Democrats Losing More Voters in Key Swing States Than Republicans

Certainly not in the POTUS election there aren't. Oh they're there, but the system is rigged so that actually voting for any of them guarantees your vote is tossed.

It's your choice to ignore the other candidates. Nobody has rigged it against you other than some difficult ballot access laws in some states.

In a POTUS election? Of course they do. Due to the way the Electrical College is executed, any vote outside the Duopoly goes straight to the crapper, along with everybody who didn't vote for the side of the Duopoly the majority in that state did.

I've done that, for instance when I lived in a red state, casting a protest vote for a third party. since by definition my vote was not going to count anyway, why not make a statement. It's not much of a statement, certainly not a satisfying one.

Anyway, you seem to be laboring under the illusion that you have to belong to a political party in order to vote for one. You don't. We nonaffiliateds were already the largest faction of voters in this country, and all your numbers show is that we're getting bigger.

I've been registered non-affiliated for ten years. Tell me something I don't know.

Then how do you draw any conclusions about the meanings these party registration numbers? You yourself don't affiliate with a party, so why expect others to?

Without knowing what they are I'm wiling to bet you'd find a steady attrition of political party affiliation over the last several years or decades, not just this year. There's just no point in it. As you and I both just illustrated.

I looked up, and will answer, my own question:

This is from three years ago:

>>. PRINCETON, N.J. -- An average 43% of Americans identified politically as independents in 2014, establishing a new high in Gallup telephone poll trends back to 1988.​


..;.. Since 2008, the percentage of political independents -- those who identify as such before their leanings to the two major parties are taken into account -- has steadily climbed from 35% to the current 43%, exceeding 40% each of the last four years. Prior to 2011, the high in independent identification was 39% in 1995 and 1999. <<
So it is indeed an ongoing trend. We Indies have been the largest political contingent for virtually the life of the graph above, comprising thirty years to the present.
As an independent voter who has voted for candidates from both parties in my life, I have to say that IMHO the Dems have not covered themselves in glory this year. Blaming everybody under the sun except themselves for Hillary's loss last year is a real turnoff for me, and every Dem I see in the news is acting like a total jerk. I don't see anything positive from them, and this stuff about sanctuary cities and pardoning illegals has got to be a real problem for them in the next election. And 2020 too.
I actually found this a really surprising find given Trump's constant covfefe. Independent registrations are swelling, though, so I think this is just a sign of people getting sick of being officially affiliated with the two parties, but they'll still vote for them.

They have lost 12,000 registered Democratic voters in Arizona since the presidential election, bringing the number down to 1.2 million. Republicans have lost just 1,000 voters and stand at nearly 1.4 million in the state.


In Pennsylvania, Democrats held a registration edge of about 800,000 over Republicans — 4 million to 3.2 million — as of Dec. 18. But the number of registered Democrats is down 4.5 percent, while Republicans have lost 2.4 percent.

In Florida, Democrats hold a registration edge, but their ranks also have also dropped at a faster rate.

As of Oct. 31, the number of registered Florida Democrats dropped 1.9 percent from last year to about 4.8 million. The number of registered Republican voters fell 0.6 percent, to about 4.6 million.

Nevada Republicans, meanwhile, have shaved Democrats’ edge from 119,000 voters in October 2016 to about 98,000 as of Dec. 1.

Democratic voter rolls signal midterm election trouble

Keep dreaming any Republican running in any swing state might as well be sending out resumes. It's going to be a bloodbath for Republicans in blue or swing states. The Senate and House will go Democrat.

We have over 2 dozen House Republicans announcing they will not run. They have seen this Tsunami headed their way and they're running for high ground.

You really couldn't have found a worse President than Trump if you would have gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one.
I actually found this a really surprising find given Trump's constant covfefe. Independent registrations are swelling, though, so I think this is just a sign of people getting sick of being officially affiliated with the two parties, but they'll still vote for them.

