Democrats reaction to Biden document scandal shows you how objective they are in comparison to republicans

He appointed a Repub SC to investigate. How is that protecting him? You folks are delusional.

They appointed a hack to investigate having bill clinton investigate epstein or harvey weinstein...
38% of democrats in this poll think Biden mishandled those documents.

52% of democrats think a congressional investigation should go into this mishandling of documents.

We don’t see these kinds of poll results with republicans do we? Generally like 80%-90% of republicans defend Trump’s scandals in knee jerk fashion. There’s no nuance either. It’s just “nope! All a witch hunt”

Republicans reaction to Trump document scandal shows you how objective they are in comparison to democrats​

You’ll always have this huh? It’s the only thing you feel superior about.
When the FBI kicks out everyone, when they refuse to allow Trump's lawyers to remain and monitor...
And what, steal more papers ? He’s a crooked civilian. Biden is the president and cooperating…..which he doesn’t have to do. Trump was is and will continue to be a bag lapper.
And what, steal more papers ? He’s a crooked civilian. Biden is the president and cooperating…..which he doesn’t have to do. Trump was is and will continue to be a bag lapper.

Biden stole those top secret documents...he had no Right to them, having them in his possession is a is as simple as that.
If the last three years have shown anything, it’s how much more competent the democrats are then the whiney little bitches in the gop. What a bunch of retards.......who is this dufus Santos, the gop bulwark from NY you guys are rallying around ? He’s the typical lying sack of shit that permeates the GOP.

When the left conducts an 'unprecedented', 'unwarranted', heavily armored, heavily armed raid with dozens of agents, multiple cars with lights flashing , and bring in a camera crew...

When the FBI kicks out everyone, when they refuse to allow Trump's lawyers to remain and monitor...

When the FBI spreads classified cover sheets all over the floor for a staged photo...

Then you compare it to the proven 2-tiered justice system on display by tbe DOJ in the Biden case AND consider the Democrats and their proven treasonous partisan weaponized agencies have unConstitutionally, criminally gone after Trump for going on 7 years now...

The majority of Americans see this scandal for what it is - a 'witch hunt', another attempt to politically, personally take down Donald Trump through literally ANY means possible.

Joe Biden and his classified scandal helped convince many Americans of this by demonstrating to the world there is a 2-tiered justice system where there is a separate set of rules for Democrats.

Democrats, Garland, and the DOJ had their chance. If they had treated both cases. EXACTLY the same, used the exact same processes, procedures, and investigative steps they could have helped to debunk Americans' belief that there is a 2-tiered corrupt Justice system, that there is 1 system that applies equally, and that what happened in the Trump case was part of that system.

Instead they proved to the world that 2-tiered Justice system exists and is being enforced, that while they are going after Trump again they are protecting they did Hillary.
I have no problem with the fbi breaking down the door with a legal search warrant after a years worth of non compliance. Neither should anyone.,
The bigger the show of force, the better. Especially agaisnt rich white guys hiding behind a bevy of lawyers while thousands of poor languish in jail with no just cause.
So, after Trump, the next windbag POS is George Santos. Seems like a chip off the old block and a worthy successor for Trump. Now it’s Santos Humpers ?

When the democrats start getting rid of their lunatics, then I will be more concerned about a guy like Santos..........the nuts in the democrat party are protected and rewarded, and you assholes then want republicans to get rid of anyone on our side who is the tiny bit luny.....when you get rid of your raging anti-semite, racist, misogynist, anti-American, china loving, corrupt assholes....get back to us on this guy.....

When the left conducts an 'unprecedented', 'unwarranted', heavily armored, heavily armed raid with dozens of agents, multiple cars with lights flashing , and bring in a camera crew...

When the FBI kicks out everyone, when they refuse to allow Trump's lawyers to remain and monitor...

When the FBI spreads classified cover sheets all over the floor for a staged photo...

Then you compare it to the proven 2-tiered justice system on display by tbe DOJ in the Biden case AND consider the Democrats and their proven treasonous partisan weaponized agencies have unConstitutionally, criminally gone after Trump for going on 7 years now...

The majority of Americans see this scandal for what it is - a 'witch hunt', another attempt to politically, personally take down Donald Trump through literally ANY means possible.

Joe Biden and his classified scandal helped convince many Americans of this by demonstrating to the world there is a 2-tiered justice system where there is a separate set of rules for Democrats.

Democrats, Garland, and the DOJ had their chance. If they had treated both cases. EXACTLY the same, used the exact same processes, procedures, and investigative steps they could have helped to debunk Americans' belief that there is a 2-tiered corrupt Justice system, that there is 1 system that applies equally, and that what happened in the Trump case was part of that system.

Instead they proved to the world that 2-tiered Justice system exists and is being enforced, that while they are going after Trump again they are protecting they did Hillary.
So what’s the problem. After four years of criminality under the protection of his handpicked fat ass DOJ, it’s about time.
If Biden wanted to hide them they would still be hidden in a safe somewhere or destroyed.

