Democrats reaction to Biden document scandal shows you how objective they are in comparison to republicans

Someone swept them up in an office move and no one had a clue they were there. I see no criminal intent because I see no conscious decision to hide them. They could have just destroyed them we would have never known.
Didn't Biden call Trump reckless?.... but senile Joe has no regrets?.... fuck him for being so careless or corrupt or both.... I hope he has to leave the white house before 24... I would love to see him shrink away in shame.... he is a dirty mother fucker....
Exactly. The trumptards think that this is a get-out-of-jail card for their orange fuhrer. Because their echo chamber has told them that the crimes are the same.

The poor trumptards are going to be livid when Trump does get indicted.
Sure pal sure... now take you medicine....
One key difference: It's legal for the president to have classified documents. He can declassify them. Biden can't. He clearly broke the law.
Not only is it legal for the VP to declassify, but you are also completely wrong about Trump even declassifying them. There is zero evidence he did. You believe it simply because he told you. That’s it. That’s all it takes to dupe you lol. And to be clear, I don’t think Biden declassified his documents either.
Not only is it legal for the VP to declassify, but you are also completely wrong about Trump even declassifying them. There is zero evidence he did. You believe it simply because he told you. That’s it. That’s all it takes to dupe you lol. And to be clear, I don’t think Biden declassified his documents either.
The VP has no authority to declassify anything, moron.
The VP has no authority to declassify anything, moron.
Uh nope moron he did.

Lol all of this is immaterial anyway. No one is even claiming Biden actually did declassify them. That’s dumbest part. You idiots can’t even get the scandal straight.
38% of democrats in this poll think Biden mishandled those documents.

52% of democrats think a congressional investigation should go into this mishandling of documents.

We don’t see these kinds of poll results with republicans do we? Generally like 80%-90% of republicans defend Trump’s scandals in knee jerk fashion. There’s no nuance either. It’s just “nope! All a witch hunt”
If he broke the law he should pay the consequences. Just like it would be for us regular folk.
Not only is it legal for the VP to declassify, but you are also completely wrong about Trump even declassifying them. There is zero evidence he did. You believe it simply because he told you. That’s it. That’s all it takes to dupe you lol. And to be clear, I don’t think Biden declassified his documents either.
We keep hearing that there was no evidence Trump declassified... but half the people in DC asked about that says he didn't have to tell anyone...
So we are getting two different stories about that... so its not strange to find that even Trump may have been told he could do it at anytime... and not tell anyone... he was the president... Biden was VP and had no right to still have these documents....
We keep hearing that there was no evidence Trump declassified... but half the people in DC asked about that says he didn't have to tell anyone...
So we are getting two different stories about that... so its not strange to find that even Trump may have been told he could do it at anytime... and not tell anyone... he was the president... Biden was VP and had no right to still have these documents....
Lol no one has ever fucking claimed that BEFORE this Trump raid that a president can just do it and not tell anyone. No one ever fucking said something so batshit insane. It’s only AFTER that REPUBLICANS claimed this. Just think how insane this notion is. You’re saying that documents related to national security can be declassified without anyone but the president knowing. Don’t you think the departments relevant to the documents should be notified of this? Like maybe that would be important to at least tell them that?
Lol no one has ever fucking claimed that BEFORE this Trump raid that a president can just do it and not tell anyone. No one ever fucking said something so batshit insane. It’s only AFTER that REPUBLICANS claimed this. Just think how insane this notion is. You’re saying that documents related to national security can be declassified without anyone but the president knowing. Don’t you think the departments relevant to the documents should be notified of this? Like maybe that would be important to at least tell them that?
I watch more than one network for news and I've seen plenty of lawyers and people "in the know" claim that the President has full power to declassify in any way he wishes... and it doesn't require any meetings or signings or any other persons permission.... he doesn't have to tell anyone either... I also have heard he must do it in writing and with a witness...
So there is a question unanswered.... in my opinion...
I watch more than one network for news and I've seen plenty of lawyers and people "in the know" claim that the President has full power to declassify in any way he wishes... and it doesn't require any meetings or signings or any other persons permission.... he doesn't have to tell anyone either... I also have heard he must do it in writing and with a witness...
So there is a question unanswered.... in my opinion...
Lol well that’s complete bullshit because it’s safe to assume those multiple sources are still rightwing garbage. Okay but let’s entertain this notion for a second. Maybe you can at least agree it is insane even if you think it is legal. Why in the fuck would it not be procedure to tell the relevant department that a COPY of the document in their possession is declassified? You’re saying it’s no big deal they are not told of this? That insane lack of communication is okay to you? This is critical shit we are talking about right now. This is shit that our enemies could use against us and this orange moron somehow has the authority to take this document home. Like okay, maybe you trust Trump to do this, but what about Biden? Say he as president unilaterally declassified a document and took it home. YOU would trust Biden to do this? Forget the current document issue with Biden. Let’s say that all never happened for hypothetical purposes. Let’s say without anyone knowing Biden took home a national security related document to his WH bedroom he “declassified”. You’d be okay with that? You’d be okay with him doing what he wanted with it?
Wow, you just called the Biden Administration "competent", Dagosa? Really? At what exactly? Literally everything they touch turns to shit!

