Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women continues.

Here is a liberal on USMB calling a woman a "skank" for doing nothing more than a professional photo shoot: #106

This woman did not appear naked in the photo shoot. There is no evidence of her being promiscuous. She has never appeared in pornography. She does not make a living sex worker (stripper, prostitute, etc.). Nope. Her big "crime" was simply appearing in a professional photo shoot.

The Dumbocrat War on Women continues.
The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women continues.

Here is a liberal on USMB calling a woman a "skank" for doing nothing more than a professional photo shoot: #109

This woman did not appear naked in the photo shoot. There is no evidence of her being promiscuous. She has never appeared in pornography. She does not make a living sex worker (stripper, prostitute, etc.). Nope. Her big "crime" was simply appearing in a professional photo shoot.

The Dumbocrat War on Women continues.
The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women continues.

Here is a liberal on USMB calling a woman a "skank" for doing nothing more than a professional photo shoot: #106

This woman did not appear naked in the photo shoot. There is no evidence of her being promiscuous. She has never appeared in pornography. She does not make a living sex worker (stripper, prostitute, etc.). Nope. Her big "crime" was simply appearing in a professional photo shoot.

The Dumbocrat War on Women continues.



Do you need a safe space to process this horror? Can I get you a glass of water? Are you feeling faint?
The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women continues.

Here is a liberal on USMB calling a woman a "skank" for doing nothing more than a professional photo shoot: #106

This woman did not appear naked in the photo shoot. There is no evidence of her being promiscuous. She has never appeared in pornography. She does not make a living sex worker (stripper, prostitute, etc.). Nope. Her big "crime" was simply appearing in a professional photo shoot.

The Dumbocrat War on Women continues.



Do you need a safe space to process this horror? Can I get you a glass of water? Are you feeling faint?
Like all liberals, I see you find the truth far too uncomfortable to deal with, uh?
The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women continues.

Here is a liberal on USMB calling a woman a "skank" for doing nothing more than a professional photo shoot: #106

This woman did not appear naked in the photo shoot. There is no evidence of her being promiscuous. She has never appeared in pornography. She does not make a living sex worker (stripper, prostitute, etc.). Nope. Her big "crime" was simply appearing in a professional photo shoot.

The Dumbocrat War on Women continues.



Do you need a safe space to process this horror? Can I get you a glass of water? Are you feeling faint?
Like all liberals, I see you find the truth far too uncomfortable to deal with, uh?


The "truth" is that watching you clutch your pearls and whine like a freshman Women's Studies major is absolutely hilarious.
The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women continues.

Here is a liberal on USMB calling a woman a "skank" for doing nothing more than a professional photo shoot: #109

This woman did not appear naked in the photo shoot. There is no evidence of her being promiscuous. She has never appeared in pornography. She does not make a living sex worker (stripper, prostitute, etc.). Nope. Her big "crime" was simply appearing in a professional photo shoot.

The Dumbocrat War on Women continues.

Trolling, trolling, trolling, keep that puppy trolling...

Three times in three minutes, Pussy Puppy? Try better bait next time, it worked with the fish...
The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women continues.

Here is a liberal on USMB calling a woman a "skank" for doing nothing more than a professional photo shoot: #106

This woman did not appear naked in the photo shoot. There is no evidence of her being promiscuous. She has never appeared in pornography. She does not make a living sex worker (stripper, prostitute, etc.). Nope. Her big "crime" was simply appearing in a professional photo shoot.

The Dumbocrat War on Women continues.



Do you need a safe space to process this horror? Can I get you a glass of water? Are you feeling faint?
Wrong party, dipshit.
The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women continues.

Here is a liberal on USMB calling a woman a "skank" for doing nothing more than a professional photo shoot: #109

This woman did not appear naked in the photo shoot. There is no evidence of her being promiscuous. She has never appeared in pornography. She does not make a living sex worker (stripper, prostitute, etc.). Nope. Her big "crime" was simply appearing in a professional photo shoot.

The Dumbocrat War on Women continues.

Trolling, trolling, trolling, keep that puppy trolling...

Three times in three minutes, Pussy Puppy? Try better bait next time, it worked with the fish...
The libtard made three posts bytchy....what was I supposed to do - ignore them like libtards do? :cuckoo:

(Perhaps you can't read and didn't notice they were links to three separate posts? :dunno:)
The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women continues.

Here is a liberal on USMB calling a woman a "skank" for doing nothing more than a professional photo shoot: #106

This woman did not appear naked in the photo shoot. There is no evidence of her being promiscuous. She has never appeared in pornography. She does not make a living sex worker (stripper, prostitute, etc.). Nope. Her big "crime" was simply appearing in a professional photo shoot.

