Democrats just can't stop segregating people by race.....Colorado, black only play night....

Why are some people so upset with that back-to-school night only for African American parents?

It sounds like an excellent idea to me.

I want our African American brothers and sisters to be as comfortable as possible.

I personally hope that they extend this policy to all areas of society.
Also as you were corrected earlier, Republicans and Democrats in the North voted for it and Republicans and Democrats in the South voted against it.

What difference does it make where they were from? They still voted a stronger majority than Democrats.

How about clean up the inner city schools and then ALL the kids will be taken care of.

Those schools are locally funded. Anybody that wants better schools can petition to have a property tax increase in which they could afford better schools. It's not up to the federal government. The communists are in charge now. What are they doing for these schools?

Trump didn't implement anything, he just saddle on to a program that Pres. Obama had already started. That lowest unemployment garbage has been debunked so many times I can't believe you even keep bringing it up.

He signed the bill and most Republicans in the Congress went along with it.

I thought you were a slum landlord, make up your mind.

You can't be both? I've done both for 25 years.

Black folks don't join the GOP because it is full of folks like you. All we ever hear is Republicans blab about they would vote for this black person or they would vote for that black person, funny how they never get around to voting for them.

Ever hear of a guy named Herman Cain? When the media seen somebody of color running for the GOP nomination, they dug and dug until they found some evidence of him fooling around and destroyed his candidacy. They had to destroy him. As far as they were concerned, he drifted off the plantation and had to be put back. And how about Larry Elder? Your leftist media called him the black face of white supremacy. When did Elder ever talk about white supremacy? I guarantee you every Republican in California voted for him.

So the few blacks in our party we did support until the Communists did what they could to destroy them. As Biden once said, you ain't black unless you vote for me. That's the attitude of the Communist party. You're not black unless you stay on the plantation. And don't you dare have any individual thoughts like those Hispanic people. You think our way or no way.

I am pointing out the white hypocrisy when it comes to Dr. King. Folks like you hated Dr. King.

What hypocrisy? What King said accurately applies to Dementia choosing Harris.

Save it, it was proven what Trump and his racist father did, in America if you have money and you are white you can get out of anything with a slap on the wrist.

And the FBI investigated and reported it was all bullshit. It has nothing to do with money. It has to do with lack of evidence.

No Trump continued to claim they were guilty AFTER it was proven these young men were innocent.

Yes he did, because he was convinced due to them admitting to the crimes.

No more politically ignorant than you are. One thing we know for sure is that white racist like you will vote for a racist, a segregationist and a KKK member. Republicans elected one in Louisiana.

And Biden once said the best people he worked with in Congress were segregationists.

I posted the sources where Trump stuck his foot in his mouth.

What you posted was he said/ she said. Nothing with any actual evidence. Post a video of Trump actually saying anything racist against blacks, and maybe you might come close to challenging me on it. But you can't because Trump was not and is not a racist. Why do you think he is? Because you are a puppet, and puppets only move to the actions of their string pullers. They tell you what to say, but not why you should be saying it. That's why you people are so easy to beat in a political debate.
That's my point. There is no way for them to be segregated and live a decent life or in some cases survive. That's why they never make plans and flee to a certain area.

They don't like separation when we decide to separate, they love it when they decide.

I was channel surfing and have channels that have classic shows and sitcoms on. I ran across the show Friends. It was a number one show until the blacks complained the cast was all white. So they created a black character for the show and it went downhill from there. Same with That 70's Show. Again, a comedy on a side channel that became very very popular. Same thing happened. Blacks complained because of no white characters, so they created one which was like a round peg in a square hole, and again, the show didn't last long from there.

I guess instead of just enjoying the show with white people, they'd rather end those shows and then nobody can enjoy them any longer.
I recall you said that once before and I've been thinking a lot about it. Some people are saying that the reason the new West Side Story is bombing is because people are assuming it's "woke" and don't want any of that.

