Democrats: Please Explain this Impasse

I’ve already posted a link saying you don’t need to. Here’s another.

What has your name and birthdate on it that isn't a photo ID? Birth certificate is all I can think of, and I'd be fine using that as an ID to vote. You too?
Yes. It cuts both ways as the OP set up (intentionally I'd guess). How can anyone rationally complain about either having to show a no cost ID to vote or get a hotel room that requires vaccination proof?

Interesting you'd mention hotel rooms. I just found out that some of these chains are requiring CDC cards at check-in when I booked a room in Eastern Oregon last week.

Won't be traveling without it anymore. It's clipped to my passport.
I dont think you can get a vaccination without an ID. In fact Im almost sure you cant. That's kind of the point.
doesn't say a thing about having to show an ID in reading several websites that offer them.

they also talk about 12-15 year olds being vaccinated. they got an ID?
The biggest difference is that it’s a new vaccine. Mandating an old vaccine is difference than mandating this vaccine.
And these vaccines will very likely have full FDA approval by the end of this month.
Just remember folks, there are people with legitimate worries about a brand new vaccine and its long term affects, and minorities who don't trust large vaccines based on previous racist testing... but Joe Biden and the Democrats have called them all stupid for not getting the vaccine.

Yep, 66% of black folk in this country are stupid. So says Joe Biden and the Democrats.

So says NO ONE other than RW kooks. ;)
No, you need an ID to get vaccinated. The fact that you don't know that proves you aren't vaccinated. Go do it before you kill someone, asshole.

maybe you should back off calling someone an asshole til you look up your own facts.
Many people don’t vote either. Whats your point?

My point is that a student, disabled, and elderly person often doesn't do any of those things. And most kids open up their bank accounts online.

Just admit it, you don't want any of those people to vote.
Your child has a constitutional right to go to a public school, if your state offers such. But to enroll him/her, you have to prove vaccination status.
Can you show me where in the Constitution it talks about schools and our rights to them?
What has your name and birthdate on it that isn't a photo ID? Birth certificate is all I can think of, and I'd be fine using that as an ID to vote. You too?
No! Racism alert! Remember when that common sense was brought up the leftists screamed ‘ A lot of older black people don’t have birth certificates!’
Leftism is a mental disorder!
YOU have to show vaccination status to GET A PASSPORT. You have to show vaccination status to ENROLL YOUR KID IN SCHOOL.
smallpox also killed about 1/3 of the people who got it. the people who were in charge from what i am reading focused on smallpox, not the politics around it. they didn't create rules for everyone but themselves.

covid is far more political than it is viral given > 99% of the people survive.

care to try and compare this to small pox again?
How is it that your party can claim that providing proof of ID to vote is racist and too difficult for black people to do, yet overwhelmingly suggest that everyone should get a vaccine passport?

Both require going minutely out of your way to achieve, and both would be pretty easy to do. Yet, we have massively double standards from Democrats.

You're Foxxed up. I don't know of anyone who thinks you should be able to vote without proving you're a U.S. citizen.
How is it that your party can claim that providing proof of ID to vote is racist and too difficult for black people to do, yet overwhelmingly suggest that everyone should get a vaccine passport?

Both require going minutely out of your way to achieve, and both would be pretty easy to do. Yet, we have massively double standards from Democrats.
Must be the current talking point. A truly retarded one. Do any of you ever think through this crap before posting?
It is given to you upon vaccination, dope. Not by waiting in line for three hours at a DMV forty miles away.
You're Foxxed up. I don't know of anyone who thinks you should be able to vote without proving you're a U.S. citizen.

Joe Biden said voter ID requirements are the 21st century Jim Crow.

So.. yeah.

Meanwhile, you can be obsessed with any news channel you want. I don't watch them.
Must be the current talking point. A truly retarded one. Do any of you ever think through this crap before posting?
It is given to you upon vaccination, dope. Not by waiting in line for three hours at a DMV forty miles away.
Have a nice life
Interesting you'd mention hotel rooms. I just found out that some of these chains are requiring CDC cards at check-in when I booked a room in Eastern Oregon last week.

Won't be traveling without it anymore. It's clipped to my passport.

I thought requiring ID is racist. Why are you enabling racism?
Must be the current talking point. A truly retarded one. Do any of you ever think through this crap before posting?
It is given to you upon vaccination, dope. Not by waiting in line for three hours at a DMV forty miles away.

You need an ID to get vaccinated, dipshit.

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