The Dumbocrat War on Women continues.



Do you need a safe space to process this horror? Can I get you a glass of water? Are you feeling faint?
Like all liberals, I see you find the truth far too uncomfortable to deal with, uh?


The "truth" is that watching you clutch your pearls and whine like a freshman Women's Studies major is absolutely hilarious.
Whoah....someone is really uncomfortable with the truth. Even more so than the average liberal.
"The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women" is one more example of a thread by a partisan hack (a not very bright one in this case) employing a common machination used by not very bright conservatives, that being to accuse others of what the conservative base has done and is doing.

It is a potemkin village, employed by conservatives on a number of issues, including bigotry, racism, misogyny and many others. Of course, in spite of reality, there are those who actually believe this bullshit.

Doubt this? See the comments from conservatives on this thread:

What A Shock. DNC Focuses On Womanhood
"The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women" is one more example of a thread by a partisan hack (a not very bright one in this case) employing a common machination used by not very bright conservatives, that being to accuse others of what the conservative base has done and is doing.

It is a potemkin village, employed by conservatives on a number of issues, including bigotry, racism, misogyny and many others. Of course, in spite of reality, there are those who actually believe this bullshit.

Doubt this? See the comments from conservatives on this thread:

What A Shock. DNC Focuses On Womanhood
And yet this thread is filled with with actual examples backed up by links. The Dumbocrats have spent their entire existence accusing conservatives of the crimes that liberals are guilt of. Come on stupid - challenge one actual link I provided. I dare you.

It was the Dumbocrat Party that founded the KKK. And yet you idiots have the audacity to falsely accuse Republican's of being "racist" in hopes of stealing elections with lies.

It was the Dumbocrat Party that promoted promiscuity, turned women into sexual objects, and marginalized them, exploited them. And yet you idiots have the audacity to falsely accuse Republican's of waging the war on women in hopes of stealing elections with lies.

It was the Dumbocrat Party that has collapsed economies with failed socialist policies - to the point that an entire city (Detroit) had to file bankruptcy. What an indictment on liberalism. How humiliating. And yet you idiots have the audacity to falsely accuse Republican's of destroying the economy in hopes of stealing elections with lies.
It's quite an interesting dynamic to watch blind, obedient, and willfully ignorant liberals like Wry Catcher have to face the realization that everything they blindly bought into was a lie. It actually reminds me quite a bit of the grieving process. First there is denial. Then there is anger (lots of anger). I just wonder if liberals are capable of coming to acceptance. :dunno:
"The Dumbocrats horrific War on Women" is one more example of a thread by a partisan hack (a not very bright one in this case) employing a common machination used by not very bright conservatives, that being to accuse others of what the conservative base has done and is doing.

It is a potemkin village, employed by conservatives on a number of issues, including bigotry, racism, misogyny and many others. Of course, in spite of reality, there are those who actually believe this bullshit.

Doubt this? See the comments from conservatives on this thread:

What A Shock. DNC Focuses On Womanhood
And yet this thread is filled with with actual examples backed up by links. The Dumbocrats have spent their entire existence accusing conservatives of the crimes that liberals are guilt of. Come on stupid - challenge one actual link I provided. I dare you.

It was the Dumbocrat Party that founded the KKK. And yet you idiots have the audacity to falsely accuse Republican's of being "racist" in hopes of stealing elections with lies.

It was the Dumbocrat Party that promoted promiscuity, turned women into sexual objects, and marginalized them, exploited them. And yet you idiots have the audacity to falsely accuse Republican's of waging the war on women in hopes of stealing elections with lies.

It was the Dumbocrat Party that has collapsed economies with failed socialist policies - to the point that an entire city (Detroit) had to file bankruptcy. What an indictment on liberalism. How humiliating. And yet you idiots have the audacity to falsely accuse Republican's of destroying the economy in hopes of stealing elections with lies.

Even you know your opinions are nothing more than the fodder once eaten by bulls.

To equate the Democratic Party of today, with the Democratic Party of the 19th and mid 20th century is a BIG LIE, oft repeated by fools who have no interest in or knowledge of history.

To state unequivocally that the Democratic Party created the Great Recession of '07 - '09 by Socialist policies goes far beyond the BIG LIE and into the area of a psychotic rant - most who read your post were adults who observed the events leading up to the crash of Wall St. and the Housing Bubble, and understand simple explanations (your opinions) are the product of a simple / concrete thinker.
To equate the Democratic Party of today, with the Democratic Party of the 19th and mid 20th century is a BIG LIE, oft repeated by fools who have no interest in or knowledge of history.