So doesn't that make you think? President Biden sends his attorneys, at what $1,000 an hour, to move his belongings out of the CCP-financed Biden Penn Center. Why not his staff instead of high-priced attorneys? Instead of quietly "losing" the stolen Top Secret documents, they proclaim, HEY, LOOK WHAT WE FOUND! Democrats do NOT want Biden to run in 2024. Biden has said that he intended to run on numerous occasions. Obviously, he could not be dissuaded. So, they had to dirty him up so he couldn't run. My guess is that they did not anticipate that it was going to blow up to this extent.

You might want to consider your position considering these fine Democrats have already run for the exit. There'll be more.


ADAM SCHIFF (D-Calif)! Is there a bigger liar or biased person in Washington?
38% of democrats in this poll think Biden mishandled those documents.

52% of democrats think a congressional investigation should go into this mishandling of documents.

We don’t see these kinds of poll results with republicans do we? Generally like 80%-90% of republicans defend Trump’s scandals in knee jerk fashion. There’s no nuance either. It’s just “nope! All a witch hunt”
The differences between the two document scandals are remarkable:

1. The FBI visited Mar-a-lago months before the raid, had full access to all the documents in the storage room, were offered anything they wanted to take with them in or outside the storage room. They took nothing. All they asked was that an additional lock be put on the storage room door which was done. (The same lock they broke off in the raid.)

The FBI seems disinterested in any documents in Biden's possession.

2. The Justice Dept. is allowing Biden's lawyers/staff with no security clearance to look for any stray classified documents in multiple locations. Obviously these people can turn over whatever they choose to turn over and sort of overlook anything that they don't want to turn over. No photos of folders or other 'evidence' has been released to the press.

Trump's lawyer(s) and staff were not allowed to be present during the Mar-a-lago raid, in fact were banished to outside the physical premises, the FBI wanted the security cameras turned off, and they could stage any scene they wanted, plant anything they wanted with complete immunity, and what they did stage for a photo op was immediately released to the press.

3. As President, Trump had full authority to have any classified documents he wanted to have in his possession and full authority to declassify anything he wanted to declassify. He has stated that all documents in his possession at the time the FBI visited Mar-a-lago and during the raid were declassified.

Biden also had authority to declassify documents via Barack Obama's executive order The President Executive Order 13526 . That executive order by the way could be interpreted as it being legal for Trump to have classified documents after his presidency though that would be a stretch. Biden has made no statement that the documents lying around his Delaware home were declassified.

4. Even if any documents were classified at Mar-a-lago, they were in a secure storage room in full view of a security camera, under Secret Service protection.
The documents found at Biden's home were in unsecured areas with full access to Hunter Biden--no security clearance--who lived there for awhile and to any of his friends who might have visited during that time.

5. Leftists and anti-Trumpers condemn, accuse, excoriate in the most hateful ways Donald J. Trump. Reaction to Biden, ho hum. This indicates that the real scandal is the hatred and malice directed at Donald J. Trump along with a malicious desire to hurt and destroy him. Nobody gives a rat's ass about classified documents.
If the last three years have shown anything, it’s how much more competent the democrats are then the whiney little bitches in the gop. What a bunch of retards.......who is this dufus Santos, the gop bulwark from NY you guys are rallying around ? He’s the typical lying sack of shit that permeates the GOP.
Wow, you just called the Biden Administration "competent", Dagosa? Really? At what exactly? Literally everything they touch turns to shit!
And what, steal more papers ?
Thank you for that juvenile response in defense of the partisan weaponized DOJ.


AAWhat Garland/the DOJ did in refards to Trump's lawyers/aides was NOT JUST perpetrate Double Standards - THEY FACILITATED A CRIME:

As Biden's lawyers and aides do not have TS/SCI clearances, Garland and the DOJ facilitated FELONY crimes by allowing them to search for, access, and handle TS/SCI / CLASDIFIED MATERIAL, WHICH IS ILLEGAL!

The FBI should have have stepped in on both cases and taken over the searches, noy allow Biden's lawyers and aides - who are looking out after BIDEN'S best intetests instead of tjpse of the law and nation - search for more illegal documents and illegslly handle them!

Garland's and the DOJ's actions were not just partisan - they were also CRIMINAL.

If Garland was attempting NOT to make this look partisan or like a 2-tiered justice system he severely fucked that up!
38% of democrats in this poll think Biden mishandled those documents.

52% of democrats think a congressional investigation should go into this mishandling of documents.

We don’t see these kinds of poll results with republicans do we? Generally like 80%-90% of republicans defend Trump’s scandals in knee jerk fashion. There’s no nuance either. It’s just “nope! All a witch hunt”
One key difference: It's legal for the president to have classified documents. He can declassify them. Biden can't. He clearly broke the law.
We certainly know they didn’t destroy them, dope. :uhoh3:
They didn't destroy them because senile Joe forgot he had hid them... it was an aide cleaning up that found the first bunch and he or she called Biden's lawyers.... and then they still wanted to keep the lid on it until a brave reporter caught wind of it and called the white house for clarification....
Not sure who leaked but I'd sure like to know who it was...

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