Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

Glenn Beck....:lmao:

Hey just remember... You democrats support the killing of babies JUST CAUSE THEY ARE GIRLS....But what do you care? As long as women get to kill their babies and act like sluts with no self respect its all good right?

Oh, you right winged loons never cease to amaze me.

If you can make choices, I can too. Same with all other women.

Heh - I watched that O'Really episode too where TX right to lifers went into a planned parenthood clinic and "exposed" their wicked ways. It was true - they were going to allow that woman to abort if she was going to have a girl and did nothing to stop her. It's not like they're mandated to try to talk anyone out of the procedure, but hey... who cares about facts when you've got O'Really?
Once again we see the liberals treating women like objects. Clearly ANY woman who supports this party has ZERO idea what this party truly stands for and what they are all about. The list of married dumbocrats who degraded and humiliated their wives never ends: John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, etc. And now we have Mayor Bloomberg showing all of the class and dignity of a barnyard animal...

?Look at the ass on her?: Mayor Michael Bloomberg gets candid with New York magazine writer at holiday party when admiring a guest's assets - NY Daily News
Democrats raping their own liberal women at political rally's where those poor women are supporting the idiot liberal Dumbocrat cause... More disturbing than that, look at the situation in Dallas from this article where it was a GIRL - not a woman - who was raped.

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps

How do you know the person who committed the rape was a democrat? How do you know it wasn't some miscreant who simply walked up to scene?

Also, let's say it was a democrat. Do you have any statistical evidence that proves there are more rapists on the Left than Right?

I think you're phishing for stupid people, and I feel stupid for responding.
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Democrats raping their own liberal women at political rally's where those poor women are supporting the idiot liberal Dumbocrat cause... More disturbing than that, look at the situation in Dallas from this article where it was a GIRL - not a woman - who was raped.

Sexual Assaults in Occupy Wall Street Camps

How do you know the person who committed the rape was a democrat? How do you know it wasn't some miscreant who simply walked up to scene?

Also, let's say it was a democrat. Do you have any statistical evidence that proves there are more rapists on the Left than Right?

I think you're phishing for stupid people, and I feel stupid for responding.

Facts - they are a bitch, uh? And you're right - it was a "miscreant". They are called liberals or progressives or dumbocrats.

I'm not "fishing" for anything and could give a shit what idiot liberals think. I just share the facts. If you guys choose to cry like little bitches about them, that's your problem. I have better things to do with my time than wipe your tears or "fish"...
The progressive war on women continues. Obama, who not only pays women in his administration considerably less, is also avoiding giving them jobs in his cabinet.

Oh the irony... the "evil" GWB of the "good old boy network" places a BLACK WOMAN to two of his highest positions (Condie Rice as National Security Advisor in his first term and Secretary of State in his second) and a BLACK man to one of his highest positions (Collin Powell to Secretary of State in his first term), meanwhile Barack Obama hires nothing but white men.

Ok dumbocrats... ready? Let the spin begin!!! Lets here all your bullshit excuses on why women are ignored and underpaid by an ultra liberal administration....

Obama?s Top White House Aides are Almost All Men | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
The progressive war on women continues. Obama, who not only pays women in his administration considerably less, is also avoiding giving them jobs in his cabinet.

Oh the irony... the "evil" GWB of the "good old boy network" places a BLACK WOMAN to two of his highest positions (Condie Rice as National Security Advisor in his first term and Secretary of State in his second) and a BLACK man to one of his highest positions (Collin Powell to Secretary of State in his first term), meanwhile Barack Obama hires nothing but white men.

Ok dumbocrats... ready? Let the spin begin!!! Lets here all your bullshit excuses on why women are ignored and underpaid by an ultra liberal administration....

Obama?s Top White House Aides are Almost All Men | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
Why Women Still Can’t Have It All - Anne-Marie Slaughter - The Atlantic

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I t is RW men insisting they have some kind of right to crawl up into my uterus and tell me what I can and cannot do with it....not male LW'ers.

Just look at this thread for proof of same.

Regards from Rosie
I t is RW men insisting they have some kind of right to crawl up into my uterus and tell me what I can and cannot do with it....not male LW'ers.

Just look at this thread for proof of same.

Regards from Rosie

I really don't care to get anywhere near your uterus, truth be told.

LW rather you get raped than protect yourself. Sad.

