Democrats Panic In Response To Donald Trumps Immigration Plan

We're letting in over a million people per year...The corporations are bringing in low wage labor to drive down the wages for Americans. This has got to stop.

I agree with trump and wish he'd come out against extreme legal immigration.
Poor babies, they know how many of their voters his message is resonating with.
Democrats don't need to panic. Trump won't win.
"Democrats Panic In Response To Donald Trumps Immigration Plan"

No, democrats rejoice in response to Trump's immigration 'plan.'

In fact, it presents democrats with such an immense, attractive target, brimming with hate, ignorance, and stupidity, their only problem is deciding what part of that immense target to attack first.

I sure as hell am not voting for Hillary or any progressive give away program supporting presidential candidates.

I'll vote for whoever wants to lower my own personal taxes instead of lining their own pockets with what I make through more government programs.



I sure as hell am not voting for Hillary or any progressive give away program supporting presidential candidates.

I'll vote for whoever wants to lower my own personal taxes instead of lining their own pockets with what I make through more government programs.



Then don't drive on our roads, expect the police to come to help you or send your children to our public schools. If you do then you're the bum.
Democrats don't need to panic. Trump won't win.
ABC just a few hours ago said it looks like if the election were today Trump WOULD win in Iowa. If and I say IF Clinton stays in she will be doing good to come in FOURTH overall.

Not paying taxes for our roads, schools and allowing corporations to dump shit into our rivers isn't reality either...hahaha

Before I found this board I never thought to see so many people oppose science institutions, infrastructure and government in general. Things have really gone off the deep end!
The EPA did that spill NOT a company. Thank Obama for that!

Not paying taxes for our roads, schools and allowing corporations to dump shit into our rivers isn't reality either...hahaha

Before I found this board I never thought to see so many people oppose science institutions, infrastructure and government in general. Things have really gone off the deep end!
The EPA did that spill NOT a company. Thank Obama for that!

And the workers should be fired and if found criminal should go to prison.

Not paying taxes for our roads, schools and allowing corporations to dump shit into our rivers isn't reality either...hahaha

Before I found this board I never thought to see so many people oppose science institutions, infrastructure and government in general. Things have really gone off the deep end!
Mathew I think you are talking on the wrong end. I mean wrong political group. Should you address that your GOP which they have done nothing.

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