Democrats' Jan 6th Bombshell Hearsay Testimony Exposed As A Lie - Trump Did Not Grab Steering Wheel And Demand To Be Driven To The Capitol

Q. Do you believe you have one of the
best memories in the world?

A. That I can't tell you. I can't tell
for other people, but I have a good memory.

Q. You've stated, though, that you have
one of the best memories in the world?

A. I don't know. Did I use that

Q. Yes.

A. Where? Could I see it?

Q. I can play a video of you reporting

A. Did I say I have a great memory or
one of the best in the world?

Q. "One of the best in the world" is
what the reporter quoted you as saying.

A. I don't remember saying that. As
good as my memory is, I don't remember that, but
I have a good memory.

Q. So you don't remember saying that you have one of the best memories in the world?

A. I don't remember that. I remember you telling me, but I don't know that I said it.

Emphasis mine.
Your desperation is showing, Simp.

Fawnboi can't back up his lies, so.........................


:dance: :auiqs.jpg: :dance: :auiqs.jpg: :dance: :auiqs.jpg:
So who or what do you have disputing Huchinson's sworn testimony?
Reports that both of the Agents who were actually there saying it didn't happen.

What do you have confirming her perjury?
Yeah, I know.

I don't believe anything Adumb Schifferbrains leaks. Only someone as stupid as you are would.

Why don't they release the transcript, Dumbass? Why are they hiding it from the public? Do you think they didn't ask him directly if Trump tried to hijack the limo? Why don't we know how he answered that question, Simp?

Try addressing the questions instead of dodging.


Why on Earth would I care what you do or don't believe? Regardless, you asked why his answer wasn't "leaked," and I informed you they did.
Q. Do you believe you have one of the
best memories in the world?

A. That I can't tell you. I can't tell
for other people, but I have a good memory.

Q. You've stated, though, that you have
one of the best memories in the world?

A. I don't know. Did I use that

Q. Yes.

A. Where? Could I see it?

Q. I can play a video of you reporting

A. Did I say I have a great memory or
one of the best in the world?

Q. "One of the best in the world" is
what the reporter quoted you as saying.

A. I don't remember saying that. As
good as my memory is, I don't remember that, but
I have a good memory.

Q. So you don't remember saying that you have one of the best memories in the world?

A. I don't remember that. I remember you telling me, but I don't know that I said it.

Emphasis mine.
That transcript just proves that Trump is just smarter than The Left.
The Left Worships Evil, so Trump is at least one up on you imbeciles.
Reports that both of the Agents who were actually there saying it didn't happen.

What do you have confirming her perjury?
Joe Biden once tried to grab the wheel of his motorized toilet his chauffeur uses to drive him around the White House in.
It was a crappy thing for Joe to do.
Q. Do you believe you have one of the
best memories in the world?

A. That I can't tell you. I can't tell
for other people, but I have a good memory.

Q. You've stated, though, that you have
one of the best memories in the world?

A. I don't know. Did I use that

Q. Yes.

A. Where? Could I see it?

Q. I can play a video of you reporting

A. Did I say I have a great memory or
one of the best in the world?

Q. "One of the best in the world" is
what the reporter quoted you as saying.

A. I don't remember saying that. As
good as my memory is, I don't remember that, but
I have a good memory.

Q. So you don't remember saying that you have one of the best memories in the world?

A. I don't remember that. I remember you telling me, but I don't know that I said it.

Emphasis mine.
huh? what does that have to do with Ornato? Post the transcript....I assume the Committee refreshed his memory like the lawyer did in that transcript....and he confirmed it? Did they ask if the assault took place? He confirmed it right?

Post the transcript.....clearly if he confirmed it, it would be public....since he didn't...your pardy committee didn't....thanks
I don't want you to post a transcript of anything you said or didn't say....I want the transcript of him...which obviously you can't produce. You can't produce a transcript of him saying the convo happened, let alone that the assault happened....why? because it didn't....

Retard, again... I never said the conversation happened. How many times need I tell you that before you understand I told you that?
Your desperation is showing, Simp.

Fawnboi can't back up his lies, so.........................


:dance: :auiqs.jpg: :dance: :auiqs.jpg: :dance: :auiqs.jpg:


You're mentally deranged, Dumbfuck. What claim do you think I made that hasn't been backed up?

Why on Earth would I care what you do or don't believe? Regardless, you asked why his answer wasn't "leaked," and I informed you they did.
They leaked his answer to "Did Trump try to hijack the "Beast"?

Yet neither of those agents have denied it.
How do you know? Have you read the transcripts? Nope.

Nazi Piglosi and Adumb Schifferbrains refuse to release the transcripts. There would be no reason for the secrecy if they didn't deny it happened, Simp.
huh? what does that have to do with Ornato? Post the transcript....I assume the Committee refreshed his memory like the lawyer did in that transcript....and he confirmed it? Did they ask if the assault took place? He confirmed it right?

Post the transcript.....clearly if he confirmed it, it would be public....since he didn't...your pardy committee didn't....thanks

What it has to do with it is refuting your idiotic claim that "I don't recall" is a denial. I showed you if it was a denial, which of course it isn't, then Trump would have committed perjury by denying saying something he said, when he said under oath he didn't remember saying it.

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