If blacks are intrinsic to the plot and setting, okay ---- Get Out was one such, surprisingly good, and another is the British TV series Death in Paradise. Too many interracial couples on a Caribbean Island for plausibility --- we KNOW they keep the blacks out with high chain link fences in Jamaica if we've ever been on a cruise --- however, blacks certainly do fit the locale and the plots, as the Caribbean belongs to them, unfortunately.

Where they are shoe-horned in, however, not worth watching. One big problem with sitcoms is that blacks aren't funny! They bring nothing but tension and bad vibes and danger of miscegenation, which few are comfortable with. We are big fans of The Big Bang Theory and that sitcom managed to keep blacks out substantially the whole 12-season series till THEY ended it. No black jokes of any kind. Usually no mention of blacks in any way, and none shown, except in the background. They kept off the BLM types with the grim and unpleasant HR woman, who was black and constantly defensive. Those weren't good episodes, but there weren't many with her. They knew what you have figured out yourself, I think.
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Why are some people so upset with that back-to-school night only for African American parents?

It sounds like an excellent idea to me.

I want our African American brothers and sisters to be as comfortable as possible.

I personally hope that they extend this policy to all areas of society.
Boy, I agree. Let them be separate, and let us be separate. New idea: sounds like the solution! I'm surprised people didn't think of it before . . .
Boy, I agree. Let them be separate, and let us be separate. New idea: sounds like the solution! I'm surprised people didn't think of it before . . .

Actually many years before that's what we had. Our neighborhoods were clean, they were quiet, it was safe. The blacks complained about that so there was a desegregation movement. Since then, billions of dollars of lost property value and destroyed businesses took place because the blacks moved in and there was nothing anybody could do about it. It's still that way today. In fact part of Dementia's agenda is to put more lowlifes into these nice safe suburban neighborhoods using our tax dollars.

As far as a Democrat is concerned, you can't destroy enough things for good law abiding people. There are always ways to destroy more.
I recall you said that once before and I've been thinking a lot about it. Some people are saying that the reason the new West Side Story is bombing is because people are assuming it's "woke" and don't want any of that.

If blacks are intrinsic to the plot and setting, okay ---- Get Out was one such, surprisingly good, and another is the British TV series Death in Paradise. Too many interracial couples on a Caribbean Island for plausibility --- we KNOW they keep the blacks out with high chain link fences in Jamaica if we've ever been on a cruise --- however, blacks certainly do fit the locale and the plots, as the Caribbean belongs to them, unfortunately.

Where they are shoe-horned in, however, not worth watching. One big problem with sitcoms is that blacks aren't funny! They bring nothing but tension and bad vibes and danger of miscegenation, which few are comfortable with. We are big fans of The Big Bang Theory and that sitcom managed to keep blacks out substantially the whole 12-season series till THEY ended it. No black jokes of any kind. Usually no mention of blacks of any kind. They kept off the BLM types with the grim and unpleasant HR woman, who was black and constantly defensive. Those weren't good episodes, but there weren't many with her. They knew what you have figured out yourself, I think.

That was a terrible part because they gave her the personality of an uppity N attitude. Whites hate that. But you are correct, she was just a side-kick and not a major player so we didn't see much of her.
That was a terrible part because they gave her the personality of an uppity N attitude. Whites hate that. But you are correct, she was just a side-kick and not a major player so we didn't see much of her.
It occurs to me that maybe they were safe on Big Bang because --- it was a show about white physicists! Blacks weren't going to want to watch that. They probably had the lowest black rating on TV ---- luckily for the show, or of course they'd have destroyed it.
It occurs to me that maybe they were safe on Big Bang because --- it was a show about white physicists! Blacks weren't going to want to watch that. They probably had the lowest black rating on TV ---- luckily for the show, or of course they'd have destroyed it.

