Democrats let out a sigh of relief

...what scum you are OP

talking lies about President are the worst of the worst
Pictures don’t lie

what pictures you moron

a father with his daughter?

like my dad and me for example(Rip Dad) that's totally normal you idiot!


USMB rules prohibit me from commenting on your relationship with your father.

you are a very very sick person.
Sanders would have been easy for Trump to beat......Commie, Commie, Commie

Biden is his worst nightmare. That is why he asked Ukraine to help beat him.
lol Joe Biden is America's nightmare. This is a guy who has lied and cheated his way through life and now is clearly in the early stages of dementia. No one ever took this guy seriously until Obama chose him to balance the ticket, and if the Democrats had run any halfway decent candidate this time around, no one would be taking him seriously now.
Biden has never declared bankruptcy or cheated on his wives.

More importantly, he has never been impeached
lol Well, we don't know if he cheated on any of his wives and he never had job in which he could have been impeached, but we do know he he was almost expelled from law school for plagiarism, had to drop out of the 1988 race because he was caught not only plagiarizing another politician's speech, but also claiming details of that man's life were his own. We do know he led the fight in the Senate against school busing, shilled or the banking industry for his entire careen, even voting against bankruptcy reform that would have allowed poor people to keep their homes, authored the toughest crime bill that has kept many thousands of people in prison for for very long times for minor offenses, stood up on the Senate floor and lied about having read the classified data on Iraq to support the war, and in 2008 said Obama was the first clean, bright articulate black he had ever seen.

But you're right, he never declared bankruptcy.

Biden lost his first wife and infant child in an auto accident.
He has been faithfully married to his second wife for over 40 years

Trump is on his third marriage and has openly cheated on all of them. His daughter Tiffany was born out of wedlock. He was banging a porn star while Melania was home caring for his infant son.
lol You have no idea whether or not Biden cheated on his wives. All that hair sniffing and hugging certainly suggests he wanted to, but maybe he just couldn't close the deal. Who knows?
He has been in the public eye for almost 50 years

Show me something
...what scum you are OP

talking lies about President are the worst of the worst

People who call others scum are usually the scummiest people.
No you are scum
You’re the biggest piece of scum on this board. Not to mention among the most dense posters.
I believe you if you could ever counter any argument I ever make with any substance
Counter one of your arguments? LOL..First make a coherent argument.
You’re a Democrat you wouldn’t recognize coherency lol
Trump is going to kick bumbling Biden's ass and hand it to him on the debate stage.

I can't wait.
lol Joe Biden is America's nightmare. This is a guy who has lied and cheated his way through life and now is clearly in the early stages of dementia. No one ever took this guy seriously until Obama chose him to balance the ticket, and if the Democrats had run any halfway decent candidate this time around, no one would be taking him seriously now.
Biden has never declared bankruptcy or cheated on his wives.

More importantly, he has never been impeached
lol Well, we don't know if he cheated on any of his wives and he never had job in which he could have been impeached, but we do know he he was almost expelled from law school for plagiarism, had to drop out of the 1988 race because he was caught not only plagiarizing another politician's speech, but also claiming details of that man's life were his own. We do know he led the fight in the Senate against school busing, shilled or the banking industry for his entire careen, even voting against bankruptcy reform that would have allowed poor people to keep their homes, authored the toughest crime bill that has kept many thousands of people in prison for for very long times for minor offenses, stood up on the Senate floor and lied about having read the classified data on Iraq to support the war, and in 2008 said Obama was the first clean, bright articulate black he had ever seen.

But you're right, he never declared bankruptcy.

Biden lost his first wife and infant child in an auto accident.
He has been faithfully married to his second wife for over 40 years

Trump is on his third marriage and has openly cheated on all of them. His daughter Tiffany was born out of wedlock. He was banging a porn star while Melania was home caring for his infant son.
lol You have no idea whether or not Biden cheated on his wives. All that hair sniffing and hugging certainly suggests he wanted to, but maybe he just couldn't close the deal. Who knows?
He has been in the public eye for almost 50 years

Show me something
lol He was a senator from Delaware so no one ever paid much attention to him.
Let’s look what at what Trump has said about his daughter, Ivanka.

When asked what he and his daughter both consider their favorite things, Trump answered, “I was going to say sex, but I can relate to [golf and real estate].”

“Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father….

And the sickest thing he ever said:

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

7 Creepy Things Donald Trump Has Said About Ivanka
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.


I think you realize I know my shit about polling and the electorate. So I'll be serious for a moment. Winning elections is about enthusiasm. When roughly only half the electorate actually shows up to vote, the critical factor is who shows up. :)

Which candidate is able to generate the most enthusiasm to get their voters out to the polls.

Barack Obama was able generate enormous turnout among minority voters. And by minority voters I mean not just Blacks, but Latinos, and Asians as well. I knew Hillary Clinton would not generate any enthusiasm among minority voters. I said this repeatedly before the election and many folks like you said I was wrong. Well I was right. Black women came out in heavy numbers to vote for Hillary, but Black men did not, nor did any other minorities.

Which brings me to sleepy Joe. I do not see any real enthusiasm for Joe. Primary voting for Dems is down 11% compared to the 2008 election cycle when Obama ran. Primary voting was also down for Hillary compared to Obama as well. This is all very bad news for sleepy Joe.

Meanwhile, Trump is breaking Republican primary voting records with no opposition.

