Democrats Losing More Voters in Key Swing States Than Republicans

I've always thought open primaries would solve this problem. Instead of seperate [sic] primaries based on parties and who is a member of it make the primaries on the same day for all parties within each state. You get one vote and the top two get the states delegates for the presidential race.

They did that here in California, with the senate race. Imagine my surprise, when I last went to vote for a senator, and instead of having a Republican candidate and a Democratic candidate to choose form, I had only two Democratic candidates, both of them exceptionally corrupt, even for California Democrats.

It turns out to be a way for a corrupt party that is in power to increase its power, and shut out the opposing party.
Maybe not my best idea then.
Pat Robertson finds video of dinosaurs living with man, proving bible correct. Uses video to urge conservatives to vote Republican. Some do, right after sending their last $1,000 to save the snowbound T-Rexes of America.

Democrats will continue to lose votes until they realize that they need to do more than point and laugh at people who don't agree with their plans for the country. They have to actually listen, and respond, to the concerns of rural, white voters.

It could be that if the economy picks up more in 2018 that some minority voters may shift from blue to red. It ain't like they've been all that well-served by the Dems.
Democrats like to gloat about how red states are receive more "benefits" than blue states. They don't seem to get why people who are suffering would reject welfare state programs. They need to wake up.

I found it interesting that the blue states were being subsidized by federal deductions for their taxes. When I did I recalled exactly such bragging
I've always thought open primaries would solve this problem. Instead of seperate [sic] primaries based on parties and who is a member of it make the primaries on the same day for all parties within each state. You get one vote and the top two get the states delegates for the presidential race.

They did that here in California, with the senate race. Imagine my surprise, when I last went to vote for a senator, and instead of having a Republican candidate and a Democratic candidate to choose form, I had only two Democratic candidates, both of them exceptionally corrupt, even for California Democrats.

It turns out to be a way for a corrupt party that is in power to increase its power, and shut out the opposing party.

That silly-ass fantasy only works if you believe being a member of a "party" somehow imparts its own personal characteristics.

Soon as you consider anybody anywhere who switches parties, that nonsensical premise washes right down the drain.
I actually found this a really surprising find given Trump's constant covfefe. Independent registrations are swelling, though, so I think this is just a sign of people getting sick of being officially affiliated with the two parties, but they'll still vote for them.

They have lost 12,000 registered Democratic voters in Arizona since the presidential election, bringing the number down to 1.2 million. Republicans have lost just 1,000 voters and stand at nearly 1.4 million in the state.


In Pennsylvania, Democrats held a registration edge of about 800,000 over Republicans — 4 million to 3.2 million — as of Dec. 18. But the number of registered Democrats is down 4.5 percent, while Republicans have lost 2.4 percent.

In Florida, Democrats hold a registration edge, but their ranks also have also dropped at a faster rate.

As of Oct. 31, the number of registered Florida Democrats dropped 1.9 percent from last year to about 4.8 million. The number of registered Republican voters fell 0.6 percent, to about 4.6 million.

Nevada Republicans, meanwhile, have shaved Democrats’ edge from 119,000 voters in October 2016 to about 98,000 as of Dec. 1.

Democratic voter rolls signal midterm election trouble
This is one reason that Obama has started a campaign to get congress to pass a bill for automatic registration of all adults in America.

I got a promotional email today from a progressive organization asking me to sign a petition to urge Congress to do just that. When I unsubscribed from the site, they asked why.

I replied that "I hate liberalism, socialism, communism, Obama's agenda, Hillary's agenda, and Bernie's agenda. Liberalism is a mental disorder and you people do not know how sick you are. Do not send me anymore of your liberal bullshit."

Kind of ironic since Liberalism is what this country is founded on.

But hey if you want to opt out of voting, that's your choice and considering the reasoning laid out above, probably a good one.

It amuses me that for all the wags on here crowing their dichotomies about how this or that entity must be a "Democrat" if they're not a "Republican" or vice versa, as if that applies to all people everywhere in every time period --- that 24% of the voter-eligible population isn't registered to vote at all, and of those who are, well over 40% of us don't affiliate with any political party. :rofl:
Kind of ironic since Liberalism is what this country is founded on.

As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, and as you refuse to acknowledge in spite of its obviousness, the ideology that goes these days by the “liberal” label has nothing at all to do with the “liberal” ideology on which this nation was founded, and is, in most instances, wholly irreconcilable with it.
I actually found this a really surprising find given Trump's constant covfefe. Independent registrations are swelling, though, so I think this is just a sign of people getting sick of being officially affiliated with the two parties, but they'll still vote for them.

They have lost 12,000 registered Democratic voters in Arizona since the presidential election, bringing the number down to 1.2 million. Republicans have lost just 1,000 voters and stand at nearly 1.4 million in the state.


In Pennsylvania, Democrats held a registration edge of about 800,000 over Republicans — 4 million to 3.2 million — as of Dec. 18. But the number of registered Democrats is down 4.5 percent, while Republicans have lost 2.4 percent.

In Florida, Democrats hold a registration edge, but their ranks also have also dropped at a faster rate.

