Zone1 Democrats Owe Reparations

People who want reparations are admitting that they're either losers who can't make it on their own or slackers begging for handouts. Not much personal pride in either of those.
People who want reparations are admitting that they're either losers who can't make it on their own or slackers begging for handouts. Not much personal pride in either of those.
None of these things are the case. Whites have done nothing on their own, the government has been white folks best friend.
None of these things are the case. Whites have done nothing on their own, the government has been white folks best friend.
I just got done with my income taxes so I'm in no mood to be told how good Whitey gets treated by government, effin' wasteful robber barons that they are.
I just got done with my income taxes so I'm in no mood to be told how good Whitey gets treated by government, effin' wasteful robber barons that they are.
I don't care. I've paid taxes all my life, so I'm going to talk about how "whitey" has taken my money and not given the black community the same return on our payments as whites get.
In the Confederacy, the population was listed as 5.5 million free and 3.5 million enslaved. In the Border States there were 2.5 million free inhabitants and 500,000 enslaved people.

So 40% of the Confederate land and 16% of the Border State lands should be given to Black descendent of slaves. Seem fair?
sure, and you can be the person who evicts people from their homes
The American governments at every level owes reparations.
The American governments at every level owes reparations.
Keep dreaming. Reparations will never be paid. Any politician that signs on to such a stupid idea will be impeached and never serve another day in office anywhere. They may vocally pander to people like you, but they know that the majority will figuratively tar and feather them if they take any action. When whites eventually become a slight minority, the Latino majority will laugh you and your friends out of town.
I don't care. I've paid taxes all my life, so I'm going to talk about how "whitey" has taken my money and not given the black community the same return on our payments as whites get.
The black community has elected all those local leaders that you think have screwed you over.
In the Confederacy, the population was listed as 5.5 million free and 3.5 million enslaved. In the Border States there were 2.5 million free inhabitants and 500,000 enslaved people.

So 40% of the Confederate land and 16% of the Border State lands should be given to Black descendent of slaves. Seem fair?

The sad thing is that all this hate and venom toward whites being spread across the country - especially among malleable children - is to get more money from innocent whites to give to blacks who didn’t earn it.

It’s all about reparations. The self-loathing leftists figure that by the time today’s brainwashed 8-year-olds become brainwashed adults, they will succeed in a massive theft from the evil whites.

So past crimes by Whites are OK? What is the statue of limitations?

How far back you want to go? You think punishing whites for crimes that happened generations ago is a winner?
Was it OK to evict Blacks then, but it is wrong to evict Whites now?

Nope, it was wrong then, and it would be wrong now.

But the people who committed the crimes then, are loooong dead.

So all you would be doing is committing yet another atrocity on completely innocent people.
It will end up in the courts, and shot down in the courts.
True. It’s a violation of the equal protection clause. You don’t hand out money to a certain group of people based on their skin color, and fund it by taking primarily from those of another skin color.

Same reason the SCOTUS will rule it‘s unconstitutional for colleges to devise practices, policies, exams, etc., designed to advantage one race and disadvantage another.
Nope, it was wrong then, and it would be wrong now.

But the people who committed the crimes then, are loooong dead.

So all you would be doing is committing yet another atrocity on completely innocent people.
Have these 'innocent' people profited from past crimes? If I stole your wallet and gave it to a charity do you have a right to demand it back? The charity is innocent after all.
Excellent questions but here is another: You think rewarding whites for crimes that happened generations ago is a winner?
Whites aren’t being rewarded for past crimes. If anything, they are being punished as they lose out to lesser-qualified blacks for college spots and prestigious jobs.

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