Democrats INSIST there is no voter fraud - again they lie

You have no evidence of illegal immigrants ACTUALLY voting
If you did, you would have posted it

It is today’s Republicans who use voter suppression to steal elections

wrong, you have been consistently wrong about everything on every topic. you have zero credibility and have become the joke of USMB. Here ya go, you wanted proof, you and seabiscuit can suck on this.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?

Again, absence of proof is an insane rationale for legal action. You could use it as justification for pretty much anything.
wrong, you have been consistently wrong about everything on every topic. you have zero credibility and have become the joke of USMB. Here ya go, you wanted proof, you and seabiscuit can suck on this.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?

Again, absence of proof is an insane rationale for legal action. You could use it as justification for pretty much anything.

take that up with winger, he made the claim, not me.

If you have a better way to ensure the accuracy of the vote than voter ID, lets hear it.
Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot.

Can you prove that no Republicans voted twice in 2016? NO, you cannot. So, should we crack down on them as well, for the same stupid non-reason?

Neither of us can prove that the 2016 vote was proper, legal, and accurate. That's the problem, dude.

Of course. Such a thing can never be proven. Even with the total police state that Republicans long for, there's no way to prove that every single aspect of the election was perfect.

Why else do the dems oppose all voter ID systems when the same form of ID is required to collect welfare, food stamps, social security, medicaid, medicare, to buy booze, to get on a plane or train, to open a bank account, or to pick up a prescription?

Why? For completely political reasons. Both parties are convinced that poor people will vote for socialism. The Democrats want more socialism, so that want more poor people voting - the opposite with the Republicans - they'll support anything that keeps poor people away from the polls. NONE OF IT has anything to do with the accuracy of the process. It's just another toxic, partisan pissing match.

Your claim that there are millions of americans with no valid ID is foolish at best.

I've been there, so I know better. The bottom line is, it's damned difficult to stay legal when you're broke.

horseshit, are you claiming that "broke" people don't apply for and collect welfare, unemployment, and food stamps?
Absolutely, yes. There's a whole subculture of poor people out there who don't want anything to do with the welfare state. They skip the bennies but still have to follow your stupid laws. They should be allowed to vote.
You have no evidence of illegal immigrants ACTUALLY voting
If you did, you would have posted it

It is today’s Republicans who use voter suppression to steal elections

wrong, you have been consistently wrong about everything on every topic. you have zero credibility and have become the joke of USMB. Here ya go, you wanted proof, you and seabiscuit can suck on this.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?
How do you prove what is not there?

No arrests of illegals trying to vote is a good way. Again I ask you......why aren’t Republican observers at polling places identifying any illegals trying to vote?
If you have a better way to ensure the accuracy of the vote than voter ID, lets hear it.

Again, your concern over the 'accuracy' of the vote is a transparent joke. That's not your worry. Your worry is that the poor will vote in socialism. The sooner you admit that, and actually face the problem, the sooner we can deal with it. All the phony political horseshit just puts off the inevitable.
Good for them!

Now if you can only show that any dead people or illegals actually vote

then why did the dems vote this down?

House Dems overwhelmingly reject motion to condemn illegal immigrant voting

Because it is stupid
Let’s vote on condemning space aliens from voting.
Condemning it assumes it is actually happening

It is actually happening, your ignorance does not change reality. The dems won't condemn voting fraud because they know that they need it to win.
You have no evidence of illegal immigrants ACTUALLY voting
If you did, you would have posted it

It is today’s Republicans who use voter suppression to steal elections

wrong, you have been consistently wrong about everything on every topic. you have zero credibility and have become the joke of USMB. Here ya go, you wanted proof, you and seabiscuit can suck on this.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe

It is common knowledge among those that know that the second largest source of fraudulent votes is legal non citizens thinking they can vote.

These are NOT illegal aliens.

These people have ID's & drivers licenses.

Demanding photo ID would not prevent this.

No one said there was no voter fraud.

