Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

.The first bill he ever signed into law was equal pay for equal work. A bill designed to make sure women make just as much as men when they do just as much work.

And then he promptly turned around and paid women exponentially less to work in his White House :lmao: But hey, don't let that FACT get in the way of your irrational worship of Obama.

While that idiot Todd Akins was talking about a 'legitimate' rape Barack Obama is touting the right to choose. The GOP seems to be completely insensitive and downright ignorant towards rape victims.

Let me get this straight - I'm not talking fact despite the multiple examples I mentioned, but you bring up one certified idiot and you cite him as the position for the entire Conservative party? :cuckoo:

That's why Barack Obama took 70% of the vote from single women. If you want to blame anybody for Dem racking up women's votes the way they have the last 30 years, look no further than the insensitive, stupid, moronic, narrow minded mf's inside of the Rep public.

They "rack up women's vote" because of the propaganda women are spoon fed. The reality is, the overwhelming majority of America is completely uninformed about actual policy, how government even works, and the candidates/representatives themselves. They are too busy with reality television and gossip (this is especially true for women). And the left is so brilliant at lying, the Nazi's are on record as stating they learned propaganda from Woodrow Wilson and the dumbocrats.

When they stop treating women like some type of object, women might just flee from the Democrats.

"Objects"? You mean like Mayor Bloomberg just did? Or like Bill Clinton does? Or like JFK used to? You know, when they humiliated their wives by sticking their dick in anything that would acknowledge their existence? Don't recall too many Republican presidents ever doing that. You know of a single instance where Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, or George W. Bush were accused of being unfaithful to their wives? No? Exactly...

First of all talking about equal pay in Obama's cabinet is really picking at straws. I guess you are not familiar with the fact that Obama does not actually set their wages. Second of all, lets assume he did set their wages, would it be possible that there was more qualified people for the position other than women? Can you honestly say that he discriminated against the women in his cabinet because of what their getting paid? If you call pointing out facts irrational worship then you are the one that seems to be a little irrational. I pointed out facts. The facts were that while Rush Limbaugh was making an asshole of the GOP with women, Barack Obama was touting women's rights. It's debatable whether you can say he's a true champion for women's rights or not. But one thing is not debatable...the GOP made him really look like he was.

You said I cited one idiot to be a spokesman for the Republican party (Todd Adkins) did you forget about the other jackasses that made ridiculous statements about rape? How about that goon ball moron Mr. Murdock? The list of GOP flubs concerning women goes on and on. Do you remember the big government standoff in April of 2011 because the GOP did not want to spend 5 million dollars on funding for planned parenthood? Women tend to take that type of shit personally. Especially when it's 5 million poor women who rely on planned parenthood for help in their day to day lives. Of course you claim Democrats rack up women votes because of the propaganda women are spoon fed. I suppose this is 'fact', I doubt it...that's assumption.

If you want to talk propaganda we can go back and forth on that all day. That's a completely different subject. Between Fox News, CNBC, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of your media outlets propaganda on both sides is all over the place. Yet you are claiming that women are too busy watching reality shows to keep up with what's really going on. Newsflash, partna! I hate to break it to you but women are usually more informed than men of the issues. While most women are raising children and working these days, men are the ones more likely to watch ESPN when they get off work, not the world news. So am I saying that men are the ones that are uninformed, I don't think that you can put everyone in one criteria. What I am saying is I think it's hilarious that the moment women make decisions that someone disagrees with it's because the poor souls are victims of their own lack of intellect. That's a bunch of horseshit.

You cannot show me statistics anywhere where it says women are more uninformed than men. You also say that Liberals are so good with propaganda that the Nazis got their skills from Woodrow Wilson. It's funny you mention Woodrow Wilson he was the first president that signed it into law for women to have the right to vote. Oh and since it's such big news that the Nazis got their skills from the Liberals, how about the fact David Koresh said that he admired and was inspired by Ronald Reagan? I guess Reagan's communication skills are responsible for the wacko in Waco?

