Democrats have ruined America

it's 40 years of giveaway to the rich by the GOP, dunce. And obstruction of the Democrats and progress. Change of the channel, brain washed functional moron.
Democrats don't need to be obstructed, they need to be eradicated.
The fact you shit your pants in fear isn’t relevant. You flat out lied to yourself “they are counting crime different’. Fuck off. You’re a pussy. Crime is down and you’re just embarrassed you didn’t know it. So now youre making shit up. I bet you’ve never been to San Fran.

People are moving out , in very small numbers, due to how expensive it is to live in popular places.

I was just there. It’s amazing. I took these myself. View attachment 774633
View attachment 774634
San Francisco 6 days ago.

If you were, you wouldn't put up with the behavior of your elected morons.
Which moron or morons? And what exactly did he or she do, that I should be upset with?

Ya see, I think we all generalize too much, myself included, especially when throwing insults, or festering hatred for someone on your side that's a "moron" when it was a specific thing or things they personally have done that is absolutely moronic, and then in the ease of my expression, generalized in associating a single person's moronic behavior to... all an example...

IT would be better for us all imho, if we were more specific in our debate....instead of casting some moron's behavior that you hate, on to a whole party... then we can debate the specifics, and argue the argument.
The fact you shit your pants in fear isn’t relevant. You flat out lied to yourself “they are counting crime different’. Fuck off. You’re a pussy. Crime is down and you’re just embarrassed you didn’t know it. So now youre making shit up. I bet you’ve never been to San Fran.

People are moving out , in very small numbers, due to how expensive it is to live in popular places.

I was just there. It’s amazing. I took these myself. View attachment 774633
View attachment 774634
Damn, you are so full of shit. You mean took them off the internet yourself.


there is absolutely no evidence of any fraud in the election, just endless repetition from your lying Scumbag Pundits on the Internet. even Fox has given up on that crap
Denial, denial denial.

That is all we ever get out of you Moon Bat turds.

The Democrat filth used the pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by dishonest Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts. These districts stopped counting when Trump was ahead and then open hours later with unverified ballots to put this Potatohead clown ahead. Republican observer were prevented from seeing the counting. Millions of the fraudulent ballots we mass produced with only Potatohead checked on it. State election laws were violated in the Democrat districts.

It is a fact that the election was stolen. Only you stupid uneducated Leftest Moon Bats are in denial.

We saw the same thing from the Democrats during the mid terms.

Now that the Democrats have the method to steal elections down pat then our Republic is fucked and can't be fixed at the ballot box.

We cannot let the destructive greedy asshole Leftest dipshits destroy our country by turning it ino a Socialist shithole like they have destroyed other counties.
Republicans seek to destroy our Democracy, terminate the Constitution and break up the US

Democrats LOVE this country
No. They love what they are turning this country into. That is, a tyranny so severe that it simply doesn't deserve to survive. If nothing else, the alliance of Russia and China should smash our woke communism to oblivion doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Don’t believe me. Listen to Kevin OLeary
Which moron or morons? And what exactly did he or she do, that I should be upset with?

Ya see, I think we all generalize too much, myself included, especially when throwing insults, or festering hatred for someone on your side that's a "moron" when it was a specific thing or things they personally have done that is absolutely moronic, and then in the ease of my expression, generalized in associating a single person's moronic behavior to... all an example...

IT would be better for us all imho, if we were more specific in our debate....instead of casting some moron's behavior that you hate, on to a whole party... then we can debate the specifics, and argue the argument.

We're facing economic collapse due to cost of GOVT & GOVT spending. Then rebuild or even takover by incompetent Elitists working FOR the Enemies of America. You must be one of the biggest Demwitted loons in the history of posting. Get off the boards you arsejack.
Both parties are involved, in decades of borrowing and spending.

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