Your constant flow of bullshit does not change the facts:

1) Passing photo ID laws is voter suppression.
2) Gerrymandering is voter suppression
3) Putting too few polling places in Democrat district is voter suppression.
No one is saying no ID, we are saying no to a photo ID requirement. Why are you people too stupid to get that?
You have no evidence of illegal immigrants ACTUALLY voting
If you did, you would have posted it

It is today’s Republicans who use voter suppression to steal elections

wrong, you have been consistently wrong about everything on every topic. you have zero credibility and have become the joke of USMB. Here ya go, you wanted proof, you and seabiscuit can suck on this.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?

You have no evidence of illegal immigrants ACTUALLY voting
If you did, you would have posted it

It is today’s Republicans who use voter suppression to steal elections

wrong, you have been consistently wrong about everything on every topic. you have zero credibility and have become the joke of USMB. Here ya go, you wanted proof, you and seabiscuit can suck on this.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?

Yes we can prove it. An absence of proof of fraud has, by default, proven you are making shit up you pulled out of a right wing fever dream...all designed to make Crooked Donnie Small Hands feel better about losing the popular vote.
wrong, you have been consistently wrong about everything on every topic. you have zero credibility and have become the joke of USMB. Here ya go, you wanted proof, you and seabiscuit can suck on this.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?
How do you prove what is not there?

No arrests of illegals trying to vote is a good way. Again I ask you......why aren’t Republican observers at polling places identifying any illegals trying to vote?

Maybe because the black panther thugs scared them away. How many legitimate GOP voters were intimidated from voting by those democrat thugs standing in front of the voting places in combat gear?

this shit goes both ways, but I guess you are too stupid to understand that.
wrong, you have been consistently wrong about everything on every topic. you have zero credibility and have become the joke of USMB. Here ya go, you wanted proof, you and seabiscuit can suck on this.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?

She was a legal permanent resident. Fox lying again...shocking. She didn’t vote in 2016...poor loser Donnie.
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?
How do you prove what is not there?

No arrests of illegals trying to vote is a good way. Again I ask you......why aren’t Republican observers at polling places identifying any illegals trying to vote?

Maybe because the black panther thugs scared them away. How many legitimate GOP voters were intimidated from voting by those democrat thugs standing in front of the voting places in combat gear?

this shit goes both ways, but I guess you are too stupid to understand that.

None...which is why it was never prosecuted. You couldn’t find anyone who was actually intimidated. :lol:
wrong, you have been consistently wrong about everything on every topic. you have zero credibility and have become the joke of USMB. Here ya go, you wanted proof, you and seabiscuit can suck on this.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?

Yes we can prove it. An absence of proof of fraud has, by default, proven you are making shit up you pulled out of a right wing fever dream...all designed to make Crooked Donnie Small Hands feel better about losing the popular vote.

OK, prove that hillary's PV win in cal was all done with legitimate USA citizen votes. You said you could prove it--------------------so, bring it or STFU.

If you rob a liquor store and no one sees you and you don't get charged that does not mean you didn't rob the store.

the cite I posted yesterday does in fact make a very good case that illegal voter fraud has occurred, you can ignore it and call it fake news if it makes you feel good, but even your left wing buddy RW said that it made sense.
Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?
How do you prove what is not there?

No arrests of illegals trying to vote is a good way. Again I ask you......why aren’t Republican observers at polling places identifying any illegals trying to vote?

Maybe because the black panther thugs scared them away. How many legitimate GOP voters were intimidated from voting by those democrat thugs standing in front of the voting places in combat gear?

this shit goes both ways, but I guess you are too stupid to understand that.

None...which is why it was never prosecuted. You couldn’t find anyone who was actually intimidated. :lol:

correction, no one has had the guts to come forward and say that they were intimidated, if they did, they would be targeted and they know it.-------------and so do you, but your partisan small mind refuses to accept what everyone else knows to be true.
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?

She was a legal permanent resident. Fox lying again...shocking. She didn’t vote in 2016...poor loser Donnie.

