Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

To equate the Democratic Party of today, with the Democratic Party of the 19th and mid 20th century is a BIG LIE, oft repeated by fools who have no interest in or knowledge of history.

"My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from." - liberal Sealybobo right here on USMB in this post: #1897

Really? Care to comment? No? Yeah...didn't think so.

The Dumbocrat Party has changed one bit. The KKK racists are still Democrats. Those people didn't suddenly decide that they liked small government, individual responsibility, and liberty and all switch sides magically one day (despite the false liberal narrative otherwise). Sealybobo's comment above there is about as fiercely racists as it gets. In plain English, she just said - "any dumb negro who doesn't stay firmly seated in poverty and on the government plantation should be racially attacked". It's repulsive. And it exemplifies your side of the aisle. Just ask any black Republican like Allen West and Mia Love about the disgusting racists comments they have to endure by Dumbocrats day after day.

Sure I'll leave a comment. One data point (one post) does not refute the FACT that the Republican Party was progressive up until the Nixon Administration; it is now so bigoted and so racist it is more easily defined by what it opposes than what it supports.

The beginning of the end of racism in the Democratic Party was in 1948 when the DixiecRATs rebelled and fought against civil rights which passed with Democratic support for the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Voting Rights Act (1965); these bills created the opportunity for Nixon to implement what is now known as the Southern Strategy.

See: Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bwahahahaha! You might want to check your historical facts there junior - Dumbocrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement, stupid. If your government paid for cable package includes HBO - I highly suggest you check out "All The Way" about how Lyndon Johnson's own party rose up against him for supporting the Civil Rights bill (and he did so while calling black people "n*ggers" over and over because he hated blacks but realized he needed their votes to win elections). I would tell you to read about it - but we all know how illiterate the average Dumbocrat is (hence the reason they have to live off of government).

This unequivocally proves that you are either ignorant or a liar. Either way - your credibility is shot. Everybody knows the Democrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement jack-ass.

Half-truths are lies of omission. You've proved to be a liar as well as an immature asshole. I was alive and aware in 1964 when the Republicans held their convention in the Cow Palace - I took Civics in Summer School that year so I did not need to take a full load during football season.

That summer I learned a good deal about politics and why I later chose a double major, Poli Sci and History, in college. Your efforts to echo history, which were current events when I was in high school, is foolish; many others who post here understand the new iteration of conservatives - people like you - have adopted the lies of omission and commission, and echo them ad nauseam.
Bwahahahaha! Someone is really backpedaling now. A little embarrassed about your ignorant statement? Hey - I would be too. That was an astoundingly stupid comment on your part. But then again, you wouldn't vote Dumbocrat if you weren't stupid.

Have you always been a punk? I spent a large part of my career interviewing common criminals, punks who denied over and over that they did not put their hands in the cookie jar, even when shown a photograph of them doing just that.
Face the Nation just reported that 3.7 million women have been pushed into poverty during the Obama reign of terror. The progressive War on Women continues.

Horrid...and I wish and pray all rapists are caught, prosecuted, and put away. However, to claim all the rapists involved are Democrats is based on what evidence? Considering the attitude of the Right towards women they disagree with, it could also be some Republicans taking advantage of the situation to come in and.....well.....

The claim is that Democrats only care about giving a voice to a woman who will help them win an election or stay in power. The current candidate who says she is giving a voice to all women has a track record of protecting accused rapists, not the raped.
So to recap: Hitlery Clinton viciously attacks the credibility of any woman who was the victim of a horrific sexual assault if it affects her drive for power and money, she laughs about the brutal rape of little girls, and she pays women less than men in her own organization. So much of the false narrative that she supports "equality for women"...

WikiLeaks emails: Clinton Foundation paid male employees more than females in 2011
Patriot, stop bumping threads you started in 2012.
It's not "bumping" you high school drop out. There is no point in creating new threads for stuff that already exists. I just continue to add to the evidence in the existing threads (and then I watch you progressives have a meltdown attempting to deny it all :lol: ).
The WHITE BILL COSBY & THE ENABLER are the Democrats' flag bearers in the 'War on Women'.
Patriot, stop bumping threads you started in 2012.
It's not "bumping" you high school drop out. There is no point in creating new threads for stuff that already exists. I just continue to add to the evidence in the existing threads (and then I watch you progressives have a meltdown attempting to deny it all :lol: ).

Yes, you are. Your entire existence here consists of you thinking of ways of keeping your threads at the top of the forum, even ones you started in fucking 2012. You never post in anyone else's threads except your own, because you are a hack.
Patriot, stop bumping threads you started in 2012.
It's not "bumping" you high school drop out. There is no point in creating new threads for stuff that already exists. I just continue to add to the evidence in the existing threads (and then I watch you progressives have a meltdown attempting to deny it all :lol: ).

Yes, you are. Your entire existence here consists of you thinking of ways of keeping your threads at the top of the forum, even ones you started in fucking 2012. You never post in anyone else's threads except your own, because you are a hack.
Hey stupid....please don't tell me what I think. You have no idea what is in my head. Ask yourself when very basic, simple little question: why the fuck would I care whether my threads are "at the top of the forum"? Is there a bonus for keeping your thread at the top? No. Does one win an aware for keeping my thread at the top? No. Will I get a job or a promotion for keeping my thread at the top? No. Is there any advantage at all to keeping my thread at the top? No.

Furthermore, had I created a new thread - guess what? It would still be at the top, stupid! You're a very special kind of stupid, aren't you friend?

Lastly, you don't get to tell me what to do. I mean, being a bat-shit crazy fascist progressive, I know you want to be able to tell me what to do. But you don't get to. I'll do what I want and there isn't a fuck'n thing you can do about it. If I want to "bump" my threads, I will "bump" them and there is nothing you can do about it. I'm sorry your life is so insignificant that you're relegated to trying to gain power over people on message boards but that really is your problem. Perhaps you should get off the message boards and get a job where you manage people? I know you don't like work, but maybe you wouldn't quite so miserable? :dunno:
Except that's how Democrats think (remember how a few showed up at Tea Party rallies wearing shirts that said "I hate *******" to FRAME the Tea Party but they were caught as Dumbocrats?).

Here's what I don't get - why do the Dumbocrats try to protect their own when their own are doing horrific crimes like these? You're actually trying to convince people that Republicans are "sneaking in and doing this" when there isn't the slightest shred of evidence.

You'll denounce conservatives and claim they have a "war on women" for trying to stop the murder of babies (a very honorable cause) but then you will defend liberals who are actually waging a horrific war on women. Unbelievable...
The video has nothing to do with democrats. The video is about local police not doing anything when Occupy members reported these incidents and even when they provided evidence who the culprits were, the police did nothing about it. In one incident, they did arrest a guy, but he was back at the park later that afternoon.

BTW, the woman in the video stated the only rape that occurred, was on a guy. She said another woman was crying that someone tried to grope her, but she didn't say she was raped.

So to sum up troll-boy's, troll-thread...
  • this had nothing to do with democrats
  • nothing to do with a so-called war on women
  • no article about a Dallas incident
  • was not a democrat rally
Since the 1st amendment allows troll-boy to sling mud, he's decided to hog it up!

BTW, this is was the link in your OP...

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