As of Oct. 31, the number of registered Florida Democrats dropped 1.9 percent from last year to about 4.8 million. The number of registered Republican voters fell 0.6 percent, to about 4.6 million.

Nevada Republicans, meanwhile, have shaved Democrats’ edge from 119,000 voters in October 2016 to about 98,000 as of Dec. 1.

Democratic voter rolls signal midterm election trouble

Voters haven't figured out Trumpchange yet.
Kind of ironic since Liberalism is what this country is founded on.

As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, and as you refuse to acknowledge in spite of its obviousness, the ideology that goes these days by the “liberal” label has nothing at all to do with the “liberal” ideology on which this nation was founded, and is, in most instances, wholly irreconcilable with it.

Then why are you calling two different things by the same term?

As I said, thank you for not voting.
People don’t want to be affiliated with the un-American regressives that are the Democrat Party now. Many are also sick of the GOP who won’t work with President Trump.

Democrats are pro working class America. Republicans aren't.
As an independent voter who has voted for candidates from both parties in my life, I have to say that IMHO the Dems have not covered themselves in glory this year. Blaming everybody under the sun except themselves for Hillary's loss last year is a real turnoff for me, and every Dem I see in the news is acting like a total jerk. I don't see anything positive from them, and this stuff about sanctuary cities and pardoning illegals has got to be a real problem for them in the next election. And 2020 too.
They are completely devoid of anything resembling a positive vision. The only thing they have is "I hate Trump".
This literally is all they promote.
I actually found this a really surprising find given Trump's constant covfefe. Independent registrations are swelling, though, so I think this is just a sign of people getting sick of being officially affiliated with the two parties, but they'll still vote for them.

They have lost 12,000 registered Democratic voters in Arizona since the presidential election, bringing the number down to 1.2 million. Republicans have lost just 1,000 voters and stand at nearly 1.4 million in the state.


In Pennsylvania, Democrats held a registration edge of about 800,000 over Republicans — 4 million to 3.2 million — as of Dec. 18. But the number of registered Democrats is down 4.5 percent, while Republicans have lost 2.4 percent.

In Florida, Democrats hold a registration edge, but their ranks also have also dropped at a faster rate.

As of Oct. 31, the number of registered Florida Democrats dropped 1.9 percent from last year to about 4.8 million. The number of registered Republican voters fell 0.6 percent, to about 4.6 million.

Nevada Republicans, meanwhile, have shaved Democrats’ edge from 119,000 voters in October 2016 to about 98,000 as of Dec. 1.

Democratic voter rolls signal midterm election trouble
People are starting to see how bad democrats are after doing a little homework.
They’re starting to see how incompetent and untrustworthy they really are.
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As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, and as you refuse to acknowledge in spite of its obviousness, the ideology that goes these days by the “liberal” label has nothing at all to do with the “liberal” ideology on which this nation was founded, and is, in most instances, wholly irreconcilable with it.

Then why are you calling two different things by the same term?[/QUOTE]

I'm not. When I use the word “liberal”, I nearly always use it to refer to the modern ideology that goes by that name—the ideology to which you adhere, while fraudulently trying to equivocate it to the completely different ideology on which this nation was founded.
Democrats are pro working class America. Republicans aren't.

If that were true, then they would not so eagerly support robbing the working man of what he has rightfully earned, in the form of excessive taxes.

If that were true, then they would not support policies which stifle employers, resulting in fewer jobs available for would-be workers.

If that were true, then they would not support flooding our nation with foreign refugees,and illegal aliens.

When a party proclaims itself in favor of a demographic, while supporting policies which are harmful to that demographic, then most of us know what this really tells us about that party.

We know on whose side the Democratic party stands. They stand with criminals and perverts. They stand with foreign invaders and terrorists. They stand with worthless welfare parasites.

They most certainly do not stand with honest, working-class Americans.
As an independent voter who has voted for candidates from both parties in my life, I have to say that IMHO the Dems have not covered themselves in glory this year. Blaming everybody under the sun except themselves for Hillary's loss last year is a real turnoff for me, and every Dem I see in the news is acting like a total jerk. I don't see anything positive from them, and this stuff about sanctuary cities and pardoning illegals has got to be a real problem for them in the next election. And 2020 too.
They are completely devoid of anything resembling a positive vision. The only thing they have is "I hate Trump".
This literally is all they promote.

President Trump is turning the GOP into a populist party at any means necessary. Either people see that and are joining or leaving OR He will eventually have a new party with the GOP's base of working class whites who will vote for the new Populist party over the GOP and certainly over the democrats who hate white working class people.
And you have evidence of this, right Patty Hearst?

Of course I do. For one example, look to the piece you linked to, and apparently failed to read.
Bill Redpath, a former national chairman of the Libertarian Party, said the numbers can be tough to gauge because registrars in many states have been scrubbing their rolls as part of routine postelection maintenance.

“The increase during the second half of the year is quite mild, but it might be good that there’s an increase overall, given voter purging going on,” Mr. Redpath said.

Next time, try reading beyond the point that supported your GOP propaganda sound bite.

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