Democrats let out a sigh of relief

Bernie would NOT have beaten The Don.... he didn't stand a prayer..... Trump n Team would have come down so hard on him with made up bull shit, that he would not have been able to overcome... he's a communist, loves Castro, he's a Socialist..wants to turn us in to Venezuela, went to Russia on his honeymoon, wants to triple your taxes, wants to take your private healthcare away from you, had a heart attack, he bashes milionaires while being a millionaire, owns three homes, never accomplished anything while a Senator.... you name it, it would have been thrown at him by the Trumpsters.

And with a prayer, maybe maybe maybe, Biden has a shot at beating Trump.... though still a long shot.

Citizens, real live individual voters in mass....chose Biden over Sanders.... You can call them the establishment, but in reality, they are simply real, live people, every day, citizens.
One can always express hope and I respect the desire, but truth is Bernie was well set to beat both Hillary and Trump last time, Biden and Trump this time. Then the super rich got really scared and dumped billions into an unprecedented media propaganda and censure campaign to snow your "simply real, live people, every day, citizens" into voting fearfully against their best interests.
We believe in democracy, one person one vote, not billionaires spending hundreds of millions of dollars," Sanders told supporters at a rally in Michigan on Saturday. “I just don't think that Joe Biden can generate enthusiasm when you got 60 billionaires contributing to his campaign.”
'All You Need to Know': Biden Reportedly Weighing Billionaires Michael Bloomberg and Jamie Dimon for Cabinet Posts
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
Bernie beats Don. Biden loses to Don.

Your gig is up. You are a republican and we all know it.
You guys keep saying that.
Biden consistently polls higher against Trump than Sanders does
You believe polls. LMFAO. After the debates, Biden will be exposed. Stop supporting Trump.
Trumps record is now open for attack in the debates and his once solid economy is not so good.

He does not take criticism well
LOL. Wait till sniffy Joe says fuck you on national TV.
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
Bernie beats Don. Biden loses to Don.

Your gig is up. You are a republican and we all know it.
Bernie would NOT have beaten The Don.... he didn't stand a prayer..... Trump n Team would have come down so hard on him with made up bull shit, that he would not have been able to overcome... he's a communist, loves Castro, he's a Socialist..wants to turn us in to Venezuela, went to Russia on his honeymoon, wants to triple your taxes, wants to take your private healthcare away from you, had a heart attack, he bashes milionaires while being a millionaire, owns three homes, never accomplished anything while a Senator.... you name it, it would have been thrown at him by the Trumpsters.

And with a prayer, maybe maybe maybe, Biden has a shot at beating Trump.... though still a long shot.

Citizens, real live individual voters in mass....chose Biden over Sanders.... You can call them the establishment, but in reality, they are simply real, live people, every day, citizens.
Bernie beats Don every time, but your analysis is very establishmentarian. Stop believing the establishment. They lie.

Biden loses every time. If you think Don would be hard on Bernie, triple that for sniffy Joe.

Biden will be able to hold up the stability of the Obama/Biden administration and after four years of constant turmoil offer a return to normalcy.
Yeah Hillary thought that too and got beat by a talk show buffoon. Stop supporting Trump.
People thought Trump could act “Presidential” once he was elected

Instead, they got the same petulant child.
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
Bernie beats Don. Biden loses to Don.

Your gig is up. You are a republican and we all know it.
You guys keep saying that.
Biden consistently polls higher against Trump than Sanders does
You believe polls. LMFAO. After the debates, Biden will be exposed. Stop supporting Trump.
Trumps record is now open for attack in the debates and his once solid economy is not so good.

He does not take criticism well
LOL. Wait till sniffy Joe says fuck you on national TV.
Trump already has
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

Yeah.....that's right

The DemRats let out a sigh of relief , exactly the same way they did in 2016, when they screw Bernie that time.

Yes, they (the rats) are doing it again.

Voting isn't screwing anyone.

You people need to stop with the lies.
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

Yeah.....that's right

The DemRats let out a sigh of relief , exactly the same way they did in 2016, when they screw Bernie that time.

Yes, they (the rats) are doing it again.
Bernie has never been screwed

He just doesn’t win

Because the Dems don't let him win.

