Democrats hate the US Constitution because it puts checks/restrictions on their power, says Levin

That's you vomiting out a hating point from a leftist hate site.

A carefully edited snippet devoid of context that is STILL principally true.

You are a Nazi - you have zero loyalty to America or the Constitution - you serve only your Reich - fact.

The 'hated point' being a direct quote of Trump's own post on his own social network?

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

Deny all you like, all I have to do is quote Trump....and your obsequious excuse making collapses. All you demonstrate are the servile lengths you'll go to try and defend the call to terminate the constitution.

In any attempt toward authoritarism, there are *always* collaborators like Uncensored.
The 'hated point' being a direct quote of Trump's own post on his own social network?

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

Deny all you like, all I have to do is quote Trump....and your obsequious excuse making collapses. All you demonstrate are the servile lengths you'll go to try and defend the call to terminate the constitution.

In any attempt toward authoritarism, there are *always* collaborators like Uncensored.

But not the WHOLE post, now is it?

Yet it's STILL principally true.

You Nazis corrupt our election.
But not the WHOLE post, now is it?

Yet it's STILL principally true.

You Nazis corrupt our election.

Feel free to quote the parts of his post that excuse his call to terminate the constitution:

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

You can't. No such passage exists. Trump called for the termination of the constitution. And you're still trying to make excuses for him, rather than condemn him as any patriot would.

In any descent into authoritarianism, there are *always* collaborators like you.
Feel free to quote the parts of his post that excuse his call to terminate the constitution:

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

You can't. No such passage exists. Trump called for the termination of the constitution. And you're still trying to make excuses for him, rather than condemn him as any patriot would.

In any descent into authoritarianism, there are *always* collaborators like you.

Nazi please.

There is nothing to excuse.

The STASI attack our election system, undermining the legitimacy of the election - hence the rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution have already been terminated - by you.
Nazi please.

There is nothing to excuse.

The STASI attack our election system, undermining the legitimacy of the election - hence the rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution have already been terminated - by you.

And now we're getting into the nitty gritty of Trump's supporters: Trump's supporters BACK Trump's call to terminate the constitution.

So much for your imaginary 'reverence' for the Constitution. You'll terminate it as quickly as with as little thought as you tried to do with election results.

No thank you, seditionist. I trust the election results far more than your desire to terminate the constitution or ignore election results.
Oh, terminating the constitution is definitely sedition. And supporting sedition makes you a seditionist.
I still haven’t seen anyone accepts the Trump comment about terminating the Constitution.

Even Trump backpeddled.

No sedition. No seditionists.
Simply stated, you’re fully wrong.
And now we're getting into the nitty gritty of Trump's supporters: Trump's supporters BACK Trump's call to terminate the constitution.

So much for your imaginary 'reverence' for the Constitution. You'll terminate it as quickly as with as little thought as you tried to do with election results.

No thank you, seditionist. I trust the election results far more than your desire to terminate the constitution or ignore election results.
Trump spoke a a specific condition in a specific circumstance where you Nazis had ALREADY subverted the Consitution.

I'll prove it:

"Chris Wray should be indicted TODAY and spend the rest of his life in prison for corrupting the 2020 election."


Of course not, you live for your Reich - you ONLY care about your Reich.
I still haven’t seen anyone accepts the Trump comment about terminating the Constitution.

Even Trump backpeddled.

No sedition. No seditionists.
Simply stated, you’re fully wrong.

Really? Uncensored said that Trump had nothing to apologize for making this statement:

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

And of course, your ilk still eagerly support Trump and would vote for him if he wins the 2024 nomination. Demonstrating that your imaginary 'reverence for the Constitution' was always the same meaningless shell as your ilk's lip service to 'freedom' or 'transparency' or 'family values'.

Just an empty talking point by conservative authoritarians to convince rubes to surrender their liberty. Even when conservatives are calling for the termination of the constitution.

This is interesting... It does bug me that he has a picture of Lincoln in the background, though. Lincoln violated the Constitution over and over and was a tyrant.. Does Levin not know that?

A lot of people don't know it. I didn't know it until I read a book called (I believe) The Facts [or the Truth] About Lincoln but the book was full of facts and (factual) history. It cannot be ignored that
he went against the Constitution. The South had a right to secede.. the states came together and made the federal govt.. not the other way around. If the states can vote to become part of the US, then the states can take themselves out as well..

Actually, it's little wonder the Dims have their "Lincoln Project" to stop Trump and other conservatives. They tried to deceive people by calling themselves the Lincoln Project.. knowing most people do not know about L's tyranny. The libs are the worst kind of lawless tyrants themselves.
If Levin told me that Night as dark and Day was light, I'd get a Second Opinion... :cool:
Really? Uncensored said that Trump had nothing to apologize for making this statement:

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

You just cited one member of this board. You’re up to “one.” Find some now who don’t represent a small minority. Otherwise, it ought to be noticed that you can’t.
And of course, your ilk still eagerly support Trump and would vote for him if he wins the 2024 nomination.
I can disagree with one stupid comment of by any candidate. I would note that he backpedaled. For good reason. What he said was stupid.
Demonstrating that your imaginary 'reverence for the Constitution' was always the same meaningless shell as your ilk's lip service to 'freedom' or 'transparency' or 'family values'.

Just an empty talking point by conservative authoritarians to convince rubes to surrender their liberty. Even when conservatives are calling for the termination of the constitution.
You are tragically confused. But mostly, you’re truly talking gibberish.
If Levin told me that Night as dark and Day was light, I'd get a Second Opinion... :cool:

If MSNBC told you staring at the sun would give power to your party - you'd burn your retinas out.

You might be stupid, but at least you're a complete hack.
M. Levin, brilliant as always.

If our leaders, dem and rep. alike, had half the intellect as Levin, we'd be a hell of a lot better off.


This is interesting... It does bug me that he has a picture of Lincoln in the background, though. Lincoln violated the Constitution over and over and was a tyrant.. Does Levin not know that?

A lot of people don't know it. I didn't know it until I read a book called (I believe) The Facts [or the Truth] About Lincoln but the book was full of facts and (factual) history. It cannot be ignored that
he went against the Constitution. The South had a right to secede.. the states came together and made the federal govt.. not the other way around. If the states can vote to become part of the US, then the states can take themselves out as well..

Actually, it's little wonder the Dims have their "Lincoln Project" to stop Trump and other conservatives. They tried to deceive people by calling themselves the Lincoln Project.. knowing most people do not know about L's tyranny. The libs are the worst kind of lawless tyrants themselves.
I would like to kick a few left wing crackpot states out of the union
If MSNBC told you staring at the sun would give power to your party - you'd burn your retinas out.
Nonsense. I watch MSNBC. And CNN. And Fox. And BBC. And NewsNation. And I don't trust MSNBC staffers to tie their own shoes.
You might be stupid, but at least you're a complete hack.
Why thank you... coming from an Orange Baboon-God worshipping Brown Shirt Red Capped moron like yourself, that's high praise indeed.

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