Democrats HORRIFIC war on women


Um, Huggy, the law says the guidelines dictate what O-care will cover. Those are Obama's new guidelines - no annual mammograms for women, no annual pap smears for women.

Not a good thing for women, and this is what Obamacare does - cuts back mammograms and pap smears for women. To Obama, women are dispensable in health coverage, or at least women's breasts and ovaries, are.

I do not dispute that if what you say is truthful and FACTUAL it is a bad thing. How many ways do I have to put this? Obama has no authority to act on some kind of whim. Will someone just link to the REAL guidelines. I don't care about scare/smear tactics. If it isn't in print somewhere that has a Gov stamp on it it is nonsense. Why is it so hard for you guys to produce something FACTUAL on this? What about the thing the other guy provided? He just put something here that was not traceable. Is it THAT hard to provide a link or a Obama edict or whatever the fuck you are squeeling about to back up your statements?
Huggy, the law was linked to earlier by another poster. The DHHS has the authority to set the guidelines. And, I already gave you two links to the new guidelines for women's cancer issues with breasts and ovaries.

Under these guidelines, women will NOT be covered for annual pap smears nor for annual mammograms. Just part of Obama's war on women.

That's not how I read it. They have authority to RECOMMEND guidelines...not SET guidelines.

As far as I can tell they use the best evidence for the from the American Cancer Society.

Here is the links to what I can decipher as the best information on this subject.

Breast Cancer: Screening

USPSTF A-Z Topic Guide

Recommendations (USPSTF)

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Perhaps you could read the info I provided and tell me how any of this is enacted law.

I see it as an intelligent attempt to streamline Cancer testing within the best information available.

Do you dispute any of the FACTS offered as to the effectiveness of their recommendations?
I do not dispute that if what you say is truthful and FACTUAL it is a bad thing. How many ways do I have to put this? Obama has no authority to act on some kind of whim. Will someone just link to the REAL guidelines. I don't care about scare/smear tactics. If it isn't in print somewhere that has a Gov stamp on it it is nonsense. Why is it so hard for you guys to produce something FACTUAL on this? What about the thing the other guy provided? He just put something here that was not traceable. Is it THAT hard to provide a link or a Obama edict or whatever the fuck you are squeeling about to back up your statements?
Huggy, the law was linked to earlier by another poster. The DHHS has the authority to set the guidelines. And, I already gave you two links to the new guidelines for women's cancer issues with breasts and ovaries.

Under these guidelines, women will NOT be covered for annual pap smears nor for annual mammograms. Just part of Obama's war on women.

That's not how I read it. They have authority to RECOMMEND guidelines...not SET guidelines.

As far as I can tell they use the best evidence for the from the American Cancer Society.

Here is the links to what I can decipher as the best information on this subject.

Breast Cancer: Screening

USPSTF A-Z Topic Guide

Recommendations (USPSTF)

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Perhaps you could read the info I provided and tell me how any of this is enacted law.

I see it as an intelligent attempt to streamline Cancer testing within the best information available.

Do you dispute any of the FACTS offered as to the effectiveness of their recommendations?
:lol: Your own links say exactly what I said.

No more annual mammograms for women under Obamacare.

And, no more annual pap smears for women under Obamacare.

Obama's war on women.
Huggy, the law was linked to earlier by another poster. The DHHS has the authority to set the guidelines. And, I already gave you two links to the new guidelines for women's cancer issues with breasts and ovaries.

Under these guidelines, women will NOT be covered for annual pap smears nor for annual mammograms. Just part of Obama's war on women.

That's not how I read it. They have authority to RECOMMEND guidelines...not SET guidelines.

As far as I can tell they use the best evidence for the from the American Cancer Society.

Here is the links to what I can decipher as the best information on this subject.

Breast Cancer: Screening

USPSTF A-Z Topic Guide

Recommendations (USPSTF)

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Perhaps you could read the info I provided and tell me how any of this is enacted law.

I see it as an intelligent attempt to streamline Cancer testing within the best information available.

Do you dispute any of the FACTS offered as to the effectiveness of their recommendations?
:lol: Your own links say exactly what I said.

No more annual mammograms for women under Obamacare.

And, no more annual pap smears for women under Obamacare.

Obama's war on women.

