Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

unhinged Democrat Alan Grayson

A judge has granted a temporary protective injunction against U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, after his wife filed paperwork accusing the Orlando congressman of shoving and injuring her during an incident this weekend.

Lolita Grayson’s petition for the injunction, dated Monday, says her husband pushed her against a door, causing her to fall to the ground, during a confrontation Saturday at their home on Oak Park Road, near Windermere.

In a statement, Alan Grayson’s press secretary Lauren Doney wrote that the allegations “are absolutely false, completely unfounded, and clearly designed to vilify and harm Congressman Grayson.”

“Congressman Grayson firmly denies Ms. Grayson’s frivolous accusations,” the statement said.

The incident comes just less than two months after Lolita Grayson filed a divorce petition stating that their marriage of nearly 24 years was “irretrievably broken.”

Grayson's wife files for domestic violence injunction after weekend incident - Orlando Sentinel
But as an analysis by the American Enterprise Institute shows, the White House might want to first address the gap that exists among White House employees. The AEI analysis found that “female staffers at the Obama White House are paid less than 88 cents for every dollar paid to male staffers, and there is therefore a significant White House ‘gender pay gap’ of more than 12 percent.”

Women Don't Make as Much as Men at the White House [VIDEO]
I think Van Jones deserves credit for being honest (something you'll rarely see from a Democrat). But it's appalling that the left destroys people's lives with lies and attacks because they can't win a fair and legal election with integrity...

In a stunning admission, Van Jones said Democrats purposefully destroyed Sarah Palin and painted her as stupid because they were ‘afraid’ after her amazing convention speech.

“Sarah Palin, people forget, she had the Democratic party shaking in our boots in 2008. She came out and she gave that speech at the convention. That was hands down one of the best convention speeches, not by a woman, by anybody in 2008. People were running for the hills. And she somehow has managed to tear apart her own legacy both with bizarre tweets, weird stuff, and then the family drama,” - Van Jones

Van Jones tells Dana Loesch Yeah Palin had us shaking in our boots in 08 8211 Glenn Beck
Not only proof of the Democrat war on women, but also proof that the media is wildly and recklessly liberal and biased. This is so sick, so gross, so disgusting that liberals - a liberal WOMAN no less - thinks that you should "sit back and enjoy" a physical and verbal assault on a woman.

This week, TMZ obtained and released audio from police of a distraught and upset Bristol Palin, talking about the incidents that preceded the brawl. She says, “Some guy gets up, pushes me down on the grass, drags me across the grass, [and says] ‘You slut, you f—ing c—, you f—ing this.”

On CNN, female anchor Carol Costello breezily introduced the segment this way: “Okay. I’m just going to come right out and say it. This is quite possibly the best minute and a half of audio we’ve ever come across – well, come across in a long time anyway.” Then, Costello advised the audience before playing the audio of Bristol, “Sit back and enjoy.

Because it’s so funny when a young woman is pushed down and dragged and called sexually derogatory terms to boot. (Sadly, it really is to Democrats who hate women, treat them as nothing but cum receptacles, and love to see them physically abused - especially if the woman in question is a conservative).

If Bristol Palin were Chelsea Clinton or Malia Obama, we’d be having a different national conversation right now.

Why Did CNN Think Bristol Palin Recounting Being Called a F ing C Was Funny

Horrid...and I wish and pray all rapists are caught, prosecuted, and put away. However, to claim all the rapists involved are Democrats is based on what evidence? Considering the attitude of the Right towards women they disagree with, it could also be some Republicans taking advantage of the situation to come in and.....well.....

Not really, most of us think rapists should be executed. Democrats want them to pickup trash for a week and then get off on good behavior, which is why I laugh when democrats bring up crime, especially rape after the duke lacross case

Right...Democrats believe a just punishment for convicted rapists is community service.

Not even that much. Democrats believe in a completely different system called restorative justice, without punishment.
But as an analysis by the American Enterprise Institute shows, the White House might want to first address the gap that exists among White House employees. The AEI analysis found that “female staffers at the Obama White House are paid less than 88 cents for every dollar paid to male staffers, and there is therefore a significant White House ‘gender pay gap’ of more than 12 percent.”

Women Don't Make as Much as Men at the White House [VIDEO]
highest rate EVER duh...dupe.

Horrid...and I wish and pray all rapists are caught, prosecuted, and put away. However, to claim all the rapists involved are Democrats is based on what evidence? Considering the attitude of the Right towards women they disagree with, it could also be some Republicans taking advantage of the situation to come in and.....well.....

Not really, most of us think rapists should be executed. Democrats want them to pickup trash for a week and then get off on good behavior, which is why I laugh when democrats bring up crime, especially rape after the duke lacross case

Right...Democrats believe a just punishment for convicted rapists is community service.

Not even that much. Democrats believe in a completely different system called restorative justice, without punishment.
Show me one elected Democrat who believes rapists shouldn't be punished. This should be good.

Horrid...and I wish and pray all rapists are caught, prosecuted, and put away. However, to claim all the rapists involved are Democrats is based on what evidence? Considering the attitude of the Right towards women they disagree with, it could also be some Republicans taking advantage of the situation to come in and.....well.....