They have lost 12,000 registered Democratic voters in Arizona since the presidential election, bringing the number down to 1.2 million. Republicans have lost just 1,000 voters and stand at nearly 1.4 million in the state.


In Pennsylvania, Democrats held a registration edge of about 800,000 over Republicans — 4 million to 3.2 million — as of Dec. 18. But the number of registered Democrats is down 4.5 percent, while Republicans have lost 2.4 percent.

In Florida, Democrats hold a registration edge, but their ranks also have also dropped at a faster rate.

As of Oct. 31, the number of registered Florida Democrats dropped 1.9 percent from last year to about 4.8 million. The number of registered Republican voters fell 0.6 percent, to about 4.6 million.

Nevada Republicans, meanwhile, have shaved Democrats’ edge from 119,000 voters in October 2016 to about 98,000 as of Dec. 1.

Democratic voter rolls signal midterm election trouble
According to the Moonie Times a far far right appendage of the Trump Administration. You idiots sources crack me up.
As an independent voter who has voted for candidates from both parties in my life, I have to say that IMHO the Dems have not covered themselves in glory this year. Blaming everybody under the sun except themselves for Hillary's loss last year is a real turnoff for me, and every Dem I see in the news is acting like a total jerk. I don't see anything positive from them, and this stuff about sanctuary cities and pardoning illegals has got to be a real problem for them in the next election. And 2020 too.
When doesn’t Trump act like a total jerk?
Democrats will continue to lose votes until they realize that they need to do more than point and laugh at people who don't agree with their plans for the country. They have to actually listen, and respond, to the concerns of rural, white voters.
I've always thought open primaries would solve this problem. Instead of seperate [sic] primaries based on parties and who is a member of it make the primaries on the same day for all parties within each state. You get one vote and the top two get the states delegates for the presidential race.

They did that here in California, with the senate race. Imagine my surprise, when I last went to vote for a senator, and instead of having a Republican candidate and a Democratic candidate to choose form, I had only two Democratic candidates, both of them exceptionally corrupt, even for California Democrats.

It turns out to be a way for a corrupt party that is in power to increase its power, and shut out the opposing party.
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Democrats will continue to lose votes until they realize that they need to do more than point and laugh at people who don't agree with their plans for the country. They have to actually listen, and respond, to the concerns of rural, white voters.

It could be that if the economy picks up more in 2018 that some minority voters may shift from blue to red. It ain't like they've been all that well-served by the Dems.
I actually found this a really surprising find given Trump's constant covfefe. Independent registrations are swelling, though, so I think this is just a sign of people getting sick of being officially affiliated with the two parties, but they'll still vote for them.

They have lost 12,000 registered Democratic voters in Arizona since the presidential election, bringing the number down to 1.2 million. Republicans have lost just 1,000 voters and stand at nearly 1.4 million in the state.


In Pennsylvania, Democrats held a registration edge of about 800,000 over Republicans — 4 million to 3.2 million — as of Dec. 18. But the number of registered Democrats is down 4.5 percent, while Republicans have lost 2.4 percent.

In Florida, Democrats hold a registration edge, but their ranks also have also dropped at a faster rate.

As of Oct. 31, the number of registered Florida Democrats dropped 1.9 percent from last year to about 4.8 million. The number of registered Republican voters fell 0.6 percent, to about 4.6 million.

Nevada Republicans, meanwhile, have shaved Democrats’ edge from 119,000 voters in October 2016 to about 98,000 as of Dec. 1.

Democratic voter rolls signal midterm election trouble

Let's face it, both parties SUCK. It's just that the Democrats REALLY suck donkey dick! Trump ran as a Republican as necessary in the current climate but is more independent Tea Party-ish than anything. ONLY THE LEFT could think that the VERY SAME THING THAT:

Cost them untold House Seats,
Cost them many Senate Seats,
Cost them numerous Gubernatorial Seats,
and the White House in a race they had locked down 990%

would also win them back more voters for future elections.
I actually found this a really surprising find given Trump's constant covfefe. Independent registrations are swelling, though, so I think this is just a sign of people getting sick of being officially affiliated with the two parties, but they'll still vote for them.

