Democrats – party of diversity.

Why aren't you concerned about how the GOP is like 90% to 95% white?

If you're truly concerned about diversity, common sense dictates that you'd address that issue first, since that's were the LEAST amount of diversity is.

How is it the fault of Republicans that they are a majority white party? There is literally nothing stopping other ethnicities from joining the Republican party.
Why aren't you concerned about how the GOP is like 90% to 95% white?

If you're truly concerned about diversity, common sense dictates that you'd address that issue first, since that's were the LEAST amount of diversity is.

How is it the fault of Republicans that they are a majority white party? There is literally nothing stopping other ethnicities from joining the Republican party.

Give him a moment, he'll come up with 10 reasons.
they don't FORCE people not to join ----hahahahahahhahahahahahahah
.....blacks are free to join --except blacks are racist white haters--so they don't want to
This doesn't make any sense fool.

By your own words, you're suggesting that the GOP is the all-white/pro-white party.

The Democrats is the party for everyone, whites, blacks and everyone in-between, hence the diversity.

Common sense dictates that a party where everyone is welcomed, is not racist.

How stupid are you brau?!?!???
That's what they want you to believe. The Republican party is equally welcoming of anyone from any nationality.

If you want to, you can go change your voter registration to the Republican party at any time.
Why aren't you concerned about how the GOP is like 90% to 95% white?

If you're truly concerned about diversity, common sense dictates that you'd address that issue first, since that's were the LEAST amount of diversity is.


America is a white country.

If it doesn't please you, you can always go to South Africa... working great for them.
America is an every nationality country. That's why they call us the melting pot. Come here, and be an American, no matter where you're from.
Except not so much in San Francisco. Wait, what? Yep, San Francisco’s diversity is dwindling. Actually it was more diverse back in the 70’s than it is now. For example, in 1970, San Francisco was 13 percent black, now it’s 8 percent. Same trend with Asians under 18, a significant part of the youth population. But instead of increasing, that number is gradually sliding down: It was 36 percent in 1990, and 32 percent in 2007. Anyone care to explain why the party of diversity isn’t so diverse?

Study finds S.F.'s ethnic diversity dwindling

despicable white racists



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Why aren't you concerned about how the GOP is like 90% to 95% white?

If you're truly concerned about diversity, common sense dictates that you'd address that issue first, since that's were the LEAST amount of diversity is.


I don't believe anyone with an ounce of common sense or even a fundamental understanding of our Republic would care one bit about diversity.

It's the advocates of so-called 'diversity' who actually perpetuate racism. And, of course, racism is just another form of collectivism. Their/your obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist. And collectivist.

The antidote, as always, is a constitutionally limited government dedicated to the protection of Individual rights rather than group claims.
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Really, I'm surprised people aren't smart enough to stop just going along with the same old Marxist narrative and letting the Marxist shysters dictate the terms of controversy.

What ever happened to leaders? Everybody's a follower anymore. That's what you Marxists rely on, isn't it, Marc? That everyone is just gonna follow your narrative and just debate it the way you frame it? Pffft.
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Why aren't you concerned about how the GOP is like 90% to 95% white?

If you're truly concerned about diversity, common sense dictates that you'd address that issue first, since that's were the LEAST amount of diversity is.


America is a white country.

If it doesn't please you, you can always go to South Africa... working great for them.
America is an every nationality country. That's why they call us the melting pot. Come here, and be an American, no matter where you're from.

^^ You actually believe this bullshit?

No, America is a country of freedom, and majority white country.
I don't believe anyone with an ounce of common sense or even a fundamental understanding of our Republic would care one bit about diversity.

It's the advocates of so-called 'diversity' who actually perpetuate racism. And, of course, racism is just another form of collectivism. Their/your obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist. And collectivist.

The antidote, as always, is a constitutionally limited government dedicated to the protection of Individual rights rather than group claims.

I couldn't have said it better if I'd said it myself! ;)

Shade of skin, gender, ethnicity which are circumstances of birth make very shallow measures of diversity - yet easily identifiable when displayed in a trophy case. Woe be to those who dare step down from the shelf - the Dems hold a special enmity for those whose diversity is more than skin deep. It's the individuals they are threatened by..
Why aren't you concerned about how the GOP is like 90% to 95% white?

If you're truly concerned about diversity, common sense dictates that you'd address that issue first, since that's were the LEAST amount of diversity is.