Maybe, but I'm sure there were a lot of white liberals that tuned in that weren't very happy with no major black characters.
What difference does it make where they were from? They still voted a stronger majority than Democrats.
Because dumb ass the voting was done according to regions, the South voted against it and the North voted for it. What part of that don't you understand?
Those schools are locally funded. Anybody that wants better schools can petition to have a property tax increase in which they could afford better schools. It's not up to the federal government. The communists are in charge now. What are they doing for these schools?
That is some bullshit, richer neighborhoods have better schools than poorer neighborhoods. Why? because there is more money in richer districts.
He signed the bill and most Republicans in the Congress went along with it.
Yea what a great bill he signed. Smfh.
You can't be both? I've done both for 25 years.
Trucker driver and a slum lord. Ok.
Ever hear of a guy named Herman Cain?
The fool that called Corona a hoax and died from it, yea I have heard of that Uncle Tom.
When the media seen somebody of color running for the GOP nomination, they dug and dug until they found some evidence of him fooling around and destroyed his candidacy.
No that was your boy Newt that dropped the bomb on his ass. How did the media stop you from voting for Cain?
They had to destroy him. As far as they were concerned, he drifted off the plantation and had to be put back.
He was destroyed from within, the GOP refused to have a black man as their candidate.
And how about Larry Elder? Your leftist media called him the black face of white supremacy. When did Elder ever talk about white supremacy? I guarantee you every Republican in California voted for him.
Another confused boot licker Uncle Tom.
So the few blacks in our party we did support until the Communists did what they could to destroy them.
You supported them in word of mouth, you didn't support them in the voting booth.
As Biden once said, you ain't black unless you vote for me. That's the attitude of the Communist party. You're not black unless you stay on the plantation. And don't you dare have any individual thoughts like those Hispanic people. You think our way or no way.
Save that plantation shit, black folks aren't voting for a party full of racist like you. It is the Republican Party that has stopped the John Lewis Voting Bill and the George Floyd Police Reform Bill. Why would we vote for Republicans when they work against black folks. Republicans haven't implemented ONE bill that has helped black folks in the last 50yrs.
What hypocrisy? What King said accurately applies to Dementia choosing Harris.
Tell me if you agree with Dr King's words.

In 1863 the negro was freed from the bondage of physical slavery by through the emancipation proclamation signed by Abraham Lincoln. But the negro was not given any land to make that freedom meaningful. And you know something like having a man in jail for years and years and then you suddenly discover that this man is innocent and go to him and say now you are free. The man been unjustly jailed for thirty-five or forty years and you just put him out of jail saying now you are free. You don’t give him any bus fare to get to town; no money to buy any clothes; no money to get something to eat.

This is what happened to the black man in this country. He was just told you’re free. Been enslaved for 244 years. He didn’t have any family life because it was a crime for the negro during slavery to get married they destroyed the negro family. He didn’t have any money because he didn’t get paid anything; he didn’t have any education because it was a crime for a negro to learn to read and write actually during the days of slavery, some negroes slipped away and tried to write and they would chop their hands off.

Now America must hear about its sins because we will never understand what is happening in this country today without understanding that we are now reaping the harvest of terrible evil planted by seeds centuries ago. Yes we were given emancipation but no land to make it meaningful. And you know what? At that same time, America was giving away millions of acres of land in the west and the midwest. It was said the nation was willing to undergird its white peasants from Europe with an economic floor. Yet it would not do it for those who had been in the land, brought here in chains for 244 years so emancipation for the negro was freedom to hunger.
And the FBI investigated and reported it was all bullshit. It has nothing to do with money. It has to do with lack of evidence.
When did the FBI make that claim, by all means post it.
Yes he did, because he was convinced due to them admitting to the crimes.
Trump refused to say these young men were innocent AFTER it was PROVEN they were innocent. How in the hell can you even attempt to defend that? It just proves how much of a racist POS you are and you wonder why black folks don't vote Republican.
And Biden once said the best people he worked with in Congress were segregationists.
Post it.
What you posted was he said/ she said. Nothing with any actual evidence. Post a video of Trump actually saying anything racist against blacks, and maybe you might come close to challenging me on it. But you can't because Trump was not and is not a racist. Why do you think he is? Because you are a puppet, and puppets only move to the actions of their string pullers. They tell you what to say, but not why you should be saying it. That's why you people are so easy to beat in a political debate.
Yea the Gov't and all these folks are just lying on poor old Trump. How many times has Trump been sued? Oh I know all folks in business get sued, lol. Trump played the racist like you to a tee.

