Democrats have ruined America

No. They love what they are turning this country into. That is, a tyranny so severe that it simply doesn't deserve to survive. If nothing else, the alliance of Russia and China should smash our woke communism to oblivion doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves.
99% of the world thinks you're insane LOL. you have no evidence There are no communists in the United States They are in China North Vietnam Cuba with a gun to their heads. try watching the BBC or France 2424 or the AP or Reuters or any other famously objective journalism outlets. The only people in the world that don't think you're nuts are others who are brainwashed with your total GOP BS..... keep up the good work, brainwashed functional moron, this country is so overdue for a democratic landslide so we can catch up and lead the rest of the free world again....
99% of the world thinks you're insane LOL. you have no evidence There are no communists in the United States They are in China North Vietnam Cuba with a gun to their heads. try watching the BBC or France 2424 or the AP or Reuters or any other famously objective journalism outlets. The only people in the world that don't think you're nuts are others who are brainwashed with your total GOP BS..... keep up the good work, brainwashed functional moron, this country is so overdue for a democratic landslide so we can catch up and lead the rest of the free world again....
Lead the free world. That's hilarious. The country led by an animated corpse has delusions. America is back, baby.
Lead the free world. That's hilarious. The country led by an animated corpse has delusions. America is back, baby.
i'm talking about leading the world culturally and socially and toward peace, not leading the world in garbage anti American propaganda and stupidest wars ever. Sorry Our president is not a smooth con man lying pervert. all your presidents are catastrophic. how is Reagan's pal Saddam doing, enjoy the trickle down you fool....
i'm talking about leading the world culturally and socially and toward peace, not leading the world in garbage anti American propaganda and stupidest wars ever. Sorry Our president is not a smooth con man lying pervert. all your presidents are catastrophic. how is Reagan's pal Saddam doing, enjoy the trickle down you fool....
China, if you can hear. Russia, If you can understand, please put us out of our Democrat misery and end this nightmare. You will find more internal help than you could possibly imagine.
Thanks for replying to franc. I tried to reply back & forth seriously in a Tax thread. That failed miserably.
could be that like all GOP base voters, everything you know is garbage divisive hateful bigoted anti-american evidence free propaganda, ignoramus. There is no election steel or pedophilia or vaccine hoax et cetera et cetera. you are the stupidest people in the world oops brainwashed functionally stupidest yes.... you may be the 1st totally insipid anti American Revolution because of some total imaginary BS at this rate honestly LOL. Where I live in western New York is 72% trump And they are the greatest people in the world but totally misinformed by garbage propaganda and they can't change the channel. Poor America and your ridiculous pundits really **** me off.... And the GOP just loves dumb and dumber....
Amazingly millions of people live in them....

I used to live not far from LA. You're just making a dumb comment. It's the only thing that you're good for or good at.

Yet the 405 is still bumper to bumper most of the time when I'm there. As is the 210.

Really? Whose fault is it that you're mentally ill?

Nobody cares about Tennessee either. Florida is only marginally important because of globalization.

So...I guess you shouldn't move there?

You sound very angry, hostile, and generally pissed off. In other words, you're a typical conservative.
So people aren't allowed to be pissed off and angry when we see the country deteriorating into lawlessness??? People like you are the problem. You're the ones who keep voting for this shit.
China, if you can hear. Russia, If you can understand, please put us out of our Democrat misery and end this nightmare. You will find more internal help than you could possibly imagine.
most of your propaganda could just as well be Russian Chinese or Iranian, ignoramus. go back to Russia Then with your orange con man clown Oligarch wannabe pervert. and keep voting for screwing yourself **** ****.... go outside and get some fresh air for God's sake... unbelievable. OK So give me an example of one of these terrible things the Democrats do And I will show you that it is pure insanity
could be that like all GOP base voters, everything you know is garbage divisive hateful bigoted anti-american evidence free propaganda, ignoramus. There is no election steel or pedophilia or vaccine hoax et cetera et cetera. you are the stupidest people in the world oops brainwashed functionally stupidest yes.... you may be the 1st totally insipid anti American Revolution because of some total imaginary BS at this rate honestly LOL. Where I live in western New York is 72% trump And they are the greatest people in the world but totally misinformed by garbage propaganda and they can't change the channel. Poor America and your ridiculous pundits really **** me off.... And the GOP just loves dumb and dumber....

You do not understand the fiscal collapse possibilities facing this Nation.

$32T debt, $2T more annually forever. No plans to cut spending, nowhere to find $3T more revenue that does not kill the GDP. Yet you continue barking despite numbers staring right at you.
Yet they keep garnering more votes and winning. I am simply lost for words:

— Liberal Cities are unlivable. San Fran, LA, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, Minneapolis. Pharmacies and stores are closing their doors and leaving. Police officers are resigning at record rates. Businesses are exiting. Crime wave, homeless, drugs. It’s awful.

— Southern Border continues to be a complete disaster. Fentanyl and illegals pouring in and the Biden administration turns a blind eye.

— Inflation remains a major issue. In MA, one cannot go grocery shopping for four and spend less than $400 a week. Not to mention the price of fuel, medicine, insurance, and clothing. Savings rates are at an all time low. Credit card debt is at an all time high. Home Equity loans are barely an option due to the interest rate spikes. People are taking 401k money out early to survive.