You then have the audacity to tell me that Rep Presidents don't cheat on their wives, only Dem do. Since you don't recall too many Rep Presidents who would exploit women as objects or stick their dicks in something other than their wife...let me go ahead and jog your memory. James Garfield is one of them, Warren G. Harding was quite the dick slinger, and Dwight Eisenhower also had affairs with women other than his wife and that's just Republicans. Many Presidents over the years have had extramarital affairs period. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe and a list of others. So does that mean that these Republicans hated women? No, I wouldn't say that. It all goes back to my original point which is you cannot neatly try to fit the Rep party or the Dem party into some type of league of their own when it comes to the issues of women and when it comes to the issues of rape, which was your original point.

Now next time you respond to me, hopefully you will do better than just bringing assumptions. Maybe you will actually try to bring some fucking facts. Apparently, FOX News is stunting your intellectual growth.
First of all talking about equal pay in Obama's cabinet is really picking at straws.

Yeah - it's so "picking at straws" to point out the fact that the very man you pointed out as "signing an equal pay bill as his FIRST act" is not paying women equally in his own Administration. :cuckoo:

I guess you are not familiar with the fact that Obama does not actually set their wages.

He's the President stupid. He's in charge. He sets the wages for his entire Administration. :cuckoo:

Second of all, lets assume he did set their wages, would it be possible that there was more qualified people for the position other than women? Can you honestly say that he discriminated against the women in his cabinet because of what their getting paid?

You just defeated your own argument. You're so "proud" of Obama and so quick to point out this was his "first act" as President. Well, can he or you or anyone "honestly say that there are more qualified men than woman in the jobs making more money"?!? Because you got bitch-smacked with facts, and you refuse to criticize your "god" - you're now trying to make a completely irrational argument. If there is no way to prove that the positions are not filled with more qualified candidates (who just happen to be men) whether in his Administration or in a private corporations (and there's not a way to prove either) - then why sign the stupid fuck'n bill in the first place? Oh, that's right - because while he's treating women like second rate citizens in the first place, he needs a big ostentatious action to make voters think he gives a fuck about women. Have to capture that female vote at any cost, right 'ole Justin?

If you call pointing out facts irrational worship then you are the one that seems to be a little irrational. I pointed out facts. The facts were that while Rush Limbaugh was making an asshole of the GOP with women, Barack Obama was touting women's rights. It's debatable whether you can say he's a true champion for women's rights or not. But one thing is not debatable...the GOP made him really look like he was.

Once again we see your stupidity on FULL display. I'm the one who pointed out FACT. Cold, hard, FACT that Obama is not paying women in his Administration as much as men. Undeniable, cold, hard, FACT. And here you sit like a fuck'n asshole trying to come up with every irrational excuse to defend your "god". You can't even criticize the man one time when he deserves it. Shows what a worshipping little partisan hack you are.... I provide irrefutable fact and your response is to claim you're opinions on Rush Limbaugh are somehow more relevant to the conversation :cuckoo:

You said I cited one idiot to be a spokesman for the Republican party (Todd Adkins) did you forget about the other jackasses that made ridiculous statements about rape? How about that goon ball moron Mr. Murdock? The list of GOP flubs concerning women goes on and on. Do you remember the big government standoff in April of 2011 because the GOP did not want to spend 5 million dollars on funding for planned parenthood? Women tend to take that type of shit personally. Especially when it's 5 million poor women who rely on planned parenthood for help in their day to day lives. Of course you claim Democrats rack up women votes because of the propaganda women are spoon fed. I suppose this is 'fact', I doubt it...that's assumption.

Planned Parenthood? You mean the organization that is responsible for more murder in 1 year than ALL of the guns combined in US history? You mean that organization? Yeah, sorry there fella - most women I know find that organization to be completely and totally repulsive. In fact, the only women I'm aware of that like it are the liberal parasites who need it because they want free shit and can't stand on their own two feet like a normal fuck'n adult and take care of their own business. Epic fail if you believe Planned Parenthood is some big for women. It's only a big win for women who are parasites that feed of other people (ie tax payers).