  • 1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to Black tenants and lied to Black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to previous discrimination.

  • 1980s: Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Brown said. “It was the eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: They put us all in the back.”
Brown is lying, right?

  • 1991: A book by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a Black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump later said in a 1997 Playboy interview that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”
I guess Trump is lying, right?

  • 1992: The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino had to pay a $200,000 fine because it transferred Black and women dealers off tables to accommodate a big-time gambler’s prejudices.
Are you saying this didn't happen.

  • 2011: Trump played a big role in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first Black president — was not born in the US. He claimed to send investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s birth certificate. Obama later released his birth certificate, calling Trump a “carnival barker.” The research has found a strong correlation between birtherism, as the conspiracy theory is called, and racism. But Trump has reportedly continued pushing this conspiracy theory in private.

  • 2011: While Trump suggested that Obama wasn’t born in the US, he also argued that maybe Obama wasn’t a good enough student to have gotten into Columbia or Harvard Law School, and demanded Obama release his university transcripts. Trump claimed, “I heard he was a terrible student. Terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?”
His racist and inflammatory rhetoric is well known. That is why he is loved by folks like you.
Because dumb ass the voting was done according to regions, the South voted against it and the North voted for it. What part of that don't you understand?

The question is what part don't you understand. I don't care what area voted how, my point and only point is that more Republicans per capita voted for the CRA than Democrats when you asked what Republicans ever did for blacks.

That is some bullshit, richer neighborhoods have better schools than poorer neighborhoods. Why? because there is more money in richer districts.

Because richer districts put more money into their schools. Duh!

The fool that called Corona a hoax and died from it, yea I have heard of that Uncle Tom.

There you go, perfect example, Uncle Tom because he drifted off the plantation.

No that was your boy Newt that dropped the bomb on his ass. How did the media stop you from voting for Cain?

Newt had nothing to do with it, it was your left-wing media. They ruined his chances at running for President.

He was destroyed from within, the GOP refused to have a black man as their candidate.

And yet he had overwhelming support.

Another confused boot licker Uncle Tom.

Once again, thanks for proving my point.

You supported them in word of mouth, you didn't support them in the voting booth.

Didn't have a chance. The commies took him out before anybody could vote for him. I live in Ohio so I couldn't vote for a California Governor. In Ohio however I did vote for Ken Blackwell.

Save that plantation shit, black folks aren't voting for a party full of racist like you. It is the Republican Party that has stopped the John Lewis Voting Bill and the George Floyd Police Reform Bill. Why would we vote for Republicans when they work against black folks. Republicans haven't implemented ONE bill that has helped black folks in the last 50yrs.

I just listed several, and your response now is. :lalala:

Tell me if you agree with Dr King's words.

Changing the subject I see. I accept your defeat.

When did the FBI make that claim, by all means post it.

I did, and if you bothered to read it you'd remember it. Just scroll back several posts and try reading it this time.

Trump refused to say these young men were innocent AFTER it was PROVEN they were innocent. How in the hell can you even attempt to defend that? It just proves how much of a racist POS you are and you wonder why black folks don't vote Republican.

I told you why Trump still thought they were guilty. What's racist about that? Trump never once mentioned race in the crime.

Yea the Gov't and all these folks are just lying on poor old Trump. How many times has Trump been sued? Oh I know all folks in business get sued, lol. Trump played the racist like you to a tee.

Yet you have yet to post anything racist Trump said or did.

Brown is lying, right?

He's the only one that said it. Again, show me actual proof of anything, not he said/ she said. That's not proof at all. Anybody can say anything they want.

  • 1992: The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino had to pay a $200,000 fine because it transferred Black and women dealers off tables to accommodate a big-time gambler’s prejudices.
Are you saying this didn't happen.