Regards from Papageorgio
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I t is RW men insisting they have some kind of right to crawl up into my uterus and tell me what I can and cannot do with it....not male LW'ers.

Just look at this thread for proof of same.

Regards from Rosie

I really don't care to get anywhere near your uterus, truth be told.

LW rather you get raped than protect yourself. Sad.

Regards Papageorgio

Most rapes are by someone the woman already knows. So I know where the butcher block holder is among the people I know and I will slice and dice my potential rapist. Men I personally know do not doubt that.

Still doesn't get RW men up outta my uterus, however.

Regards from Rosie
I t is RW men insisting they have some kind of right to crawl up into my uterus and tell me what I can and cannot do with it....not male LW'ers.

Just look at this thread for proof of same.

Regards from Rosie

I really don't care to get anywhere near your uterus, truth be told.

LW rather you get raped than protect yourself. Sad.

Regards Papageorgio

Most rapes are by someone the woman already knows. So I know where the butcher block holder is among the people I know and I will slice and dice my potential rapist. Men I personally know do not doubt that.

Still doesn't get RW men up outta my uterus, however.

Regards from Rosie

I told you, I don't care about your uterus, but I do know LW nut jobs don't think women have a right to protect themselves.
To the OP...I have to wonder if you are serious or joking about trying to tie rape to a certain political class? For a moment Ill try and act like you are serious so I can go ahead and indulge you with this. First of all, if you want to talk about politicians who mistreat women or sexually exploit them, what about US Senator David Vitter, a well known Republican, he managed to live it up with an escort service for several years while his wife and kids were at home basking in the glow of his family values methods. And if we are going to talk about President's who had affairs what about the White Eisenhower? A Rep president who I think did an excellent job in office. In fact while we are at it, lets talk about how all the first few President's had affairs with their slaves. The list of politicians who sexually exploit women is done both on the right and the left. Want to know something else? A bunch of Dem and Rep are having affairs right now as we speak!

To sit there and try to tie this issues to Liberals is both ridiculous and petty. Yes, Barack Obama has appointed very few women to his cabinet, but he did appoint two women to the US Supreme Court. The first bill he ever signed into law was equal pay for equal work. A bill designed to make sure women make just as much as men when they do just as much work. There is also a whole lot of incentives for women in his healthcare law. That's why many women identify with this President. While Rush Limbaugh was calling Sandra Fluke a slut and the whole Rep party acted like they were scared to speak out on it. Barack Obama was calling her out and touting free contraceptives in his healthcare bill.

While that idiot Todd Akins was talking about a 'legitimate' rape Barack Obama is touting the right to choose. The GOP seems to be completely insensitive and downright ignorant towards rape victims. Women don't vote Dem because Dem are so wonderful. Women vote Dem because Rep are downright fucking scary! That's why Barack Obama took 70% of the vote from single women. If you want to blame anybody for Dem racking up women's votes the way they have the last 30 years, look no further than the insensitive, stupid, moronic, narrow minded mf's inside of the Rep public.

When they stop treating women like some type of object, women might just flee from the Democrats. Until then, enjoy losing more elections because you lost the women vote. As for why Obama didn't put women in token positions, I don't agree with that either. I'm not about to sit here and say the Left has some type of superiority when it comes to how women should be treated in this country. What I am going to say is that the Right damn sure doesn't deserve them and that there is no way in hell it makes any sense to act like something like rape can be linked to a particular political ideology.

Now next time let's debate facts and not stupidity.
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I t is RW men insisting they have some kind of right to crawl up into my uterus and tell me what I can and cannot do with it....not male LW'ers.

Just look at this thread for proof of same.

Regards from Rosie

That's the biggest bunch of bullshit and you know it. Conservatives could get a damn what you liberal idiots do with your uterus (hence the reason most of the liberal women's are disease infested).

What we do care about his how you irresponsible wing-nuts get knocked up every other week and then decide to MURDER the baby...
.The first bill he ever signed into law was equal pay for equal work. A bill designed to make sure women make just as much as men when they do just as much work.

And then he promptly turned around and paid women exponentially less to work in his White House :lmao: But hey, don't let that FACT get in the way of your irrational worship of Obama.

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts | Mail Online

No Equal Pay For Women In White House Despite Ledbetter Law -

Obama's record on paying women White House aides not stellar - Washington Times

Women in Obama White House earn less than men, amid 'equal pay' debate | Fox News

While that idiot Todd Akins was talking about a 'legitimate' rape Barack Obama is touting the right to choose. The GOP seems to be completely insensitive and downright ignorant towards rape victims.

