Democrats have ruined America

This is how real Americans talk to nasty communist trash.
You sound like a paranoid lunatic. Normal Americans don’t see communists everywhere.

You won't listen so I dont know why you posted this.

America is safer than it has been since 1960's (1965 to be exact). Violent crime is half of what it was in the 90's back when you guys werent worried about anything. Here is the deal. Most of the cities you listed are similarly safer than the 1990's and the post covid bump in crime is tiny compared to where we were. Now, serious question, why do you think those cities are worse off? They arent. In fact most have huge sections that have been "gentrified" aka carved out for the wealthy since the 90's and a bigger problem is affordability not safety. The fact is Fox news and its clones scream that it isnt safe so you believe it is not. Have some pride. Educate yourself on the risks that exist, not what you are conned into believing.

Sure Chicago has a gun crime problem that exists on the south side and central west. It is very localized and a result of easy access to midwestern states with lax gun laws and the spike in Opioid trade. HOWEVER... It is still safer in Chicago than 1974 - 2000. It has issues to address but people like you who think it is burning down are fainting goats.

Of all the cities you listed Baltimore is the only one not to have near half the crime rate of the 90's... its only about 30% lower.

Cities havent changed for the worse. Quite frankly you have.

Trump didnt have an answer for Immigration. He had a lot of tough words and a few cruel policies but as you can tell nothing was done. Certainly no standing legislation. Most of his actions were virtue signaling. He barred Muslim nations from sending people here temporarily - famously called them shit hole countries. He suspended "Protected Status" from Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Sudan, Nepal, and Honduras. Those are places of extreme danger that we offered refuge from. Implemented family separation as a deterrent until he couldnt defend it even to other republicans. But all in all it was simply a campaign around the edges to make asylum seekers suffer. No core improvements were ever done and obviously he didnt build a wall with Mexico's funding.

If republicans were serious about stopping drugs they vote to increase funding for port security. They wont because they dont want to stop the drug trade. They want it bad so they can blame brown skinned asylum seekers when the drugs come through the ports of entry.

Inflation is a result of the supply constrictions from the pandemic as we started to see it exactly when the country opened in early 2021. We faired way better than most western countries. This is just "shouting at the rain" by republicans. None of us like inflation but the fact is with a spike in demand and goods not flowing producers and resellers raised prices and raped America. That's capitalism. Profits have been historic. Look at Exxon, Home Depot, you name a company and they got their pound of flesh in profits. Prices have moderated with strong stable leadership over the past two years.

Here is the reality. The CPI is 7% higher than where it would have been without Covid. Wages are also about 7% higher than where they should be so if you look at REAL WAGES we are in the same spot we were in Q4 2019. You make more and you pay more. You are only looking at one side of the equation. Having said that there was no way Trump or Biden could have solved the supply chain issues without taking a few years. We are now seeing a complete return to normal inflation. You'll see gas go up just like always in the summer then back down.

If your solution to Russian aggression is to watch from the stands then you are in the minority. You are just being ridiculous. In one sentence you say get/stay out of Russian aggression and the next sentence you are baiting that you think we should do something about Chinese aggression with respect to Taiwan. You either love Russians or you are just looking for criticism so you can feel good about yourself. Russia and China aggression are real risks. Now China knows we wont make anything easy for them.

Athletic associations are free to regulate as they see fit. Government should stay the fuck out of it. I absolutely believe there are competitive fairness issues at play but this isnt a political or government issue. Lobby the governing bodies or start your own league but keep big government out.

Secondly, yes, we shrug at gay and trans issues. Not a big deal. If you dont want to listen to a trans person sell fucking beer, here is a tip... dont watch it. No one is making you or your kids gay by having interaction with gay and the infinitely small trans community. You know what else is weird? Thinking a guy died on a cross and then miraculously got up and walked around for 30 days before magically ascending to heaven. That is some weird shit... no one tries to make those Christian goons feel stupid for what they believe, at least not an organized party movement. And I am a weirdo Christian. So what?

Democrats want to enact strict gun control as a result of children being murdered in schools. The republicans offer zero shits. They offer thoughts and prayers and then protect gun rights. No one is taking guns from people's houses. Through the whole Obama administration the chant was "Obama's coming for my guns". No. It is another scare tactic to pull your strings. The republicans have every single idea to make guns more regulated as a slippery slope argument to banning guns. It's counter productive. At least the Democrats want to do something. The last time I cried was listening to the report about Sandy Hook. Fucking sadest thing I have ever heard. We have not done one thing to avoid another one.

Case is a case. He will beat it if it is weak. He has been skirting the financial and tax laws with aggressive moves for years. Trump University is a prime example of his grifting. Looks like he really did misreport this transaction to avoid paying with his own money. Maybe it is a valid point on the level of the charge but the actual charge looks pretty slam dunk with the CFO and lawyer pleading guilty and accusing Trump. Rich people get a very good odd of beating even a guilty charge.

This is a red herring. There is no party platform for reparations. I am in favor of free college education to African Americans for the next 20 years as a way to balance centries of injustices that we cant track to people specifically but can broadly point out the devastating affects it has had on the AA community. This is an issue to scare white people who have suddenly become the most fragile race of people.

Meh. The fucking real estate nightmare under Bush nearly took a decade to fix. As long as republicans dont eliminate regulations, again, we have a way to minimize the risk. The banks are strong... almost as healthy as they ever have been but it doesnt stop bad investing in a few. Frank-Dodd has kept it from going back to the disaster of the Bush years.

People want to make their own decisions and dont want assholes like Desantis, Trump, and you to tell them what they can do. If you dont like abortion dont get one. Republicans have gone absolutely power crazy and are overplaying their hand. They will get bitch slapped.

