Democrats have learned NOTHING

That thread proves my point further.

Trump is hand tied by a Congress that is full of diverse opinions on how to deal with it so he's being pragmatic as that is likely his only choice.
Somehow that pragmatism is a problem I guess since you're so used to Obama and the Democratic party walking in lockstep.


congress had nothing to do with the article in the link I provrded.. NOTHING

You didn't read it. Lol.

For those that generally skip the crap Siete posts (most do because it is mindless crap), It is about the amount of time it is taking to replace Obamacare and Trumps renewed calls to repeal it.
For some reason he's under the impression that his thread overrides the millions of tweets, speeches & news stories that all focus on Donald the man and not Donald the president.
The ones regarding "policy" are barely distinguishable from the rest of drivel and hit pieces coming from the "media ". Considering most of the media is still throwing tantrums, if not outright calling for violence, I believe Trump has done reasonably well. As I stated several times, I wish someone would take away his twitter account. It was fine during the election cycle, but it is time to go now.
Jesus how long are cons going to delude themselves that Trump won by a landslide. He lost by almost 4 million votes. And he only won a couple key states by less than 1% because he tells great big whopping lies and tiny minority of people that were enough to sway an electoral count bought his bullshit. Since orange-turd has taken office he's lost all of those people and a lot of Republicans as well.

Almost 4 million people more voted for HRC than Trump derps. Go view his inauguration pics again. Crickets!

He weaseled his way in which for a town of weasels that is something for them to celebrate. That was a lifetime ago now. All the public except his deplorable racist alt-righties know he is utterly unfit to be president of the local dog catchers club, let alone the country. But you derps keep trying to spin it, it is sad but funny.

The flip side is how long are you loons going to harp on the popular vote

How long is Trump going to harp on the popular vote.
This might come as a shock to you, but I don't give a rat's ass if any politician cares about me. I reside in the real world where that touchy feely shit is irrelevant in politics and all that matter are results.

Thus far the results are inconclusive because Trump major policies have yet to be passed by Congress. Having said that I see no downturns in any aspect except for leftists maturity levels.

Exactly. He's needs to move away from tweeting and get on with running the country. He's like a little brat in a candy store. His ego is so huge, his skin so thin he is more worried about what Joey Scarborough is saying about him than running the country.

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