I've noticed. You people seldom show examples. Instead you just squirt know, like Fox News.

Here, this took me seconds to google.

John Hawkins - 15 Moronic Things Liberals Call Racism Since Obama Was Elected

Of them all, this is my favorite.

"13) Republicans trying to keep Obama from being reelected:"Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party….Their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What’s, what does that, what underlines that? ‘Screw the country. We’re going to (do) whatever we (can) do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.’… It is a racist thing." -- Morgan Freeman"

Because of course, if the President wasn't black, republicans wouldn't be trying to win the election....


But they are all worth reading.

It doesn't make a lot of difference what the Republicans say or do. The fact of the matter is that they've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. After Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Gays, Lesbians and the young people show up and vote they'll more than likely never win another one.

then why is hillary losing to several Republican candidates in head to head polls?????

idiots and hypocrites
if the Left merely disagreed with Ben Carson's politics there is no need for the race-specific slurs of "token, sellout, Uncle Tom...etc"

idiots and hypocrites
I'm still waiting for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to tell me exactly what I said that was "racist." I ain't holding my breath.
And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racist anyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're still being defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad.

Beautifully presented.

But they just can't see it. Because that would require having some self awareness of their actions, AND some empathy.

Both completely beyond them.
Ah, so this is some sociological project to make the liberals FEEL BAD for ever saying a conservative could be racist when they called Obama a jigaboo. Gotcha.

Good, good, that's the first baby step.

Why are you so afraid to be honest about what this thread is about?

Surely you can be honest about it and then just disagree with it's point?

Unless you think that honestly facing Mac's point will destroy your world view.

Here to help you some on the next step, some of MAC's words.

"Ready? Here we go:

And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racistanyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're stillbeing defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad."
It's gone right by them.

And their denials are obviously lies, because there are many posts in which they got defensive and denied being racist. Many.

They completely fell for it. Completely. This has been a fascinating little study.
Last edited:
I'm still waiting for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to tell me exactly what I said that was "racist." I ain't holding my breath.
And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racist anyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're still being defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad.

Beautifully presented.

But they just can't see it. Because that would require having some self awareness of their actions, AND some empathy.

Both completely beyond them.
Ah, so this is some sociological project to make the liberals FEEL BAD for ever saying a conservative could be racist when they called Obama a jigaboo. Gotcha.

Good, good, that's the first baby step.

Why are you so afraid to be honest about what this thread is about?

Surely you can be honest about it and then just disagree with it's point?

Unless you think that honestly facing Mac's point will destroy your world view.

Here to help you some on the next step, some of MAC's words.

"Ready? Here we go:

And you still aren't getting it. You didn't say anything racist yet you were called a racistanyway. Get it? Get it? Get it?

You insult the intelligence of others with "two brain cells to rub together" yet you're stillbeing defensive and I still have to e-x-p-l-a-i-n this to you.

Not so much fun, is it? Pretty crappy having people dishonestly divert the conversation with "you're just a racist" when it's not true, isn't it?

That word "racist" is a pretty nasty accusation, isn't it? It really is counter-productive to the conversation, isn't it?

God damn, yet another time I have to explain this. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad."

I was born in 1934. I've lived among racists all my life. The biggest difference now when compared to 50 years ago is that racists don't talk about it.....they're still there. Maybe not quite as many but they're still there.

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