Democrats INSIST there is no voter fraud - again they lie

OK, lets assume that photo ID is the only issue (its not but lets play your game). Who in the USA legally today does not have some form of photo ID? Everyone on welfare has one, everyone getting food stamps has one, everyone on medicare has one, everyone on medicaid has one, everyone that buys booze has one. So, for the last time, who in the USA legally today does not have a photo ID?

and on the subject of limiting access to polling places, did you forget the black panthers who stood in front of the polling place in military garb and threatened white voters?

Stop fooling yourself, its the dems that want to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes, multiple votes, and dead people votes. They know that that is the only way that they can ever win. Why else would they push for open borders and allowing illegals to get dirvers licenses (photo ID) and vote?
You keep asking the same question and keep getting the same response. An estimated ten percent of the population does not have a current acceptable ID.

Oppose Voter ID Legislation - Fact Sheet

  • Millions of Americans Lack ID. 11% of U.S. citizens – or more than 21 million Americans – do not have government-issued photo identification.1

OK. What are Democrats doing to close that gap of 11 percent without ID? Think about how much easier in other parts of our lives besides voting that necessitates an ID. Why won’t Democrats take that up as a cause?
Im cool with that

I think EVERY American should be given a National ID card linked to biometrics. One card that you can use for ID, Social Security, Health Insurance, Driving, Credit Card, Start your car, open your front door

You only need to carry one card for all your needs

except for voting?
If everyone has an acceptable ID, I am OK with requiring one for voting.
But given the large numbers who do not, it opens the door to voter suppression

you keep saying that, but who exactly are these "large numbers that do not" ? who are they, how many of them are there? put up or shut up
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

ZERO gain????? Lets see now, the DNC picks them up, buys them lunch, takes them to the polling place, gives them a $20, and then drives them back to wherever they live (in LA or SFO thats probably a makeshift tent on the street).

Your naivte is amazing, witchey.

And naturally you have proof of this right? In order to have any affect on an election, this made up scheme of yours would have to encompass thousands of noncitizens. You should be able to provide some sort of proof of that happening. I mean, come on, didn't Trumpybear have a "fraud investigation" to help him feel better about being trounced in the popular vote? That had to turn up something, right? Give us your proof.
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

ZERO gain????? Lets see now, the DNC picks them up, buys them lunch, takes them to the polling place, gives them a $20, and then drives them back to wherever they live (in LA or SFO thats probably a makeshift tent on the street).

Your naivte is amazing, witchey.

And naturally you have proof of this right? In order to have any affect on an election, this made up scheme of yours would have to encompass thousands of noncitizens. You should be able to provide some sort of proof of that happening. I mean, come on, didn't Trumpybear have a "fraud investigation" to help him feel better about being trounced in the popular vote? That had to turn up something, right? Give us your proof. Undocumented Vote, Drive - BuzzFeedNews.pdf
Here's a trick red states use to keep Black folks from voting. link below

Southern U.S. states have closed 1,200 polling places in recent years: rights group

total bullshit. Polling places have been closed in white precincts as well as a cost saving measure. All of those southern states also have early voting systems where you can vote at a central place (usually a court house) and usually in a central location.

This article is a dem talking point, nothing more. No legal voter in the USA is being denied the right to vote. However illegals may be denied voting rights, as they should be

No, "all those southern states" do not. Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and South Carolina do not a!low early voting. And why should the poor people have to travel to "a central place" but the rich white people get plenty of local polling places?

they don't have to travel because of their race, grow up witchey. I happen to know for a fact that there are plenty of convenient polling places in the black and mixed race sections of New Orleans and Jackson Mississippi.

why can't you admit that this whole voter ID thing with you dems is just an attempt to find ways to stuff the ballot boxes with fraudulent votes?

Many blacks now vote GOP, why would republicans want to make it harder for them to vote?

Yes, Fishy, they are targeted because of their race...and for being poor.

Some Republicans Acknowledge Leveraging Voter ID Laws for Political Gain

Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters

No, Fishy, blacks do not vote GOP. Hispanics make up 6% of GOP voters, Asian Americans 4%, and blacks 2%. GOP legislators aren't even trying to get their vote especially when a much larger portion of GOP voters are straight up racist.

I and others have said time and again that we are NOT opposed to voter ID. What we are opposed to is the narrow and restrictive forms of ID many states require.

"Illegals" aren't voting. I know you want that to be true so it doesn't look like the country is being run by an idiot that lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, but it's a fact, jack.