They have lost 12,000 registered Democratic voters in Arizona since the presidential election, bringing the number down to 1.2 million. Republicans have lost just 1,000 voters and stand at nearly 1.4 million in the state.


In Pennsylvania, Democrats held a registration edge of about 800,000 over Republicans — 4 million to 3.2 million — as of Dec. 18. But the number of registered Democrats is down 4.5 percent, while Republicans have lost 2.4 percent.

In Florida, Democrats hold a registration edge, but their ranks also have also dropped at a faster rate.

As of Oct. 31, the number of registered Florida Democrats dropped 1.9 percent from last year to about 4.8 million. The number of registered Republican voters fell 0.6 percent, to about 4.6 million.

Nevada Republicans, meanwhile, have shaved Democrats’ edge from 119,000 voters in October 2016 to about 98,000 as of Dec. 1.

Democratic voter rolls signal midterm election trouble
This is one reason that Obama has started a campaign to get congress to pass a bill for automatic registration of all adults in America.

I got a promotional email today from a progressive organization asking me to sign a petition to urge Congress to do just that. When I unsubscribed from the site, they asked why.

I replied that "I hate liberalism, socialism, communism, Obama's agenda, Hillary's agenda, and Bernie's agenda. Liberalism is a mental disorder and you people do not know how sick you are. Do not send me anymore of your liberal bullshit."
Its because nobody wants to lose all the time and the democrats are losers with no future
Democrats will continue to lose votes until they realize that they need to do more than point and laugh at people who don't agree with their plans for the country. They have to actually listen, and respond, to the concerns of rural, white voters.

It could be that if the economy picks up more in 2018 that some minority voters may shift from blue to red. It ain't like they've been all that well-served by the Dems.
Democrats like to gloat about how red states are receive more "benefits" than blue states. They don't seem to get why people who are suffering would reject welfare state programs. They need to wake up.
Other states should sue CA for allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections because it is violating the voting rights of American citizens.
Hey dummies . People are masking their party affiliation because czar Trump is collecting the data to pursecute his enemies.
Trump Voter Fraud Investigation Prompts Thousands Of Colorado Voters To Cancel Their Registrations
And that's proof that "czar Trump is collecting the data to persecute his enemies"?

The twisted thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues, always fascinating.

If; and that is a big if.............the voter roles are reset to a degree, trust me when I tell you that the left is in trouble......a lot of trouble.

All you need do is use the law of probability on this one----------->IF an illegal alien was to cast a vote, which party would they most likely vote for?

Now then, the lefts refrain is always that, "it doesn't happen," or that "Republicans cheat too."

On the latter statement, we will accept the premise. But the truth is-------->with very close monitoring, with the roles shrinking by removing excess bloated roles, it is much, much, harder to game the system. Where this will become apparent, much to the chagrin of the leftists, is not California or New York, but rather the purple states where 1000 votes, one way or the other, actually mean something. The only blue state that I know of that it could have any sort of significant impact is Illinois. Almost the whole state is red, except for the county of Cook. If the voter roles in Cook county are purged, and with thousands already fleeing their jurisdiction, it could lower that county's impact on the state. While I think the odds are 70-30 it isn't enough, it could actually present a large problem to the left, come 2020; especially IF the voter roles are purged!
Just as President Trump is able to bypass the filter of the liberal infested, fake news media, we the people are able to communicate instantly with other concerned citizens via the social media outlets. Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, USMessageBoard, and other public venues, though they do exhibit some censorship, enable the public to convey messages of truth and reality.

The Democrat Party loses heavily when the truth is broadcast. This is why it is desperately trying to control the internet and social media. This is why they attack President Trump's use of it.

The Democrat Party promises transparency prior to elections. Their ability to hide their closed door activities after being elected is diminished by social media. Their drive to increase illegal voting is being exposed. The only reason they oppose voter ID is that it puts a damper on their ability to steal elections.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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