Let me get this straight - I'm not talking fact despite the multiple examples I mentioned, but you bring up one certified idiot and you cite him as the position for the entire Conservative party? :cuckoo:

That's why Barack Obama took 70% of the vote from single women. If you want to blame anybody for Dem racking up women's votes the way they have the last 30 years, look no further than the insensitive, stupid, moronic, narrow minded mf's inside of the Rep public.

They "rack up women's vote" because of the propaganda women are spoon fed. The reality is, the overwhelming majority of America is completely uninformed about actual policy, how government even works, and the candidates/representatives themselves. They are too busy with reality television and gossip (this is especially true for women). And the left is so brilliant at lying, the Nazi's are on record as stating they learned propaganda from Woodrow Wilson and the dumbocrats.

When they stop treating women like some type of object, women might just flee from the Democrats.

"Objects"? You mean like Mayor Bloomberg just did? Or like Bill Clinton does? Or like JFK used to? You know, when they humiliated their wives by sticking their dick in anything that would acknowledge their existence? Don't recall too many Republican presidents ever doing that. You know of a single instance where Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, or George W. Bush were accused of being unfaithful to their wives? No? Exactly...
I t is RW men insisting they have some kind of right to crawl up into my uterus and tell me what I can and cannot do with it....not male LW'ers.

Just look at this thread for proof of same.

Regards from Rosie

That's the biggest bunch of bullshit and you know it. Conservatives could get a damn what you liberal idiots do with your uterus (hence the reason most of the liberal women's are disease infested).

What we do care about his how you irresponsible wing-nuts get knocked up every other week and then decide to MURDER the baby...

Are you such a moron that you do not know what bodily organ getting knocked up and carrying an embryo involves?

No need to answer, it is an obvious answer.

Keep your gawddamn nose out of fhat womanly organ! SCOTUS has made that organ subject to the right of privacy for the past 40. years.

Regards from Rosie
I t is RW men insisting they have some kind of right to crawl up into my uterus and tell me what I can and cannot do with it....not male LW'ers.

Just look at this thread for proof of same.

Regards from Rosie

That's the biggest bunch of bullshit and you know it. Conservatives could get a damn what you liberal idiots do with your uterus (hence the reason most of the liberal women's are disease infested).

What we do care about his how you irresponsible wing-nuts get knocked up every other week and then decide to MURDER the baby...

Are you such a moron that you do not know what bodily organ getting knocked up and carrying an embryo involves?

No need to answer, it is an obvious answer.

Keep your gawddamn nose out of fhat womanly organ! SCOTUS has made that organ subject to the right of privacy for the past 40. years.

Regards from Rosie

Uh, hey stupid.... the Supreme Court does not make the law. Laws are made by the legislative branch (which is Congress). The Supreme Court is part of the judicial branch.

Are you such a moron that you do not know what branch of government is responsible for laws and which is not?

No need to answer, it is an obvious answer.

Regards from Rottweiler
That's the biggest bunch of bullshit and you know it. Conservatives could get a damn what you liberal idiots do with your uterus (hence the reason most of the liberal women's are disease infested).

What we do care about his how you irresponsible wing-nuts get knocked up every other week and then decide to MURDER the baby...

Are you such a moron that you do not know what bodily organ getting knocked up and carrying an embryo involves?

No need to answer, it is an obvious answer.

Keep your gawddamn nose out of fhat womanly organ! SCOTUS has made that organ subject to the right of privacy for the past 40. years.

Regards from Rosie

Uh, hey stupid.... the Supreme Court does not make the law. Laws are made by the legislative branch (which is Congress). The Supreme Court is part of the judicial branch.

Are you such a moron that you do not know what branch of government is responsible for laws and which is not?

No need to answer, it is an obvious answer.

Regards from Rottweiler

The Supreme Court interprets the law AFTER it is passed by Congress and signed by the President. Never watched Schoolhouse Rock about what a bill is, didja.

The Supremes are the final authority on the Constitutionality of any American law. Especially when a firm precedent is set when a law is in place for 4 decades. That is a firm firm FIRM precedent.

Are you such a moron that you didn't know any of ..... wait, of COURSE you are.


Regards from Rosie
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