Lets just revisit one of your false claims.

the popular vote: Yes, crooked hillary won more PVs than Trump, but her entire margin of victory was in one county in one state (LA county, california)..and that is exactly why the founders, in their wisdom, created the electoral college, so that all US citizens in all locations would have a voice in selecting presidents. Without the EC, LA county, NYC, Miami/Dade, and Houston metro would decide all presidential elections and the rest of the country would have zero input. The candidates would only campaign in those 4 places and our democracy would go to hell. But that seems to be what you libs want, a country where an elite few have all the power and everyone else is a serf to the wizards in DC.

You are not a dummy, I know that. Think about this with an open mind.
See, people in LA don't count.

And this great thinking you have - if we eliminate enough areas where Hillary won, Trump would have more votes.


You assfucks think think we vote per acre. I have news, one man, one vote.

Quit making excusers for your fat assed orange buddy. It makes you stupid.
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

ZERO gain????? Lets see now, the DNC picks them up, buys them lunch, takes them to the polling place, gives them a $20, and then drives them back to wherever they live (in LA or SFO thats probably a makeshift tent on the street).

Your naivte is amazing, witchey.

$20 a vote? x 3 million? To win a State they knew they were going to win.

You are dumber than shit.
Here's a trick red states use to keep Black folks from voting. link below

Southern U.S. states have closed 1,200 polling places in recent years: rights group

total bullshit. Polling places have been closed in white precincts as well as a cost saving measure. All of those southern states also have early voting systems where you can vote at a central place (usually a court house) and usually in a central location.

This article is a dem talking point, nothing more. No legal voter in the USA is being denied the right to vote. However illegals may be denied voting rights, as they should be

No, "all those southern states" do not. Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and South Carolina do not a!low early voting. And why should the poor people have to travel to "a central place" but the rich white people get plenty of local polling places?

they don't have to travel because of their race, grow up witchey. I happen to know for a fact that there are plenty of convenient polling places in the black and mixed race sections of New Orleans and Jackson Mississippi.

why can't you admit that this whole voter ID thing with you dems is just an attempt to find ways to stuff the ballot boxes with fraudulent votes?

Many blacks now vote GOP, why would republicans want to make it harder for them to vote?

Yes, Fishy, they are targeted because of their race...and for being poor.

Some Republicans Acknowledge Leveraging Voter ID Laws for Political Gain

Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters

No, Fishy, blacks do not vote GOP. Hispanics make up 6% of GOP voters, Asian Americans 4%, and blacks 2%. GOP legislators aren't even trying to get their vote especially when a much larger portion of GOP voters are straight up racist.

I and others have said time and again that we are NOT opposed to voter ID. What we are opposed to is the narrow and restrictive forms of ID many states require.

"Illegals" aren't voting. I know you want that to be true so it doesn't look like the country is being run by an idiot that lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, but it's a fact, jack.

Lets just revisit one of your false claims.

the popular vote: Yes, crooked hillary won more PVs than Trump, but her entire margin of victory was in one county in one state (LA county, california)..and that is exactly why the founders, in their wisdom, created the electoral college, so that all US citizens in all locations would have a voice in selecting presidents. Without the EC, LA county, NYC, Miami/Dade, and Houston metro would decide all presidential elections and the rest of the country would have zero input. The candidates would only campaign in those 4 places and our democracy would go to hell. But that seems to be what you libs want, a country where an elite few have all the power and everyone else is a serf to the wizards in DC.

You are not a dummy, I know that. Think about this with an open mind.

The Electoral College came to be because the Founders feared a democracy, thought the populace was too ill informed to make decisions of such import and because of slavery.

The Troubling Reason the Electoral College Exists
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

would those be the same illegals who take the risk of crossing our border multiple times and committing crimes in this country? If someone would enter illegally 7 or 8 times, do you really think that person fears being punished for voting?

So, you think they risk their lives crossing the border to get here & then risk it to vote.
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

ZERO gain????? Lets see now, the DNC picks them up, buys them lunch, takes them to the polling place, gives them a $20, and then drives them back to wherever they live (in LA or SFO thats probably a makeshift tent on the street).

Your naivte is amazing, witchey.

