Democrats Losing More Voters in Key Swing States Than Republicans

Democrats will continue to lose votes until they realize that they need to do more than point and laugh at people who don't agree with their plans for the country. They have to actually listen, and respond, to the concerns of rural, white voters.

It could be that if the economy picks up more in 2018 that some minority voters may shift from blue to red. It ain't like they've been all that well-served by the Dems.
Democrats like to gloat about how red states are receive more "benefits" than blue states. They don't seem to get why people who are suffering would reject welfare state programs. They need to wake up.

I found it interesting that the blue states were being subsidized by federal deductions for their taxes. When I did I recalled exactly such bragging
Any state that is being subsidized is being paid by the other states. The blue, high tax states are being paid by all other states.
I actually found this a really surprising find given Trump's constant covfefe. Independent registrations are swelling, though, so I think this is just a sign of people getting sick of being officially affiliated with the two parties, but they'll still vote for them.

They have lost 12,000 registered Democratic voters in Arizona since the presidential election, bringing the number down to 1.2 million. Republicans have lost just 1,000 voters and stand at nearly 1.4 million in the state.


In Pennsylvania, Democrats held a registration edge of about 800,000 over Republicans — 4 million to 3.2 million — as of Dec. 18. But the number of registered Democrats is down 4.5 percent, while Republicans have lost 2.4 percent.

In Florida, Democrats hold a registration edge, but their ranks also have also dropped at a faster rate.

As of Oct. 31, the number of registered Florida Democrats dropped 1.9 percent from last year to about 4.8 million. The number of registered Republican voters fell 0.6 percent, to about 4.6 million.

Nevada Republicans, meanwhile, have shaved Democrats’ edge from 119,000 voters in October 2016 to about 98,000 as of Dec. 1.

Democratic voter rolls signal midterm election trouble
This is one reason that Obama has started a campaign to get congress to pass a bill for automatic registration of all adults in America.

I got a promotional email today from a progressive organization asking me to sign a petition to urge Congress to do just that. When I unsubscribed from the site, they asked why.

I replied that "I hate liberalism, socialism, communism, Obama's agenda, Hillary's agenda, and Bernie's agenda. Liberalism is a mental disorder and you people do not know how sick you are. Do not send me anymore of your liberal bullshit."

Kind of ironic since Liberalism is what this country is founded on.

But hey if you want to opt out of voting, that's your choice and considering the reasoning laid out above, probably a good one.

It amuses me that for all the wags on here crowing their dichotomies about how this or that entity must be a "Democrat" if they're not a "Republican" or vice versa, as if that applies to all people everywhere in every time period --- that 24% of the voter-eligible population isn't registered to vote at all, and of those who are, well over 40% of us don't affiliate with any political party. :rofl:
The liberalism surrounding the founding fathers was quite different from the 'progressive' liberalism in today's politics. Today's liberalism is a mental disorder, replete with socialists, Marxists, communists...and other assorted anti-American assholes. At a time in history, liberalism embraced LIBERTY. Today it embraces Fascism, socialism, compliance, and government control from cradle to grave. FUCK LIBERALISM and all that support it!
I actually found this a really surprising find given Trump's constant covfefe. Independent registrations are swelling, though, so I think this is just a sign of people getting sick of being officially affiliated with the two parties, but they'll still vote for them.

They have lost 12,000 registered Democratic voters in Arizona since the presidential election, bringing the number down to 1.2 million. Republicans have lost just 1,000 voters and stand at nearly 1.4 million in the state.


In Pennsylvania, Democrats held a registration edge of about 800,000 over Republicans — 4 million to 3.2 million — as of Dec. 18. But the number of registered Democrats is down 4.5 percent, while Republicans have lost 2.4 percent.

In Florida, Democrats hold a registration edge, but their ranks also have also dropped at a faster rate.

As of Oct. 31, the number of registered Florida Democrats dropped 1.9 percent from last year to about 4.8 million. The number of registered Republican voters fell 0.6 percent, to about 4.6 million.

Nevada Republicans, meanwhile, have shaved Democrats’ edge from 119,000 voters in October 2016 to about 98,000 as of Dec. 1.

Democratic voter rolls signal midterm election trouble
This is one reason that Obama has started a campaign to get congress to pass a bill for automatic registration of all adults in America.

