Democrats reaction to Biden document scandal shows you how objective they are in comparison to republicans

Democrats are more keenly critical of their own than Republicans?


I have oftentimes wondered why.

I think I have an answer.

It is because they are in political 'minority' and can only survive or thrive by maintaining a united front.

Be that front ever so base and dishonorable.
Liberals, on average, have better critical thinking skills. Also, on average, they don’t let emotion dictate their beliefs.
38% of democrats in this poll think Biden mishandled those documents.

52% of democrats think a congressional investigation should go into this mishandling of documents.

We don’t see these kinds of poll results with republicans do we? Generally like 80%-90% of republicans defend Trump’s scandals in knee jerk fashion. There’s no nuance either. It’s just “nope! All a witch hunt”

Because Biden wasn't the President and therefore did not have the power to declassify documents.

It really is that simple.

That said, I think it will be a ridiculous farce if this is the thing that takes Biden down.

He's opened the Border, helped to launch 40 year high inflation, sicced the FBI on innocent parents, accepted bribes from the Chinese government via his idiot drug addict son, and brought us to the brink of nuclear war.

Any of those things should have taken him down already.

But they all have one thing in common. They all connect him to the Deep State.

The documents BS does not. It is their chance to get rid of him.

In short: The Establishment and its media cronies have turned on Biden. And since Lefties mindlessly believe anything that media imparts to them, polls are reflecting this.

That's it.

They're not gonna get accolades from me.
Ole Potatohead said today that he had no regrets for mishandling national security documents.


He also drooled and shit his pants.

And sniffed a child.

Yep, it's a day that ends in a "y". ;)
Because Biden wasn't the President and therefore did not have the power to declassify documents.

It really is that simple.

That said, I think it will be a ridiculous farce if this is the thing that takes Biden down.

He's opened the Border, helped to launch 40 year high inflation, sicced the FBI on innocent parents, accepted bribes from the Chinese government via his idiot drug addict son, and brought us to the brink of nuclear war.

Any of those things should have taken him down already.

But they all have one thing in common. They all connect him to the Deep State.

The documents BS does not. It is their chance to get rid of him.

In short: The Establishment and its media cronies have turned on Biden. And since Lefties mindlessly believe anything that media imparts to them, polls are reflecting this.

That's it.

They're not gonna get accolades from me.
The deep state. You must live in fear, of the deep state.
Liberals, on average, have better critical thinking skills.


If the last three years have proven anything, it's that the exact opposite is true.

Now put on your mask, go get your booster, and shut the fuck up.

And praise Saint Anthony Fauci, blessed be his name.

If the last three years have proven anything, it's that the exact opposite is true.

Now put on your mask, go get your booster, and shut the fuck up.

And praise Saint Anthony Fauci, blessed be his name.
I don’t praise Fauci. I praise medial science. Medial science on a BRAND NEW virus. Have the experts been wrong on some things? Yes. Have they been right on others? You bet. They are allowed to be wrong on a brand new virus. What’s the alternative i should be listening to? Republicans. FUCK THAT SHIT.
No one says that. You just pretend they do.

Fauci said it you absolute buffoon.

So it’s easy to criticize, but they’re really criticizing science because I represent science. That’s dangerous.

Anthony Fauci: I Am the Science | National Review

Now, you can play the usual shit lib game and get into the semantics.

No, he didn't literally say he is the science. He said he represents it. Which means any scientist who criticizes him (and there have been many), are criticizing science itself.

According to Saint Fauci.

Fauci said it you absolute buffoon.

So it’s easy to criticize, but they’re really criticizing science because I represent science. That’s dangerous.

Anthony Fauci: I Am the Science | National Review

Now, you can play the usual shit lib game and get into the semantics.

No, he didn't literally say he is the science. He said he represents it. Which means any scientist who criticizes him (and there have been many), are criticizing science itself.

According to Saint Fauci.

I’m not reading that bullshit. Quote me his exact COMPLETE quote and then I’ll read it.
I’m not reading that bullshit. Quote me his exact COMPLETE quote and then I’ll read it.

There's a link there you clown.

This is why people can't debate you ingrates - the truth can be literally staring you right in the face, and you just refuse to see it.

No integrity. No honesty. No brain cells.
There's a link there you clown.

This is why people can't debate you ingrates - the truth can be literally staring you right in the face, and you just refuse to see it.

No integrity. No honesty. No brain cells.
Your rightwing bullshit article “analysis” is means jack shit. Any quote analysis needs to include the full quote with context.

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