If it did so what? Big time players prefer their choice of dealers. The guy already lost millions and was trying to win it back. He was fined by the gaming commission, not the government. The gaming commission is a private organization.

2011: Trump played a big role in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first Black president — was not born in the US.

Has nothing to do with race.

2011: While Trump suggested that Obama wasn’t born in the US, he also argued that maybe Obama wasn’t a good enough student to have gotten into Columbia or Harvard Law School, and demanded Obama release his university transcripts.

Has nothing to do with race.
The question is what part don't you understand. I don't care what area voted how, my point and only point is that more Republicans per capita voted for the CRA than Democrats when you asked what Republicans ever did for blacks.
Again Northern Republicans and Democrats voted for it and Southern Democrats and Republicans voted against it.
Because richer districts put more money into their schools. Duh!
No shit, would it be because they have more money. Duh.
There you go, perfect example, Uncle Tom because he drifted off the plantation.
No Uncle Tom because he drifted onto the plantation. Shinin and Coonin.
Newt had nothing to do with it, it was your left-wing media. They ruined his chances at running for President.
Republicans had everything to do with it, who the hell do you think leaked it.
And yet he had overwhelming support.
Yea he had so much support he lost.
Once again, thanks for proving my point.
You don't have a point.
Didn't have a chance. The commies took him out before anybody could vote for him. I live in Ohio so I couldn't vote for a California Governor. In Ohio however I did vote for Ken Blackwell.
Any excuse will do.
I just listed several, and your response now is. :lalala:
With nothing to back them up.
Changing the subject I see. I accept your defeat.
What damn defeat, you quote Dr. King, as long as, he is saying "I have a dream". When he talks about what America has done to black folks and what she owes to black folks you run and hide.
I did, and if you bothered to read it you'd remember it. Just scroll back several posts and try reading it this time.
Neither the FBI or the Mueller Report has ever exonerated Trump and you know it.
I told you why Trump still thought they were guilty. What's racist about that? Trump never once mentioned race in the crime.
You are an idiot Trump Humper through and through. It was proven these young men were innocent that racist POS will not acknowledge that and you continue to make excuses for this racist bullshit.
Every politician has worked with a racist and segregationist have they not?
Yet you have yet to post anything racist Trump said or did.
I have posted plenty, but when you are a racist I guess you don't think it's racist.
He's the only one that said it. Again, show me actual proof of anything, not he said/ she said. That's not proof at all. Anybody can say anything they want.
Like you do, got it.
If it did so what? Big time players prefer their choice of dealers. The guy already lost millions and was trying to win it back. He was fined by the gaming commission, not the government. The gaming commission is a private organization.
So are you telling me I can go into a Casino and tell the house I don't want a white dealer I want a black one, come on you aren't that big of an idiot.
Has nothing to do with race.

Has nothing to do with race.
What does it have to do with?
Again Northern Republicans and Democrats voted for it and Southern Democrats and Republicans voted against it.

We weren't debating north and south, we were debating how Republicans voted in a larger majority. You think if you can change the subject I'll forget.

No shit, would it be because they have more money. Duh.

Yes they have more money, but that doesn't mean people in lower income areas can't pay more if they really want better schools. The problem is they don't care. They're not going to pay anything more than they have to, so it's all on them. Schools are a local issue, not a federal one.

Republicans had everything to do with it, who the hell do you think leaked it.

It wasn't leaked, the MSM went out to find it. And the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

Yea he had so much support he lost.

He didn't lose anything, he had to drop out because of all the controversy.

With nothing to back them up.

When you start reading my links, I'll start posting them. I posted the FBI summery of their investigation and you didn't even look at it. You didn't even know it was there.

What damn defeat, you quote Dr. King, as long as, he is saying "I have a dream". When he talks about what America has done to black folks and what she owes to black folks you run and hide.

We weren't talking about that either. God you liberals think everybody is as dumb as you are. We were talking about his quote of the color of their skin vs the content of their character in regards to Kommie Whorris.

Every politician has worked with a racist and segregationist have they not?

