Democrats Loved Jonathan Gruber Before They Forgot Who He Was

It's their standard line. "I don't know who that is".
Gruber-gate gets to Obama: ‘No, I did not’ mislead Americans (Says the Liar in Chief) ^

All the president’s men could not shield the commander-in-chief from fallout surrounding recently uncovered comments made by Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber.
The health policy and implementation expert who worked closely on the Affordable Care Act and the Massachusetts health care reform law has backed the administration into a corner after it was revealed he repeatedly celebrated the misleading way in which the law was crafted and the “stupidity” of the American voter over whose eyes the wool was pulled.
“The fact that an adviser who was never on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters is not a reflection on the actual process that was run,” Obama told reporters in Australia where he is attending a G-20 summit.
When asked directly if he or his administration had, as Gruber insisted, intentionally misled the public and oversight organizations like the Congressional Budget Office when they crafted the Accordable Care Act, Obama’s reply was terse and direct. “No,” he said. “I did not.”
Obama was joined on Sunday by Health and Human Services Sec. Sylvia Burwell who appeared on Meet the Press to distance herself and the administration from Gruber......

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The funny thing about this is the liberals here would rather accept being called stupid by Gruber than admit they got taken by him and the Obama administration in regards to Obamacare. You might remember not a single Republican voted for Obamacare and Gruber has now validated the rights criticism of the bill first then the law it became those on the right never bought into the B.S. they were putting out there so the stupid people he is talking about could only be those on the left who bought it hook, line, and sinker.
ObamaCare guru misleads ‘stupid American voters,’ gets paid $400K to advise ShumlinCare ^

The Obamacare architect who admitted using misinformation to exploit “the stupidity of the American voter” is being paid $400,000 to advise Gov. Peter Shumlin on single-payer health care in Vermont....
Leftist big-govt pushers MUST lie to get their agenda through. If they told the truth, the American people would reject them out of hand, because normal Americans don't want what they're selling.

Leftists regularly assume their subjects are stupid. The subjects have to be, or they'd see through the leftists' lies. They routinely say things like "How fortunate it is for politicians that men do not think", and call their subjects "useful idiots".

Gruber (and the rest of the Obama regime who basically agree with him) is just the latest in a long line of leftist fanatics who are convinced (erroneously) that they are smarter than their subjects.

Sunday on Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends," network White House corespondent Ed Henry asked President President Obama about Jonathan Gruber and the president claimed he had just heard about the ObamaCare architect before walking out on stage in Australia.

President Obama said, "I just heard about this.:dunno: I get well briefed before I come out here. The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I've completely disagreed with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run. We had a year-long debate, Ed, I mean, go back and look at your stories. The one thing we can't say is that we did not have a lengthy debate about health care in the United States of America. or that it was not adequately covered. I think it is fair to say that there was not a provision in the health care laws that was not extensively debated and was fully transparent."

Obama on Gruber I Just Heard About This Today
And the far left will believe him and fall in line to defend their far left masters..
Maybe Obama ought to have one of the people who give him his daily brief watch FOX news instead of MSNBC.
Gruber's only contribution to ObamaCare is he told them what Romney did in Massachusetts.

Not that romney would be caught having a drink with RomneyCare in 2012.
At no time has obama once known what his people are doing, he has never given them an order to do anything.

So why are we surprised he knows nothing about his landmark anti-freedom bill?

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