Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

It's amazing that liberal men have managed to fool themselves into thinking that dodging the responsibilities of fatherhood by encouraging a woman to hire someone to kill her unborn baby proves that they care about women. It's equally horrific that modern feminists consider the killing of the unborn as a beneficial service to women.
Women voted overwhelmingly for the Obama/Biden ticket sending Governor Romney home with his tail between his legs. The Democrats also expanded their majority in the Senate.

Those are the facts.

Now back to the GOP/Rottweiler daily lie-fest

Name ONE item I've listed in this thread that was a lie! Can't? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Pissed that the TRUTH exposes Dumbocrats for being the true force behind the war being waged on women? Yep, I thought so!

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Women voted overwhelmingly for the Obama/Biden ticket sending Governor Romney home with his tail between his legs. The Democrats also expanded their majority in the Senate.

Those are the facts.

Now back to the GOP/Rottweiler daily lie-fest

Name ONE item I've listed in this thread that was a lie! Can't? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Pissed that the TRUTH exposes Dumbocrats for being the true force being the war being waged on women? Yep, I thought so!


Women voted overwhelmingly for the Obama/Biden ticket sending Governor Romney home with his tail between his legs. The Democrats also expanded their majority in the Senate.

Those are the facts.

Now back to the GOP/Rottweiler daily lie-fest

Name ONE item I've listed in this thread that was a lie! Can't? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Pissed that the TRUTH exposes Dumbocrats for being the true force being the war being waged on women? Yep, I thought so!



So what you're saying is, you relish the fact that Dumocrats severely abuse women and hate minorities, so long as they exploit all of those groups they have deemed as "useful idiots"? You haven't denounced one of the endless atrocities against women that I have documented (with links) in this thread. Shows that you too look at women with contempt as nothing but "useful idiots" for your sick cause.

I like the fact that Candyass has given up. He doesn't have the energy to keep up with his own lies any more so he just cites votes cast fraudulently (hence why he and the Dumbocrats so desperately fear voter ID requirements) and moves on!
Name ONE item I've listed in this thread that was a lie! Can't? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Pissed that the TRUTH exposes Dumbocrats for being the true force being the war being waged on women? Yep, I thought so!



So what you're saying is, you relish the fact that Dumocrats severely abuse women and hate minorities, so long as they exploit all of those groups they have deemed as "useful idiots"? You haven't denounced one of the endless atrocities against women that I have documented (with links) in this thread. Shows that you too look at women with contempt as nothing but "useful idiots" for your sick cause.

I like the fact that Candyass has given up. He doesn't have the energy to keep up with his own lies any more so he just cites votes cast fraudulently (hence why he and the Dumbocrats so desperately fear voter ID requirements) and moves on!

No...Women put Obama in office. Any discussion of the Democratic party not being the party that more closely aligns with the goals of most women in this country is moronic. So I'm not surprised you're the one bringing it up.


Earned it!
Name ONE item I've listed in this thread that was a lie! Can't? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Pissed that the TRUTH exposes Dumbocrats for being the true force being the war being waged on women? Yep, I thought so!



So what you're saying is, you relish the fact that Dumocrats severely abuse women and hate minorities, so long as they exploit all of those groups they have deemed as "useful idiots"? You haven't denounced one of the endless atrocities against women that I have documented (with links) in this thread. Shows that you too look at women with contempt as nothing but "useful idiots" for your sick cause.

I like the fact that Candyass has given up. He doesn't have the energy to keep up with his own lies any more so he just cites votes cast fraudulently (hence why he and the Dumbocrats so desperately fear voter ID requirements) and moves on!

Progressives just think that a woman is there to have sex with and kill babies.

So what you're saying is, you relish the fact that Dumocrats severely abuse women and hate minorities, so long as they exploit all of those groups they have deemed as "useful idiots"? You haven't denounced one of the endless atrocities against women that I have documented (with links) in this thread. Shows that you too look at women with contempt as nothing but "useful idiots" for your sick cause.

I like the fact that Candyass has given up. He doesn't have the energy to keep up with his own lies any more so he just cites votes cast fraudulently (hence why he and the Dumbocrats so desperately fear voter ID requirements) and moves on!

Progressives just think that a woman is there to have sex with and kill babies.