I got a promotional email today from a progressive organization asking me to sign a petition to urge Congress to do just that. When I unsubscribed from the site, they asked why.

I replied that "I hate liberalism, socialism, communism, Obama's agenda, Hillary's agenda, and Bernie's agenda. Liberalism is a mental disorder and you people do not know how sick you are. Do not send me anymore of your liberal bullshit."

Kind of ironic since Liberalism is what this country is founded on.

But hey if you want to opt out of voting, that's your choice and considering the reasoning laid out above, probably a good one.

It amuses me that for all the wags on here crowing their dichotomies about how this or that entity must be a "Democrat" if they're not a "Republican" or vice versa, as if that applies to all people everywhere in every time period --- that 24% of the voter-eligible population isn't registered to vote at all, and of those who are, well over 40% of us don't affiliate with any political party. :rofl:
The liberalism surrounding the founding fathers was quite different from the 'progressive' liberalism in today's politics. Today's liberalism is a mental disorder, replete with socialists, Marxists, communists...and other assorted anti-American assholes. At a time in history, liberalism embraced LIBERTY. Today it embraces Fascism, socialism, compliance, and government control from cradle to grave. FUCK LIBERALISM and all that support it!

Once AGAIN if that's what you're describing --- then you're not describing Liberalism. Why would you call something by its own opposite?

If you need tires, do you walk into a tire store and ask for a "strawberry milkshake" and figure it's on them to figure out what you're talking about?

I actually found this a really surprising find given Trump's constant covfefe. Independent registrations are swelling, though, so I think this is just a sign of people getting sick of being officially affiliated with the two parties, but they'll still vote for them.

They have lost 12,000 registered Democratic voters in Arizona since the presidential election, bringing the number down to 1.2 million. Republicans have lost just 1,000 voters and stand at nearly 1.4 million in the state.


In Pennsylvania, Democrats held a registration edge of about 800,000 over Republicans — 4 million to 3.2 million — as of Dec. 18. But the number of registered Democrats is down 4.5 percent, while Republicans have lost 2.4 percent.

In Florida, Democrats hold a registration edge, but their ranks also have also dropped at a faster rate.

As of Oct. 31, the number of registered Florida Democrats dropped 1.9 percent from last year to about 4.8 million. The number of registered Republican voters fell 0.6 percent, to about 4.6 million.

Nevada Republicans, meanwhile, have shaved Democrats’ edge from 119,000 voters in October 2016 to about 98,000 as of Dec. 1.

Democratic voter rolls signal midterm election trouble
This is one reason that Obama has started a campaign to get congress to pass a bill for automatic registration of all adults in America.

I got a promotional email today from a progressive organization asking me to sign a petition to urge Congress to do just that. When I unsubscribed from the site, they asked why.

I replied that "I hate liberalism, socialism, communism, Obama's agenda, Hillary's agenda, and Bernie's agenda. Liberalism is a mental disorder and you people do not know how sick you are. Do not send me anymore of your liberal bullshit."

Kind of ironic since Liberalism is what this country is founded on.

But hey if you want to opt out of voting, that's your choice and considering the reasoning laid out above, probably a good one.

It amuses me that for all the wags on here crowing their dichotomies about how this or that entity must be a "Democrat" if they're not a "Republican" or vice versa, as if that applies to all people everywhere in every time period --- that 24% of the voter-eligible population isn't registered to vote at all, and of those who are, well over 40% of us don't affiliate with any political party. :rofl:
The liberalism surrounding the founding fathers was quite different from the 'progressive' liberalism in today's politics. Today's liberalism is a mental disorder, replete with socialists, Marxists, communists...and other assorted anti-American assholes. At a time in history, liberalism embraced LIBERTY. Today it embraces Fascism, socialism, compliance, and government control from cradle to grave. FUCK LIBERALISM and all that support it!

Once AGAIN if that's what you're describing --- then you're not describing Liberalism. Why would you call something by its own opposite?

If you need tires, do you walk into a tire store and ask for a "strawberry milkshake" and figure it's on them to figure out what you're talking about?

Please justify your lunacy. Today's liberal support ANTIFA (Fascist assholes), socialism and communism. (The Mayor of New York is a communist) (Bernie Sanders is a socialist)

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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