— War in Ukraine continues and we keep funding it when we have major issues locally. China is sitting back and laughing as we fall deeper and deeper into debt and soon they will invade Taiwan.

— Women vote against their self interests. Trans athletes are taking sports from biological women. And the left shrugs. Companies like Bud endorse this weird Trans obsession. Drag queens are Reading to children. Gay porn is available in libraries in the teen section. Teachers stating it’s normal to change one’s the gender. What the HELL?!

— They cry over gun control but don’t present a solution and were more upset that the killer in TN was misgendered than the fact at SHE killed six people, three of whom were children.

— They applaud the weak non case against Trump not understanding that NYC is spending millions on this charade as violent criminals roam the streets.

— They support reparations where people who never owned slaves should pay money to people who were never slaves.

— Major banks are literally failing under their policies. But they are more focused on DEI than on corporate governance and risk management.

Yet they keep winning in both local and national elections. I am at a loss for words.

This country is lost. I feel terrible for my beautiful daughters. I do not see how this doesn’t end in another civil war.

Walk me off the ledge please.

Thank you.

Not attempting to overthrow an election in order to illegally keep their leader in on office might be a good place for the Republican party to start their comeback.
So people aren't allowed to be pissed off and angry when we see the country deteriorating into lawlessness??? People like you are the problem. You're the ones who keep voting for this shit.
Crime was worse in the 80s and 90s without a pandemic and a lot of poverty stricken blacks ETC who didn't get any stimulus and your hero the scumbag Putin wrecking oil and grain markets.... You are a brainwashed totally fear mongered hater dupe. a disgrace to America and Americanism. and many thanks to your orange clown and fellow conspiracy nuts for ruining our pandemic reaction so this is still going on. and leading conservative idiots around the world ditto... a good citizen has to compare both sides and not just stay on the garbage propaganda channel slash Internet.... You are not a good citizen, you are an _ignorant disgrace.
most of your propaganda could just as well be Russian Chinese or Iranian, ignoramus. go back to Russia Then with your orange con man clown Oligarch wannabe pervert. and keep voting for screwing yourself **** ****.... go outside and get some fresh air for God's sake... unbelievable. OK So give me an example of one of these terrible things the Democrats do And I will show you that it is pure insanity
The hoax of climate change.
The hoax of transgenderism.
You do not understand the fiscal collapse possibilities facing this Nation.

$32T debt, $2T more annually forever. No plans to cut spending, nowhere to find $3T more revenue that does not kill the GDP. Yet you continue barking despite numbers staring right at you.
it's time to tax the rich again and invest in Americans again for things like cheap college and training and Healthcare and infrastructure for God's sake.... and 25% of that debt is from Trump DUH. what actually matters is the debt as percentage of GDP and that continues to go down under Democrats of course, not the corrupt deregulation and and oversight GOP.. Could you possibly wake up and smell the coffee, 1929 nineteen 89 2008 and 2020 even. just wonderful the way your heroes wreck the world economy all the time and you pay for it and keep voting for them. Great job!
The hoax of climate change.
The hoax of transgenderism.
You are the only people and the only party in the entire world that denies global warming which is so obvious Now it's ridiculous. how many tornadoes have we had And it's not even tornado season. that's what happens when you belong to the big money big oil big health big Pharma Screw the Rubes GOP....

transgenderism is incredibly rare and only happens when the kid is desperate and suicidal and God knows what. You seem to think it's an epidemic- absolutely unbelievable. It is what psychiatrists and psychologists say is true. and they are about as dangerous as kittens. there is not a single example example of a transgender female going into a bathroom and **** anybody. you think it's an epidemic LOL. absolute idiocy.... meanwhile your heroes Rob you and your family blind with their Reagan tax rates and everything else.
it's time to tax the rich again and invest in Americans again for things like cheap college and training and Healthcare and infrastructure for God's sake.... and 25% of that debt is from Trump DUH. what actually matters is the debt as percentage of GDP and that continues to go down under Democrats of course, not the corrupt deregulation and and oversight GOP.. Could you possibly wake up and smell the coffee, 1929 nineteen 89 2008 and 2020 even. just wonderful the way your heroes wreck the world economy all the time and you pay for it and keep voting for them. Great job!
Good Lord! Somebody call an ambulance.
So people aren't allowed to be pissed off and angry when we see the country deteriorating into lawlessness??? People like you are the problem. You're the ones who keep voting for this shit.

Has being pissed off and angry as you have been since birth done anything except make fewer voters warm up to your point of view? Nope.
Crime was worse in the 80s and 90s without a pandemic and a lot of poverty stricken blacks ETC who didn't get any stimulus and your hero the scumbag Putin wrecking oil and grain markets.... You are a brainwashed totally fear mongered hater dupe. a disgrace to America and Americanism. and many thanks to your orange clown and fellow conspiracy nuts for ruining our pandemic reaction so this is still going on. and leading conservative idiots around the world ditto... a good citizen has to compare both sides and not just stay on the garbage propaganda channel slash Internet.... You are not a good citizen, you are an _ignorant disgrace.
Trump isn't governing Chicago, Baltimore, Washington DC, New Orleans, NYC, etc. Go fuck yourself.

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