And naturally you have proof of this right? In order to have any affect on an election, this made up scheme of yours would have to encompass thousands of noncitizens. You should be able to provide some sort of proof of that happening. I mean, come on, didn't Trumpybear have a "fraud investigation" to help him feel better about being trounced in the popular vote? That had to turn up something, right? Give us your proof. New Front On Immigration N.Y. Legislation Would Let Undocumented Vote, Drive - BuzzFeedNews.pdf

That does not prove your all. You realize that, right?
No, "all those southern states" do not. Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and South Carolina do not a!low early voting. And why should the poor people have to travel to "a central place" but the rich white people get plenty of local polling places?

they don't have to travel because of their race, grow up witchey. I happen to know for a fact that there are plenty of convenient polling places in the black and mixed race sections of New Orleans and Jackson Mississippi.

why can't you admit that this whole voter ID thing with you dems is just an attempt to find ways to stuff the ballot boxes with fraudulent votes?

Many blacks now vote GOP, why would republicans want to make it harder for them to vote?

Yes, Fishy, they are targeted because of their race...and for being poor.

Some Republicans Acknowledge Leveraging Voter ID Laws for Political Gain

Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters

No, Fishy, blacks do not vote GOP. Hispanics make up 6% of GOP voters, Asian Americans 4%, and blacks 2%. GOP legislators aren't even trying to get their vote especially when a much larger portion of GOP voters are straight up racist.

I and others have said time and again that we are NOT opposed to voter ID. What we are opposed to is the narrow and restrictive forms of ID many states require.

"Illegals" aren't voting. I know you want that to be true so it doesn't look like the country is being run by an idiot that lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, but it's a fact, jack.

Where is your intelligence and data to support your notion that illegals are not voting? It is easy for illegals and non-citizens to vote here in the US with little or no authentication as opposed to Mexico where you need ID to vote.
Then, where is the data supporting it?

No illegals are detained at the election site, no illegal voters show up after the election

More importantly, why would an illegal who has mastered the art of not being identified risk deportation just to cast ONE vote?

My data is on the vulnerability of a non-citizen (I.e. both legal documented non citizens and illegals). Your assumption is that on an absolute basis, NO illegal or Non Citizen will attempt to vote out of fear of deportation. My assumption is that some or enough will.
Quit using legal non citizens in this mix. These people have IDs & jobs etc above board.
Republican concern with the legitimacy of our elections is as impressive, and as genuine, as Trump's "worries" about corruption.
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

would those be the same illegals who take the risk of crossing our border multiple times and committing crimes in this country? If someone would enter illegally 7 or 8 times, do you really think that person fears being punished for voting?
That is a risk that has potential gain, a job. There is no gain in individual voter fraud.
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

would those be the same illegals who take the risk of crossing our border multiple times and committing crimes in this country? If someone would enter illegally 7 or 8 times, do you really think that person fears being punished for voting?

So, you think they risk their lives crossing the border to get here & then risk it to vote.

If you would bother to read the previous posts you might understand what's being discussed and not make a fool of yourself.
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

would those be the same illegals who take the risk of crossing our border multiple times and committing crimes in this country? If someone would enter illegally 7 or 8 times, do you really think that person fears being punished for voting?
That is a risk that has potential gain, a job. There is no gain in individual voter fraud.

no gain? helping elect someone who wants open borders and amnesty for all who are here illegally? I think that's a pretty big incentive.

I am beginning to think I was wrong when I said that you aren't a dummy.
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

ZERO gain????? Lets see now, the DNC picks them up, buys them lunch, takes them to the polling place, gives them a $20, and then drives them back to wherever they live (in LA or SFO thats probably a makeshift tent on the street).

Your naivte is amazing, witchey.

And naturally you have proof of this right? In order to have any affect on an election, this made up scheme of yours would have to encompass thousands of noncitizens. You should be able to provide some sort of proof of that happening. I mean, come on, didn't Trumpybear have a "fraud investigation" to help him feel better about being trounced in the popular vote? That had to turn up something, right? Give us your proof. New Front On Immigration N.Y. Legislation Would Let Undocumented Vote, Drive - BuzzFeedNews.pdf

That does not prove your all. You realize that, right?

my claim was that democrats want illegals to vote and are helping them do that. the cite proves that.
Democrats don't want states cleaning up their voter rolls because those names are all used for illegal votes. They don't want a voter ID because that would hurt their illegal voter drives. They want motor voter laws because many states grant illegal aliens drivers licenses. And in October of 2020, watch how all the pets stores sell out as Democrats buy all the pets and immediately register them to vote.
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

would those be the same illegals who take the risk of crossing our border multiple times and committing crimes in this country? If someone would enter illegally 7 or 8 times, do you really think that person fears being punished for voting?

So, you think they risk their lives crossing the border to get here & then risk it to vote.

