Democrats hate Russia now, but they were in love with the Soviet Union...

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...when it was an aggressive, Empire-building Communist country.

Basically, during the Cold War, Democrats acted like traitors.

Makes their accusations against Trump ring hollow.

Q. Are you nuts?

[Do you want others to believe JFK's blockade of Cuba was an act of treason?]

A. Either you are ignorant, born after 1968, or a damn liar.
...when it was an aggressive, Empire-building Communist country.

Basically, during the Cold War, Democrats acted like traitors.

Makes their accusations against Trump ring hollow.
Provide us with some examples

They sold the atomic bomb to the Soviets. The leftist Communists had infiltrated the State Department and were spying for the Soviet Union in the 1950s, as well as before and after. This has been confirmed after the fall off the Soviet Union and the release of documents. One of America's greatest heroes, Joe McCarthy, was harassed to the point of ruining his life when he shed light on the subject.

Leftists on American campuses to this day parade around with Soviet flags when protesting Capitalism and Karl Marx is one of the most commonly read economists in American colleges.

The left loves

The left hates

The left is praying that Putin will fail and Russia will be overthrown by Communists.
Commercial Russia has cool online stuff now, I wasn't sure if you guys noticed it. Lot of Chernobyl-like PC games, STALKER. Ya they got tons of cool stuff, whatd the Iron Curtain make, anyway?
Can anyone name just ONE prominent Democrat who was in love with the Soviet Union? I'm 72, and I've never met or known ANYONE who was in love with the Soviet Union. Does anyone remember the duck and cover drills? I sure do. The OP is either ignorant of history - or just ignorant.

How 'Duck-and-Cover' Drills Channeled America's Cold War Anxiety

Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union and hung the Soviet flag in his office when he was the mayor of a city in the 1980s.

Bernie Sanders - KeyWiki

"Sanders hung the Soviet flag in the mayoral office in Burlington, to honor the city's Soviet sister city Yaroslav."

Can anyone name just ONE prominent Democrat who was in love with the Soviet Union? I'm 72, and I've never met or known ANYONE who was in love with the Soviet Union. Does anyone remember the duck and cover drills? I sure do. The OP is either ignorant of history - or just ignorant.

How 'Duck-and-Cover' Drills Channeled America's Cold War Anxiety

Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union and hung the Soviet flag in his office when he was the mayor of a city in the 1980s.

Bernie Sanders - KeyWiki

"Sanders hung the Soviet flag in the mayoral office in Burlington, to honor the city's Soviet sister city Yaroslav."


Sanders? He was and still is an Independent - who is now running for president as a Democrat. How could any sane person judge Democrats by Sanders? Look at his political history. BTW, Sanders wasn't exactly prominent during the days of the Soviet Union - and he sure as hell wasn't a Democrat.

Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia
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Can anyone name just ONE prominent Democrat who was in love with the Soviet Union? I'm 72, and I've never met or known ANYONE who was in love with the Soviet Union. Does anyone remember the duck and cover drills? I sure do. The OP is either ignorant of history - or just ignorant.

How 'Duck-and-Cover' Drills Channeled America's Cold War Anxiety

Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union and hung the Soviet flag in his office when he was the mayor of a city in the 1980s.

Bernie Sanders - KeyWiki

"Sanders hung the Soviet flag in the mayoral office in Burlington, to honor the city's Soviet sister city Yaroslav."


Sanders? He was and still is an Independent - who is now running for president as a Democrat. How could any sane person judge Democrats by Sanders? Look at his political history. BTW, Sanders wasn't exactly prominent during the days of the Soviet Union - and he sure as hell wasn't a Democrat.

Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia

Bernie Sanders won 43% of the popular vote in the 2016 Democrat Primary despite the DNC rigging it and he is still pitching the same Communist, I mean "Democratic Socialist" line.
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...when it was an aggressive, Empire-building Communist country.

Basically, during the Cold War, Democrats acted like traitors.

Makes their accusations against Trump ring hollow.
You mean like when Democrat JFK forced the Russians out of Cuba?

Where was all that love you just invented?
...when it was an aggressive, Empire-building Communist country.

Basically, during the Cold War, Democrats acted like traitors.

Makes their accusations against Trump ring hollow.

And conservatives love Russia now when they hated it before.

Isn't it just a topsy-turvey world?
...when it was an aggressive, Empire-building Communist country.

Basically, during the Cold War, Democrats acted like traitors.

Makes their accusations against Trump ring hollow.
Provide us with some examples

They sold the atomic bomb to the Soviets. The leftist Communists had infiltrated the State Department and were spying for the Soviet Union in the 1950s, as well as before and after. This has been confirmed after the fall off the Soviet Union and the release of documents. One of America's greatest heroes, Joe McCarthy, was harassed to the point of ruining his life when he shed light on the subject.

Leftists on American campuses to this day parade around with Soviet flags when protesting Capitalism and Karl Marx is one of the most commonly read economists in American colleges.

The left loves

The left hates

The left is praying that Putin will fail and Russia will be overthrown by Communists.
Joe was a fraud who wanted to make hollywood void so he and his kind, fascists, could make propaganda movies to move America into war with the USSR,
The OP has a habit of abandoning threads and creating bar fights like this one.. Got way too personal. No one putting in the effort to actually DISCUSS the topic... Deleting 12. Writing some warnings and closing.
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