Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

The Dumbocrats continue to wage their horrific war on women. These disgusting, filthy muslims are the people they are fighting against their own President for...

Arabic Video Shows 12-Year-Old Girl, Then Her Worst Nightmare Walks into Room
You seem to spend a lot of time on kiddie rape. Is there something you're not telling us?
Yes....I have nothing but contempt for you left-wing animals who abuse women and children.

On the other hand, you spend a lot of time trying to redirect discussions about how the left supports the war on women and children. Is there something you are not telling us?
Yes....I have nothing but contempt for you left-wing animals who abuse women and children.
Like this guy?

On the other hand, you spend a lot of time trying to redirect discussions about how the left supports the war on women and children. Is there something you are not telling us?
I'm not redirecting anything. I'm merely stating these attack threads with your fake news you keep creating, are not what you claim them to be. And that's obvious to anyone who reads your jibberish. You're not very good at this.
Yes....I have nothing but contempt for you left-wing animals who abuse women and children.
Like this guy?

On the other hand, you spend a lot of time trying to redirect discussions about how the left supports the war on women and children. Is there something you are not telling us?
I'm not redirecting anything. I'm merely stating these attack threads with your fake news you keep creating, are not what you claim them to be. And that's obvious to anyone who reads your jibberish. You're not very good at this.
You mean the guy protecting himself from a violent thug?

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If you didn't have the IQ of an insect you'd realize that the "OP" was made in 2012. So it's not that shocking that a link from 5 year ago wouldn't work today.
If you didn't have the morality of a bridge troll, you wouldn't claim something you can't prove.
There was nothing "claimed" you dimwit. It was a link to a news story. It's not our fault your 5 years late to the party. That's like blaming your fellow classmates for missing your class graduation because you graduated high school at 23. You're slow. Your dim. And you're always 5 years behind. You're even too stupid to note the date clearly documted on a post :laugh:
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If you didn't have the morality of a bridge troll, you wouldn't claim something you can't prove.
How does it taste....bitch? :suck:

Occupy Movement's Disturbing Reaction to Rape | Human Events

From your link...

She told them that “at least 10 incidences of, at least, groping” and “there was a guy that got raped.”
Only one rape; and it was a guy. All these incidents were reported to the local police and they would hardly do anything about it. Which shows that if there is a war on women, it's coming from the right.

BTW, your link still doesn't say anything about democrats, so you can put your little monkey down.
There was noting "claimed" you dimwit.
"There was noting "claimed"..."?

Home school did you no favors.

It was a link to a news story. It's not our fault your 5 years late to the party. That's like blaming your fellow classmates for missing your class graduation because you graduated high school at 23. You're slow. Your dim. And you're always 5 years behind. You're even too stupid to note the date clearly documted on a post :laugh:
You started a thread saying the democrats have this war on women and nothing you've posted to date proves that to be true. The only evidence you have is your big mouth! Your big, stupid mouth.
You started a thread saying the democrats have this war on women and nothing you've posted to date proves that to be true.
There are dozens and dozens of links that prove it. It's just that your illiterate.

Tell me again does it taste? :suck:
From your link...

She told them that “at least 10 incidences of, at least, groping” and “there was a guy that got raped.”
Only one rape; and it was a guy. All these incidents were reported to the local police and they would hardly do anything about it. Which shows that if there is a war on women, it's coming from the right.
Just got caught lying again. From my link...
Not only are reports of rape becoming more and more common at Occupy protests across the country, but the movement’s reaction to sexual assault is becoming less and less serious.
How does it taste....bitch? :suck:
From your link...

She told them that “at least 10 incidences of, at least, groping” and “there was a guy that got raped.”
Only one rape; and it was a guy. All these incidents were reported to the local police and they would hardly do anything about it. Which shows that if there is a war on women, it's coming from the right.
Just got caught lying again. From my link...
However, it seems Occupy Baltimore has figured out an even worse reaction. There protesters refused to help a woman who was raped in their midst, then purposely disrupted a local media investigation into what happened.
How does it taste....bitch? :suck:

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