If you would bother to read the previous posts you might understand what's being discussed and not make a fool of yourself.
I have read the posts.

Hour post is dumber than shit as you compare a risk for a better life to a risk to vote where one vote is likely meaningless.

You have no logic.

Every one of your posts is stupid.
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

would those be the same illegals who take the risk of crossing our border multiple times and committing crimes in this country? If someone would enter illegally 7 or 8 times, do you really think that person fears being punished for voting?
That is a risk that has potential gain, a job. There is no gain in individual voter fraud.

no gain? helping elect someone who wants open borders and amnesty for all who are here illegally? I think that's a pretty big incentive.

I am beginning to think I was wrong when I said that you aren't a dummy.
No one ewants open birders. They don't want your stupid wall.

If they are here voting, why would they want an open border?
One of my favorite “expose’” of voter ID fraud was from James OKeefe and Project Veritas

He wanted to show how easy it was to vote without showing an ID. So he walked up to the desk and gave a name and offered to show an ID. No matter how many times he asked, they told him no ID was required. They just shoved the book in front of him and told him to sign his name. OKeefe refused to sign and eventually walked away without voting.

He then posted his video as proof of how easy it was to vote without ID

What it really showed was that there was no way OKeefe was going to sign and break the law. OKeefe never actually voted because he was afraid to sign.

Same deterrent applies to every illegal voter
Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

would those be the same illegals who take the risk of crossing our border multiple times and committing crimes in this country? If someone would enter illegally 7 or 8 times, do you really think that person fears being punished for voting?
That is a risk that has potential gain, a job. There is no gain in individual voter fraud.

no gain? helping elect someone who wants open borders and amnesty for all who are here illegally? I think that's a pretty big incentive.

I am beginning to think I was wrong when I said that you aren't a dummy.

One vote is not going to decide any of those things. There is no gain and nothing but risk for an undocumented immigrant to try to vote.

In my over ten years as a registrar, a very small number of non citizens get registered to vote, usually through no fault of their own and they don’t vote. I had one young man, a DACA recipient, who didn’t know he wasn’t eligible. That’s it. One “illegal” kid who voted in a LOCAL election. Individual voter fraud is extremely rare. It is far more common for poor people or people of color not to have the required, restrictive ID many states require. Of course, that’s by design.

North Carolina admitted that a voter ID law was at least partly enacted in response to African-American voting tendencies that went against conservative interests.


Correct. He would have been committing a FELONY. Perjury can get you fined and sent to prison for up to five years. Why would anyone risk that, plus deportation, for ZERO gain?

ZERO gain????? Lets see now, the DNC picks them up, buys them lunch, takes them to the polling place, gives them a $20, and then drives them back to wherever they live (in LA or SFO thats probably a makeshift tent on the street).

Your naivte is amazing, witchey.

And naturally you have proof of this right? In order to have any affect on an election, this made up scheme of yours would have to encompass thousands of noncitizens. You should be able to provide some sort of proof of that happening. I mean, come on, didn't Trumpybear have a "fraud investigation" to help him feel better about being trounced in the popular vote? That had to turn up something, right? Give us your proof. New Front On Immigration N.Y. Legislation Would Let Undocumented Vote, Drive - BuzzFeedNews.pdf

That does not prove your all. You realize that, right?

my claim was that democrats want illegals to vote and are helping them do that. the cite proves that.
No, you claimed fraud. This is not evidence of fraud. 11 states (including Texas) allow non citizens to vote in local elections.
The subject is photo ID.

Republicans want to suppress the vote through culling voter roles, demanding a photo ID, limiting polling stsations in Democrat areas, moving polling places away from poorer neighborhood. and gross gerrymandering.

And you just lie about Democrats & dead people?

I listed things that Republicans have actually done. You present myths.

Republicans want to suppress the dead people and illegal vote. Every election, throughout the country, dead people and illegals show up on voter registration lists. Why do Democrats lose their shit over purging people from voter registration lists who have not voted in 6 or more years?
Good for them!

Now if you can only show that any dead people or illegals actually vote

then why did the dems vote this down?

House Dems overwhelmingly reject motion to condemn illegal immigrant voting

Because it is stupid
Let’s vote on condemning space aliens from voting.
Condemning it assumes it is actually happening

It is actually happening, your ignorance does not change reality. The dems won't condemn voting fraud because they know that they need it to win.
You have no evidence of illegal immigrants ACTUALLY voting
If you did, you would have posted it

It is today’s Republicans who use voter suppression to steal elections

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