Democrats pledge to paralyze Senate as shutdown negotiation tactic

Congress is a funny place. They spend more time trying to not do things, than making America first.
Finally some real leadership in Congress that keeps America first and treasonous evil doers on notice such as a Senate cluttered up with antigovernment conspiring GOPers of tRump and his felonious rampaging.

Congressional Democrats turn up the heat on GOP over shutdown
Dems would be late to the party. Mitch McConnell paralyzed the Senate when he held up over 100 Obama judicial nominees with no hearings and refused to consider respecting the nomination of Merrick Garland
Gridlock is generally a good thing. The less they do to fuck things up the better. The only thing they need to do is pay the bills and they can't even do that right.
Finally some real leadership in Congress that keeps America first and treasonous evil doers on notice such as a Senate cluttered up with antigovernment conspiring GOPers of tRump and his felonious rampaging.

Congressional Democrats turn up the heat on GOP over shutdown
Dems would be late to the party. Mitch McConnell paralyzed the Senate when he held up over 100 Obama judicial nominees with no hearings and refused to consider respecting the nomination of Merrick Garland
When you are empowered you make the Repubs look like beginners. There is no way you would have a sitting president okay a man wearing a dress going into little girls bathrooms without dangerous agendas.
Gridlock is generally a good thing. The less they do to fuck things up the better. The only thing they need to do is pay the bills and they can't even do that right.
you people always say that -- until it is you who want something

you people make me sick. Politics is the art of compromise. But with you people The art of Shit Talking is your Politics
When you are empowered you make the Repubs look like beginners. There is no way you would have a sitting president okay a man wearing a dress going into little girls bathrooms without dangerous agendas.
I doubt little girls have as sick a mind as you obviously do, when seeing a man with a dress.
Here is hoping it is shut down for at least two years. I've noticed taxes are still coming out of my paycheck however.
Congress is a funny place. They spend more time trying to not do things, than making America first.
I don’t understand this America first thing. What exactly does it mean?

I have an extremely close family and they obviously come first but we don’t foster an environment we’re we only look out for ourselves. We practice values of giving to our community and helping those in need as it’s in actions like those that make us better people and a stonger world
When you are empowered you make the Repubs look like beginners. There is no way you would have a sitting president okay a man wearing a dress going into little girls bathrooms without dangerous agendas.
I doubt little girls have as sick a mind as you obviously do, when seeing a man with a dress.
Leave the Obamas out of it
Finally some real leadership in Congress that keeps America first and treasonous evil doers on notice such as a Senate cluttered up with antigovernment conspiring GOPers of tRump and his felonious rampaging.

Congressional Democrats turn up the heat on GOP over shutdown
Dems would be late to the party. Mitch McConnell paralyzed the Senate when he held up over 100 Obama judicial nominees with no hearings and refused to consider respecting the nomination of Merrick Garland
When you are empowered you make the Repubs look like beginners. There is no way you would have a sitting president okay a man wearing a dress going into little girls bathrooms without dangerous agendas.
Are you talking about when Trump said it was cool for Jenner to use the women’s bathroom in Trump tower or are you talking about something else?
Here is hoping it is shut down for at least two years. I've noticed taxes are still coming out of my paycheck however.
Two years? Really do you even think about the people who are out of work or do you just see the words Government shutdown and froth at the mouth?
Here is hoping it is shut down for at least two years. I've noticed taxes are still coming out of my paycheck however.
Two years? Really do you even think about the people who are out of work or do you just see the words Government shutdown and froth at the mouth?

I see the words "government shutdown" and am happy to see Democrats true colors being shown. It is a necessary step. I feel for the government workers...and hope if they have any self respect they will band together and demand Democrats put Americans before foreigners for once. Win win.
And I suspect most federal employees..not all..but most voted for this when they voted Democrat.

"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality."
Ayn Rand

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