Go ask Seth Rich....oh wait.....he is dead.

How is voting not letting him win?

Do you understand how democracy works?
But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Not true. Trump beat Cruz, Rubio and Kasich's combined vote by the time Super Tuesday Part II came around. Having candidates drop out would not have mattered. And, if they dropped out by the first Super Tuesday there's no guarantee where the votes go. Since Bernie is a socialist, borderline communist, it's obvious most of the votes would go to Biden.
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
Bernie beats Don. Biden loses to Don.

Your gig is up. You are a republican and we all know it.
You guys keep saying that.
Biden consistently polls higher against Trump than Sanders does
You believe polls. LMFAO. After the debates, Biden will be exposed. Stop supporting Trump.
Trumps record is now open for attack in the debates and his once solid economy is not so good.

He does not take criticism well
LOL. Wait till sniffy Joe says fuck you on national TV.
One can only wonder, will Biden speak about the size of his dick on National TV the way Trump did?
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump.

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
All Republicans along with Putin wanted to see Sanders as the Democratic nominee

He would be the easiest Democrat for Trump to beat.

That is why Democrat’s have let out a sigh of relief.
Easier than a candidate who doesn’t want to have to stand for the next debate, speak for more than a handful of minutes at rallies, and comes out with crazy or incoherent stuff just about every time he opens his yap?

Trump will eat him alive in the debates alone. Layer in things like 30 sec ads featuring audio/video of his billion dollar, quid pro quo SOB bragging, and other highlights of his positions on foreign policy issues for decades, and I think the President’s gonna have a really fun upcoming campaign.

Meanwhile, what are you fuckin’ idiots gonna throw at Trump you haven’t already, with zero impact or damage? Take your time.
Bernie beats Don. Biden loses to Don.

Your gig is up. You are a republican and we all know it.
Bernie would NOT have beaten The Don.... he didn't stand a prayer..... Trump n Team would have come down so hard on him with made up bull shit, that he would not have been able to overcome... he's a communist, loves Castro, he's a Socialist..wants to turn us in to Venezuela, went to Russia on his honeymoon, wants to triple your taxes, wants to take your private healthcare away from you, had a heart attack, he bashes milionaires while being a millionaire, owns three homes, never accomplished anything while a Senator.... you name it, it would have been thrown at him by the Trumpsters.

And with a prayer, maybe maybe maybe, Biden has a shot at beating Trump.... though still a long shot.

Citizens, real live individual voters in mass....chose Biden over Sanders.... You can call them the establishment, but in reality, they are simply real, live people, every day, citizens.
Bernie beats Don every time, but your analysis is very establishmentarian. Stop believing the establishment. They lie.

Biden loses every time. If you think Don would be hard on Bernie, triple that for sniffy Joe.

Biden will be able to hold up the stability of the Obama/Biden administration and after four years of constant turmoil offer a return to normalcy.
Yeah Hillary thought that too and got beat by a talk show buffoon. Stop supporting Trump.
People thought Trump could act “Presidential” once he was elected

Instead, they got the same petulant child.
Jimmy Dore

Maybe the people supporting Biden aren't out of touch morons, seems more likely they are just sick sadistic maniacs who get a kick out of watching his mental decline in Public like this. Shame on you.
Jimmy Dore on Twitter
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump.

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
All Republicans along with Putin wanted to see Sanders as the Democratic nominee

He would be the easiest Democrat for Trump to beat.

That is why Democrat’s have let out a sigh of relief.
Easier than a candidate who doesn’t want to have to stand for the next debate, speak for more than a handful of minutes at rallies, and comes out with crazy or incoherent stuff just about every time he opens his yap?

Trump will eat him alive in the debates alone. Layer in things like 30 sec ads featuring audio/video of his billion dollar, quid pro quo SOB bragging, and other highlights of his positions on foreign policy issues for decades, and I think the President’s gonna have a really fun upcoming campaign.

Meanwhile, what are you fuckin’ idiots gonna throw at Trump you haven’t already, with zero impact or damage? Take your time.

Get back to me when Biden claims George Washington captured airports

Covfefe MOFO!
What will Trump do when it turns out his handling of Corona virus was inadequate and his mighty economy has collapsed?