It is because all you do is consume media telling you how bad things are. The economy has been miraculous post covid but since it is not politically benefical to mention that as a conservative your world view is things suck. They dont. Your kids have more opportunity than ever.. did you even see the last jobs report?

You arent on a ledge. You are being told you are on a ledge with your eyes closed... OPEN THEM UP.

Youre Welcome.

Crime links
US crime since the 1960's
Real Wages
That’s just not true. Let’s tackle city safety. I traveled in those cities. No Fucking way are they safer now. Fuck you. The homeless, the lawlessness, the attacks on the subway. I did not read the rest of your drivel because it gives me joy to know you wasted time writing it and no one will read it. You lost all credibility stating they are safer now when I have been there firsthand then and now. I know what I see.
You are a big part of what’s wrong with the country.
You should look in the mirror when typing this. You cannot refute anything in my OP. Your response. “Turn off the news and social media”. Because me doing so will make San Fran safer and secure the southern border.
That’s just not true. Let’s tackle city safety. I traveled in those cities. No Fucking way are they safer now. Fuck you. The homeless, the lawlessness, the attacks on the subway. I did not read the rest of your drivel because it gives me joy to know you wasted time writing it and no one will read it. You lost all credibility stating they are safer now when I have been there firsthand then and now. I know what I see.
Well. There are statistics that show I am right about city safety and then their is your fucking small brain telling you to be scared and stay indoors. Do me a favor.... stay out of the world class cities the US has to offer and just jerk off in your little corner of stupidville.

As to the rest of your drivel I can see why you wouldnt want the bitch slap I gave you to be imprinted in your memory forever. I wouldnt either if I was you.
That makes absolutely no sense to any sane and rational person.
Really? Men competing women will leave women's sports without one biological women as a champion. It is what I say it is. You are just too dumb to realize it.
You should look in the mirror when typing this. You cannot refute anything in my OP. Your response. “Turn off the news and social media”. Because me doing so will make San Fran safer and secure the southern border.
You asked to be talked off a ledge, indicating you were approaching a suicidal level of despair.

The media is manipulating you into believing crazy things. People live just fine in cities. The border has little to do with fentanyl use. San Fran has plenty of problems but people are still paying over a million for two bedroom houses.

Calm down and get in touch with reality. The media is not feeding you reality. It’s manipulating your emotions.
For perspective on this thread. The Cuck OP started this thread. last year I offer it up with zero editing. This is exactly the thread he started about another man.

Well. There are statistics that show I am right about city safety and then their is your fucking small brain telling you to be scared and stay indoors. Do me a favor.... stay out of the world class cities the US has to offer and just jerk off in your little corner of stupidville.

As to the rest of your drivel I can see why you wouldnt want the bitch slap I gave you to be imprinted in your memory forever. I wouldnt either if I was you.
What statistics? You’re telling me San Fran is safer now than in 1996? What are you smoking?
What statistics? You’re telling me San Fran is safer now than in 1996? What are you smoking?
2019 was the lowest in 60 years. Its small rise since then is nowhere near the 90’s. It’s legitimately twice as dangerous to be in San Fran in the 90’s than today.

Any thoughts there or just insults coming?

You dumb leftist. Those cities aren’t safe.
Amazingly millions of people live in them....
I would never allow my kids there and neither would you.
I used to live not far from LA. You're just making a dumb comment. It's the only thing that you're good for or good at.
Flight time is a stupid item to list. Crime is off the charts, people are leaving in droves.
Yet the 405 is still bumper to bumper most of the time when I'm there. As is the 210.
Of course I can name my kids teachers. My wife is on school committee. She is outvoted by weirdo leftists, one has a trans kid. It’s everyone else’s fault he is mentally ill.
Really? Whose fault is it that you're mentally ill?
Nebraska? How about Florida or Tenn? And since when does no one care about Nebraska?
Nobody cares about Tennessee either. Florida is only marginally important because of globalization.
You won’t admit that the cities I mentioned are worse now than they were 15 yrs ago. Seattle too. You live in a weird fantasy world.
So...I guess you shouldn't move there?

You sound very angry, hostile, and generally pissed off. In other words, you're a typical conservative.
Amazingly millions of people live in them....

I used to live not far from LA. You're just making a dumb comment. It's the only thing that you're good for or good at.

Yet the 405 is still bumper to bumper most of the time when I'm there. As is the 210.

Really? Whose fault is it that you're mentally ill?

Nobody cares about Tennessee either. Florida is only marginally important because of globalization.

So...I guess you shouldn't move there?

You sound very angry, hostile, and generally pissed off. In other words, you're a typical conservative.
I linked him all the statistics he needs to see that his world view is wrong. Cities are very safe. The biggest issue they have is too many people want to be there and it makes it expensive.

My guess is he isn’t interested in truth but instead just wants a faith based view of politics: I believe therefore it is true.

When did the collective IQ of the right plummet? They used to be greedy. Now they are just stupid.
I linked him all the statistics he needs to see that his world view is wrong. Cities are very safe. The biggest issue they have is too many people want to be there and it makes it expensive.

My guess is he isn’t interested in truth but instead just wants a faith based view of politics: I believe therefore it is true.

When did the collective IQ of the right plummet? They used to be greedy. Now they are just stupid.
His goal in his "life" is to make others as miserable as he is.
2019 was the lowest in 60 years. Its small rise since then is nowhere near the 90’s. It’s legitimately twice as dangerous to be in San Fran in the 90’s than today.

Any thoughts there or just insults coming?

You’re so dumb. They are not classifying crimes the same way

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