"My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from." - liberal Sealybobo right here on USMB in this post: #1897

Really? Care to comment? No? Yeah...didn't think so.

The Dumbocrat Party has changed one bit. The KKK racists are still Democrats. Those people didn't suddenly decide that they liked small government, individual responsibility, and liberty and all switch sides magically one day (despite the false liberal narrative otherwise). Sealybobo's comment above there is about as fiercely racists as it gets. In plain English, she just said - "any dumb negro who doesn't stay firmly seated in poverty and on the government plantation should be racially attacked". It's repulsive. And it exemplifies your side of the aisle. Just ask any black Republican like Allen West and Mia Love about the disgusting racists comments they have to endure by Dumbocrats day after day.
To equate the Democratic Party of today, with the Democratic Party of the 19th and mid 20th century is a BIG LIE, oft repeated by fools who have no interest in or knowledge of history.

"My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from." - liberal Sealybobo right here on USMB in this post: #1897

Really? Care to comment? No? Yeah...didn't think so.

The Dumbocrat Party has changed one bit. The KKK racists are still Democrats. Those people didn't suddenly decide that they liked small government, individual responsibility, and liberty and all switch sides magically one day (despite the false liberal narrative otherwise). Sealybobo's comment above there is about as fiercely racists as it gets. In plain English, she just said - "any dumb negro who doesn't stay firmly seated in poverty and on the government plantation should be racially attacked". It's repulsive. And it exemplifies your side of the aisle. Just ask any black Republican like Allen West and Mia Love about the disgusting racists comments they have to endure by Dumbocrats day after day.

Sure I'll leave a comment. One data point (one post) does not refute the FACT that the Republican Party was progressive up until the Nixon Administration; it is now so bigoted and so racist it is more easily defined by what it opposes than what it supports.

The beginning of the end of racism in the Democratic Party was in 1948 when the DixiecRATs rebelled and fought against civil rights which passed with Democratic support for the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Voting Rights Act (1965); these bills created the opportunity for Nixon to implement what is now known as the Southern Strategy.

See: Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To equate the Democratic Party of today, with the Democratic Party of the 19th and mid 20th century is a BIG LIE, oft repeated by fools who have no interest in or knowledge of history.

"My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from." - liberal Sealybobo right here on USMB in this post: #1897

Really? Care to comment? No? Yeah...didn't think so.

The Dumbocrat Party has changed one bit. The KKK racists are still Democrats. Those people didn't suddenly decide that they liked small government, individual responsibility, and liberty and all switch sides magically one day (despite the false liberal narrative otherwise). Sealybobo's comment above there is about as fiercely racists as it gets. In plain English, she just said - "any dumb negro who doesn't stay firmly seated in poverty and on the government plantation should be racially attacked". It's repulsive. And it exemplifies your side of the aisle. Just ask any black Republican like Allen West and Mia Love about the disgusting racists comments they have to endure by Dumbocrats day after day.

Sure I'll leave a comment. One data point (one post) does not refute the FACT that the Republican Party was progressive up until the Nixon Administration; it is now so bigoted and so racist it is more easily defined by what it opposes than what it supports.

The beginning of the end of racism in the Democratic Party was in 1948 when the DixiecRATs rebelled and fought against civil rights which passed with Democratic support for the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Voting Rights Act (1965); these bills created the opportunity for Nixon to implement what is now known as the Southern Strategy.

See: Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bwahahahaha! You might want to check your historical facts there junior - Dumbocrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement, stupid. If your government paid for cable package includes HBO - I highly suggest you check out "All The Way" about how Lyndon Johnson's own party rose up against him for supporting the Civil Rights bill (and he did so while calling black people "n*ggers" over and over because he hated blacks but realized he needed their votes to win elections). I would tell you to read about it - but we all know how illiterate the average Dumbocrat is (hence the reason they have to live off of government).

This unequivocally proves that you are either ignorant or a liar. Either way - your credibility is shot. Everybody knows the Democrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement jack-ass.
Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

well what can one expect
look who is fighting for them

To equate the Democratic Party of today, with the Democratic Party of the 19th and mid 20th century is a BIG LIE, oft repeated by fools who have no interest in or knowledge of history.

"My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from." - liberal Sealybobo right here on USMB in this post: #1897

Really? Care to comment? No? Yeah...didn't think so.