Winger, this is bad news for Dems whose heart is deep into socialism but for the most part cannot publicly admit it. Joe is as plain vanilla and status quo as it gets. He is John Kerry only stupider, more corrupt, and if possible, even more out of touch.

Winger if you think I am wrong, please correct me. But I don't think I am. :)

Biden has never declared bankruptcy or cheated on his wives.

More importantly, he has never been impeached

But, what has Joe Biden ACCOMPLISHED?

Frankly, I don't care a rat's behind whether Joe Biden has ever declared bankruptcy or cheated on any of his wives. I don't care if he had been impeached and found not guilty. I don't care what he said to a bunch of jocks 50 years ago.

Tell me exactly what he is going to do to help the economy, put people back to work, increase wages, start bringing manufacturing back to this country. Tell me that Joe Biden is going to re-negotiate faulty trade agreements and what he is going to do to stop the Chinese theft of our intellectual property. Tell me what slow Joe is going to do to secure our Southern Border.

Oh...that's right, President Donald Trump is doing all that already. What is Joe going to do again? I mean other than not be President Trump and not nearly as accomplished.

We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

...what scum you are OP

talking lies about President are the worst of the worst
Pictures don’t lie

what pictures you moron

a father with his daughter?

like my dad and me for example(Rip Dad) that's totally normal you idiot!


USMB rules prohibit me from commenting on your relationship with your father.

You are only a despicable are total scum....shame on you! SHAME
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
Aw, what the hell. This is ...
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
Aw, what the hell. This is ...

thst's not good enough! ok?

rightwinger is scum
The whole country has let out a sigh of relief; Democrats will nominate someone clearly capable of defeating Trump.

Sanders would have been easy for Trump to beat......Commie, Commie, Commie

Biden is his worst nightmare. That is why he asked Ukraine to help beat him.
lol Joe Biden is America's nightmare. This is a guy who has lied and cheated his way through life and now is clearly in the early stages of dementia. No one ever took this guy seriously until Obama chose him to balance the ticket, and if the Democrats had run any halfway decent candidate this time around, no one would be taking him seriously now.
Biden has never declared bankruptcy or cheated on his wives.

More importantly, he has never been impeached
lol Well, we don't know if he cheated on any of his wives and he never had job in which he could have been impeached, but we do know he he was almost expelled from law school for plagiarism, had to drop out of the 1988 race because he was caught not only plagiarizing another politician's speech, but also claiming details of that man's life were his own. We do know he led the fight in the Senate against school busing, shilled or the banking industry for his entire careen, even voting against bankruptcy reform that would have allowed poor people to keep their homes, authored the toughest crime bill that has kept many thousands of people in prison for for very long times for minor offenses, stood up on the Senate floor and lied about having read the classified data on Iraq to support the war, and in 2008 said Obama was the first clean, bright articulate black he had ever seen.

But you're right, he never declared bankruptcy.

Biden lost his first wife and infant child in an auto accident.
He has been faithfully married to his second wife for over 40 years

Trump is on his third marriage and has openly cheated on all of them. His daughter Tiffany was born out of wedlock. He was banging a porn star while Melania was home caring for his infant son.


I'm not asking him to be my priest.

I'm asking him to be tough as nails to stand up to the toughest leaders in the world who would stab us in the back given half a chance. I'm asking him to use his tough leadership and negotiating skills, and unpredictableness learned from decades as a New York developer and Builder for the good of our country.
Last edited:
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
Just wait by the time the debates between Biden and Trump roll around Biden might be running for mayor if he even remembers his name. But I have no doubt he will regale everyone with some made up story that he actually believes happened.


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism
Written by K. Walker on February 6, 2020


Americans feel better about their personal financial situation than they did under Obama, Clinton, or even Reagan. This year-to-year number has been rising since 2018 and has hit a 44-year record high according to Gallup’s “Mood of the Nation” economic survey. Gallup reports that 59% of Americans — nearly six in 10 — say that they are better off financially than they were a year ago, which is up from 50% last year.


There has also been a sharp decline in the percentage of people who say that they are financially worse off than a year ago. Only 20% of Americans are stating that as their financial reality, and that is a record low.


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism



Job growth smashes expectations for February as unemployment falls back to 3.5%



· Nonfarm payrolls rose by 273,000 in February vs. a 175,000 estimate, while the unemployment rate edged lower to 3.5%.

· Job gains were widespread, with health care adding 57,000 to lead the way.

· December and January’s estimates were revised upward by a total of 243,000.

Job growth smashes expectations for February as unemployment falls back to 3.5%

We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

Yeah.....that's right

The DemRats let out a sigh of relief , exactly the same way they did in 2016, when they screw Bernie that time.

Yes, they (the rats) are doing it again.
Bernie has never been screwed

He just doesn’t win

Because the Dems don't let him win.

Go ask Seth Rich....oh wait.....he is dead.

Hillary got more popular votes, more delegates and more states than Bernie.

So will Biden

Bernie would have beat trump, unlikevthe hag you fools trotted out.

Now Trump is going to win. The only question is by how much.
It's a little upsetting the entire west has been inundated with PROG-Californians, who not only support Bernie, but they'll do their best to turn other States into the shit-holes they left behind.

Last edited:
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
Aw, what the hell. This is ...

thst's not good enough! ok?

rightwinger is scum
Meh … he's just leftarded which looks and smells a lot like scum. Unlike virtually all of his comrades, RW actually had a lucid thought once but he's since forgotten and now denies it.

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