Democrats just can't stop segregating people by race.....Colorado, black only play night....

Racism is at the core of the democrat party belief system...they just can't help themselves.....the party was created by two racist, slave owners, and they have never gotten past their racist beginnings...

The core groups of the democrat party are racist......and it isn't a matter of white racism...racists of all colors now call the democrat party their home......racism at it's core needs centralized government power....and the racists of all skin colors know that the democrat party wants large, centralized government, so that is why they call it their party...

What would happen if you flipped it and made the excuse for a “white family’s play night”?
What would happen if you flipped it and made the excuse for a “white family’s play night”?

The same that would have happened if a white driver deliberately went to a black neighborhood to kill as many blacks as possible, running over 46 and killing 6 of them including a white child.
Does it upset you that the increasingly diverse, better-educated American populace are voting?

Let's see, a candidate ran for President that spent most of his adult life in federal politics and didn't accomplish a thing. He ran while his son was under FBI investigation in a matter he too was involved in. Because of his age his inability to finish sentences or hold a thought gave everybody grave concern. He made his family rich using his position as VP to get them jobs they not only had no experience at, but never attended work. His campaign included virtually disarming law abiding citizens, attacking our fuel supply and production, opening the border while we are trying to fight off this worldwide virus, destroying what's now safe middle-class suburbs, said the most racist things about blacks and others than any candidate in our lifetime, and he won with the most votes in history?

If these are educated voters, let's pray most become dumb fucks before they end this great Republic.
Yes antifa.
antfa is an anarchist movement affiliated with neither political party, of course. They oppose fascists.

They are condemned by both parties.

According to the rightist Townhall, they went after the Democratic Party Headquarters in Portland after President Biden won the 2020 presidential election:

"Antifa thugs vandalized a Democratic Party of Oregon’s office in Portland on Wednesday...

Some banners from the current #antifa #J20 protest in Portland:

“We don’t want Biden—we want revenge”
“A new world from the ashes”
“We are ungovernable”

Let's see, a candidate ran for President that spent most of his adult life in federal politics and didn't accomplish a thing. He ran while his son was under FBI investigation in a matter he too was involved in. Because of his age his inability to finish sentences or hold a thought gave everybody grave concern. He made his family rich using his position as VP to get them jobs they not only had no experience at, but never attended work. His campaign included virtually disarming law abiding citizens, attacking our fuel supply and production, opening the border while we are trying to fight off this worldwide virus, destroying what's now safe middle-class suburbs, said the most racist things about blacks and others than any candidate in our lifetime, and he won with the most votes in history?

If these are educated voters, let's pray most become dumb fucks before they end this great Republic.
If you prefer to be in a political party that is 90% White that is your right. If you need to malign the President, that is your right.

You appear to be very pisy about the diverse American electorate.
If you prefer to be in a political party that is 90% White that is your right. If you need to malign the President, that is your right.

You appear to be very pisy about the diverse American electorate.

I'm pissy when people vote and don't know what they're voting on. Look at what they did to our country. It's a mess thanks to politically ignorant people that vote. It's not like nobody knew what this guy was about. He and the party openly stated what he was going to do, and they voted for him anyway. If we did have an educated electorate, nobody in their right mind would have voted for him yet alone a record amount of votes. Thanks to mail in voting, the Communists managed to get the dumbest people to vote.
Do you really think the black community as a whole could survive without white people? At anytime blacks could have organized and moved to one or two states and run the entire thing. Why do you suppose they don't?
Oh, sure ---- they do in Haiti, they do in Jamaica, they survive without whites in Nigeria.

Their societies are basically warlords on a block-by-block level and their housing is refrigerator boxes with dirt floors and no toilets, but they just keep on reproducing, and you know, that's really all any species needs. They don't and can't survive on anything CLOSE to our level, but they survive and multiply. That's our fault for bringing them over here and letting them clog up the entire Caribbean so no one else can use it.

Not only do they not need us, they don't want us: it's a mistake to think anyone black regrets the high crime in cities. They like that; they like to get to kill without penalty. It underlies their warlord political system. It's the way they want to live. Plundering whites on a large scale is the next step, as has started now.
What would happen if you flipped it and made the excuse for a “white family’s play night”?
That would be so great. Somebody probably has been trying to do that, and gets no where.

I think there should be white segregated college socializing unions just like there are black ones. Why not? Why isn't that allowed? It should be!
Racism is at the core of the democrat party belief system...they just can't help themselves.....the party was created by two racist, slave owners, and they have never gotten past their racist beginnings...