No, some of the older ones did, but they didn't praise them later on like Dementia did.

I have posted plenty, but when you are a racist I guess you don't think it's racist.

Nothing of any substance or evidence; he said/ she said.

So are you telling me I can go into a Casino and tell the house I don't want a white dealer I want a black one, come on you aren't that big of an idiot.

For one, Trump wasn't even there more than likely. Two, how do you know that race was the reason he wanted another dealer? When you go to a restaurant, you can request to sit at a particular waitresses table. When you get your haircut, you can request a specific stylist. It's nothing new. And if you chose a black waitress or beautician, that doesn't mean you did so based on race, it means you liked their past service and would rather be served by them.

Nobody was fired here. Everybody kept their jobs. They just worked at a different part of the casino is all.

What does it have to do with?

The fact that DumBama's own grandmother said he was born in Kenya. The fact that his father was Kenyan. From what I understand, he said he was born in Kenya in his first book, but I can't veryfy that because I'd never read any garbage like that.

Denver was once a hidden gem of a city in 70s to 90s
Now it’s just another sewer pipe
We weren't debating north and south, we were debating how Republicans voted in a larger majority. You think if you can change the subject I'll forget.
No you were patting Republicans on the back as passing the CRA, I simply stated it was voted by region which I have shown.
Yes they have more money, but that doesn't mean people in lower income areas can't pay more if they really want better schools. The problem is they don't care. They're not going to pay anything more than they have to, so it's all on them. Schools are a local issue, not a federal one.
No the problem is dumb ass, they don't have more money to pay. Smfh.
It wasn't leaked, the MSM went out to find it. And the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.
Yea that's what they did, went door to door looking for women Cain had slept with. Unbelievable.
He didn't lose anything, he had to drop out because of all the controversy.
You mean when those skeletons came out the closet, how did that stop you and other Republicans from supporting him. He didn't have to drop out, he chose to drop out.
When you start reading my links, I'll start posting them. I posted the FBI summery of their investigation and you didn't even look at it. You didn't even know it was there.
Who did the investigating for Mueller? Where did the Mueller Report find Trump not guilty of wrongdoing?
We weren't talking about that either. God you liberals think everybody is as dumb as you are. We were talking about his quote of the color of their skin vs the content of their character in regards to Kommie Whorris.
That's what I am talking about, you try to reduce Dr. King down to a slogan. I am talking about the man as a whole. Do you agree or disagree with his words on America's fault on a promissory note when it comes to black folks in ths country.
No, some of the older ones did, but they didn't praise them later on like Dementia did.
Saying you worked with someone is praising them, ok.
Nothing of any substance or evidence; he said/ she said.
Of course if you are in denial.
For one, Trump wasn't even there more than likely. Two, how do you know that race was the reason he wanted another dealer?
Come on you aren't that dumb, when someone moves out ALL the black dealers and replaces them with white dealers. It doesn't take a damn rocket scientist to figure that out.
When you go to a restaurant, you can request to sit at a particular waitresses table.
That is totally different than saying, "I don't want a black waitress."
When you get your haircut, you can request a specific stylist. It's nothing new.
Come on man, that is some straight up bullshit you are shoveling.
And if you chose a black waitress or beautician, that doesn't mean you did so based on race, it means you liked their past service and would rather be served by them.
If you are taking a flight and at boarding time you notice the pilot is black are you going to go to the Delta counter and tell them, "I want a white pilot".
Nobody was fired here. Everybody kept their jobs. They just worked at a different part of the casino is all.
What is the maximum effective rate of an excuse?
The fact that DumBama's own grandmother said he was born in Kenya. The fact that his father was Kenyan. From what I understand, he said he was born in Kenya in his first book, but I can't veryfy that because I'd never read any garbage like that.
What makes you a US citizen?
No you were patting Republicans on the back as passing the CRA, I simply stated it was voted by region which I have shown.

The debate was not about region. You leftists just hate being wrong so you constantly move the goal posts.

No the problem is dumb ass, they don't have more money to pay. Smfh.