MAGA my ass
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
I'm no democrat, and Biden is not my personal choice, nor did I vote for Obama …. but I'm breathing a sigh of relief too. It may just be possible to get rid of the Very Stable Genius. Both Wisc and Utah are possible. Picking states is just like rolling dice. Winning or losing one has not effect on odds elsewhere, but Mich and Pa and the dems need only one of those other two.
Tbf, Bernie has been pussy footing around entirely too much with the establishment and Joe Biden. So in that sense he's been screwing himself.
“Joe Biden is my friend,” Sanders said.
With (pathological liar) friends like these..

Last edited:
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump.

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
All Republicans along with Putin wanted to see Sanders as the Democratic nominee

He would be the easiest Democrat for Trump to beat.

That is why Democrat’s have let out a sigh of relief.
Easier than a candidate who doesn’t want to have to stand for the next debate, speak for more than a handful of minutes at rallies, and comes out with crazy or incoherent stuff just about every time he opens his yap?

Trump will eat him alive in the debates alone. Layer in things like 30 sec ads featuring audio/video of his billion dollar, quid pro quo SOB bragging, and other highlights of his positions on foreign policy issues for decades, and I think the President’s gonna have a really fun upcoming campaign.

Meanwhile, what are you fuckin’ idiots gonna throw at Trump you haven’t already, with zero impact or damage? Take your time.

Get back to me when Biden claims George Washington captured airports

Covfefe MOFO!
You know, Joe's age could be an asset. Given worries in Europe where the brits are saying 70% of them could be affected by Coronavirus, it could be good to have a potus who actually experienced the last time America had to do nationwide mandatory quarantine: 1918 (-:
Biden is now in a marriage of convenience with desperate Democrats who realize that they have no viable choice for president - except the guy with dementia. Biden is the "it's my turn next" candidate of 2020!! C'mon Democrats!! Can't you feel the excitement!! no?


Bernie would NOT have beaten The Don.... he didn't stand a prayer..... Trump n Team would have come down so hard on him with made up bull shit, that he would not have been able to overcome... he's a communist, loves Castro, he's a Socialist..wants to turn us in to Venezuela, went to Russia on his honeymoon, wants to triple your taxes, wants to take your private healthcare away from you, had a heart attack, he bashes milionaires while being a millionaire, owns three homes, never accomplished anything while a Senator.... you name it, it would have been thrown at him by the Trumpsters.

And with a prayer, maybe maybe maybe, Biden has a shot at beating Trump.... though still a long shot.

Citizens, real live individual voters in mass....chose Biden over Sanders.... You can call them the establishment, but in reality, they are simply real, live people, every day, citizens.
Bernie beats Don every time, but your analysis is very establishmentarian. Stop believing the establishment. They lie.

Biden loses every time. If you think Don would be hard on Bernie, triple that for sniffy Joe.

Biden will be able to hold up the stability of the Obama/Biden administration and after four years of constant turmoil offer a return to normalcy.
Yeah Hillary thought that too and got beat by a talk show buffoon. Stop supporting Trump.
People thought Trump could act “Presidential” once he was elected

Instead, they got the same petulant child.
Jimmy Dore

Maybe the people supporting Biden aren't out of touch morons, seems more likely they are just sick sadistic maniacs who get a kick out of watching his mental decline in Public like this. Shame on you.
Jimmy Dore on Twitter
Jimmy Dore is right again. These idiotic Biden supporters have been duped by the establishment again. They get duped over and over. They never learn.

Biden wasn’t a capable presidential candidate decades ago. He now has a touch of dementia which makes him even less capable.
Bernie beats Don. Biden loses to Don.

Your gig is up. You are a republican and we all know it.
You guys keep saying that.
Biden consistently polls higher against Trump than Sanders does
You believe polls. LMFAO. After the debates, Biden will be exposed. Stop supporting Trump.
Trumps record is now open for attack in the debates and his once solid economy is not so good.

He does not take criticism well
LOL. Wait till sniffy Joe says fuck you on national TV.
One can only wonder, will Biden speak about the size of his dick on National TV the way Trump did?

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