The core groups of the democrat party are racist......and it isn't a matter of white racism...racists of all colors now call the democrat party their home......racism at it's core needs centralized government power....and the racists of all skin colors know that the democrat party wants large, centralized government, so that is why they call it their party...

Isn't that discrimination by the government against the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

Some White person should sue.

If it was the other way around with Whites only I guarantee the Negroes would sue.
antfa is an anarchist movement affiliated with neither political party, of course. They oppose fascists.

They are condemned by both parties.

According to the rightist Townhall, they went after the Democratic Party Headquarters in Portland after President Biden won the 2020 presidential election:

"Antifa thugs vandalized a Democratic Party of Oregon’s office in Portland on Wednesday...

Some banners from the current #antifa #J20 protest in Portland:

“We don’t want Biden—we want revenge”
“A new world from the ashes”
“We are ungovernable”

But Democrats let them do as they please in their cities.
Oh, sure ---- they do in Haiti, they do in Jamaica, they survive without whites in Nigeria.

Their societies are basically warlords on a block-by-block level and their housing is refrigerator boxes with dirt floors and no toilets, but they just keep on reproducing, and you know, that's really all any species needs. They don't and can't survive on anything CLOSE to our level, but they survive and multiply. That's our fault for bringing them over here and letting them clog up the entire Caribbean so no one else can use it.

Not only do they not need us, they don't want us: it's a mistake to think anyone black regrets the high crime in cities. They like that; they like to get to kill without penalty. It underlies their warlord political system. It's the way they want to live. Plundering whites on a large scale is the next step, as has started now.

What I really meant (in our country) is look what they do now. They destroy the area they live in, and then want to move next door to us. They close down their stores with robberies, they get good police officers to quit or have them fired, they refuse to help police in any criminal matter which is what I call the Code of Stupidity, and then when they ruin where we live, move to where we moved to get away from them.

There is no possible way for them to conduct themselves in their own environment on a large scale. Look at what they do on smaller scales like commie cities. If they ever decided on segregation (God would that be great) and tried to live in just a few states, it wouldn't be long until many started to flee to white areas just like they are doing today.
Well we know what opinions are like.
Look at how they vote? The Democrats have thrown blacks under the bus repeatedly. They said blacks were too stupid to get a Voter-ID. Again, Dementia said the most racist things against blacks of any candidate in our lifetime, and how did they vote?
So we should vote for the party that has the mindset of the sheet wearers. Tell me one policy that the GOP has implemented in the last 30yrs that has helped black folks.
No, it's because they don't know much about politics in order to discuss it. Ever see a black man driving down the road with his radio tuned into the news?
White folks know about politics though and discuss it all the time. How many black folks have you rode down the road with? How many white folks do you hear riding down the road listening to the news?
Of course it does. Dementia said he will only choose a VP based on skin color and gender, not ability or experience. He chose the most disliked person in the Democrat primaries simply because she didn't have white skin. And what about Mayor Lighthead in Chicago? She said she would only give interviews to non-white people.
Biden is the racist that choose a black woman as his VP. The Democrat Party elected a Black man to Pres of the USA. The GOP claims they are the party of inclusion, but all we see are white folks.
When did I call King a Communist?
As Kennedy was meeting with Dr. King he was spying on him at the same time.
And Trump was never prosecuted for anything. They had no evidence.
They had plenty of evidence, the coward ass GOP was scared to do anything.
Trump settled because they wouldn't let the matter go and it was costing the company hundreds of thousands of dollars. It was a cheap settlement so why not?
Trump settled because he was guilty as hell and got off easy.
So who the fuck is O-Donnell? If you're talking about Rosie, then provide the link.
The guy who wrote the book Trump Humper.
Yes, Trump wanted the culprits to fry BASED ON WHAT WAS BEING REPORTED! Several of the accused even signed confessions they committed the crimes. That's why Trump took out full page ads against them. Furthermore it had zero to do with race.
Why did some of them confess to a crime they didn't commit?
So what does that have to do with your claim? Switch it from race to the NFL now?
How many white players were kneeling when this started?
You never asked for them, and as well known as they are, I thought you'd know about them. See what I'm talking about when I say blacks are politically ignorant and don't even know WTF they're voting on? You voted for Dementia and didn't know it either.
You are politically ignorant, no let me change that you knew exactly what you were voting for when you voted for a racist, lying POS like Trump. Trump was just what racist like you were looking for, someone who would tap into your fears and hatred and he spun it like a charm. Black folks didn't vote for Biden, we voted against Trump.
I do not want to send my kids to a racial jungle (speaking of busing).

