Democrats just killed the Blue Wave


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats just killed the blue wave

Democrats just killed the blue wave
Democrats were cheered by the renewed FBI investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh and counted it as a win. Most Republicans were dismayed that the full Senate's vote on Judge Brett Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court was delayed and saw this as a political misstep.... They should change places.... First, while the politically attuned understand this is just a delay game by the left, who are on record as willing to do anything to derail this nominee and force the appointment to be made after the November election, swing voters and many women do not.
This is not how they think the Senate should behave, it is not the America they want, nor the sort of public drama they want to have to explain to their children.... The Left hopes that they have further sullied Republicans in this episode, but they have shown to many that the Republicans is the party of fairness and themselves extremists.... Democrats just killed the blue wave.

Never whistle past the graveyard but, Democrats screwed up an easy path to November when they accused without any evidence whatsoever a moderate Supreme Court nominee of being a serial gang rapist. Scared the crap out of everyone. "If they do this to Kavanaugh, they can do this to you or me!"
Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats/DSA may want to get a handle on their militant, dogmatic, SJW, #Antifa youngsters who are hellbent on taking over the party and turning it into the Khmer Rouge.
There never was going to be any “Blue Wave” except in their Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA brains.
But hey, what was the goal of the DSA Blue Wave? Was it a promise to impeach Trump, raise taxes on the working people, was it their promise to erase our borders, or do away with ICE?
In the end, Democrats revealed themselves to be an anti-white, anti-male party cynically exploiting women to destroy both conservative men and being a radical movement devoid of both compassion and justice that trashed American norms to win an election.
All of this turned off voters in the middle who realized how dangerous it would be to allow the DSA Democrats back into power. If there was sentiment for a Blue Wave election, the Democrats radical and indecent behavior buried that for good.
In a word, while Americans change, they’re frightened of change that does more harm than good. And DSA Democrats themselves offered a kind of change repellent to most Americans. The Blue Wave is dead, indeed.
it is my belief that after the mid-terms, at least 200 Million Americans will be laughing at those pathetic 40 something Democrats in the Senate, especially the 10 that all looked like a bunch of brainless monkeys itching thier butts all through the hearings right thru today !!!!
I say us Republicans should all gather around in one big circle, hold hands and sing a freakin' Kumbaya for the Democrats. That should definitely ease the so-called "Blue wave" even more.
Pelosi is on the war path, she vowed a Kavanaugh FOIA witch hunt and possible impeachment.
With 22 house seats at Rep+2 and dem-2 and the average poll giving democrats a +4 advantage they could be down 4-8 points today just 30 days from the election.. They have no hope to take the senate and the house is slipping away too.

People are already voting early...
One thing is for sure, the Democrats did a great job waking up and uniting the GOP. If there was an enthusiasm gap before, it's gone now.

They pushed it to hard to take care of their special interest group (the wacko fat ass ugly liberal woman) and once again neglected the beer drinking / middle class working men and women of America .

The only thing Democrats have going for them is older Republicans dying and young people registering as Democrat.

Walkaway is canceling both of those things out by taking out long time Democrat votes and adding them to the Republican side and turning swing Independents into Republicans.

All of the recent walkaways are also claiming that the registration offices are seeing other undocumented walkaways in the wake of the treatment of Kavanaugh, so Democrats are probably already dead in the water for the House as well.

These polls HAVE to be complete bullshit.

By 2020 walkaway will be so huge that it will be treated like Trump's twitter account and moderate Democrats will literally be using it to gauge public opinion. The lunatics on this forum have no power anymore.

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