The Dumbocrat Party has changed one bit. The KKK racists are still Democrats. Those people didn't suddenly decide that they liked small government, individual responsibility, and liberty and all switch sides magically one day (despite the false liberal narrative otherwise). Sealybobo's comment above there is about as fiercely racists as it gets. In plain English, she just said - "any dumb negro who doesn't stay firmly seated in poverty and on the government plantation should be racially attacked". It's repulsive. And it exemplifies your side of the aisle. Just ask any black Republican like Allen West and Mia Love about the disgusting racists comments they have to endure by Dumbocrats day after day.

Sure I'll leave a comment. One data point (one post) does not refute the FACT that the Republican Party was progressive up until the Nixon Administration; it is now so bigoted and so racist it is more easily defined by what it opposes than what it supports.

The beginning of the end of racism in the Democratic Party was in 1948 when the DixiecRATs rebelled and fought against civil rights which passed with Democratic support for the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Voting Rights Act (1965); these bills created the opportunity for Nixon to implement what is now known as the Southern Strategy.

See: Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bwahahahaha! You might want to check your historical facts there junior - Dumbocrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement, stupid. If your government paid for cable package includes HBO - I highly suggest you check out "All The Way" about how Lyndon Johnson's own party rose up against him for supporting the Civil Rights bill (and he did so while calling black people "n*ggers" over and over because he hated blacks but realized he needed their votes to win elections). I would tell you to read about it - but we all know how illiterate the average Dumbocrat is (hence the reason they have to live off of government).

This unequivocally proves that you are either ignorant or a liar. Either way - your credibility is shot. Everybody knows the Democrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement jack-ass.

Half-truths are lies of omission. You've proved to be a liar as well as an immature asshole. I was alive and aware in 1964 when the Republicans held their convention in the Cow Palace - I took Civics in Summer School that year so I did not need to take a full load during football season.

That summer I learned a good deal about politics and why I later chose a double major, Poli Sci and History, in college. Your efforts to echo history, which were current events when I was in high school, is foolish; many others who post here understand the new iteration of conservatives - people like you - have adopted the lies of omission and commission, and echo them ad nauseam.
To equate the Democratic Party of today, with the Democratic Party of the 19th and mid 20th century is a BIG LIE, oft repeated by fools who have no interest in or knowledge of history.

"My original point was that the black man who leaves the hood and becomes a republican has forgotten where he came from." - liberal Sealybobo right here on USMB in this post: #1897

Really? Care to comment? No? Yeah...didn't think so.

The Dumbocrat Party has changed one bit. The KKK racists are still Democrats. Those people didn't suddenly decide that they liked small government, individual responsibility, and liberty and all switch sides magically one day (despite the false liberal narrative otherwise). Sealybobo's comment above there is about as fiercely racists as it gets. In plain English, she just said - "any dumb negro who doesn't stay firmly seated in poverty and on the government plantation should be racially attacked". It's repulsive. And it exemplifies your side of the aisle. Just ask any black Republican like Allen West and Mia Love about the disgusting racists comments they have to endure by Dumbocrats day after day.

Sure I'll leave a comment. One data point (one post) does not refute the FACT that the Republican Party was progressive up until the Nixon Administration; it is now so bigoted and so racist it is more easily defined by what it opposes than what it supports.

The beginning of the end of racism in the Democratic Party was in 1948 when the DixiecRATs rebelled and fought against civil rights which passed with Democratic support for the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Voting Rights Act (1965); these bills created the opportunity for Nixon to implement what is now known as the Southern Strategy.

See: Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bwahahahaha! You might want to check your historical facts there junior - Dumbocrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement, stupid. If your government paid for cable package includes HBO - I highly suggest you check out "All The Way" about how Lyndon Johnson's own party rose up against him for supporting the Civil Rights bill (and he did so while calling black people "n*ggers" over and over because he hated blacks but realized he needed their votes to win elections). I would tell you to read about it - but we all know how illiterate the average Dumbocrat is (hence the reason they have to live off of government).

This unequivocally proves that you are either ignorant or a liar. Either way - your credibility is shot. Everybody knows the Democrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement jack-ass.

Half-truths are lies of omission. You've proved to be a liar as well as an immature asshole. I was alive and aware in 1964 when the Republicans held their convention in the Cow Palace - I took Civics in Summer School that year so I did not need to take a full load during football season.

That summer I learned a good deal about politics and why I later chose a double major, Poli Sci and History, in college. Your efforts to echo history, which were current events when I was in high school, is foolish; many others who post here understand the new iteration of conservatives - people like you - have adopted the lies of omission and commission, and echo them ad nauseam.
Bwahahahaha! Someone is really backpedaling now. A little embarrassed about your ignorant statement? Hey - I would be too. That was an astoundingly stupid comment on your part. But then again, you wouldn't vote Dumbocrat if you weren't stupid.

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