Democrats Overwhelmingly Believe U.S. Has Only 12 Years to Fight Climate Change

I'll believe the sense of urgency when the AGW Cultists all give up modern technology and conveniences.
Once again conservatives resort to fear mongering

Nobody is saying we need to give up modern technology and conveniences

We are saying we need to reduce our carbon footprint step at a time

WTF, claiming the world will end in 12 years is not fear mongering?

There are significant changes already occurring

What is more worthy of ridicule?
Claiming 12 years or claiming it is all a hoax?
I'll believe the sense of urgency when the AGW Cultists all give up modern technology and conveniences.
Once again conservatives resort to fear mongering

Nobody is saying we need to give up modern technology and conveniences

We are saying we need to reduce our carbon footprint step at a time

ORLY? Who exactly are the ones spewing that WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE IN 12 YEARS!!!!!???
I don’t know...who is claiming it?
I'll believe the sense of urgency when the AGW Cultists all give up modern technology and conveniences.
Once again conservatives resort to fear mongering

Nobody is saying we need to give up modern technology and conveniences

We are saying we need to reduce our carbon footprint step at a time

WTF, claiming the world will end in 12 years is not fear mongering?

There are significant changes already occurring

What is more worthy of ridicule?
Claiming 12 years or claiming it is all a hoax?

Quick, send them all your money...before the ice caps melt.
12 years or a hundred years, we still have to do something about climate change

Why are conservatives blocking it?

Climate change my ass.

Al Gore already laughed his way to the bank with his climate change gig.

The climate changes as it has since the earth was created.

Back in 1816 they had snow in July. People starved to death because they couldn't grow food. No carbon footprint back then.

Only gullible fools believe that climate change bullshit.

Guess that's your gullible ass.
Yes Clinate Change
A condition that is accepted by scientists around the globe and called a hoax by our President
Is the tipping point of no return 12 years?

50 years, 100 years?
Or have we already passed it?

Does it change the fact that we need to do something about it?
12 years or a hundred years, we still have to do something about climate change

Why are conservatives blocking it?
/——-/ Because the climate is always changing and we can’t stop it. It’s a scam to raise taxes and restrict our liberties. Savvy that?
The U.S. being the leader in protecting the environment is a good thing. Most of the work to be done is outside of America and if we develop and lead in environmental science and technology, then they'll have to come to us.

12 years or a hundred years, we still have to do something about climate change

Why are conservatives blocking it?
Why do you believe that after billions of years climate must stop changing and todays climate is optimum for earth?

I'll wait for your answer while you contact your puppet masters for an answer.
12 years or a hundred years, we still have to do something about climate change

Why are conservatives blocking it?
/——-/ Because the climate is always changing and we can’t stop it. It’s a scam to raise taxes and restrict our liberties. Savvy that?
Actually we can stop making things worse
Actually we can stop making things worse

Why are you still on the grid? Is it a crisis or not? Then start acting like it.
Fun times!

View attachment 262070

Suddenly weather is climate again! The tennis match continues!
What are we waiting for?

well lets see:

in the 1970s the "experts" told us we were entering a new ice age
in the early 2000s the prophet algore said that florida and much of the east coast would be under water by 2005
algore also said that there would be no polar ice by 2005.
now, the young prophet AOC tells us that the world will end in 12 years unless we do ??????? to stop "climate change" she cant tell us what to do but we gotta do it or else

Its all bullshit, winger. 100% of it

Nice talking point, but it's a lie.


What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s?

If you have kids you're going to have some shameful esplainin' to do.
Puppets. AOC said it was just a joke too!

2/3 of Democrats can’t think for themselves. In other news, 2/3 of Democrats can’t take a joke.

67% of Democrats Think U.S. Has 12 Years to Fight Global Warming - Or Else - Rasmussen Reports®'s already too late.
Then let's party!
What's taking you so long.....
My wheels I'll be driving in a couple of months. And boy, do I know how to make that coal smoke fly!
What are we waiting for?

well lets see:

in the 1970s the "experts" told us we were entering a new ice age
in the early 2000s the prophet algore said that florida and much of the east coast would be under water by 2005
algore also said that there would be no polar ice by 2005.
now, the young prophet AOC tells us that the world will end in 12 years unless we do ??????? to stop "climate change" she cant tell us what to do but we gotta do it or else

Its all bullshit, winger. 100% of it

Nice talking point, but it's a lie.


What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s?

If you have kids you're going to have some shameful esplainin' to do.
And in the 70's 100% of the studies said cooling.
What are we waiting for?

I ordered a large beach umbrella, sunscreen and sunglasses.

Oh... and a new surfboard for the rising tide.

I hear the waves will be tasty on the Atlantic ocean when the bergs melt, brah!!!
12 years or a hundred years, we still have to do something about climate change

Why are conservatives blocking it?

Climate change my ass.

Al Gore already laughed his way to the bank with his climate change gig.

The climate changes as it has since the earth was created.

Back in 1816 they had snow in July. People starved to death because they couldn't grow food. No carbon footprint back then.

Only gullible fools believe that climate change bullshit.

Guess that's your gullible ass.
Yes Clinate Change
A condition that is accepted by scientists around the globe and called a hoax by our President

Trump isn't the only one who calls a hoax a hoax.

Those idiots scientists you speak of destroyed 150 years of true climate research to try to prove climate change.

It is a hoax. Climate changes. It always has. How do you explain 1816 when people starved to death because it was to cold to grow crops.

Carry on gullible.
12 years or a hundred years, we still have to do something about climate change

Why are conservatives blocking it?

Climate change my ass.

Al Gore already laughed his way to the bank with his climate change gig.

The climate changes as it has since the earth was created.

Back in 1816 they had snow in July. People starved to death because they couldn't grow food. No carbon footprint back then.

Only gullible fools believe that climate change bullshit.

Guess that's your gullible ass.
Yes Clinate Change
A condition that is accepted by scientists around the globe and called a hoax by our President

Trump isn't the only one who calls a hoax a hoax.

Those idiots scientists you speak of destroyed 150 years of true climate research to try to prove climate change.

It is a hoax. Climate changes. It always has. How do you explain 1816 when people starved to death because it was to cold to grow crops.

Carry on gullible.

What!? We've had climate change for the last 200+ years? Must have been way too many cows.

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