Democrats have ruined America

We're facing economic collapse due to cost of GOVT & GOVT spending. Then rebuild or even takover by incompetent Elitists working FOR the Enemies of America. You must be one of the biggest Demwitted loons in the history of posting. Get off the boards you arsejack.
Oh Jebus, we are not facing economic collapse!! Where do you even get such a bull crap claim?
Oh Jebus, we are not facing economic collapse!! Where do you even get such a bull crap claim?

$32T debt. Probably $2T more debt added evey year.

No plan to find $2T-$3T in revenue to solve the spending probem (which increases every year). No where to confiscate or legally find $3T w/o killing the economy. //
Because in a nutshell, Republicans have no solutions to offer. They've been offering the same policies for over four decades. And all of them are failures. What they offer are wars on culture. Grievance. And eventually, turning to anger and rage.
Republican policies are a “failure” for wetbacks, bottom feeders, crimininals, weirdos, chicks with dicks, pole puffers, rug munchers and feminazis….Republican policies are aimed to benefit good, real, normal, core American minded folks.
Let's face it, conservatism is at it's zenith when it puts forward "solutions" based on religious dogma. But in economic, healthcare, energy, environment, falls flat on its face.
The greatest nation on earth was founded, built and pillared on conservatism until filthy subhuman leftists fucked it all up.
Democrats keep winning because Republicans put forward no candidates who will actually talk about solving problems for everyday Americans. That and the fact they haven't been able to appeal to most minorities in decades.
Democrats “win” the vote of shithole people in shithole communities, cities and states….They win on free shit, social construct and identity politics….you know GRIEVANCES.
San Francisco 6 days ago.

Sure. I could go into any city and find poverty and crime. The real question is a matter of perspective. Is it really dangerous or not? I was just ducking there myself last summer. Posted some pics. It’s a world class city. No one can dispute that. No amount of selective and edited changes the statistics.
Democrats LOVE this country AND it’s people

Republicans work to destroy our Democracy, want to terminate the Constitution and break up the union Democrats work so hard to maintain
Yeah, yeah….Democrats love this country and it‘s people so it only makes sense to recruit tens of millions of Mexico’s worst people and force America’s best to pay them to breed, destroy our institutions and take from negroes.
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Yeah, yeah….Democrats love this country and it‘s people so it only makes sense to recruit tens of millions of Mexico’s worst people and force America’s best pay them to breed, destroy our institutions and take from negroes.

We are not recruiting Mexicans
We are dealing with a vast disparity in wealth along with increasing drug violence south of the border.
Denial, denial denial.

That is all we ever get out of you Moon Bat turds.

The Democrat filth used the pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by dishonest Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts. These districts stopped counting when Trump was ahead and then open hours later with unverified ballots to put this Potatohead clown ahead. Republican observer were prevented from seeing the counting. Millions of the fraudulent ballots we mass produced with only Potatohead checked on it. State election laws were violated in the Democrat districts.

It is a fact that the election was stolen. Only you stupid uneducated Leftest Moon Bats are in denial.

We saw the same thing from the Democrats during the mid terms.

Now that the Democrats have the method to steal elections down pat then our Republic is fucked and can't be fixed at the ballot box.

We cannot let the destructive greedy asshole Leftest dipshits destroy our country by turning it ino a Socialist shithole like they have destroyed other counties.
congratulations, you are out of your tiny little mind, brainwashed functional moron. Keep it up you're the greatest, We really need a Democratic landslide after 40 years of GOP BS and give away to the rich. only 99% of the world thinks you are absolutely nuts..
$32T debt. Probably $2T more debt added evey year.

No plan to find $2T-$3T in revenue to solve the spending probem (which increases every year). No where to confiscate or legally find $3T w/o killing the economy. //
The debt is high, no doubt!

And spending is more than tax collection...which should be reduced, along with higher taxes instead of less decade after decade ...increasing deficits, and billions in interest on the debt, chewing in to our tax revenues...for simply the interest payment...

Things must change to address the debt, however....

we are not close to collapsing...we have the best economy in the world and are not close to collapsing
...yet imo.
Sure. I could go into any city and find poverty and crime. The real question is a matter of perspective. Is it really dangerous or not? I was just ducking there myself last summer. Posted some pics. It’s a world class city. No one can dispute that. No amount of selective and edited changes the statistics.
The pics that you snagged off Bing notwithstanding, San Francisco has become a notoriously unsafe city like many other unsafe cities, like Chicago or Los Angeles. The mayor of San Francisco has said that she needs federal help to deal with the soaring crime. Who you gonna believe, a guy who posts stock photos or the mayor?
We are not recruiting Mexicans
We are dealing with a vast disparity in wealth along with increasing drug violence south of the border.
Right…you insist on a secure border, you don’t offer sanctuary, free healthcare and other free shit….you love America and Americans so much that you protect their interests from desperate, illiterate foreign invaders.

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