If you want to talk propaganda we can go back and forth on that all day. That's a completely different subject. Between Fox News, CNBC, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of your media outlets propaganda on both sides is all over the place. Yet you are claiming that women are too busy watching reality shows to keep up with what's really going on. Newsflash, partna! I hate to break it to you but women are usually more informed than men of the issues. While most women are raising children and working these days, men are the ones more likely to watch ESPN when they get off work, not the world news. So am I saying that men are the ones that are uninformed, I don't think that you can put everyone in one criteria. What I am saying is I think it's hilarious that the moment women make decisions that someone disagrees with it's because the poor souls are victims of their own lack of intellect. That's a bunch of horseshit.

You clearly don't know many women (no shock there based on your nonsense). I, on the other hand, are surrounded by them (tons and tons and tons of them) and I can't find one interested in what is going on with their government. They will openly admit they don't give a shit. But they will shift into overdrive the minute something "dramatic" (and I use that term lightly) happens on their favorite reality show. And by the way - you're right on your assessment of men as well. Our biggest problem is that too many people don't give a shit what's going on in government. It's just worse on the female side of the aisle (and that is another inconvenient FACT for your chief).

You cannot show me statistics anywhere where it says women are more uninformed than men. You also say that Liberals are so good with propaganda that the Nazis got their skills from Woodrow Wilson. It's funny you mention Woodrow Wilson he was the first president that signed it into law for women to have the right to vote. Oh and since it's such big news that the Nazis got their skills from the Liberals, how about the fact David Koresh said that he admired and was inspired by Ronald Reagan? I guess Reagan's communication skills are responsible for the wacko in Waco?

Really? One wacko and maybe two dozen followers vs. the world's most vicious dictator and millions of followers? Is that really the comparison you want to make in your desperation? Really? Yeah, most people I know think of those Koresh followers just like the Nazi's. I mean, sure - they didn't kill anybody. And yes, they didn't try to exterminate an entire race of people. And of course, they didn't start a massive world war. And no, they never invaded another town, much less nation. And sure, they didn't torture millions, throw people in ovens, or commit heinous acts of violence. But other than that, they were just like the Nazi's. :cuckoo:

Now next time you respond to me, hopefully you will do better than just bringing assumptions. Maybe you will actually try to bring some fucking facts. Apparently, FOX News is stunting your intellectual growth.

I'm the one that brought FACTS - complete with links to back up the FACTS. Where are you links? Citations? Nothing? Oh, that's right - you can't provide anything to back up opinion.

Here's the bottom line - Obama is your "god", you'll never criticize him even if he rapes women or becomes Saddam Hussein, so there's no point in continuing this conversation. You don't care that he pays women less in his Administration, you only want to crow about the big, ostentatious action put on for voters that make people like you believe he cares about women.
What no one’s asking is, Why is it okay for men to tell women how to defend themselves?

Biden is hardly alone in this. Obviously there are hundreds of men in Congress and thousands in state legislatures who regularly craft laws on women’s self-defense issues, and many of them, I’m sure, do so from an earnest and compassionate place.

But doesn’t the “my body, my choice” mantra on the left cover my ability to save my body from rape and death? Or is it only my body and my choice when I’ve created another person, with another person?

Cupp: Why Is it Okay for Men to Tell Women How to Defend Themselves? |
"but you bring up one certified idiot and you cite him as the position for the entire Conservative party?"

They did have him on their science committee. And let's not forget all the other misogynistic things that GOP representatives, candidates and pundits of both sexes have said, from Bachmann saying that women should submit to their husbands, to Santorum saying that rape pregnancies were a gift, to Mourdock saying the same basic thing, to Liz Trotta mocking women who were "raped too much," to Limbaugh calling women with ovarian cysts "sluts."

It's sad that there are actually women out there who embrace a second class status, as history repeats itself:

"Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women's movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist Women's movement has in reality but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creation which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to the National Socialist Women’s League (Sept. 8, 1934)
Obama was elected by women in 2012. The upcoming election of 2016 is looking good for Democrats to win that demographic once more. The GOP will likely win the entire contest due to voter fatigue with one party or the other after 8 years. It may well be the only reason to vote GOP if Rubio's performance was any indication the other evening.

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Now that the election is over, the left doesn’t seem so concerned about that "war on women". And for people who are supposedly all about protecting women, the left sure has a bizarre way of showing it. Once again, a Democrat politician has trivialized a rape survivor’s horrible experience and point-of-view, while arrogantly explaining why she doesn’t need a gun.