You aren't black unless you vote for me.

They want to put ya'all back in chains.

He (Obama) is the first black that's articulate and clean.

The problem in the black community is the parents can't read or write either.

Black parents can't raise their own children. They need outside help.

Unlike blacks, Hispanics have different cultures and views (insinuating blacks all have the same culture and views).

Yep, this is the guy you and most of your brothers and sisters voted for.
Provide a link for those remarks. Biden grew up the same kind of Democrat as Trump.
So we should vote for the party that has the mindset of the sheet wearers. Tell me one policy that the GOP has implemented in the last 30yrs that has helped black folks.

As we discussed earlier, more Republicans per capita voted for the civil rights act than Democrats. Republicans fought the commies with school vouchers which gave minority parents the ability to send their children to a better school system than the inner-city. The commies even took it to court. Trump implemented prison reform when he was President, and every minority group set new records on lowest unemployment since records were kept. He restored funding to historic black colleges to the tune of 250 million dollars a year.

White folks know about politics though and discuss it all the time. How many black folks have you rode down the road with? How many white folks do you hear riding down the road listening to the news?

You have a short memory. I told you already, I spent every day on the road as a truck driver.

Biden is the racist that choose a black woman as his VP. The Democrat Party elected a Black man to Pres of the USA. The GOP claims they are the party of inclusion, but all we see are white folks.

That's because black folks won't join the GOP. That's not the GOP's fault, that's black peoples fault. If a President chooses a VP based on her race only, that's not racist to you?

As Kennedy was meeting with Dr. King he was spying on him at the same time.

That has nothing to do with anything I said.

They had plenty of evidence, the coward ass GOP was scared to do anything.

No because if they had evidence, there would have been no deal to begin with. They only make deals when they've been defeated. Here is the FBI report on their findings of the very few racial claims.

Trump settled because he was guilty as hell and got off easy.

No it's because the government has endless funds to pursue these false claims. But people that have a job and work for their money don't want to waste it fighting the government. They settled for Trump placing ads in black read media outlets.

Why did some of them confess to a crime they didn't commit?

What are you asking me for? I'm just pointing out why Trump and most of the country thought they were guilty.

How many white players were kneeling when this started?

Don't know. When this all started I never turned the NFL ever again and they are still not welcome in my home, even though I understand the Browns are doing very well this year.

You are politically ignorant, no let me change that you knew exactly what you were voting for when you voted for a racist, lying POS like Trump. Trump was just what racist like you were looking for, someone who would tap into your fears and hatred and he spun it like a charm. Black folks didn't vote for Biden, we voted against Trump.

Blacks would vote for a current KKK member if he was running as a Democrat. Again, most blacks are politically ignorant. Politics doesn't interest them so they don't know.

Provide a link for those remarks. Biden grew up the same kind of Democrat as Trump.

It doesn't change the fact that he made those comments. No, I"m not about to post a dozen sources because for one, all you'd do is say they were false, and two, you can type in any quote on Google and you'll get dozens of sources so you can pick out the ones you like.
Racism is at the core of the democrat party belief system...they just can't help themselves.....the party was created by two racist, slave owners, and they have never gotten past their racist beginnings...

The core groups of the democrat party are racist......and it isn't a matter of white racism...racists of all colors now call the democrat party their home......racism at it's core needs centralized government power....and the racists of all skin colors know that the democrat party wants large, centralized government, so that is why they call it their party...

That is just fine. Now I hope all the white families with a little common sense petition for a White Only playground night for the white kids.
  • Then prepared to sue the school district when they decline to approve it.
  • Then give the BIG WHITE FINGER to all the blacks who complain and protest it once the courts make the school comply.
What I really meant (in our country) is look what they do now. They destroy the area they live in, and then want to move next door to us. They close down their stores with robberies, they get good police officers to quit or have them fired, they refuse to help police in any criminal matter which is what I call the Code of Stupidity, and then when they ruin where we live, move to where we moved to get away from them.

There is no possible way for them to conduct themselves in their own environment on a large scale. Look at what they do on smaller scales like commie cities. If they ever decided on segregation (God would that be great) and tried to live in just a few states, it wouldn't be long until many started to flee to white areas just like they are doing today.
If they decided to live in a few separate states, they just would not be able to organize it and make it happen. The main point about blacks is the fundamental incapacity.