Trump will be president until January 2025, none of your BS is going to change that. Until you find a way to deal with that reality (as we learned to deal with obozo the kenyan) you will continue to live a miserable hate filled life.

is politics really that important to you????????? think about it.
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?

She was a legal permanent resident. Fox lying again...shocking. She didn’t vote in 2016...poor loser Donnie.

The NYTimes says you're a, a liar.

"Despite repeated statements by Republican political leaders that American elections are rife with illegal voting, credible reports of fraud have been hard to find and convictions rarer still.

That may help explain the unusually heavy penalty imposed on Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, a permanent resident and a mother of four who lives outside Dallas. On Thursday, a Fort Worth judge sentenced her to eight years in prison — and almost certainly deportation later — after she voted illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014."
Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

Not a citizen, not entitled to vote.....unless Democrats are in charge.

Now....get back to your mattress under the bridge.
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?
How do you prove what is not there?

No arrests of illegals trying to vote is a good way. Again I ask you......why aren’t Republican observers at polling places identifying any illegals trying to vote?

Maybe because the black panther thugs scared them away. How many legitimate GOP voters were intimidated from voting by those democrat thugs standing in front of the voting places in combat gear?

this shit goes both ways, but I guess you are too stupid to understand that.
Republican observers are assigned to EVERY polling site

If Republicans are that certain about illegal voters casting ballots, seems their observers would be identifying hundreds of thousands of them

Are Republicans inept or just stupid?
Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?

She was a legal permanent resident. Fox lying again...shocking. She didn’t vote in 2016...poor loser Donnie.

The NYTimes says you're a, a liar.

"Despite repeated statements by Republican political leaders that American elections are rife with illegal voting, credible reports of fraud have been hard to find and convictions rarer still.

That may help explain the unusually heavy penalty imposed on Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, a permanent resident and a mother of four who lives outside Dallas. On Thursday, a Fort Worth judge sentenced her to eight years in prison — and almost certainly deportation later — after she voted illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014."
Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

Not a citizen, not entitled to vote.....unless Democrats are in charge.

Now....get back to your mattress under the bridge.

Wow.....that is one heavy sentence

Seems like it would deter illegals from risking so much for just ONE vote
More could happen

Again I challenge you to show where it actually DID happen
Show documentation of illegals ACTUALLY voting

Can you prove that no illegals voted in 2016? NO, you cannot. What we both know is that in states where there is no voter ID requirement its highly possible that some illegals did vote, either in the name of a legitimate voter or a dead voter or by virtue of having a drivers license issued to him/her by the state they voted in.

Neither of us can PROVE our position on this, and that is why it's a problem. We need to KNOW that only registered, alive, US citizens are voting in our national elections. If you have a better way to assure that than voter ID, lets hear it.

I can show that none were found to have voted
It is easy enough to check the status of those who voted......yet you couldn’t.

Republicans have observers at all polling places......why aren’t they challenging illegal voters?

OK, show it. Prove that no illegals voted anywhere in the USA in 2016. "none were found" doesn't prove that none voted. The sad truth is we have no idea whether the 2016 vote was legitimate or not.

Can you prove that hillary's PV win in Cal was not the result of voter fraud? NO, you can't, thats the point, why is it so hard for you to understand it?

Yes we can prove it. An absence of proof of fraud has, by default, proven you are making shit up you pulled out of a right wing fever dream...all designed to make Crooked Donnie Small Hands feel better about losing the popular vote.

OK, prove that hillary's PV win in cal was all done with legitimate USA citizen votes. You said you could prove it--------------------so, bring it or STFU.

If you rob a liquor store and no one sees you and you don't get charged that does not mean you didn't rob the store.

the cite I posted yesterday does in fact make a very good case that illegal voter fraud has occurred, you can ignore it and call it fake news if it makes you feel good, but even your left wing buddy RW said that it made sense.

You can't prove a negative. That's basic logic. The liquor knows it was robbed. You can't say the same regarding voter fraud. The site you posted yesterday provided no facts, just pure conjecture. It was the equivalent of "what if unicorns farting glitter ran through a polling place".

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