Right. They have money for dope, they have money to have four kids, they have money for the latest smart phone, they have money for big screen televisions, but they don't have any money for schools.

Yea that's what they did, went door to door looking for women Cain had slept with. Unbelievable.

Is that how you believe reporters get all their stories; going door to door?

You mean when those skeletons came out the closet, how did that stop you and other Republicans from supporting him. He didn't have to drop out, he chose to drop out.

Yes, he chose to drop out for the better of the party. We can't support anybody that has to quit the race.

Who did the investigating for Mueller? Where did the Mueller Report find Trump not guilty of wrongdoing?

WTF does Mueller have to do with this? Again, trying to change the debate when you lost it already.

That's what I am talking about, you try to reduce Dr. King down to a slogan. I am talking about the man as a whole. Do you agree or disagree with his words on America's fault on a promissory note when it comes to black folks in ths country.

Yes, that's all I was talking about, that quote. Again, trying to move the goal posts when you have been soundly defeated.

Saying you worked with someone is praising them, ok.

Saying they were the greatest people to work with is.

Of course if you are in denial.

Okay, Tara Reide said Dementia tried to rape her. Does that make it true since she said it?

Come on you aren't that dumb, when someone moves out ALL the black dealers and replaces them with white dealers. It doesn't take a damn rocket scientist to figure that out.

How many black dealers were there? How many had to be moved out for one table?

That is totally different than saying, "I don't want a black waitress."

Did the customer say he didn't want any black or female dealers?

If you are taking a flight and at boarding time you notice the pilot is black are you going to go to the Delta counter and tell them, "I want a white pilot".

Moving the goal posts again. WTF remembers their pilot to demand they have them on their flight?

What makes you a US citizen?

I never argued he wasn't a citizen.
The debate was not about region. You leftists just hate being wrong so you constantly move the goal posts.
You were trying to pat Republicans on the back for the CRA and again I have shown you that NOT ONE Republican in the South voted for the CRA or VRA.
Right. They have money for dope, they have money to have four kids, they have money for the latest smart phone, they have money for big screen televisions, but they don't have any money for schools.
What % of black folks would you say are buying dope? Have you gone door to door checking black folks TVs and phones?
Is that how you believe reporters get all their stories; going door to door?
How do they get them?
Yes, he chose to drop out for the better of the party. We can't support anybody that has to quit the race.
He dropped out because he was exposed.
WTF does Mueller have to do with this? Again, trying to change the debate when you lost it already.
Isn't he the one who lead the investigation.
Yes, that's all I was talking about, that quote. Again, trying to move the goal posts when you have been soundly defeated.
Hell the idiot admitted most of it. Lmao.
Saying they were the greatest people to work with is.
Post that quote for us.

Okay, Tara Reide said Dementia tried to rape her. Does that make it true since she said it?
I don't know, does it? I am pretty sure you believe her, but you will attack the numerous women who claim Trump did the same thing to them.
How many black dealers were there? How many had to be moved out for one table?
What difference does it make?
Did the customer say he didn't want any black or female dealers?
LOL, what a joke.
Moving the goal posts again. WTF remembers their pilot to demand they have them on their flight?
I haven't moved a damn thing, you just can't answer the question.
I never argued he wasn't a citizen.
Trump did.
You were trying to pat Republicans on the back for the CRA and again I have shown you that NOT ONE Republican in the South voted for the CRA or VRA.

What % of black folks would you say are buying dope? Have you gone door to door checking black folks TVs and phones?

How do they get them?

He dropped out because he was exposed.

Isn't he the one who lead the investigation.

Hell the idiot admitted most of it. Lmao.

Post that quote for us.

I don't know, does it? I am pretty sure you believe her, but you will attack the numerous women who claim Trump did the same thing to them.

What difference does it make?

LOL, what a joke.

I haven't moved a damn thing, you just can't answer the question.

Trump did.

I'm ending this conversation. People who lack the intelligence and education to answer a post in a single reply makes it too time consuming to quote every single sentence. I have better things to do.
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