Democrats reaction to Biden document scandal shows you how objective they are in comparison to republicans

I suspect dems see this as a opportunity on a couple of different levels.

To perhaps get shed of Biden. (not likely)

If not then prevent him from running. (more likely)

And much more importantly, to use it to deflect away from the score of ills their ilk has foisted upon the country.
Or perhaps remove any obstacles to a second run well in advance?
LOL you don't know what happened so why are you pretending that you do?....
Biden is a crook... his whole family are crooks and have lived off his name for decades... the first set of documents found related to Ukraine Iran and Russia.... the very nations Hunter has gotten rich from....
We certainly know they didn’t destroy them, dope. :uhoh3:
38% of democrats in this poll think Biden mishandled those documents.

52% of democrats think a congressional investigation should go into this mishandling of documents.

We don’t see these kinds of poll results with republicans do we? Generally like 80%-90% of republicans defend Trump’s scandals in knee jerk fashion. There’s no nuance either. It’s just “nope! All a witch hunt”
What a stupid question. The western world is plagued by dead files just sitting around in storage. After a while it's all just a bunch of useless crap no one will ever look at again. Is it that hard for you to consider that no one knew this stuff was there until they looked through it?
True that!
Anyone who’s ever had be custodian of records and has had to go through a few storage lockers of records with the shred truck on standby knows.

If the last three years have proven anything, it's that the exact opposite is true.

Now put on your mask, go get your booster, and shut the fuck up.

And praise Saint Anthony Fauci, blessed be his name.
If the last three years have shown anything, it’s how much more competent the democrats are then the whiney little bitches in the gop. What a bunch of retards.......who is this dufus Santos, the gop bulwark from NY you guys are rallying around ? He’s the typical lying sack of shit that permeates the GOP.
38% of democrats in this poll think Biden mishandled those documents.

52% of democrats think a congressional investigation should go into this mishandling of documents.

We don’t see these kinds of poll results with republicans do we? Generally like 80%-90% of republicans defend Trump’s scandals in knee jerk fashion. There’s no nuance either. It’s just “nope! All a witch hunt”


When the left conducts an 'unprecedented', 'unwarranted', heavily armored, heavily armed raid with dozens of agents, multiple cars with lights flashing , and bring in a camera crew...

When the FBI kicks out everyone, when they refuse to allow Trump's lawyers to remain and monitor...

When the FBI spreads classified cover sheets all over the floor for a staged photo...

Then you compare it to the proven 2-tiered justice system on display by tbe DOJ in the Biden case AND consider the Democrats and their proven treasonous partisan weaponized agencies have unConstitutionally, criminally gone after Trump for going on 7 years now...

The majority of Americans see this scandal for what it is - a 'witch hunt', another attempt to politically, personally take down Donald Trump through literally ANY means possible.

Joe Biden and his classified scandal helped convince many Americans of this by demonstrating to the world there is a 2-tiered justice system where there is a separate set of rules for Democrats.

Democrats, Garland, and the DOJ had their chance. If they had treated both cases. EXACTLY the same, used the exact same processes, procedures, and investigative steps they could have helped to debunk Americans' belief that there is a 2-tiered corrupt Justice system, that there is 1 system that applies equally, and that what happened in the Trump case was part of that system.

Instead they proved to the world that 2-tiered Justice system exists and is being enforced, that while they are going after Trump again they are protecting they did Hillary.
38% of democrats in this poll think Biden mishandled those documents.

52% of democrats think a congressional investigation should go into this mishandling of documents.

We don’t see these kinds of poll results with republicans do we? Generally like 80%-90% of republicans defend Trump’s scandals in knee jerk fashion. There’s no nuance either. It’s just “nope! All a witch hunt”

1) Biden didn't "Mishandle," Top Secret documents...he stole them.......he was not allowed to have them, he had them, he stole them for his own use.

2) Trump didn't break any law, since he had the sole power to declassify his documents.

The only reason the democrat party press is going after Biden now is they want him out of the race for President in 2024.....and they have to start the pressure now to make sure his damaged brain gets the message....
38% of democrats in this poll think Biden mishandled those documents.

52% of democrats think a congressional investigation should go into this mishandling of documents.

We don’t see these kinds of poll results with republicans do we? Generally like 80%-90% of republicans defend Trump’s scandals in knee jerk fashion. There’s no nuance either. It’s just “nope! All a witch hunt”
In their eyes the Orange Messiah is infallible.

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