/——/ We’re not concerned about diversity. Only you Libtards are obsessed with it. The OP was merely pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of the left.
I don't believe anyone with an ounce of common sense or even a fundamental understanding of our Republic would care one bit about diversity.

It's the advocates of so-called 'diversity' who actually perpetuate racism. And, of course, racism is just another form of collectivism. Their/your obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist. And collectivist.

The antidote, as always, is a constitutionally limited government dedicated to the protection of Individual rights rather than group claims.

I couldn't have said it better if I'd said it myself! ;)

Shade of skin, gender, ethnicity which are circumstances of birth make very shallow measures of diversity - yet easily identifiable when displayed in a trophy case. Woe be to those who dare step down from the shelf - the Dems hold a special enmity for those whose diversity is more than skin deep. It's the individuals they are threatened by..

They aren't pro-American, they want to take over America and replace the people with bottom-feeders.
Why aren't you concerned about how the GOP is like 90% to 95% white?

If you're truly concerned about diversity, common sense dictates that you'd address that issue first, since that's were the LEAST amount of diversity is.


America is a white country.

If it doesn't please you, you can always go to South Africa... working great for them.
America is an every nationality country. That's why they call us the melting pot. Come here, and be an American, no matter where you're from.

^^ You actually believe this bullshit?

No, America is a country of freedom, and majority white country.
Sure I believe it. Yes, it is a majority white country, but we welcome people from all walks of life.
Why aren't you concerned about how the GOP is like 90% to 95% white?

If you're truly concerned about diversity, common sense dictates that you'd address that issue first, since that's were the LEAST amount of diversity is.


America is a white country.

If it doesn't please you, you can always go to South Africa... working great for them.
America is an every nationality country. That's why they call us the melting pot. Come here, and be an American, no matter where you're from.

^^ You actually believe this bullshit?

No, America is a country of freedom, and majority white country.
Sure I believe it. Yes, it is a majority white country, but we welcome people from all walks of life.

If it's in our interest.

Right now we are full, way too many unAmericans in the country.
Blacks are welcome into the party sure, but they can't be wearing their pants on the ground, skin slam full of tattoos, hat sideways, bling bling around their necks, and cursing rap songs blaring at ear splitting levels.

Wear turtlenecks to hide that "redness".......Yeah, with your "attitude" ONLY white, poorly educated, racist males will make up the Trump cult (NOT the once great GOP.)
Did I say something untrue ??? Blacks are in the GOP, but they are refered to by other blacks as race traitor's, uncle Tom's etc by their so called black brother's and sister's.

The problem is that the propaganda is working to control the message, and the media platform's along with Hollyweird has been highjacked in order to make it appear that those folks mentioned before (are victim's regardless of their personal responsibility requirements in life or regardless of the freedom's in which they possess as individual's), and so they have been taught that the black conservatives are joined up with the so called white oppressors in order to keep them as these poor victim's without any education given them about personal responsibility to climb their way up out of it. The Demon-crats are the poor people's worst enemy, but somehow the poor aren't strong enough to escape it, but yet they are just strong enough to vote for that crutch that the crats keep giving them in exchange for their Democrat power.
they don't FORCE people not to join ----hahahahahahhahahahahahahah
.....blacks are free to join --except blacks are racist white haters--so they don't want to
This doesn't make any sense fool.

By your own words, you're suggesting that the GOP is the all-white/pro-white party.

The Democrats is the party for everyone, whites, blacks and everyone in-between, hence the diversity.

Common sense dictates that a party where everyone is welcomed, is not racist.

How stupid are you brau?!?!???
White people aren't welcomed in the Democrat party. Stupid white people just vote Democrat despite this.
it's RIGHT THERE-----93% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as stated many times--the BLACKS are the RACISTS----more racist
93% of people that vote, hell 50% of the people that can vote do not.
sure --let's use stats that are not even there
typical of libs/blacks/Dems/etc
Stats not there it is well known what the stats are on how many of the available voters actually vote in an election year(s).
they are TAUGHT/brainwashed to hate the ''''''white man''/'''rich white man'''
Obama was TAUGHT that
He ain't white, he ain't rich, and he ain't privileged. Hillary fits the mold
Rich white men
--like Trump
blacks are RACIST
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
even though he has a white family.
He still is friends with Farrakhan.

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