OK let's back up a scosh. First of all with NO Obamacare and just the whims of the health care industry to rely on the poor and even many working poor have NO choices. NOBODY is forced to participate in Obamacare. EVERYONE can still get private insurance just like always. EVERYONE including women can opt to a private plan if they feel it meets their needs better than the Obamacare options.

There is NO EDICT in the information I looked at..Just recommendations. So stop being a screeching nimrod and answer my question as to whether you believe or do not believe the recommendations are responsible...FOR AMERICANS that want to opt for Obamacare and not a private plan? Do you dispute the commission's findings on the effectiveness of cancer prevention as they laid it out their recommendations? They claim biennial pap smears etc are sufficient in certain age groups to catch cancer. Are they lying? They also suggest that for women over 75 there is no need of this service. Are they lying? Even with all your shrill howling to the moon I found NOTHING about x-ray exams being recomended at any specific intervals. In fact what they DID recommend was at least an annual pelvic and breast exam for the groups previously mentioned. Am I wrong?
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Do you know what the republican response to rape is? do know you know they define it? how about you give ryans idea of what rape is, also can you explain how these said republicans say that a woman have a natural defence against "ligitimate rape"
Do you know what the republican response to rape is? do know you know they define it? how about you give ryans idea of what rape is, also can you explain how these said republicans say that a woman have a natural defence against "ligitimate rape"

Is this in the wrong topic?

It's easy to get confused.
And the dumbocrats war on women continues:

Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter made quite a shocking claim during a recent interview when she said that women don’t really care about what has happened in the last four years. She went on to say that women only care about what happens next. Insulting the intelligence of women is certainly one way to ignore one of the worst first terms in Presidential history.

Stephanie Cutter: Women aren’t concerned about the past – Glenn Beck
Democrats HORRIFIC war on women


"Our country might have been better off if it was still just men voting. There is nothing worse than a bunch of mean, hateful women. They are diabolical in how than can skewer a person."

Teabagger Meltdown!!

That's not how I read it. They have authority to RECOMMEND guidelines...not SET guidelines.

As far as I can tell they use the best evidence for the from the American Cancer Society.

Here is the links to what I can decipher as the best information on this subject.

Breast Cancer: Screening

USPSTF A-Z Topic Guide

Recommendations (USPSTF)

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Perhaps you could read the info I provided and tell me how any of this is enacted law.

I see it as an intelligent attempt to streamline Cancer testing within the best information available.

Do you dispute any of the FACTS offered as to the effectiveness of their recommendations?
:lol: Your own links say exactly what I said.

No more annual mammograms for women under Obamacare.

And, no more annual pap smears for women under Obamacare.

Obama's war on women.

OK let's back up a scosh. First of all with NO Obamacare and just the whims of the health care industry to rely on the poor and even many working poor have NO choices. NOBODY is forced to participate in Obamacare. EVERYONE can still get private insurance just like always. EVERYONE including women can opt to a private plan if they feel it meets their needs better than the Obamacare options.

There is NO EDICT in the information I looked at..Just recommendations. So stop being a screeching nimrod and answer my question as to whether you believe or do not believe the recommendations are responsible...FOR AMERICANS that want to opt for Obamacare and not a private plan? Do you dispute the commission's findings on the effectiveness of cancer prevention as they laid it out their recommendations? They claim biennial pap smears etc are sufficient in certain age groups to catch cancer. Are they lying? They also suggest that for women over 75 there is no need of this service. Are they lying? Even with all your shrill howling to the moon I found NOTHING about x-ray exams being recomended at any specific intervals. In fact what they DID recommend was at least an annual pelvic and breast exam for the groups previously mentioned. Am I wrong?

Let's back up a scosh more.
The AMA made this recommendation a while back saying that the costs of annual screenings outweighed the benefits. Their claim, if I remember right, was that it was just as effective screening younger women less frequently than they had been and then screening MORE as a woman got older. This actually had less to do with costs and more to do with reducing lifetime radiation exposure.

All this goes right out the window if the woman is considered high risk. Obamacare DOES provide for medically necessary testing, at a doctor's discretion.

Hey just remember... You democrats support the killing of babies JUST CAUSE THEY ARE GIRLS....But what do you care? As long as women get to kill their babies and act like sluts with no self respect its all good right?

Oh, you right winged loons never cease to amaze me.

If you can make choices, I can too. Same with all other women.

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