So, you measure competency by how many criminal indictments thy have in office in their administrations, how many recessions they have, how much lying they do and how they ripped off the public and how many fraud cases they had while in office.
Not only is it legal for the VP to declassify, but you are also completely wrong about Trump even declassifying them. There is zero evidence he did. You believe it simply because he told you. That’s it. That’s all it takes to dupe you lol. And to be clear, I don’t think Biden declassified his documents either.
You're just playing ignorant, aren't you?

Aren't you?
No, we don’t.

That’s because Democrats want facts and the truth about President Biden.

Republicans want to obstruct, deflect, and lie when it comes to Trump.
So, you measure competency by how many criminal indictments thy have in office in their administrations, how many recessions they have, how much lying they do and how they ripped off the public and how many fraud cases they had while in office.
No, you measure competency by how well someone does their job! Would you care to point out a member of the Biden Administration that's NOT a complete failure at doing their job? Mayorkas? Mayor Pete? Kamala? Garland? Yellin? Granholm? Austin? It's a collection of incompetent people led by the most incompetent President we've ever had!
We don’t see these kinds of poll results with republicans do we? Generally like 80%-90% of republicans defend Trump’s scandals in knee jerk fashion. There’s no nuance either. It’s just “nope! All a witch hunt”
It's all they've been taught, so it's all they know. They're taught that when anything goes against them in any way, just ignore, pivot, and attack.

No critical thinking required. No intellectual honesty required. No humility required. No inner strength required.

That's one of the reasons they adore the orange man-child. He's the same way, plus he's added the constant victimhood to the mix. Perfect for them.
Another day...another batch of documents found! Could we please end this farce and have the FBI search every office and residence that this idiot has used since he was in the Senate? It's quite obvious at this point that Joe Biden doesn't handle classified materials properly so why are we pretending that his "cooperating" with authorities means anything?
The latest new of tbe DOJ finding more classified documents in Biden's home AFTER Biden's lawyers, his aides, the WH, and Biden all declared all classified docs had been turned over to the DOJ shows just how 'transparent', 'cooperative', and 'honest' they all are!

No, you measure competency by how well someone does their job! Would you care to point out a member of the Biden Administration that's NOT a complete failure at doing their job? Mayorkas? Mayor Pete? Kamala? Garland? Yellin? Granholm? Austin? It's a collection of incompetent people led by the most incompetent President we've ever had!
Trump did a piss poor job. A major recession. The highest death rate of any developed nation in the world due to covid. The worse economic recovery rate from shutdown resulting in a sever recession.

Other then a major infrastructure plan, what do Trump do ?
Oh that was Biden…..hilarious.
the liar and chief was a total disaster. How do we know? He got impeached twice and LOST THE ELECTION.

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