I guess women decided that was better than being a punching bag
So what you're saying is, you relish the fact that Dumocrats severely abuse women and hate minorities, so long as they exploit all of those groups they have deemed as "useful idiots"? You haven't denounced one of the endless atrocities against women that I have documented (with links) in this thread. Shows that you too look at women with contempt as nothing but "useful idiots" for your sick cause.

I like the fact that Candyass has given up. He doesn't have the energy to keep up with his own lies any more so he just cites votes cast fraudulently (hence why he and the Dumbocrats so desperately fear voter ID requirements) and moves on!

Progressives just think that a woman is there to have sex with and kill babies.


I guess women decided that was better than being a punching bag

Obviously not - since it was none other than Veep Joe Biden who advocated using them as such.

JoeB. "We're not talking about GARDEN VARIETY SLAPS ACROSS THE FACE here".

Oh.... ok Joe. Didn't know there was a such thing as "garden variety" ASSAULT on a woman.

Talk about SCOREBOARD you dumb mother-fucker! :lmao:
So what you're saying is, you relish the fact that Dumocrats severely abuse women and hate minorities, so long as they exploit all of those groups they have deemed as "useful idiots"? You haven't denounced one of the endless atrocities against women that I have documented (with links) in this thread. Shows that you too look at women with contempt as nothing but "useful idiots" for your sick cause.

I like the fact that Candyass has given up. He doesn't have the energy to keep up with his own lies any more so he just cites votes cast fraudulently (hence why he and the Dumbocrats so desperately fear voter ID requirements) and moves on!

Progressives just think that a woman is there to have sex with and kill babies.


I guess women decided that was better than being a punching bag

A lot of women do have the tendency to stay with their abuser.
The faces of the democratic party. Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, Bob Filner.

Democrats love women.

That's their problem.
A lot of women do have the tendency to stay with their abuser.

"Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know"

Or they look at what the GOP has to offer and decide that chastity isn't for them.

But apparently they like what the Dumbocrats have to offer - rape (OWS), adultery (JFK, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, etc.), and violence ("garden variety slaps across the face")?

234-200 (Scoreboard!)
Here we have yet another libtard viciously attacking a conservative woman simply because she supports the 2nd Amendment (liberals are so "tolerant" aren't they?):

Pascal Robert [MENTION=42121]pro[/MENTION]bert06
@DLoesch I know you would look lovely with thigh high stockings and would love to have a brother give to you up the ass. Wouldn't you?
10:11 PM - 27 Aug 2013

Rape and Racism - all in one tidy little libtard package!

Ironic? Progressive blogger issues rape threat to Dana Loesch on Twitter after pro-2nd Amendment tweet ? Glenn Beck
Liberalism’s War on Women

October 21, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


As Bob Filner, San Diego’s former progressive mayor, pleads guilty to charges stemming from his attacks on women, his essay, “Why I am Pro-Choice” still decorates the website of Planned Parenthood.

A year ago, Filner had appeared at a Planned Parenthood rally while running for mayor of California’s second largest city to accuse his opponent of being part of the war on women.

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund had sent out a letter asserting that “for twenty years, Bob Filner has defended women.” At the rally, attendees were told that he had spent “the last twenty years protecting our rights and the rights of women everywhere.”

But while Filner was protecting women, no one was protecting women from Filner. The California Democratic Party maintained its red wall of silence around the son of a Communist, a Freedom Rider and member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus because he was one of their own.


What does the War on Women really look like?

In Sweden, there are 20 abortions for every 1000 women and 25 abortions for every 100 pregnancies. Sweden also has the second highest rate of sexual assaults after South Africa.

From 2003 to 2008, Sweden’s sexual assault rate doubled to 53 rapes per 100,000 people. The numbers are now so bad that some forecasts indicate that 1 in 4 Swedish women will be raped in their lifetimes.

Police statistics show that as much of 77% of rapes were carried out by foreign born rapists. As much as 5 percent of Sweden is now Muslim. Around the same time that Sweden’s rape statistics were doubling, so was its Muslim population.


Bob Filner wasn’t just guilty of a one man war on women. Like so many liberal politicians, he had championed policies that led to sexual assaults on a much larger scale.

The left won the war on women in Sweden. It is winning the war on women in California.

Liberalism?s War on Women | FrontPage Magazine

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