Democrats now holding up budget and debt ceiling.

Boehner can open up government any time he wants with an up and down clean vote on the CR and the debit ceiling.
Boehner can open up government any time he wants with an up and down clean vote on the CR and the debit ceiling.

You did not read the article. Reid wants more money or he won't vote for the Budget or debt ceiling.
Boehner can open up government any time he wants with an up and down clean vote on the CR and the debit ceiling.

There is no need to raise the debt ceiling. We have enough debt already. The Boy King Obama has doubled our debt in less than eight years. His attempt to bankrupt the US Treasury should be stopped.

There is more than enough revenue to pay the debt interest and a portion of the principle each year. We could gradually get the debt down to a reasonable number by DECREASING SPENDING. But Obama, the One Who Would Be King says we need to raise the ceiling..SO WE CAN CONTINUE TO GO DEEPER INTO DEBT!

Obama is correct in saying that raising the debt ceiling doesn't raise the debt. It does, however open the door for him and his irresponsible spending to begin raising the debt to the new ceiling...and then to demand that it be raised again....and again...and again.

Just how much stupidity can the liberals possess?

If stupidity was solid gold, liberals would be filthy rich!
Boehner can open up government any time he wants with an up and down clean vote on the CR and the debit ceiling.

There is no need to raise the debt ceiling. We have enough debt already. The Boy King Obama has doubled our debt in less than eight years. His attempt to bankrupt the US Treasury should be stopped.

There is more than enough revenue to pay the debt interest and a portion of the principle each year. We could gradually get the debt down to a reasonable number by DECREASING SPENDING. But Obama, the One Who Would Be King says we need to raise the ceiling..SO WE CAN CONTINUE TO GO DEEPER INTO DEBT!

Obama is correct in saying that raising the debt ceiling doesn't raise the debt. It does, however open the door for him and his irresponsible spending to begin raising the debt to the new ceiling...and then to demand that it be raised again....and again...and again.

Just how much stupidity can the liberals possess?

If stupidity was solid gold, liberals would be filthy rich!

The reason the debt ceiling must be raised is bipartisan in cause. The money, in effect, has already been obligated by mandatory spending of medicare and soc sec, and now Obamacare. And it's all very nice to rail about Obamacare, but the fact was back when it was being debated, no goper could even agree to use tax funds for healthcare, or be tea partied, even though using taxes had been a gop position for at least a decade. Arguably, it should have been yearly appropriations, which I'd have preferred, but the tea party caused the gop to be AWOL at the debate.

That said a supermajority want CUTS, and the dems want MORE SPENDING, and our Hah-vahd law professor potus stays silent, inside his stately palace where he things grandly, protected by his pretorian guard.
Will you people never weary of trying to sell this lie?

What lie? Read the article. Reid refused to bargain unless he gets more money. He won't pass either the debt ceiling or the Budget unless Republicans give him what he wants.
Boehner can open up government any time he wants with an up and down clean vote on the CR and the debit ceiling.

You did not read the article. Reid wants more money or he won't vote for the Budget or debt ceiling.

Apparently he has every right to do whatever he wants because the Constitution is silent. Isn't that the argument about Boehner's behavior?

Of course the difference is that Boehner's bunch won't fund a law that:

His Body Passed
The Senate Passed
The President Signed
That Survived a Supreme Court Challenge
Forty-some House bills to defund it
An election in 2012

And all that Reid and his cronies are doing is holding up negotiations for a band-aid measure

I'm sure you'll point to some obscurity but you can see the difference; you'd have to be blind not to.
Boehner can open up government any time he wants with an up and down clean vote on the CR and the debit ceiling.

You did not read the article. Reid wants more money or he won't vote for the Budget or debt ceiling.

Apparently he has every right to do whatever he wants because the Constitution is silent. Isn't that the argument about Boehner's behavior?

Of course the difference is that Boehner's bunch won't fund a law that:

His Body Passed
The Senate Passed
The President Signed
That Survived a Supreme Court Challenge
Forty-some House bills to defund it
An election in 2012

And all that Reid and his cronies are doing is holding up negotiations for a band-aid measure

I'm sure you'll point to some obscurity but you can see the difference; you'd have to be blind not to.

We are discussing the mainstream press reporting and the board members here whining threaten cajoling and crying about the republicans holding up the debt ceiling and the doom and gloom forecasts. Now suddenly the dems are holding it up and you all are not only fine with it you are cheering them. Either that or you are to stupid to understand the written word.

Where oh Where was Gunny when the RePugs were demanding the defunding of the Affordable Heath Care Act?

Where or Where was Gunny at all?

No where is the answer.

Why was Gunny no where.

Because like all lying, no good, shit sucking, belly crawling lifers, he collects HIS U.S. Government Sponsered, U.S. Taxpayer Funded Health Care and says fuck you to everybody else.

gunny and all the other Lazy Inefficient Fuck Offs (L.I.F.E.R.) at this forum are the first to bitch, whine, moan and complain about how evil it is for the U.S. Government to provide Health Care, while receiving U.S. Government Funded, U.S. Taxpayer Supported Health Care.


Not one fucking word from jar-head mother fucker when the RePugs were defunding the Death Benefit given to the families of U.S. Military Personnel (Including Marines) Killed In Action. RePugs did that and not ONE FUCKING WORD FROM GUNNY ON THAT....OH NO.....NOT ONE FUCKING WORD.

OP- SURE- give us what we want or we'll wreck the economy is great democracy, hater dupes...Allow a vote fer chrissake, brainwashed twits...
You did not read the article. Reid wants more money or he won't vote for the Budget or debt ceiling.

Apparently he has every right to do whatever he wants because the Constitution is silent. Isn't that the argument about Boehner's behavior?

Of course the difference is that Boehner's bunch won't fund a law that:

His Body Passed
The Senate Passed
The President Signed
That Survived a Supreme Court Challenge
Forty-some House bills to defund it
An election in 2012

And all that Reid and his cronies are doing is holding up negotiations for a band-aid measure

I'm sure you'll point to some obscurity but you can see the difference; you'd have to be blind not to.

We are discussing the mainstream press reporting and the board members here whining threaten cajoling and crying about the republicans holding up the debt ceiling and the doom and gloom forecasts. Now suddenly the dems are holding it up and you all are not only fine with it you are cheering them. Either that or you are to stupid to understand the written word.

You're comparing apples and oranges sir.

I listed the reasons why.

But I do like how you assume I'm "cheering".
Boehner can open up government any time he wants with an up and down clean vote on the CR and the debit ceiling.

We get it, you support Prez asshole shredding th Constitution and making life painful for ordinary american's.

Fuck that cracka ass and anyone who supports him.

Where oh Where was Gunny when the RePugs were demanding the defunding of the Affordable Heath Care Act?

Where or Where was Gunny at all?

No where is the answer.

Why was Gunny no where.

Because like all lying, no good, shit sucking, belly crawling lifers, he collects HIS U.S. Government Sponsered, U.S. Taxpayer Funded Health Care and says fuck you to everybody else.

gunny and all the other Lazy Inefficient Fuck Offs (L.I.F.E.R.) at this forum are the first to bitch, whine, moan and complain about how evil it is for the U.S. Government to provide Health Care, while receiving U.S. Government Funded, U.S. Taxpayer Supported Health Care.


Not one fucking word from jar-head mother fucker when the RePugs were defunding the Death Benefit given to the families of U.S. Military Personnel (Including Marines) Killed In Action. RePugs did that and not ONE FUCKING WORD FROM GUNNY ON THAT....OH NO.....NOT ONE FUCKING WORD.


Oh golly what a little internet badass you think you are.

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