Not really, most of us think rapists should be executed. Democrats want them to pickup trash for a week and then get off on good behavior, which is why I laugh when democrats bring up crime, especially rape after the duke lacross case

Right...Democrats believe a just punishment for convicted rapists is community service.

Not even that much. Democrats believe in a completely different system called restorative justice, without punishment.
Show me one elected Democrat who believes rapists shouldn't be punished. This should be good.
Every single one who votes to give men access to women in restrooms, showers, and locker rooms.
Horrid...and I wish and pray all rapists are caught, prosecuted, and put away. However, to claim all the rapists involved are Democrats is based on what evidence? Considering the attitude of the Right towards women they disagree with, it could also be some Republicans taking advantage of the situation to come in and.....well.....

Not really, most of us think rapists should be executed. Democrats want them to pickup trash for a week and then get off on good behavior, which is why I laugh when democrats bring up crime, especially rape after the duke lacross case

Right...Democrats believe a just punishment for convicted rapists is community service.

Not even that much. Democrats believe in a completely different system called restorative justice, without punishment.
Show me one elected Democrat who believes rapists shouldn't be punished. This should be good.
Every single one who votes to give men access to women in restrooms, showers, and locker rooms.
Like female sports reporters.. in men's locker rooms after games?
Oh and by the vie, tranny's have been using public restrooms with women and girls for a long time now. I am surprised you closed minded people didn't recognize this happening a decade earlier like I did when working security at night clubs..

Horrid...and I wish and pray all rapists are caught, prosecuted, and put away. However, to claim all the rapists involved are Democrats is based on what evidence? Considering the attitude of the Right towards women they disagree with, it could also be some Republicans taking advantage of the situation to come in and.....well.....

Not really, most of us think rapists should be executed. Democrats want them to pickup trash for a week and then get off on good behavior, which is why I laugh when democrats bring up crime, especially rape after the duke lacross case

Right...Democrats believe a just punishment for convicted rapists is community service.

Not even that much. Democrats believe in a completely different system called restorative justice, without punishment.
You wish...
Rottwielder thinks that a personal attitude that is bad is a war on someone, well his bad attitude is a war on fellow members of USMB..He must be stopped...By putting peanut but on the end of his nose, so he is too buzy trying to lick it off to be waging war on fellow posters....
Horrid...and I wish and pray all rapists are caught, prosecuted, and put away. However, to claim all the rapists involved are Democrats is based on what evidence? Considering the attitude of the Right towards women they disagree with, it could also be some Republicans taking advantage of the situation to come in and.....well.....

Not really, most of us think rapists should be executed. Democrats want them to pickup trash for a week and then get off on good behavior, which is why I laugh when democrats bring up crime, especially rape after the duke lacross case

Right...Democrats believe a just punishment for convicted rapists is community service.

Not even that much. Democrats believe in a completely different system called restorative justice, without punishment.
Show me one elected Democrat who believes rapists shouldn't be punished. This should be good.
Every single one who votes to give men access to women in restrooms, showers, and locker rooms.
That's not rape. You're a uber idiot
And the attacks continue...this black woman not only hates women who won't subscribe to her ideology, she's also clearly racist as hell.

Rapper Suggests Palin ‘Needs’ to be Gang-Raped by Black Men (UPDATED)
Which nothing to do with being a democrat, it does how ever have everything to do with a person's attitude..
So serious question moon. Why is it when someone like Timothy McVeigh bombs a government building, it's has everything to do with him being a Republican and nothing to do with his attitude. But when a liberal says that a white woman should be gang raped by black men (which is so disgusting it's hard for me to even type that - I just can't get over that a woman of all people would say something like that), it has nothing to do with her being left-wing?
Not really, most of us think rapists should be executed. Democrats want them to pickup trash for a week and then get off on good behavior, which is why I laugh when democrats bring up crime, especially rape after the duke lacross case

Right...Democrats believe a just punishment for convicted rapists is community service.

Not even that much. Democrats believe in a completely different system called restorative justice, without punishment.
Show me one elected Democrat who believes rapists shouldn't be punished. This should be good.
Every single one who votes to give men access to women in restrooms, showers, and locker rooms.
That's not rape. You're a uber idiot
And yet it ends that way (or at least with some form of horrific sexual assault - like videoing people going to the bathroom, etc.). You immediately resorting to personal insults on the first post that disagrees with you shows how weak your position is and how weak you are as an individual.
And the attacks continue...this black woman not only hates women who won't subscribe to her ideology, she's also clearly racist as hell.

Rapper Suggests Palin ‘Needs’ to be Gang-Raped by Black Men (UPDATED)
Which nothing to do with being a democrat, it does how ever have everything to do with a person's attitude..
So serious question moon. Why is it when someone like Timothy McVeigh bombs a government building, it's has everything to do with him being a Republican and nothing to do with his attitude. But when a liberal says that a white woman should be gang raped by black men (which is so disgusting it's hard for me to even type that - I just can't get over that a woman of all people would say something like that), it has nothing to do with her being left-wing?
Because people are to busy pointing fingers of blame to realize what actions make the event occur in the first place...
as far as the rape thing. why does it need a moniker of party affiliation of philosophical alignment...this is a recent phenomena, not one that was done 30 years ago..
Just like people announcing race, or sexuality, seems silly to me...
If a person/society existed in a void of politics and philosophy would not rape still occur?? Same with race, or ethnicity..
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