I see you don't accept that they WANT good police officers to quit, WANT the killings to continue, want the crime to go on and on ---- it's basically their thing, I believe. It's how they organize themselves, small plunder bands. Killing on a warlord basis. Of course they don't want to get put in jail for it. I suppose it's African; evolved. I'm aware this is a radical point of view. I used to think with everyone else, why are they making such a big mistake? But then one day I thought, what if it's on purpose? What if it's meant? If they want to live lives of crime, this IS how to do it.
If they decided to live in a few separate states, they just would not be able to organize it and make it happen. The main point about blacks is the fundamental incapacity.

I see you don't accept that they WANT good police officers to quit, WANT the killings to continue, want the crime to go on and on ---- it's basically their thing, I believe. It's how they organize themselves, small plunder bands. Killing on a warlord basis. Of course they don't want to get put in jail for it. I suppose it's African; evolved. I'm aware this is a radical point of view. I used to think with everyone else, why are they making such a big mistake? But then one day I thought, what if it's on purpose? What if it's meant? If they want to live lives of crime, this IS how to do it.

That's my point. There is no way for them to be segregated and live a decent life or in some cases survive. That's why they never make plans and flee to a certain area.

They don't like separation when we decide to separate, they love it when they decide.

I was channel surfing and have channels that have classic shows and sitcoms on. I ran across the show Friends. It was a number one show until the blacks complained the cast was all white. So they created a black character for the show and it went downhill from there. Same with That 70's Show. Again, a comedy on a side channel that became very very popular. Same thing happened. Blacks complained because of no white characters, so they created one which was like a round peg in a square hole, and again, the show didn't last long from there.

I guess instead of just enjoying the show with white people, they'd rather end those shows and then nobody can enjoy them any longer.
As we discussed earlier, more Republicans per capita voted for the civil rights act than Democrats.
Also as you were corrected earlier, Republicans and Democrats in the North voted for it and Republicans and Democrats in the South voted against it.
Republicans fought the commies with school vouchers which gave minority parents the ability to send their children to a better school system than the inner-city.
How about clean up the inner city schools and then ALL the kids will be taken care of.
The commies even took it to court. Trump implemented prison reform when he was President, and every minority group set new records on lowest unemployment since records were kept. He restored funding to historic black colleges to the tune of 250 million dollars a year.
Trump didn't implement anything, he just saddle on to a program that Pres. Obama had already started. That lowest unemployment garbage has been debunked so many times I can't believe you even keep bringing it up.
You have a short memory. I told you already, I spent every day on the road as a truck driver.
I thought you were a slum landlord, make up your mind.
That's because black folks won't join the GOP. That's not the GOP's fault, that's black peoples fault. If a President chooses a VP based on her race only, that's not racist to you?
Black folks don't join the GOP because it is full of folks like you. All we ever hear is Republicans blab about they would vote for this black person or they would vote for that black person, funny how they never get around to voting for them.
That has nothing to do with anything I said.
I am pointing out the white hypocrisy when it comes to Dr. King. Folks like you hated Dr. King.
No because if they had evidence, there would have been no deal to begin with. They only make deals when they've been defeated. Here is the FBI report on their findings of the very few racial claims.

Save it, it was proven what Trump and his racist father did, in America if you have money and you are white you can get out of anything with a slap on the wrist.
No it's because the government has endless funds to pursue these false claims. But people that have a job and work for their money don't want to waste it fighting the government. They settled for Trump placing ads in black read media outlets.
What are you asking me for? I'm just pointing out why Trump and most of the country thought they were guilty.
No Trump continued to claim they were guilty AFTER it was proven these young men were innocent.
Don't know. When this all started I never turned the NFL ever again and they are still not welcome in my home, even though I understand the Browns are doing very well this year.
There is a lot you don't know, but you are a Trump Humper so whatever your beloved Trump says you follow.
Blacks would vote for a current KKK member if he was running as a Democrat. Again, most blacks are politically ignorant. Politics doesn't interest them so they don't know.
No more politically ignorant than you are. One thing we know for sure is that white racist like you will vote for a racist, a segregationist and a KKK member. Republicans elected one in Louisiana.
It doesn't change the fact that he made those comments. No, I"m not about to post a dozen sources because for one, all you'd do is say they were false, and two, you can type in any quote on Google and you'll get dozens of sources so you can pick out the ones you like.
I posted the sources where Trump stuck his foot in his mouth.

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