War on Women! Rape survivor dissed by Colorado politicians ? Glenn Beck
The Supreme Court interprets the law AFTER it is passed by Congress and signed by the President.

The Supreme Court does not "interpret the law" - they rule on it's constitutionality...

Never watched Schoolhouse Rock about what a bill is, didja

This is a horribly frightening theme with the idiot liberal dumbocrat. It is very clear their entire "education" about the United States government stems from a 90 second cartoon commercial for children. It is equal parts hilarious and tragic.
UPDATED: War on Women! Rape survivor dissed by Colorado politicians


Now that the election is over, the left doesn’t seem so concerned about the war on women. And for people supposedly all about protecting women, they sure have a strange way of showing it. Once again a Democrat politician has gone after women on rape.

Amanda Collins, who was a guest on The Glenn Beck Program last week, went before Colorado state legislators to speak out against their efforts to increase gun control.

Shockingly, when she told the story of her rape and how it would have been different if she had a gun, she was told by Sen. Evie Hudak “actually, statistics are not on your side, even if you had a gun.”

“You said that you were a martial arts student, I mean person, experienced in Tae Kwon Do, and yet because this individual was so large, was able to overcome you even with your skills, and chances are that if you had had a gun, then he would have been able to get that from you and possibly use it against you,” she added.

“Had I been carrying concealed, he wouldn’t have known I had my weapon; and I was there. I know without a doubt in my mind at some point I would’ve been able to stop my attack by using my firearm,” Collins explained.

Glenn played the audio on air today and just couldn’t believe what he heard.

Watch the shocking exchange below:

[ame=]Amanda Collins at HB 1226 Hearing - YouTube[/ame]


UPDATED: War on Women! Rape survivor dissed by Colorado politicians ? Glenn Beck
Holy.....fucking......shit! The dumbocrats plan for defending women is to tell women they should tell the rapist attacking them:

"hey, you're not supposed to rape women - so don't rape me".

Democratic Strategist?s Shocking Claim: Women Don?t Need Guns for Self-Defense, Just Tell Men ?Not to Rape Women? | Video |

That's dumbocrats for Ya...

Even by dumbocrat standards, this takes stupidity to a whole new level. Their party is a complete disgrace - I cringe every time I hear their stupidity.
God, is there a bigger embarassment to liberals or U.S. politicians in the history of this nation that Joe Biden? This is a man who recently said "if you hear a noise outside, shoot through your door with a double-barrel shotgun, then go outside the house and shoot again" (God forbid the noise is made from a child on the porch - and lets not forget that shooting through your door and/or leaving your house to shoot someone is illegal in all 50 states).

Now, Biden wants to discuss "real" violence against women, not just "garden variety slaps across the face" (I didn't know slapping a woman across the face could EVER be "garden variety"). What a disgusting pig this filthy animal is...

Don?t worry ladies, Joe Biden?s got your back?(not really) ? Glenn Beck
Women voted overwhelmingly for the Obama/Biden ticket sending Governor Romney home with his tail between his legs. The Democrats also expanded their majority in the Senate.

Those are the facts.

Now back to the GOP/Rottweiler daily lie-fest
Women voted overwhelmingly for the Obama/Biden ticket sending Governor Romney home with his tail between his legs. The Democrats also expanded their majority in the Senate.

Those are the facts.

Now back to the GOP/Rottweiler daily lie-fest

I know - isn't it sad that the group that thinks it's ok to slap women across the face in the "garden variety" way actually got some women to vote for them?

Then again, they convince dumb-asses like to vote for them despite it's against your best interest to do so....
Venezuela Considers Banning Baby Bottle Feeding

Odalis Monzon, from Venezuela's ruling Socialist party, said the proposal would "prohibit all types of baby bottles" as a way to improve children's health.

"We want to increase the love (between mother and child) because this has been lost as a result of these transnational companies selling formula," Ms Monzon said.

Riiiight.... the "love between mother and child" has been lost because of baby formula :cuckoo:

The left isn't happy until they can literally force your baby to suck on your nippple.

Venezuela considers banning baby bottle feeding - Telegraph

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